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namimiasmHmamxE*mmmsmmMmaaumammBBm,iw ihim "i,aBmamn9---n1iWkMii i aiasrMsWMwaii ngTwrrrffri ITJiiiiwcg PERCENTAGE WINNER r I T X T L M, ¥ 13 Al M T u* Bj"./ C H V 1 j K WONDERFULLY SIMPLE -" 1 rill. iviii/v Lj1i. aioi iiiivi FILLY COPYRIGHTED AMD lROTKfTKl AN OBICINAI. Sit CKSSKPI.-POWEKKPL METHOD OF TPRF INVKSTMKNT GOVBBNBD P.Y TUB l.AWS *K INDISPUTABLE AVERAGES AND PIGCBBh AND BVOLVBD ONLY AFTER 1 Yi:KS OF CONCK.NTKATKD STPDY PN THE SUBJECT. IT IS AS UNVABYING IN ITS ilKPA TH in AS THE LAW OK GRAVITATION. IT AVEBTH Till: INEVITABLE KPN IK V NUMBER iK CONSECUTIVE LO8EB8, AND HAS BEEN DECLABED INVULNEBABLE P.Y ALL WHO HAVE BEEN ITS OPERATION. I I POSITIVELY ELIMINATES THE CHANCE ELEMENT I NO NO 5 HANDICAPPING AND DISPR0VES BEYOND ALL DOUBT THE FALLACY THAT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO OPERATE PROFITABLY ON "TIPS" ISSUED BB B|BB-BMBBMBBB1|BBBBBBJ RACING. WE STAND PREPARED TO CONCLUSIVELY PROVE THIS TO ALL WHO SAY TT CANNOT BE DONE." •snamaaaBBBBBBsasssataanmBssJ This safe. sane, scientific and COPVBIGHTED METHOD of profitably coin- Whether a novi.e or veteran, a lira* ST small operator. DOVT MAKK AN- S Bataag all ragariea and vicissitudes Of the trsck CS* be spatated With either a "iTI«;rvv».lf OTHEI: PLAY UITIKiTT IT. Place your investments os I systematic business $ laise or small capital in either niutucls. handbooks. Baaarssaaa or at the track. IT 15 POSSIBLE r Tr» TO KNOW , Hg y,„, .:lll , ,|,,.r;1 1,. srlts as much confidence as you would negotiate a certi- Many horse owners, trainers, smart "lasiaera" operate the System daily A LITTLE MOBE THAN El THER tied check, for this Master Method has stood the test of time and practicability under our conlidential terms .,f agreement with an almost unbelievable decree THE BOOKSOR THE TALENT" and loui: since pa sets all experimental atages. Disastrous results are aaaroida- nf success. It is betas played today iii many of the leadtag cities of the Catted ,1 •v"" ci.iitiinie "|raeasta|t" and larestiac haphazardly. If yea an- a loser" Strifes. Cuba. Canada. Mexico. Argentina and Australia. xaliiass -s5==5! Vt. iln POSITIVELY place you in a position to recover your losses within a YOP PAY NO ATTENTION TO CLOCKING, JOCKEYS, WEIGHTS, DM- //SS *fjfo reasonably short period. TANCi: and all other sack hopelessly coafasiac factors. /ybSa. f5 V ,n "" ii, " " ",0"t1 Wl Pahllab a statement of results sworn to before Ilaj can he confined to INK I.KST BET daily, or you can invest in praeti- //aSt/k. Jl Avfand Notary, which since ii inauguration has never shown other than profitable re- cally every race on the card. It works equally successful at all tracks. The Sys- ffSfef w/iytl suits. The correctness , these resaltii you cm reaclily clack ancl verify. teat sol.-cts the "MONEY. HORSES" in a moments time from the entries. These "ggf 7/£y VSm I vor -1lS- "" THE MYRACLE SYSTEM MEASURES IP TO MB CLAIMS, daily ••System or Money llois.s" are invariably s,i,,,„, by us with substantial SS £=? 15Pas ;, WHY IS IT MARKETED: investments. Seventy -five per cent of them are consistent animals that are on p=~VS y. Write tVr parti ulars TODAY on this logical ancl very interesting nuestion. nljie and "business bent." V5t5i©if "v Vv5 Testimonials, vain. Lie KKEE tn f data, coiitiiinini; vitally important ririus P.Y THE SYSTEMS PROTECTIVE METHOD OF OPERATION. IK YOUR KdVMi I.VaMbV " " " SU"KN BESPLTS AND STATISTICS, ancl a review of the best- INVESTMENT HOUSE KIMSHES SECOND. VND ON MANY OCCASIONS __j5Bfi ilm— kne.wn "systems" published will be- sent you. POSTALS ARE ICNOUED - N"OTE Tl" f" " ;h" Ml,;"1" s.v"" " awderate. To responsible, individ- "PLACE" THIRD. YOP INVARIABLY WIN. YOUB AND "SHOW" MONEY THFMIDAflR /MIWIMf IM DI I FREQUENTLY 1 PROVES -. S, 4 or even 10 to 1. w lru 1 L.v,u,™S "N "" wi" "" "" Sv"r" "" Ii,",:" t,,rms- ,f U f""? ""l WIN ,ONSIS1- 5YSTEM £ fMAXIMUMttlUffl ENTLY AND FULFILL BVBBY CLAIM, YOP OWE is NOTHING. MsP, Sole ALT?1?. Hepreaontatlve- andfCO- for MC S. E. ARTHUR, District Manager iri.fia— A «; 10 V V I —IVnn.y 1 vnnia. Maryland. V S VLKS U. S. A.. ITS POSSKSSIONS, IDA, CANADA. MKMCO. AND TaisaaTiiaaia DIVISION PRIVATE LOCK HON iOD ALL KOKEK.X COINTKIKS k-ccistsbbd TOWSfIX ___________ XI VRYLAND THE Commissioner 50 CENTS DAILY TOR SALE AT ALL NEWS-STANDS EVERYWHERE TUESDAYS BIG COMMISSION HORSE: FAIR ORIENT 8-5 3rd We Al-o Gave to Win: STAR TIME 4. to 1 WON RANCOCAS 20 to 1 WON HANK 0 DAY 1 to 2 WON MONDAYS BIG COMMISSION HORSE: CAPT. HERSHLER.. 13-20 Won We Also Gave to Win: PARADER 1 to 2 WON JOHNNY DUNDEE 4 to 5 WON SATURDAYS BIG COMMISSION HORSE: Eddie Rickenbacher . . .4-5 Won We Also Gave to Win: GENERAL HAIG 4 to 5 WON MY REVERIE 7 to 10 WON The above is complete results out of the seven races and as you can see The Commissioner Produces Results and we are not afraid to advertise our results. The Commissioner employs capable sources of information in addition to a valuable staff of expert handi-cappers. When you pay fifty cents for our publication you are getting the best money can buy. TODAYS BIG Commission Horse again comes from the same excellent source, vith the word to go stro::g. Under no consideration fail to get this one today. Go to your news-dealer and ask lor THE COMMISSIONER, or mailed two weehs, 66.00. Address THE COMMISSIONER 103 West 42nd Street New York City AGENTS: Louisville. Ky. — Eiler and Goodman. 227 4th Ave. Cincinnati, O. — All news-stands. Covington. Ky. — Rob. Gordon. 4th and Scott St. St. Louis. Mo. — Wm. Laser, lobby 705 Market St. Dayton. 0. — Euphrat. 129 S. Jefferson St. Ai.d All Other Intermediate Cities the Chief dockers DAILY SPECIALS We Give 2 or 3 Good Thinsrs a Day SOLD ON ALL PRINCIPAL STANDS— 50c DAILY SATURDAYS ONE BEST WON FRIDAY S ADVERTISED XXX SPECIAL. jROLO 9-2 Won TODAYS ONE BEST Our "Clocker" knows that to mistakes will be made with this one today, as this horse could not be in any tetter shape than at the present time. "CLOCKER S SPECIAL has a world of speed and in this company should win easily. ASK YOUR NEWSDEALER FOR THE CHIEF CLOCKER S DAILY SPECIALS, ONLY 50c. SPECIAL OCCASIONAL TODAY GO THE LIMIT ON THIS ONE— Read what our "Clocker" has to say about this one. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THE CHIEF CLOCKERS OCCASIONAL ONLY . Mailed 1 week. ? 2 weeks. CHIEF CLOCKER 501 S. Dearborn St. Chicago. Illinois National 0. K. Racing Letter SALUTE 5-1 Won WAS THE BEST ONE GIVEN ON YESTERDAYS SHEET We have only had 7 days sincre New Oileans opened that none of our first choices won. This rheet cannot be beaten for SYSTEM PLAYERS. All it costs is 50c — DAILY — 50c For sale at all news-star.ds and office. Mailed direct 1 week .00. 2 weeks .00. Mailed in Plain Sealed Envelope NATIONAL 0. K. PUB. CO., ROOM 411 Baltimore Bldgr. Chicago. 111. THE TIM MONITOR RESUMES PUBLICATION at new address. Out next week with usual features of interest to turf folk. The Booklet that "makes it better for the bettor." By pressure of past experience we deviate somewhxt from previous policy and offer Haines ratings to subscribers free. at cost of postage, sent overnight to our readers. These ratings show excellent results, giving numerous long-priced horses that win or run in the money. See examples in Monitor. Rates the same. .00 per oopy. 1 for six months. 0 a year. THE TURF MONITOR 124 WEST TORTY-FIFTH ST. NEW YORK OITY ! M. M. LEACH Exile C. E. MICKELWAIT I Pedigree Authority Managing Director j Lexington, Ky. New York City. AMERICAN BLOOD STOCK AGENCY I Correspondent* In Knland, Ireland, Fiaacti Australia, ruentiiie Hepulilie. etc. All Transactions on a Commission Basis. inrninDCCO including age. color. Ikir rtUlbntto Sggfcd... ?!!"?.: TO Sound Matings Selected, 0. All Data in Connection with Hlood Stock I ii rn i ln-el . LEXINGTON, KY. NEW YORK CITY Winners! Winners! A well known racing man at New Orleans has inside information from two prominent stables and morning work-outs from a trustworthy docker. This means one or two probable good things each week. Will wire this information to responsible parties for a percentage of win ning-s. Will also wire one or two choice selec tions daily for a weekly consideration. Write and I will identify myself fully and satisfac torily. B. N„ Planters Hotel New Orleans, La. STABLE BOY This information is wired down to us direct from the Fair Grounds track by a Stable Boy. FOR SALE AT ALL NEWS-STANDS— 50c DAILY. Tuesdays Extra Special Won LAST THURSDAYS "AD" ONE BEST Tom McTaggart. 6-1, Won ONE BEST TODAY goes in the race. Our rain caught this one reel off some marvelous work recently and states on this alone he should win. EXTRA SPECIAL will turn the tables today. STABLE TIP SHOULD NOT BE OVERLOOKED JACK FIELD THE MAN WHO KNOWS I ONLY GIVE ONE SPECIAL A DAY SOLD ON ALL NEWS-STANDS— DAILY. TUESDAY MY ONE-HORSE SPECIAL WAS: DARK HILL ....... 3-1 Won I had a strong remark on this one and also told you that they have been giving him secret workouts. TODAY! TODAY! I have one today that comes from the same source that I got DARK HILL. 3-1. WON. and if you want to win some easy doush. get my sheet and go to this Special, as I know it is as good as in. Mailed, one week, received first mail. JACK FIELD Room 701. 501 South Dearborn St. Chicago. 111. NEWS DEALERS WANTED— WRITE AT ONCE. FULL PRICE Will Be Paid for M/XY and JUNE, 1920, Monthly Form Books IN GOOD CONDITION ADDRESS DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court, Chicago, 111. THE WINNING POST TODAYS FREE CODE: Lemonade-Down-Silver-Skies-Slush. THE WINNING POST 101 West Forty-first Street New York City 517 TEMPLE COURT BLDG. CHICAGO, ILL. . TUESDAYS ONE BEST WON. LONG SHOT SPECIAL WON. GET TODAYS. 50c EVERYWHERE. IT IS DIRECT TRACK INFORMATION. CHIEF OBSERVER 25 WEST 42nd St.. Room 515. NEW YORK CITT TODAYS FREE CODES: NEW ORLEANS: Georgia-18-7.13. HAVANA: Maine -1-18 -5. Scourgeman, 8-5, won, was yesterday s Free Form Special. Dont fail to get new copy of The Standard. You not only get a Free Special every day. but the best line on horses that is to be obtained. 36c. Todays Form Special: Murch-Pear-46- 15-54-G0. Stand-Turf Guide, 403, 22 W. ftuincy St., Chicago, 111.