Fair Grounds Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, January 13, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-13


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FAIR GROUNDS ENTRIES A ND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR THURSDAY, JANUARY 13 WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 2:15. ® Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. * Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice allowance, b Blinkers. First Race— 3-8 Mile. Novice Purse. 2 .vo.il-, Ids. Maidens. Allowan .- Track record: Jan. 7. 1*10— 06 and— 2— 113. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. 52330 Lotta G MO :.!7-. 108.. 733 Belle Wrack. I., f. by Wrack — Trojan Belle, l.y Hamburg 112 Bashful, ch. f. by Maitinet — La Oloria. by Woolsthorpe 112 Rosa I.ce. b. f. by Granite - Irsiila Emma, by Broomstick 112 :.2;i20 Bull-.- Bnttoas llic ::ts-. 115. .730 522111 Josephine Wie.lel..ll3 :Hs 112.. 715 Second Race — 3-4 Mile. H-year-. Ids. Claiming;. Track record: Feb. 1». WIS— 1:11 .-.-!-■-IB!. 52041 Explosive 117 1:15--, 108X7S5 52135- Sea Court 110 1:1416 113x720 51960 Collide:-* BIS 1:11- 105.. 715 51153 *North Short 105 1:Ki.-, 1ltx715 46380 Humpy 110. .715 52070 *Maiy Head lBCl:17h 111X715 52000 blliien 1111:14-., 110X715 52135 l.Ocneral Auiamonte. Ill 1:15% 113. .710 51!»sr, Joe Whipple Mt..1Mi 1:14,-, 100. .71* 521S5 GaUot Mi 10841:14 Ml.. 70S 52271 *Sea Mimic M ... ! !.. 705 51061 *Voormel 105 1 :Bi .-. 10SX705 521!is Relnctant ! s 1 :19H-.1i 110.. 708 52273 bllan.l Sweep M . . 1 12 1 :15:!3 101.. 700 51702 •Marguerite Wool M 107 1:21. -.m 95. .700 52135" Siver Rpriaga WO 1:15.-. 11ix7«H ."122 ; bLadjr INpna Mi. Ml.. TOO Third Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-Var-o!ds and upward. Claiming. Track record: getx ! . VMS 1:11-. 5— 115. 51980 *Anaa Callup B« 1:12*4 4 08x736 52342 bApiile Jack II 104 1:12"-. 5 1 OS:;: 720 52202 bPort Light 117 1:121s s 1100715 52202 Head Over Heels.. 111 1:13.. 1 10SX715 51078 Frivol 100 1:14%* S 100x710 52218 Mago 1011:13"-. 5 1110710 52292* Jock Scot 120 1:11.-. 7 113X710 52115 l.Anticipnto 103 1:10% 4 108X710 50080 •briying Orb 08 1:12.-, 4 103x710 52312 bLoatse V 104 1:12 8 1104:710 52030 bTraaty 11*1:1216 7 113x705 51301 Moroni 95 1:13-.-, 4 118X705 49862* bVersailles 3 07. .705 52203 Blue Jeans 107l:l3r, 4 168.. 703 52115 bAssume 107 1:12 7 lMUfeTOO 52323 bVof.rniir 115 1:15 0 162X700 50070 Wat. i wood 119 1:1 1-, 4 111x700 Fourth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. liatoii R. uge Purse. ■1-year-olds. Allowances. Track record: Feb. 12, 1915— 1:42% — 1-113. 51155 Yung Ching 10-1.. 725 Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 523241 Captain Hersliler .104 1:44-. 111X720 52S44 blhe Wit 115 1:45--. 109X715 52010- Bobby Allen 100x710 52200 bVie.-CliMinnan ....1151:15a. 111x7Bt 52200 bst. Allan 107 1:47-; 10+X71O 52342 bAinaze 10* 1:51k 100.. 705 Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 1 year-olds and upward. Claiming. .Track record: Feb. 12, 1915— 1:42.-. — 4—113. 52297 Young Adam 10641:45% 5 112x725 52115 Lieutenant Perkins 4 119X720 52297 .Honolulu Boy Ill 1:442- 5 109X715 52323 bKiaapalong US 1:60% 5 115. .715 52235 Bay of Peace 10K l:49*-.h 4 107.. 715 52344 l.Veter.ui 115 1 :45-- 5 113x715 52295= blantalus r, 113x710 52297 I..I. C. Stone 109 1:45--, 8 112x710 52297* *bProapector 7 104X710 52272 ix hat lb- Leydecfcer.160 1:50 0 io4x7lo 52252 bFrank M.mioe 105 1:45 7 113x705 520 a; The Nephew 106 1:46% 4 111x705 52253 l.lteaverkill 108 1:44% 7 109x700 52S24 liChallenger 110 1:17 4 107x700 ".2342 bFrogtowii US 1:45 5 1090700 52325 I.Fttahe 119 1:47,; 0 106X700 Sixth Race — 1 1-16 Miles. -1-year-olds mid upward. Claiming. Track record: Feb. 13. 1915— 1 :44-,— 3—104. 52255- *Botsy 1111:41!-.-. 5 98x725 52250- bVertty 16»i:42% 5 105x720 52275 •Bandy Mac KM 1 : IS 1105.. 715 r.L.iLT. birr. Rae OS 1:45% 5 110X715 .-2345- bSammy Kelly 5 108X715 52159 *btaptain Burns 115 1:46%8 lo 107x715 .-.234". Jackstraw- 106 1:46*1 7 110. .710 52359 ■•bLoreaa Moss KM 1:49 5 98X710 5222:: •ftpearlene 113 l:4s 8 107x710 523453 UgJrt -Wine 4 101.. 710 52353 bfirandee 10S 1 :4Sf; 5 10SX710 523415 Lottery 104 1:4*5 7 108X705 .-.23215 Mali 102 1 :47 7 102 X 705 5231 Billy Stuart 110 1:51--. 10 los x 700 52255 Judge Price 1011:49-, 7 107X700 52293 Handfull H4 1:46% 8 110x700 Seventh Race — 1 1-1G Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: Feb. 13, 1915— l:44*j— 3— 104. 52250 SCOURGEMAN ...114 1:47% 6 108. .725 52276 bXominee 10*1:46% 6 112x715 52354 The Portuguese ...111 1:48% H 105. .715 5229:: •bCorsna 100 1 -.45% 5 107x715 .-.22.-.:. ; Serbian 110 1:49 5 112X710 52260 Tan II 108 1:45 6 108X710 52235 *Lnd 112 1:55m 9 107x710 52345 Cockroach 107 1:47-.-, 5 167% 710 519»" bAurntn 103 1 :45% 0 110. .705 52359 l,Sa lute 107 1:49% 5 103.. 705 52293 bNewel W 1011:49%. 5 110*705 52236* bfigcr Rose 103 1:46% 0 103x705 52223 bleggy 105 1:47 4 105 X 700 52255 bl?ei, Hampsoli 1661:46% 7 1100700 52345 bHrookland 117 1:49-% 6 108. .700 52275 Goldcrest Boy 106 1:46% 9 1080700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921011301/drf1921011301_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1921011301_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800