Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-13


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I I I . ■ ; ! ! i ] TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. Mexico. Tuesday. January 11. 1921.— Forty-first day. Lower California Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of 12." or more days. Weather clear. Presiding Steward. Fram-is Xefasaa. Associate Stewards. .1. W. Coffroth and Leon Whig. Starter. Harry MORfaeey. Uaeing Secretary. LeOS Wfaag. Racing starts at 1:.".0 p. m. Chiiago tim • S:S0. 52333 " First Race— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920 —59—4—107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 50; second, 00: third. 0. Equlr. Odds. lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. ," -J 147* Daisy X. i07 i; Rowe 1130-100 r,m: i.iitl- Jake 11:. Si A Zelgler :,:v-m 5 1896 -J. 1. Sagg 11s :;- Qrosa i.i.,-b«. 52032 Viva kit 41 PChiavetta !620-10U SStB7*Rm. Weller 1 1.". ::: B Taylor 4oO*-100 .Til 27 -Suoet Tooth lM •• B Mariinlli 920-W 4BMB Chsraaaot 99 7". 1: Dost tOM-lM .71641 Lady Moor.- 11:: s- c Daggan 36SO-W0 5-JKia-T-M Le Van no : l p Martinez 220-lM 50208-Coisiit no 10 it Carter + 5l«»5l;iaek AVingll:! L. rider. H Rettig 12S0-M0 vMlltuel fold. 3 statacls paid, Daisy n.. 4.80 straight, 13.80 place, sii.so show; Little Jake. |f.30 place, .00 thos : J. D, Bagg, R!i k0 show. Eqaivaleal boskJag odds Daisy .. nyaj to 100 straight. iaW Is loo place. ■_■ pi to lno show: Uttle .lake. 300 to 100 place. 900 to mo show: J. I. Sugg. 170 to 100 Kbow. Time, l:033i. Track heavy. Winner ]:. c. Betmrns ch. f. I. by Dentsrbbind I. aura B_ hy Bea Strom,, trained l E. Stowell; bred by Mr. A. Neal. Weill to p..st ;u l:.-,s. .t post 5 minutes. Start god and trio* IV 11 handily: second and third driving. Scratched ~ -2? ~ Voliaaa, 116 Orerweights— lhtisy N.. 2 pounds; Charmoat, i. 52334 Second Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 1. 1920— 1:43—6— 122. Purse T500. 3-year-oldj and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. S100: third. 0. sSqair. odds. lad. Horse. Wt. Kin. Jockey. Straight .VilKMI WVl-a ins 1] Rowc L*30-10 " -;:il! - s.iu. 1- v. :, It Marinelli 50-100 ."-■;."•!» Plaything las * G Yoargin Ka. 110! 52377 Mayworth 113 t J Callahan 7SS-W0 " -i.iK Vrgento IIS ."., P Martinez S53S-MO I :r.-.*! ! Von Lad W9 FJ R Carter 1910-100 i 53208* Miss Ouri 103 7: P Hum ; 53136 Tin!, Tennj 116 KJ B Haywani 1130-100, I 53:11:1 Handy tJhH 102 ■- F ChlaVctta . 53035 Pnco Coma. Ilia mi - C Taylor 53277 Clorce Cllne lb* 11 C Daggan ! ■-!- tMutuel held. mntnels paid, Weiga, S26.60 straight. ,20 1 place, si. 00 sii,,..v: Saner. .60 place, .40 Bbow; I I Plaything, field, .00 show. F.-inivaloii! bookisg odds Welga. 1200 to 100 straight. 160 la 100 pbice, 100 lo loo show; Rsarr, SO to KMi place, ro lo lo show: Plaything, field, BO to 100 si„,H-. Time, 1:51%. Track heavy. Wianer Clear Lake Stables br. in. 8; by Kit:: James Wealth, by Balabow trained by C. C. Eat-ineit: bred by Mr. Deaf] T. Oxasrd. Went to post at 3:31. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. Scratched--.-,..300 Madrid. 10S. Overweights -Von Lady. 1 pound: Pink Teaay, 2; Handy Girl, 4: Florence line. 2. 5233 " 5 TUxi Race— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920— 59—4—107 . Purse 00. 3-ycar- olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ; second, 00; third, 0. i:.]iiiv. Odds. lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 51102 Ed. Tranter 112 i E Graves 260-!0fl 53337 Xaaledovati 112 2» A Zcigler 380-1O0 52100 Valll V. MO 9 F .1 Baker r2ssO-1D0 .".ll»! 8 J. J. Murdckll3 4, N Foden 140-100 52160 Sea Beach ill :." R Dority 530-100 ." 3I3« old HomestdllO S P Martlaes 214S-1M 52106 Dot II. lla 7- B Bayward ICO-lfl 51aVl7**l*altrnc LyMW B** M Slaughter Ollla Wood ii :» Roue : Mitt ml field. y.. niuiii. is paid. Eddie Tranter, .20 straight, .00 phe-c. s::.on show; Kaseldorati, S4.so place. .00 -h.: Valll .. field, .40 show. Kquiralenl booking oddi -Eddie Traater, 200 to loo rtrsigbt, 180 to 100 place. SO to 100 show; Naaeldoratl, 140 I 106 place 58 to 100 show; I Valii V.. field. 120 to loo show. Time. l:03-5. Track heavy. Winner— W. K. PshNtni b. _. 5, by Textile Nonllac, by Caldron trained by W. F. Poison; btvd by Mr. .Tames a. Vinci. Went to post at 2:50. Ai posl 1 minute. Start Lood and slow. Won easily; st coed and third ! drii Ing. Scratch, .1- 52081 ITralane, 11".; ."..l 17 Cal Cars, 115; 51056 M roan. 115. Overweights — sea Beach, l pound; Dot 11.. 2; , Eddie Traater, :v. Nasiedorati, -. 5 2336 To"1" Race— 1 1-8 Miles. May 23. I J 1920—1:53—4—109 , Passo S600. 3- ,, year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner. 60; second. 00: third. 0. Baair. Odds. , lad. Boras. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 523023*Baby Sister 101 1] P MHrtinc-iJ 70-100 53299113. Mounfn 107 S* Rowc 5tti-lHj 53279-Honolitlu il" J" - Duggan 700-100 52128 IJjii L-v:, 116 p« C Whilfgton SsaO-160 ! 53315Mout. UuUe n ..- r: Marinelli 570 100 53315 L - Dinonauri?!*! 6=* E Taylor llOB-ssa .72210 Btatley S. Ill 7 R Dority 000 160 1 nuituels paid. Bab] Bister, 1921.sh.40 straight, I 52.60 place. .20 show; Battle Mountain, .8.i 1 place. .00 show-; Ilonoliiln. .80 ihow 1 laiuivalent l„ |Vlt; odds— Babj sister. 7o to ICO J 1 Rtralgbt, 3o to loo place, 10 to 100 show : Battle I : Mountain, an u 100 pbice, 36 to 106 -how Hon., I tola, fcj tv loo show. I Time. 1:5835. Track heavy. Winner-C. B. Irwins br. in. 10. by Lord Ester-Hag — Annie Lauretta, by Lmporor trained by C. B. Irwin: bred i.v Mr. Walter 0. Paraner. Went to jiosf at 3:13. At i» st 1 minute, start I good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched— SStlOUttdge David. US. Overweights— Battle Motintain. 2 iwiinds; Uono loin, 1; Stanley S.. 1. 52337 Fifth Rare— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920— 5r— 4— 107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 20; second. 20: third. 0, Boat*. Odds. lad. Horse. wt. Fin. lackey. Straight, r.3303 Corncutter 113 l« P Ifartines 11 i-lO StOOS Jdge Bliswhll2 2" . K Cart, r W 5:io!».l.. Cdm.-in a7 :: B Marinelli I60-16Q 53151 o|; nip. King 117 I B Hayward 2 ■ 160 51720 Diorned 1 " :, FChlavetta 2640-100 53317 Wyr.newood 169 P G Veargta ;-io •-10 1 5SS0S shitty !J 7- at Slaughter 766-16il 52303 Little Pointer 96 8 It ii.- K290-H6 si in ut utls. paid. Corncutter. 4 06 Straight. 0.00 place, .80 show: Judge Ellsworth, .60 place, s:;. 10 show: Joe Goodman, $:;.tji show. Equivasntt I king odds C«srr.cutter, 1190 to 100 straight. 100 to 100 place, lpo to 101 show; Judge Ellsworth, 180 t.. 100 place, 7o t 100 -how: Joe Got dnian. sp p, loo siiow . Time, 1:02*5. Track heavy. Wi r - C. 1!. Irwins br. g. 7. by Corrigas Graascntter, *y St. Carlo trained by . It. Irwin; bred by Mr. C. P.. Irwin. Went to in st at 3:10. At post 1 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched 51*81 BasB, 112; 51001 Britain! Allv. 112. Overweights- Mossed, 1 pound: Shifty. 4. 52333 Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916 —1:11=3—3—110. Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20: second. 20: third. 0. l: 1 11 i v . Odds. Inil. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 523 10 ■•aeanibo 161 l*| W Hlnphy 600-100 52282 May Ml-by Pis 2" C Whittgton NO-IOH 52240 VanuWoUea JO" :;- B Mann-:! 280-101 52282 Stnrd o IIS I1 R McCrann 296.10 .".2282 .rent Hawk 106 6* F J Baker OftO-UM 52151 short stoj 163 I i Tsargjn ■ 5SS8S3Ike Mills in 7J B Fator SSSO-lOd 1 521 12 Little G nklfct f» K Taylor 2060-100 5 mOS* Boonevi!le 107 9 Rowe 1921.sh9-101 tMutuel field. nnitueN paid. Cteaasbo, 4.00 straight. M idaie. .00 show; May Maulsby. SBlXO place, .s3.hu show: Vanessa Welles, 1921.sh.46 -how. i: iniv.ileut booking odda— Cai-auilw, 100 it 100 straight. 240 to 100 place. 100 to 100 show: tfay Maulsby. 100 to 100 place 00 to 100 show: Vancs-a Welles. 70 to 100 show. Time. 1:15. Track heavy. Winner -1;. C. Warrens eh. g. 5. by Free Lane- i.cnnie Kate, by Loyalist trained by J. Carney; I .red by Mr. George J. Long. Went to post ;it 1:00. At Beat 1 minute. Start u- ad and slow. Won easttj : second nnd third driving. Scratched 52006 Irish Maid. 100; 53317 Myrtle A.. 101: .-C-JI.VSoa Way. 111. Overweights -May Maulsby. 1 pound; Bsoaerillr, 5933Q Seventh Race— 1 Mile. June 17, 1916 vavvo _1.38_3_95i Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner J350; second, 00; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. Inil. Hors... WI. Kin. Jockey. Straielit. 53380* Midia 1S3 1 M Saughter te-1-. M083*Tom Goose bid - •• Rowe 160-160 533i3-Yermak 111 .. N Fcden U8-10H 52319 P. 1 fee t Ladylfa 4- K Tayl r 626-100 5206SRuUd Anna ill 5 C Y. argin l._M, SL mutu.ds paid, Midia. 1 Lo Straight, l place. .SL.tiO Show; Tl III loose. S3 00 place. .06 show: Yermak. .20 show. Baaivaleat hsetlai odds— Midia. MB to loo Rtralgbt, 11" to nm place. SO to 100 show; Tom noose, 86 to loo place. 30 to 100 show; Yermak. 10 to lOO show. Time. 1:44%. Track heavy. Winner V. Msnnales b. f. 4. by I: U View Galaxy, by Star Shoot trained by J. Manna h : i red by Mi s-i-. GalbdM r Bros. i. ent to po-t .it 4:02. At post 1 niiiuiti-. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched -:.i*3-i Baby Cal, 112; Audrey K . no.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921011301/drf1921011301_2_7
Local Identifier: drf1921011301_2_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800