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FIFTH RACE — 1 Mile and 50 Yards. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. March 6, 1918—1:41—5—117. HATRACK. br. g. 4 08 By Wrack — Hanover Queen, by Hanover. Trainer, H. A. Cotton. Owner. H. A. Cotton. 52M4 Havana 2-1 1 :15-"--,last 8 107 3 2 2 6*| I -l Carmody 8 BaveBaeO. BbortChge, 1iiitaHI. 62226 Havana 3-4 1:10 good 15 Ml *• 3 7 7- 6M J Carmody S Scarpia II.. Kianca. Incinerator 52142 Havana 5| f l:l.V-hvy I Ml " E 5 ."." 5 ; F Wilson 7 Firew. rth. LeBalafre, B.B.John. 520S7 Havana 51 t l:12.-.rnud 21 1 6 3 2 3 31 9*| F Wilson !» CusSclieer. Huntress. Starkader EMM Havana 5i f 1 :! 5 108 3 I I 1 V W Mcehan S Bed. Huntress. Marty I»u 51872 Havana 61 f l:M%gOOd 10 107 3 1! G 7 S. W Meehan 9 Jnitalll.. Incinerator. M. Sweep JIMMIE OBRIEN, ch. g, 4 M 98 By Star Shoot— Pedigree, by Ogden. Trainer. A. Finley. Owner. M. E. Thompson. -jus Havana Im..oy 1:5* good 12 M 4 •• »■ B I; 1* I Fletcher 6 s.-a Prince. Ptan-de, Bauunn 52121 Havana 5.. t l:l."-.hvv 7 Ml 1 4 4 4 4" H Wakoff f! Omeme. Whippoorwill. Bepton E29M Havana lni.". -v 1 :4." 69 Ml 1 3 I 3 6* f-* II Wakoff 7 Pie, Sea Prince, Mildred 50953 Lai in 1 ::-4 1 :14f,fast 221 112 I M M M* M*» N Huff IS Montalvo, P.Iatter. LydGeorge 47839 Thncl if fe 5 . fl:0S fast 49 93 9-1 E Pollard If Propaganda, Murphy. G. Duncan 47784 Thncllffe ::-4 1 :15%fast 29 110 f-»3 R Pauley 7 Shilling. Soscol. Mark Weat 4770* Thncliffe 51 I l:09°3fast 9 108 61* C Riley • "vasback. H.TTent, Pow.Flask JACK V.WSON. ch. g. 7 107 By Roehampton— Yodler, by Meddler. T. „iner, G. P. Sherman. Owner, G. P. Sherman. 521S3 Havana 3-4 l:20"r.hvy 20 1"7 7 6 6 6* 4P- I Fletcher S FaiKast. DtyMoore. SinnFeiner j 52101 Havana 6 f l:M%hvy M M4 8 6 t t 8,# J Simmons S Fleer. Tim.J.Hogan. Aigrette ., 5201:; Havana 51 f 12 101 2 5 4 6* 4*1 J Simmons !t BihMer, Fireworth, Sentry 51955 Havana 1 l:42" 12 M2 7 S 8 8 8* 7- I Fletcher 0 Lariat, Homam. Lady Hester I 6191C Havana Im..Oy 1 12 Ml 2 0 7 I I I "1 I Fletcher 8 Dewitt. Constantino. El Coronel j RHADAMES, ch. g, 6 108 By Fitz Herbert— Queen Tii, by Meddler. Trainer. J. H. Smith. Owner, L. H. Baxter. 52386 Havana ::-4 l:i."..-fast 20 no :i s m 10**W R Ball 12 Roundel. Loyalist, Tniy Seven 1 52224 Havana 3-4 1:K good :W MS I 7 7 9 8""- R L caster 0 Huntress, p. Mvrtle. Bavensea 52074 Havana 2-4 l:15" 12 106 0 7 7 8" I** B Lcaater ft Hun. Piatt. Driffield. Juanitalll. 52013 Havana 51 f l:0",.fast 8 112 4 3 6 S-* 8" H Garner ! Rihl.lcr, Fireworth, BeatCJ 51834 Havana 1 30 lo2 5 4 0 S S S" J McCoy 8 .Light. T.J.Hogan. Fir nome 45354 Havana 51 f l:06rafast 30 113 5 8 8 8 8" G Corey 8 Blondel. P.. and Stars. Litholick BLACK ROCK. blk. c. 3 M 108 By Rock View— Ida May, by Schrade. Trainer, J. C. Gallaher. Owner, Gallaher Bros.. 50461 I.exton F C LlOifast 9 HE 5 r. 3 4 C1 J A Collins 7 Bud.Kean. Merrimae, Dark Ben 1 5029.8 Lc ton 6] f 1:07 fast 9 112 11 11 9 9 9!= A Collins 12 BillyP.arton. Rangoon. Col. Baker KINGOZI, b. g. G M 108 By Eyebrow — Sandringham Belle, by Sandringham. ! Owner, Speyer and Gorniley. 52328 Havana 3-4 1:14 tast ■■■ MB 8 8 9 9* 8l E Karnes 10 PMgcordbtc, Huntress. DoctorD. 44400 Latonia 2 1-4 4:17 hvv 12 98 4 2 4 4 4 4*- .1 Mooney 4 Be Frank. Kxterminator. Ix.i?al 13876 Lax* ton 1 1-M P4n*-.s1ow 2.7 113 7 7 5 r. 6* •*• C Dishmon S Stockwrll. .I.David. Mag. Land 13991 Lex ton 1 1-8 l:67%mud 21-5 112 10 11 ll 10 104 1"3"- J Cruise 11 Cbalance, B.Bak-r. DaliabiahIL 43811 Lex ton 1 1-8 l:634ijraat 21f 114 11 11 ll lo 10- 10l- J Cruise 12 rys.Iay, WadsLast. Redstart 4258E BlueOraaa 1 1:29 fast 52 113 10-7 R Smpsonlt Bandymo. Eulogy, Luc-ile P. 42961 Latonia 1 1-1G l:51%hvy 31f 111 10 9 9 7 VI V O Willis 12 Sungold, Huffaker. Counnand ULSTER QUEEN, ch. m. 5 M 101 By Ulster King— Cygnets Song, by Lally. Trainer, W. Sims. Owner, W. Sims. 52265 Havana :;-i 10 ll" 9 7 •; 8s 9" v Meehan M DtyMoore, O. Nephew, T.Blooa 520M Havana E] f 112 mud 10 1-9 1 I ♦! I O-C OMahy ti Azuiita. B.ofEltown, PolarCuh 46796 P.Gn.l.s lmlOy l:434fe£aat 21 K4 9 S P» 10 M1 7" W Wright 12 Mat. Ilandfull, Tit for Tat 46607 F. t; nils i 1-1.; lls-fast 6 M9| I 6 5 7 8l 04 W Wright 11 La Fouclre. J.Dai id. Mar.Conncll 44282 Latonia 1 1-16 l:51--,mud 29 104" 8 8 tj 6 93 9-5 W Wright 12 Lariat, Fr.Mattox. Lorenu Moss 43039 Latonia 1 1S 1 :45%fast 5J Ml 12 12 12 12 H» 11*» C Robson 12 Lucky K., Eulogy. Fair Orient 42742 Latonia 3-4 l:13**stow 97 108 8 7 7 7i 712 J Groth S Madge F.. L. F. Play, AdeliaW. OKEMUS, b. g. 9 108 By Rotterdam — Alice Mantell, by Ornua. Trainer, A. Mitchell. Owner, A. Mitchell. 52332 Havana ImSOy Pll-fast M 108 7 1 ". •: 8*| 7* H Wakoff ! OurXepheW. Manokin. Duki-Kuff 152224 Havana 3-4 1:10 good 30 HI 1 8 E 4- 4° II Wakoff 9 Huntress, P. Myrtle, Bavensea ! 62183 "Havana 2-1 1 :_0.-.livy G 101 6 4 4 4;: V- .1 Francis 8 FarEast. DtyMoore. SinnFeiner 52141 Havana 51 f 1 :16%hvy " 102 t 6 7 ti1 661 J Smith 9 S. Stalwart. S. Change, Maj.Fisk 521"1 Havana 61 f PP.Uivy 50 Id 7 7 7 7- 6*1 L Penman 8 fleer, Tim.J.Hogan. Aigrette 52054 Havana 5 f POs-fast 10 113 1 4 4 43 61U J Kutwell DirectrJames, OurNephew, Vim I