Third Race [Third Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-13

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THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upv/ard. Claiming. Feb. 9. 1918—1:11 1-5—6—116. ANNA GALLUP, b. g 4 98 By Ogden — Oriental Queen, by Greenan. Trainer, S. M. Henderson. Owner, Ogden Stable. raon 3-4 1 :]•., h v 13-6 MB 2 .". :; _; II Kins IB Uarmite, Winneconae, Dak.Belle ,1824 Jeraon 3 1 l:19mud C; 104 U t 1 1 1»1 J Rob rta ill ixmely, L. Mildred, Coball Las* 51778 JeTaon 3-4 1 :ir.-,gool -4 MB 4 J 2 :l :i .1 Roberta 12 Ynphank, Big Idea. Bnrgoyne : M20 Church" 1 7-8 l:2S%faat 32 10114 13 12 12 1:: 1:. • c Bnel 15 tJrotl-HwelL Serbian, Y. Flower SM00 Latonia 11 IC l : ;r.sfast 7 mi s 8 s I 1- 7rC Bu-i 9 Friz, llarryB., Blmonlta 50958 Latonia, 3-4 l:13%faet f-r» 100 11 10 9 V s4 C Buel 12 Ruby, Pyx, Military Girl 50889 Latonia ::-4i:i4 faat H-5 97 ll 10 8 V 2! C Bael 13 ArchPlotr, Squeeler, Bee.Conahi APPLE JACK II., rh. g. 5 108 By Voter— Love Apple, by Chuctanunda. Trainer. F. W. Staton. Owner. R. H. Harvey. 12 F.Gnda 3-4 :.l2-.".vt. 2i KC :• S t 5*1 J .1 Mn . 13 Il.Gotd, T.dHonnr. si I- lore 52117 JeTaon r,-1- l : 9*j fast 15 ill 4 4 I 4* :"- .1 .1 Mney 0 K.Rickber, Marr.May, Ri«.Rock 51628 JeTaon B-8 laMfcfaat 18-5 108 E 6 f. 2» 2* .1 .1 Mn y BM May. H. Jewel, A. of Aee» 51508 Jef son 3 I l:13%faat 13-5 110 4 2 2 9* r J J Mney 11 P.Llght, ClapperbUl, Or. -Swell hurchl i i v:":!"ast 2 no 1 2 l 2* Sj J .1 Mney B a. N. Akin. PortLight, GipayQa 51132 Latonia 3-4 l:i2:,fast 14 5 HI 4 .: I :" r Q st;. k 8 Mat a... MareeJobn. PortLUht 50885 Latonia 3-4 l:12%faat 12f :li I E - l | l- J .1 Mney 12 Ulfle, A.N.Akin, CalnmbiaTeaB POET LIGHT, b. g. 8 110 By Hamburg— Morningside, by Meddler. Trainer, R. McGaxvey. Owner, W. O. Stoner. ! P.Gnda 3-4 l:14%fast 8 112 5 4 i J- 51 M darner 12 MarieMaxim, Rid.Jewel, JkScot 5209S JeCaon 3-4 1:14 alow 13-5 MO 1 1 1 ll 2 T Jarvia 10 Trooper, Title, Ablate reraon E t iiT-mm 13-5 111 1 2 3 J1 3M M Qarn r 11 Marmite, Joek Scot, Brisk ET1906 Jeraon J-4 l:14V»faat 15 J"S 2 1 2 €! R*1A Collins ! Col.Tena. LadsLore, U.sLasslc 51826 JeTaon 3-4 1:14 fast 17-10 113 3 3 ! 22 22 M Gamer S Gronnd-Swell. J. Scot. Lancelot SMBBJeTaoa 3-4 l:13%faat 4 114 a 1112 2" M Garner 11 ApJacklL, ClnerMU, Gr.-SweU HEAD OVER HEELS, ch. f. 4 108 By Celt— Belle Fleur, by Eon. Trainer, K. W. Fry. Owner, Fry and Dah-kc:.i 52292 F.Gnda 3-4 l:14*ifaat 20 10S 8 9 8 8* 71 J McTaa;! 12 klarieMaxfan, HhLJewel, JkScot 52136 JeTaon 3-4 l:13%tast 20 MB 4 3 ! M* 10 .1 Mciagt 12 Grayson, Mahoay, Jock Scot 52071 JeTaon El f 148 hvy 15 MB 4 4 4 4 4* J McTagt 4 Anaon, BapidDny, C.otheRoeel MS40 JeTaon 3-4 l:l«%hyy E ill 6 fi 7 7 l1 .1 McTast 7 Anticipate, Chant. l.-iir. BhootOa 514 3S Powie 3-4 l:l7-s!ow 17-1B 10B 1 2 2 l5 ll C H htlllerl3 Sammy Kelly, Turf. Amackaaaia 1 15 Pimlico 3-4 1:13 faat 22 101 1 2 10 11 ll-J CaJhthanll PortCburchill, UisCboice, Super FRIVOL, br. f, 3 100 By Trap Rock— Little Sister, by Plaudit. Trainer. H. Neusteter. Owner. H. Neusteter. ."■ir.7s church 1 3-4 1 :l4»5good 6 113 S t S I I 4 !. Lyke 6 Loveliness, Gobi. Dreams, Cosettc .1170 Latonia 3-4 1 :!;. -mini 18-5 112 1 2 1 2 2« N But tt 1 1 Bonunce. M.oMtne, M. tJaffney 50739 Kwrth 3-4 l:13%fa8t 21-1B 115 3 12 4?. 8" II Thurber 8 Tharoa, Dellahm, Dora 50884 Kwrth 3-4 l:13%faat R 112 1 1 2 2t 4r E Haywrd ♦» Baby Grand, lkev T., Tharoa HBB3 Wdbine 3-4 I.lliialow 14-5 MS 3 11 l"k 1 H Thorberll Mom.Pace, MadMay, Dane. Maid JAGO. b. g. 5 111 By Marathon — Somersault, by -i.andsprln$. Trainer. C. Hawk. Owner. H. Field. 52218 F.Gnda 3-4 l:M%mud I MB 1 1 l 1 "■ iJ .1 Koh.rtsiosii.aii. llar.Maxim, GreenGoM 51840 JeTaon 3-4 l«%hvy 31 113 I -25 si I ., if LunaTd 7 Anticipate, Pbant.Pair, BhootOn E1B7S JeTaon 3-4 1:10 mud 9-10 112 3 1 1 l«l 1«1 H LunaTd 7 Phantom Pair. Plaaey, Jock Scot I 1 51658 JeTaon El f 1:10 hvy 7-10 115 i l 1 l1 l3 II LunaTd 4 Cobalt Laas, Ballybell Aa.Tellei 51350 Church] 7-8 l:2i.-tast "7 115 8 4 4 E H "H LunaTd IB Hi.Oear, Gd-8weU, M.theTime 51152 Latonia 1-4 l:15%naud 52-10 115 5 3 1 Is l3 E Pool 12 MilityGirL Bwp.Glanee, BdBed JOCK SCOT. br. g. 7 113 By Ogrden— Fr ankle. Trainer, M. J. Murphy. Owner. M. J. Murphy. ."2292 F.Gnda 3-4 1 :1 l:,-,last I 113 i n 3 4" 3* J Reds*ezl2 MarieMaxim. Hid.Jewel, Bhillg .,2138 JeTaon 3-4 l:13%faat 8 H"i 2 E 4 3i 33 J Rod g?eal2 Grayson, Mahoay, Daacc;8pray 52039 JeTaon El f l:07%faet 7 114 2 7 4 4" 2» H LunaTd 11 Marmite, Port Lisht, Brisk F-ii25.lef.son 3-4 l:15;fast » -5 112 2 2 2 23 2* J Rodge/. 12 Murphy. Madrono, Back Bay 51797 JeTaon H t l:0S*r.mud 8 115 1 3 3 3h 45J J Rodgez S Talisman. Lancelot, Ablaze E181B JeTaon 3-4 1:16 mud 4 IIG 5 3 3 ?,"* 48J .1 Rodrigz 7 Jaao. Phantom Fair. Fluzey ANTICIPATE, b. c. 4 108 By Plaudit— Antipathy, by Ornament. •Trainer. D. Womcldorff. Owner, Synder and Holmes. !J15 JeTaon 3-4 l:14-.-fast s m 4 4 t ■ • i ■ . T .larcis 11 Lt.Perkins, HdenJewel, Murray 2006 JeTaon 3-4 1:1 4*ande;ood 12-5 114 5 1 1 3" - .1 J Mney B SbootOn, Murray. Teacfcera Pet 51967 JeTaon 3-4 1:17 hvy 0-5 115 4 5 :". 3 3" V Cltilettll3 Ragaaxa, Murray. Double Van E1846 JeTaon 3-4 l:16%hvy E K 9 1 I 2 21 1= F Cltih tti 7 Phantom Pair, BhootOn, Beslsl 51760 JeTaon 3-4 l:tt%hvy 4 l 7 H 4 4 5-" 5* V Cltiletti B H.Jewel, T. Nephew, A. of Aces 5172C Jefson 3-4 1:17 -.-.hvy 11-10 MB 1 2 2 1" lJ W Heinch 7 Wild Flower. Brisk. Blaise FLYING ORB. b. g. 4 103 By Orby— Phenecia, by Troutbeck. Trainer, L, J. Reinheimer. Owner, C. A. App legate. S003G Belmt df MC l:M%faat Q 110 6 S 7 7l S:-T Ilayies 10 TnnSali. Loe. Leaves, OurNepheu 19537 SaFtosa 3-1 1 :l2%fast t, MB :» • 10 B» 13« T Dariea 14 LadsLove. GasScheer, DarkHill 4,;■. I.mpire Ah 3-4 l:104islow H 109 6 5 C o1 5=3 A Johnsonl2 Brisk, Itodsera, American BuKle 48SS9 Empire Ab 3-4 l:10%faat 8-6 MB 5 E E 21 - F Cltiletti 17 Brisk. Ova Bcheer, Tattle 47563 Belmt 3-4 MC l:12%faat 8-6 98 2 1 1 l1 22 J Mooney .1 Thunderstorm. Service Star 472.27 Jamaica 3-4 l:13%faat 4 110 1 1 1 1« l1 J McTagt 7 Suj;"inint. CnieChick. Doub.Eye LOUISE V., ch. m, 6 110 By Tho Turk — Earuma, by Solitaire II. Trainer. J. Kennedy. Owner, Dunn and Cahn. 342 F.Gnda 3-4 1 :l2 .-,fas.t 20 101U3 10 ll 11* 11*1 L McAtee 13 Fl.Gold. T.dHonnr, Bt.Isidore 51700 JeTaon 3-4 l:l."-.hvy 12 114 S 7 S 7 • i 7 I . McAtee D H.Jewel. T. Nephew, A. of Aces .1345 Fimli.o 3-4 l:12*ifaat 33 MB 11 11 11 11 11" R RomeUi 11 His Choice, Super. Jadda 122. Laurel 3-4 l:14%alop 11 MB 4 l 2 21 3 R RomelUll Baanmore, Helen Atkin. Brisk 50635 Laurel 3-4 l:13%faat 15 117 7 6 8 9- s*l AV Kelsay 11 H.Atkia, BonJonr, PrideofladU 49088 Rwrth 3-4 l:13"-.t"ast 49-10 110 7 4 5 C- 741, .1 Eutw. 11 S T .th"Min«. AJacUL, Kuklux TRUSTY, b. g. 7 113 By Broomstick— Loyal, by LoyaUst. Trainer, F. Mallory. Owner, C. R. Daly. 52089 JeTaon .v. i i ;o7--fast 20 116 7 :. 8 6°t :,j l Mink 11 Marmite, .loks.ot. Port Lhrkt F15B7 Bowie 61 f 1:23 hvy 13 lh. I 5 4 :; : 4". .1 M my 7 Manoevre. J.Ballant. S.Emblem oil. S Bowie 3-4 MT.slow 12 116 5 7 7 Zl 7SJ D Stirling IS HdO.Heels, BanunyKeily, Turf 51268 Pimlico ::-4 l :i:: -fast s 117 6 14 6* 6" J Grnetoen ;» ai .r i . Albert A., Nhjhutick 51225 Laurel 3-4 1 :l4-.-.s!op 5f 112 1 2 :: r.i 6" J Bntwell 11 Sairamore. llelenAtkln, LasrlseV. 51044 Laurel 3-4 l:13*4faat 5J 113 7 5 7 6" 6*1 J Weaeler B Bro.Madeaa, BwtGuy. CommeCi HORONI, b. c, 4 113 By McGee— Mirror, by Sir Dixon. Trainer, J. Arthur. Owner, J. Arthur. i : Pimlico 3-4 1:14 faat 2 117 7 t 4 T ;: F. Sande 11 Eunont, Lonahland, Fluff f321 Pimlico 3-1 1 12 .-.t .st 7 95 S E 8 .".- V A RichcFklJ Hi - hoi. e. BonJonr, BobbyAllen Empire Ab ::-l l:lV%*low 3-2 IIS 5 3 f l* I* Ponce 1- Teach. sPet, BlrClar., O.Cadoraa BOSH Wdblne 3-41:13 rant I K i 5 4 r.2 !»• A RIchcFkll Kuklux, Bobby Alien, The Boy :,n|. i Wdblne 3-1 1 :132-,fast 31 105 3 11 1*2 A BIchcFk H KillsJolin, Knklnx, TbelleciMMNi Sartoan ■■ I I l- faat 10 IM 3 3 3 6* 6" J RodcenlS LaRablee, RGray, TheXephow VERSAILLES, b. c, 3 97 By Vanderirrift — Little Gretchcn, by Peter Quince. Trainer. J. Boyle. Owner, J. Eoyle. 7 115 ::7 B Mar.-.. I K.Fraley, QuickView, Mayflowr ■4T629 B.Grdaa 41 t Y list "• 116 7ts O Willis 7 Our Alice. Freddie, Countess B.Grass 4 f ."..".-.slow n 112 V o Willis 7 Kate Praley. Countess, Preddie 49741 B Crass 4 f BCVimud 61 lot; ; 7 O Willi- 5 Spuys Anutie May, Jetsam 4MM ;. CoLFmir I M faat — f 2 w Jarrell -i Jack Lee, Crutches, Peri i •. ■■ i. i ,"i.i. r-iir - n: fist — no 4 Dr. Howard, N.London, Crntcbes 69557 L. Col. Fair E-8 1:03 fast — 110 6 Mayflower, Preddie, /aick Lea ■ I BI.UF JEANS, br. f. 4 106 By Helmet— Bandello, by Kingston. Trainer. A. L. Kirby. Owner, A. L. Kirby. 52292 F.Gndi -i 11 . 1 : Si lOti ii [•• !■■ 10 81 I Grubor 12 MarieMaxhu, Hid.Jewel, .lks,..t 51663 JeTaon :;-i 1:13 last i:-5 MB I 4 3 v 1 - II J Burke I I - Laneil., t»n EfJgh, SaudyM. 51420 Church" 1 7-8 1:2;" last s 1071 6 3 3 3 nitfHJ Burke 1ft Grnd-SweU. Scihlan, W. Flower Church 1 7,M:.s fast SB-IB MB] 7 5 5 4 45 3J H J BurkelO Anti ipnte. Larry B.. Harlock MIS0 Lexton 8-4 l:14%Taat 4B-M MB I 9 7 4"* 4» B Kenn"dyl2 EasfrFlor. Ly inBl.ick.MabelG. M213 JeTaon 1-4 l:14%faat 11-5 MV 10 4 4 V l"» .1 Howard 11 Rapazza. Peccant, Cortland 15979 JeTaon 3-4 VM goo.i 7 MO 10 10 5 41 4 1 W RiclenrlC T. Archer. Peccant, H. Weapon ASSUME, br. g, 7 110 By Disguise — Chancery, by Inflexible. Trainer. F. M. Bray. Owner, J. Leonard. 52115 JeTaon 3-4 1 6 nolo 9 9 B* SiH Kin? 11 Lieut. Perkins. H.Jewel, Murray 52039 JeTaon 6 f l:«7" 15 113 9 9 S 1*1 7*f H King 11 Marmite. JoefcBcot, Iort Light 51128 Ehnptre lmTBy 1 45* fast 8 11C 2 1 2 4 4- 421 W Obert B Phsdodta, St.Iskh.r-. GreatGuIl 1067 Bmpire Ah 3-4 l:M4ifaat 12 MB s 8 S 8- 8:i W Obert 10 LadsLove. Tlng-a-Usar, o-ood 50721 Jamaica I 4 l:13%faat M MB i 6 6 5- 46 W Obert 7 MaJ.Parke, T.dHaenr, Assume .c. -j. i l:4t*alop 1:1-5 116 2 2 1 1 2J 2» L Ensor I Biff Ban*;, Mars .Mouse V00RMIR. b. c. 3 102 By Voorhees — Emir, by Ducat. Trainer. T. J. Carroll. Owner. T. J. Carroll. P.Gnda l 1:41 faat 10 M 7 2:: I 8* I T Jarvia 7 Parader, Pantorbe, Petrarch .2230 F.Gnda E§ f l:llHhvy «; 116 l 2 3 1 1 .1 RodceslO BeaCove. Wlreteas, MJosephina ,2093 JeTaon E] f 1 ■"■--ialow I 113 Left at the post. II Hamtn S Boseeliff, Philderer, CaUthmp 51987 JeTaon El f 148 hvy 20 10s Left at the poat. II Hamtn 7 Traatala, BpJaade, Thimble 51903 JeTaon 6-8 1:91 *if ant 7 115 6 « E i* 4" H Ham"nl1 Traatala, Ace, Tony Sutton 51317 Pimlico 3-11:11 fast 10 115 12 10 9 9- 65 A Johnsonlt I.nii|.as. Traiilula, Bnywood WATERWOOD. ch. c. 4 111 By Honeywood— Shasta Water, by Maxim. Trainer. R. L. Rogers. Owner, C. A. Lehman. 50679 Latonia l 1-16 l:47%faet I MB Left at the poat W Reinch ; ArrowPoint. Maaola. Guaranteed 49896 Devre lm.Dy I 161 mud 33-M M2 7 7 I I "• i ■ -" B Kenndy 7 Inquiry, Bacarpolette, S.Glanca 49690 Windsor 1 1-K 1:46 fast 7 IM 6 6 6 5 :.•• S*| B Kenndy H UadtreP., Dr.Carmen. WarClub 9654 Windsor 1 1:42 slow 55 MB I II 8 6" 6»1 C Ruell s Mys.Girl, WarZone, E-i.-arpette 18899 Windsor 1 1-8 I 3 MB 2 7 7 7 7 T" R Romelli 7 Btvmtv, KhwJ., T.S. Nor. Bass 1SM2 Windsor 1 I 11 1 MUlhal 11-5 110 4 3 3 3 2" 1= J Butwell 5 Df;lass8., Dr.Carmen, Cortland

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