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I i ; I I ! , J ,, , 1 1 1 1 : HAVANA FORM CHART , HAVANA." CUBA7 WEDNESJJAY, JANUARY 12. 1921. -OaViital Park. Fortieth day. Cuba-Aaeertcan Jockey and Auto Club. Winter Meeting of loo or more days. Weather clear: temperature 90. Stewards. J. Hachmeister. C. H. L.ia-dah and F. .1. f.rueii. Starter. James f. Milton. Uaeing Secretary. M. Nathrlnson. Pacing starts at 3:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:57 p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. STs-JQ/drr FIRST RACE— 1-4 Mile. Jan. 24. 1919— 22— 2— 112. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. OasdOb 4 Maidens. Special Weights. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. Index Horses A Wt PP"sTs~~Vs Str~Fin JnrUeys llwners O H C P S .KH* .IOC w 112 IS 2 i«k i» v Kebsay E Cebxlan 2 2 3 4*5 2-6 .-22 11-PINNACLE w 112 6 l V P .1 Batwell H P Whitney 1 t:-: «-:• 2-*. 1-". KI.IAS O. n If. ! u I".:;- C H IflBerB D Springer 4 f 1 Ui -.". .-2160 BIRCH DARK W 112 :: 1 » V F Wilson W R Cue t $ I jBJ 0-5 diYKUKs n 112 s i. r,- ,-,. 8 BoUmanE 1 spring, r tt 4 t s-;. 4-r. ■ ATHGARVEN w 112 C 7 6 P C lvinvs i Hodge 1- 12 12 •"■ 1 52160 COSCOBRON w 11.7 3 S 81 V- V HujrhesW J Dary "» hi in I z .-.221-1 MOLLY PUFF w 112 7 I .- Bl J Connors P Power 12 12 12 5 2 ARTEM1SA w 112 E 1" 16 !• E Haines R Dolz 2 26 i I ,-.2100-SPI-:E1 « 11.1 , :; 7 If F Weiner T 2 t 1 1 1-2 Coupled in betting: no leparate place or show betting. Tin.e, 23. Track fast. iniitii-N paid, Jon .b-ii. 06.40 Btraight, .00 place. show: Piaaade, .70 place, S2.6J0 show; E. 1». Rpringer entry, 04.06 show. rahrat booking odds Ion Jon. 220 to loo straight,* 45 to loo place. 45 to 100 show; Ptaaade, :;.". to 100 place, SO lo 100 show: E. I. Bariager entry. 1 ir, to 100 show. Winner— JB. f, by Voa Troap Jonrdsin, by Watercress trained by J. Lowe; bred bj Mr. Edward CcbriaO. Went to post ;,t 2:3L At post 1 minutes. Start co.xl and slow. Won handily: second sad third driving. JOI JOT net u fast pace and won all the way. tut swerved over to the inside in the la-i eighth and forced PINNACLE with her. The latter ran a asad ra.-e. but tired In the anal strides. BLlAa it. ran straight and true and lini-hed f.i-t. SPEED was eased up when beaten. TOf4C SECOND RACE— 3-1 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—0—102. Purse 00. 3 -year -olds and t-J « O "i O upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtlISt « * Str Fin Jockeys Owners" O H O V % 52S06 INCINERATOR w I lie 5 8 i M toh rF Wiisprn ij 2J ~j 1 1-2 "2265 siX FEINER u 5 T01 t 7 G» •■ f ji g BuilmanW L Oliver E E : 2 I MISS FRANK lUUKl-; u i; Kii s I Sk 7 T* : I Dotntckt." B smiih %i t 4. w, i-r, .3305 I i v. it I ]"r. ;, • :: :■ I F Smith J C MaywJ l" b io 4 - 52S65 tTUAXOREA w 1 166 11 I 7 .".. ."." .. F Welner 1 Mniali.-in » W N 4 2 ." 1 •» 7 * Ki:i;.V wi: ..112 t IS » 2i-l1 ii- K Hall V Port, rh- 2:. l 12 ■• S_ i~23v6 PLANTAGENET w 112 1 " 11 4 1;" 7- C Baates s Barnside 2 z B] 1 1-2 .--.O-.fl 1ARBARE wi: 1"7 7 11 W :• ■ 8" I Francis W K Scott C E I 0*4-5 .- l«»:il m ii:i.i-;m.N* n i 107 2 3 1 l» 9* S N .1 B*rnesC E Lenafctan H W 10 1 - 51032*nEAVCAIRE w 5 105 10 :» JJ 10 in"- 10 . ; BulcroftW J Daly ." E C Q 6-5 52S0S .i.Mi-:s ;. wn7H6 1 M 11 n 11 11 AndsoiU do Eatranrues 36 36 ".0 12 1, ;Mmiii.-1 held. Time. 231-.. 48:!,. 1:10%. Track fast. S2 nuituels paid, Incinerator, 10.66 itraight, .40 pbice, .10 show: Sinn Fefaser, sl..O pho-e. .50 slow: Frank* Burke. .06 »hWw- i:.|uivaient booking odds Incinerator. 300 to 100 Btraight. 170 to 100 place, .v, to kmi show; Sinn Feiner, 1 13 to 100 place. l to 100 show : Frank Bnrke. 3imi t,. kh» show. Winner- Ch. f, by AcroaautTrash, by lleno trained by F. Wrlapen; bred bj Mr. Edward B. Cas-I Satt. Weal to post at 2:55.. At post :; miaates. Start good sad slow. Won driving; wcond and third tbc same. INCINERATOB wan outrun to the stretch turn, where be was brought wide, but 1mished with a pood bund of -peed and wos in the b:-t stride. SINN FEINEB tired in the closing strides .-iftcr rawing a gap and racing into the lead. FRANK 1U KM: also rtosed a bi- gap and Hnisbed alth a rush. Mil.Li; MAN sit a Ia-t pace, but quit in the homestretch. VIM ran well and so did KERN AN. Scratched -52183 Jark Dawson, 104. Overweights Taanorea, 2 pounds; vim, L..: Beaucaire, I. firOO/IQ THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. .Jan. 8, 1920—1:11—0—102. Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds. «3 sal *[ r4 i_f Allowances. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. Index" Horsen AWtPPSt hk vTx Str Kin Jockeys Ownera O H C V 8 AIKEN WB MM : :: Ill-, j" 1* A 1iek, ins Armonia Stable 1-2 3-5 3-5 1«* 1-10 ."-.0.77 RAMA wi: bis 7 I • P 2i 2* 2 W Kelaay M Goldblatt 23 2j 21 7-bo- .- !!-.; HTJONEC v.t: 107 2 E 1- ;- S* V J Francis F A Heinold 1: U C 85 7-10 32 120* BLACK TOP w 101 1 2 2* : 1 " 1: Marios D S Fountain 12 12 12 S :! »22M3DANTZIC vm 164 5 7 7 7 7 V N .1 B*rnesT K Edwards 1.1 1 !M I-" .--.*•;■;; DR. CHA8. WELLSwn Wt t 5 6" Bj I 6" F UerlraeeN K Beal 7 s s :: -,--, .-■2iH« VOORIN wis 109 i 1 51 P V 7 I Caiirdv .1 II .Moody 2.". 2." 26 I I Time. 2345, 48. 1:142.-,. Track fast. mutnelK paid. Aiken. 04.10 straight. .76 place, .sj.r.o show; Kama. 00.06 place. .46 show: Hu c. 02.00 show. Equivalent booking odds- Aiken. 103 to 100 straight. IS to lOO place 2.7 to 100 show: llama. 50 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show: Illionec. 4.". to 160 show. Winner -B. c, by Peter Pan — Easy Street, by John nCaunt trained by W. A. Carter: bred by Mr. Harry Payne Whitney 1. Went to post at 8:21. At post 4 minute-, start good and low. Won easily; second and third driving. AIKEN was cut off soon after the start and forced to be pulled up and 1:0 to the inside, where Ii.-raced into the lead after going an eighth and won in ■ raater, KAMA ran well, bat had to be ridden out to outstay IIIONLV. The latter finished fast on tin outside. BLACK TOP showed sliced, but tired. . Scratched 32204*8hy Ann. l»s. Overweights -Aiken. 1 pound; Black Top. i: Voorin, S; Kama. lj. CrtfhQrrdfh FOURTH RACK— 1 1-16 Milcr,. Feb. 3, 1918— 1:441,5— 3— 92~ Lacania Handicap. «_ afl O *J " Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 75; second, S150; third. S7and. "Index Horses AWtPPBt~w M ■"■ [ Str PI 11 Jockeys Owner* O H~C~~1» S~~ 52000 FURBELOW 105 2 14 3 rl lak !■ .1 Francis M Goldblatt 2 2 2 7 50001 BALLY w 7 164 S I 2" 2: 1- 2 2". E arte-, R Dels 7-6 7-5 7-3 1-2 ou 52651 WAR ZONE WB 5 166 1 I :: 4 V ■■ F Hunt l: T NIckeTaon S3 Ii 21 1 oui 52207 PENELOPE w 1: 4 161 I 2 r. Ii 4 1 ! F Wilson .1 Oengier 2 I 2 T-lOout Time, 24V5, 483/3. 1:14. lO. 1A6%. Track fast. s2 nuituels paid. Furbelow. 0.80 straight, .80 pbice; Bally, place: no show mntnels sold. Equivalent booking odds Furbelow, -.on to 100 straight. 140 to 100 pbice; Pally. 106 to loo pbice. Winner— B. f. by Pete* Can Frillery, by Broomstick trained by M. Goldblatt; bred by Mr. Harry Payne Whitney 1. Went to p.,-t at :!:17. At Bast 1 minute. Start good and *loW. Woa driving; s. end and third the sain.-. FURBELOW moved up steadily after rounding the far turn and. racing Into the lead in the stretch, hung 011 gamely and ontKtsyed BALLY in the linal drive. The latter forced .-i fast early par* and r red PENELOPE into defeat In the first three -quartern, then asade a last and game Balsa. WAR ZONE «a- mark knocked about and raa a good race. PENELOPE »el a fast early pace, but tared and ttnishi d cased up. Oi i wi i _ 1 1 1 - B lly, 1 pound. prOOfT-i FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. March 23. 1919— l:Wb— 5— 105. Purse 870o" 4-year-olds and tldllitPX upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index H orses AWtPPSt A ¥s »4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 11 C P S~ 52206 DBW1TT w 1102 2 1 I |k p r l« A Pick n W R Padgett 2._:-i :: 6-5 2-5 52000 ROUNDEL w n S 10:. 7 i H 7 11 :: ,1 Francis K shields I 10 10 4 2 52SOO:T1M. .1 BOGAN w E l"7 :i 1 4: i 43 2J :,■ . Tryou .; Warwick I I I 2 C-5 .-.2328 DRIFFIELD wt: 7 M6 S 5 6= :;■ $ S"j I K Harms A c Xieliaus 12 12 12 t 2 .72288 -PL NTAKI-:ii; WSB 5 161 % 9 10- gj Bj 5J H C lOams H W Plant 3 o o 0-5 3-0 s-0100-FKdSER vi- 1 Oi I 2 2- 2* C g1 S Low. F Harold I 10 H 4 . .-•2332 JAMES w ; 110 b 11 gi| 91 t* : - 7* s Boyle T Dovle 1 E 0 I 1 52265 DINT Y MOORE a 1 1016 :i! PI 6* 7 s11 F WUson W M Sbeedy * I ;; 6-Z J-b P2200 TRUANT w 1 HO 4 3 Ek Ji bl t] 9« W AndsanJ Koarncr M 30 10 10 b 52105 HANDS OFF W and 107 1 2 710 101 10- MF R Hall Carvallo Bros. 15 IS 10 C " 51000:JOSE DE VALES am 6 111 I 7 11 11 11 11 11 J DomicM Dolbarrio I P M I Time. 24, 49, 1:10%, 1:42. Track fast. •• 2 nuituels paid. Dcwitt. -10 straight. ¥.7.30 place. .-S3.70 show: Roundel. 4.30 place. 0.00 show. Timothy I. Hogan. .00 show Equivalent booking odds— Hewitt. SOS to 100 straight. 10.7 to 100 place. So to 100 show; Roundel, C_j to ion phut. 12.J to 100 show; Timotbj J. Uogan, 90 to loo show. Winner— Ch. g, by. Everett— Miss Pansanre, by Pantnure trained by W. R. Padgett; bred by Mr I I Chirks. Went to post at 4:13. Ai post 1 minute Start good and slow. Won driving; second ami third the same. HEWITT took the lead at once and won all the way, but was tiring at the end. ROCNDKL be ui 11 Slowly", but worked his way up on the outside and. finishing with a nisi-, barelv failed to win TIM i Ill V I IIO.AN ran a gute race but tired right at the end. DRIFFIELD raced close up all rbe S ij 11 EEB ran a good three qaarti rs. Scratched -232009 Kl Coronal. 102; 522$ I ■ shot t Cliaage, 100. Overweights — Roundel. 3 pounds: Plgatgrede, 1. RTOORTO SIXTH RACE— 1 1-1C Miles. Feb. 3. 1918— 1 :4415— 3— 92. Purse 00. 4-year-olds t-F As1 0 t_P *a and upward. Claiming. Net value to -manner S550: second. 00: third. 0. ~ " Index Horses A WtPPSt 4 s */♦ Str Fiu Jockeys Owners O H C I S r.22»fls»LITHOLICK wb 6 104 4 ! 1* V Vh V I"* E Barn.* A B S%vUb6u 7 s S :: S3 .•2290- ♦ SOI, GILSEY wsn 7 101 C 4 5» C 4» 2= 21 L Penman F E Graham 2J 2». H 1 1-2 .■■2269*ZOIE w I 102 3 7 7" 710 3s 3and S« I Fletcher SI E Thompson G C 5 2 1 52290*REY ENXIS v: 7 112 1 1 V 4s ff - 4 F Hunt I. Crist I I I 21 M L-.2289UACK HIl.l. wn fi 112 8 2 2J 2= 2J 41 M* W Kels.iy W B Finnegan 41 :. :. 2 1 .■2311 -BILL HUXI.EY w C 112 G 8 V 5J 6» C* C« R Ball Carvallo Rros. 2 2. 21 1 1-2 ."2290* LARIAT w t 104 7 .". P » 710 7r- 73 A McLhlir.L S Fountain 4 6 .". S 1 .-•2811 NIGHT WIND VI f 112 I I 8 0 • 8 I , * 8 Boyle T Dovlc I I I 3 M Time, 0444, 483s. 1:14%, 1*1%, 1:47"5. Track fast. mntnels paid, I.itholick. -trait-lit. .«17.3o place. .80 show; Sol Oitaejr, 14.80 plan-. S3.10 show: Iple, .90 Shan . Equivalent kttoklng odds — I.itholick. 1 100 to 100 straight. 70.. ta 100 place, 310 to 100 show: Sol GiBey. 140 t« loo place, OS te loo show: Bale. 14.". to loo show. Winner — It. p.. by Meelick— Litlmgonc, by I.ithos trained l y A. B. Davidson: bred by Mr. George L. Blackford. Went to post at 4:40. At ] st 2 minutes. Start good and dear. Won drivinc: second and third the same. LITHOI.ICK quickly raced int.. a long lead in the lirst .|iiarter and -. t a fast pace, lint tired badly in the last eighth. SOI. GII.SF.Y ran well and ftnisbed fast in the middle of the track. BOIB was messed alH.ut and was far back in the early running, but lalshed fast and gaining. JACK HILL and i:i;v i:nis tired. Scratched— 52:B0 Fly Home. 100.