Tijuana Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, January 13, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-13


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TIJUANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR THURSDAY, JANUARY 13 WEATHER CLEAB. TRACK FAST. Baiiis -tarts at 1:.,0 p. m. Chicago time 3:501. 0 Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. :!: Fair mini runner. M Maidens. Apprentice allowance. ! BUakefu, First Race— 3-8 Mile. 1 -m nr iids AlteWaaee*. Tract record: Jan. 8, loit;— 3.V-4— 2— 105. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Roc. A.Wt.Han. 52312 If 11* :SSVJ 11*. 72" 52312 -Wells t iv IKS :3»P-. US. .721 52257 Little Florence iM115 :3lP;, US 715 tSwlftcrickel, oh. f. by Athel-ing II. — Dora L. by Eafles Plume 110 52257 Polly Wale iM...U3 :37 110. .705 Alameda Girl. b. f. by Jim Gnffney — Sonia, by Cnnard 110 Plow Steel, ch. c, by Honey -wood — Decency. bv Mai tiii-t 113 f Nevada Stock Faioi cutiy. Second Race — 1 Mile and 70 YarcL. S-year-oMi and auward. Claiming. Track record: Feb. 2. ISSO ■l:13,.-,-«— 122.» I 52863 *Cohrita MM 1:48 0 106.. 72". 52313 Clasw A. tMl 7 109X720 :.2W] •ilraitii-l" 1111:19 7 102x71". ; 52315 Red William nit. .ill 1 : 17S :. 109..7P. i 52219 Hniiimii MS l:4j8Vj S 112.. 715 ! 52191 Dandy fan 4 104.-710 I 52300 •bXadrid tMl 112 1:67ft 3 107.710 52811 Cift 113 1:47% 12 100X705 : S2S7S •Links Lady M.. MS 1:48% S 102. .700 [ ■2190 Canute ,M MS 1:47% 5 10». .700 I 53813* Jim Winn iM ... «J 109.. 70o 52313 California Jack ..US 1:48% lit Io9x70o Third Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Track record: Doc. 20, 1910 — 1:11% 8 — 110. 52200- "Full Moon 107 1:10 111.725 52211 •Belle Flower 107 1:10 100.. 720 52200 bLady L.vitt M. .108 1:18% 109.715 52300 Battier 107 pp. 114. 71" 51818 •frivolous Ml ...102 in; 108.. 710 1 3220s Audio; A 188 1:18% 111..7W 52814 Crown It 1111:10 100. .Ta". B2MH Palsy 104 1:16 1OB..700 83888 Little Romper II 111.. "00 Fourth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3 year-olds and upward Claiming Trnck record: .Ian. 2. 1920— 1 :4SJ -,— 0— 122 i 828184 THOS. P. Mc- MAH»N 104 l:4»i :, !Hlx72:. 52215 Tlicy .Shall Not Pass 100 l:J4 I 104 . . 71." -"•--f - bPiedrn 109 1 :44 ".-. 8 104 X 71 G 52364 hDarnay 118 1:45. t: 104.. 710 525*4" bRorace Lerch « i 1 :45 1 W. .710 52248 Verdi Ix.n 181 1:81 tt I 94.. 705 Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. El Vaiida.l Claiiiiinv. Handicap. t rmr nine [Track record: Dec. 38, r.m; 1:11%— 4 118. 523510 fCnck • Dawn 148 1:1J no .7:0 -.2317 AjUU V 1 112 1:13--. 108x74.. 52118 l.Martiii A. Nooaaa.118 1:13.. 117x745 52241 tHark friar H»7 l:1t 100. 74" 52018 IdiK.dn 108 1:14% 89. 7:!:. 52100 Nebulous lo.» 1:17. !C ©7::.". 5217m Uwendola M 1:11-. 98.. 780 t-J. Hal Woodford a:;. I V. . Uoedloe entry. Sixth Race — 1 Mile. 3 year -olds KM upward. Track record: .Tun. 17. 19H! - 1 M - .1 K. 622888 Kittle .link 11.. 1:41-. 8 112x725 52263 Viva Cuba 101 1:89% 1 105 . . T20 M848 bPbtnt to f*olnt 115 1:30 7 109*715 .".2301- bDcekliahd 10fi 1:41% 7 11|:.:715 52281 »P.nl. Cal llS 1 10% s 100x710 52380 Yerinak IOS 1 :40% 8 112®70:. 52815 Audrey K 108 1:42 J 115x705 52339 •Tata iImmc 10S 1:41% I 107x708 52171 ciristio Ooltara ..188 1 111 5 118x700 Seventh Race — 5-8 Mile. 3 -year olds and Upward. Claiming;. Track record: May Id. ISilO -.9-4—107.1 32200 Miss M, .dick 95 1:02.. 8 84. .723 52147**bCoTer Ip 110 1:02 5188. .720 52800 *Dod« Adams 115 1 :01 -. 5 105.. 715 522il Ringleader loo l:io- :. 107.. 715 52281 TillotaoB 112 1:01-, 9 115X715 52195* Smiliuc Maf*ie ..104 1:00-- S113X715 5-jlo-i *Gertrude II 110 1:01 . ■ 183x70 52800 iis|iic Hi :.-,!|.;., S 110y.710 52211 Indian Brigade ...110 1:01--, 8 188. .701 52330 Mi.nd.iiiie ««i 1 :o: 1; 1 117. .701 51999 Kl Sal.i.. Ill 1:01.. 11 108X700 I 52131 Ibjarro 100 1:02% 5 118.. 700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921011301/drf1921011301_6_7
Local Identifier: drf1921011301_6_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800