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SECOND RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Feb. 2. 1920—1:43 1-5—6—122. COBRITA, b. m, 6 106 By Sweep— Valeureuse. by Orsini. Trainer, J. Pierce. Owner, Coeur dAlene Stable. -1™ EHttana ] V™1 » U- F J Hol -tsr,n S ton. Bya,, Art Rick. Koreas ..ISM Tijuana 1 l:41%faat 21 107 41 Q Yeargin 12.per.Lndy. G.Byna T.Bkenridee S2JH"! 1W?,1:H*5 " T 9" J Robtson 9 M.Relle. .I.David. Ble of the K. BNH Tijuana 1 l:42VifaSt 43 HI 4 » J Robtson 10 TheCult. ArtUick. L.Innocence CLASS A., ch. g. 7 M 109 By Salvation— Colonia, by Amigo. Trainer, E. E. Buchanan. Owner, G. M. Clemans. :.j:i:: Tijuana 1 1 :42".-,last S IP. s Uow 8 T .P.McMah, in ElKeX .limWinn WM Tijuana 1 l:«jtf««t 121 M8 fa W Hinphy 12 Wela. Tiajan. , Vft " 5-S :02,,fast 17-* 108 «■« A Johnson S Wamp.Cit. NoraLec. CommlKan PMBBerio ll:4Tandfnat 11 Wo 8* J Mnnon t; Bnlpeal, IfaUrhter, I..I/chmund GRATITUDE, b. m, 7 102 By Hessian— Jacqueminot, by Darebin. Trainer, J. L. Crawford. Owner. R. Parton. !?i£-lUana am70y 1:4r,,-fast - 1U 9-= E Burns 10 CnVonrtl.. Ir Maid. K.-.f theKit MSana llmud 99 102 hu H Jones 10 KluiiKer. .r„ieSmali. Capt.Kvan. 61So9 Tijuana 1 l:ti%fnat 43f 102 9-* II Jones 13 PerZady, G.Byvc. T.Bkenridgf RED WILLIAM, ch. g. 5 M 109 By Hilarious— Ethel Scruggs, by Fonso. Trainer, B. E. Graham. Owner. Hickey and Beaver. --?.■" l!!uan; 11-sl:"-" tast 12 Ho ]- Pluav ta 7 Andr-y K. Al Wick: Cork r25Sj°*na : 1:1- •■*«-»•«« 2 R XcCrnnll Our Maid, Maud M.. Arietta -2 4Z,;uan:L 11:42 faHt s ln :; l: Hnywd 13 Ptnnajer, B.of the Kit , DdyVaii c.,lHuana 11-1G1:4S fast !* lrt! " N Ffden 9 IrishMaid. MikeDaly. Gea.Bym f MB Tijuana 1 1;43 fast 10 112 ;;; H Ha.vwM 11 Zan.lo. •!.. Concha, Misspells HUMMA. b. g. 6 112 By Sweep— Teetotum II., by The Bard. Trainer, C. C. Emmert. Owner, Clear Lake Stable. •-:?; ,TjuanM m2*:* Jy1 * ■ - ,:-"- 7 val.a.loinll.. Honolulu. Borea. -.", i.J.u,"1:l miy :" st ,:" v Kow.- 12 Shenandoah. Saner, Bab* Slater •--.-.,juan:l lm"v 1:4, ifast "2 1" 2-lKoue II Aud-yK.. ;.Muel,lel.nel..T1e..-en ■-";!!uana "*!«%«««« 10 W c Rowe 11 lhelia. V.Welles. H Vans Hell o2024 Tijuana M 1:14 fBat 8 HI ««3 II Rettlg n May Maulsl.v. John Jr Cacambo **WgAandi Owner. J. gL. By Ea-ara-«-ater, by The Commoner. MM Tijuana 1 l:42anda»t 1« IM 4 W Perry 11 o.n.m..-. Htckorjnut. r.Bkaaaon : ,n, .c-U:": • ! !:!: ! st -;; 1,,,; AV vvr »2Plun»er, B-of tUeKJl-. R.WilPm .::":, ..,JU!"1:l .-l 1:1.. fast cs MM B*l#JP|etTy 12Ut.Pn«n. AitJackson, lfrairie- • :. !!u:nia ,1,1;:": VnU 1 ,? V,i "IHW »G«, l»ya», C.l.rita, Art Kick .1.-. Tijuana 5 ri t l.ov-tast 45 MM 4 iWV Berry 8 Ti.. Seven, Pluaser, Our Leader MADRID, ch. h. 5 M 107 By Alvescot— Latifa, by Hamburg. Trainer, H. Farrell. Owner, Dean and Farrell. ;;,1"1 Z-u;" 1,"" irJ :fl l "■ 11:; T JOlaaa 8 Gen. Byns. Gila, olive n 0.10 2,l""1: Unliy 1:"; f;sl •" 1M rt"J t»» 1- Shenand...,! Sa,:.,. Baby Sister -:!1 T,JU:i":i .Hi42.WMt " " S-.. I Class 11 Koreas. Z..,etic. Vn.erville t£,i?£Huana , ijlSS"? T* 1"* ll".r lSGwendota. B.BlkweU. Illarrey oJlX.l Tijuana lm.Oy l:46%Tna4 M 111 7" J Glass 18 CaTowrll.. Ir.Mai.l. B.of IlieKit." GirL,b. 8- ™ _ _ , • 109 By Yankee— Graceful, by Goldfinch. TTainer, C. B. Irwin. Owner C. B. Irwin. ;•::;!. T,!JU-,M M:,: I:isl =• "" P alftrUiwalO Tvkalon March. V.V t. Handle -pIT, ■••!„"" l-!:, V JH : P M#rt«n«13 Gila. T. V. McMabon, Blaaerl :- ■" ""■!• 1 1:4.:. last 6 113 .".. p M#rtinegl2 Welffa. Tiajan. Canute -■!vV 2T.-!U",: 1 l:41%rast «7 107 p MnrtlnexU Per.Lady, PteDrapenu MaGlrl i.JKil Tijuana KnTOy l:i:. !;;:-t 28 Hi I p Martin-zlO CaVourll., Ir.Maid. K.of theKit . LINKS LADY . br in 8 M 102 By Golden Link-Flceda, Dy Long Fish. Trainer. T. Kindle. Owner. T. Kindle. -■stH™ ln,7°1i1:|:: ,°S, ■% i " 7 I K:i,,n- ----nrH. Honolulu. Koreas fM ;: ", ; T *J|,d,e " °otM«««. ItclWilllam. Msndll. -vt -;- --,;:•.: I. ]Uana .n i 1], i ;4"!:iS ** V" T Kindl" It.«;i..k. I.,.I --au.-o. Knt.Anns ::0," JU:ina 1:1 *** - ]"- ir- T Kindle 11 /amlo.1,. Contua. Bed William 6U48 Tijuana M 1:1:, fast 482 M 7- Kindle 7 Happy Valley, Kicrot. Harnay , CANUTE, b. h. 5 M 109 By Sir Huon— Binda, by The Bard Trainer. A. P. Yeoman. Owner, Cozad and Yeoman. KIM Tijuana 1 l:ttVifa«t l:: m I 6 Willis 13 Weiga TiaJaa Gifl j:! •IU:",; ,1 J, s !•.. fa-1 1,Lr ! v ie*10Wlllia 11 /.ami.,,-!,. Al Wick, Mont. Belle MUl Tijuana lm.l.y l:8H£faat I8f Ml M J Callahan 8 erdil.. KteDrapeau. Pierrot JIM WINN. b. g, 9 M 109 By Handsel— Mattie Haley, by Conrad. Trainer, G. L. Palmquist. Owner, G. L. Palmquist. r.? l::Ui,na 1 l:42;.-fast .7 115 F hiavta ".» T.K.M, Mal.-.n. Kl Key. Cal.Jack K;l£ .T!jui,na tJ :Mt s° J" 11 Q.Nonc. Hiekorynnt. r.Sknnnon 6197S Tijuana 6-8 l:01V5fast 14o 112 s W Kerry 13 Stanley 11.. Mistake Maud M I SSJ " IVZPandZ S VS. 3 9 8 8 810 8" M Cruise 0 K,.-Hi. Jim Dudley. Alf Vezina j 41984 Oaklwn 11:44 fast 30 110 ti 4 7 10 10= 10 • M Cruise 12 Examiner. Kr.nidi., Iidy Lcona CALIFORNIA JACK, b. g. 10 109 By Ben Howard— Satinet, by Cyclops. Trainer. H. Bell. Owner, Millerick Bros.. « """" :-;;;PiJUi,n;i i l:»2fast 2if |l3 PJ tt Carte, 8 T.rcMnbon. i:iKcy. MnWiaa -T,:ll Z ua,la . . !:»-■ .-.fnsit sir I".. »t».R carter 10 Naibotab, IrtaliDaiay. Moua.GIn »af» Tijuana lm.Oy l:4i%fast 32f KB W" R Carter 11 A.i.r.vK. Hi aa. G.Mueblebcb B1753 Tijuana S-8 l:02%faat hi 112 l» H Radtke 11 Velvet. Little Gink, Lavaca R8B Tijuana l| f KOJifast St 111 »• H Rndtke 13 Nel.Witwer. Velvet IrishDaiBj