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LATEST WORK-OUTS EAST AND WEST 710 LATONIA. LATONIA, Ky., September 27. Todays training gallops here included the following: Weather cloudy; track heavy Thrco-Eighths Mile. 707-Aloft 38 if. 700-Pumps 39 G9l-Bridgcton Maid.3G G99-Rapid Stride ..39 704- Billy Star ....40 70i-Ring Rose 39 Chacolet 3S 707-Topmast 38 703-High Cost ....3973 Half Mile. C9S-Cantilever 51 7!i-Gipsy Queen ..03 007-Colossus 51 700-Guvnor 51 70!-Cho Cho 51 703-Hullo 50J,?. 703-Dancing Spray.50 COl-Lady Morrow.. .54 CSp-Dolph 55 C91-Llewellyn 53 Foy 53 i97-Marimba 53 707-Ground-SwclI ..54 700-Marvin May ..51 Five-Eighths Mile. 703-Ace High ...1:03 C93-N. Elkhorn .1:07 69S-AU Right Sir.l:0fi 705-Rcdmon 1:10 703-Gcorgettc ...1:03 707-Sec. Grectingsl:08 703- Kingfisher ..1:07 707-Sw. Liberty. .1:07 Three-Quarters Mile. 701- Adonis 1:20 703-Parol 1:23 707-Bright Trash.l:22 707-Precs Lulu.. 1:20 707-Bcttina 1:25 632-Treasurer ...1:20 70C-Dad 1:22 701-The Wit 1:21 705- Easteside ...1:19 5G3-Tuscola 1:21 707-Judge Pryor.l:20 C97-W11. Tree ..1:21 704- M. Winsor ..1:24 707-West Side ..1:20 C97-Mar. Hynes..l:18 Seven-Eighths Mile. 700-Bill McCloy..l:3S 703-Herd Girl ...1:37 One Mile. 702- Balance Whl.l:18 70-Xat. Bridge. .1:52 70C-Brit. Liner.. .1:58 703-Pastoureau .1:32 702- Contestant ..1:55 Mile and a Quarter. 704- Pit 2:23 HAVRE DE GRACE. HAVRE DE GRACE, Md., September 27. Todays work-outs hero Included the following: Weather clear; track fast Throe -Eighths Mile. Adiment 37 574-Midnight Sun... 40 703- Aniackassiu ...37 707-Misdeal 3J 703- Bridesman 38 703-Radical 37 700- Carcfnl 30 705-Sileneu 37 707-Highland Lad.. 40 090-Sword 40 707-Joseph Brant... 37 403-Wds of Chaucc39 Half Milo. 707-Ballymooney ..55 705Montalvo 49 705- Carmandale ...52 709-P. T. Barnum..53 70r-Commc Ci 51 703-Second Thghts.49 701- Dark Horse ...52 70G-Summer Sigh. ..53 705-Jeg 51 700-Wilfes 51 705-.Tohn Morrill . . .49 Five-Eighths Mile. Allah 1:015 5j5-Koh-i-noor ..1:0C 471-Bribed Voter.l:05 709-Leochares II.. 1:04 704- Briganna 1:10 700-Eacquetta ...1:04 377-Brookfield ...1:08 Salome 1:03 534-Colando 1:04 707-Toddle 1:12 709-Drm of Allahl:02 704-Trantula 1:03 529 -Foreclosure ..1:05 709-Trevelyan ...1:10 Three-Quarters Mile. 04G-Algo 1:15- 707-Rubidium 1:1G 705-Biilv Connors. 1:24 703-Sister Embleml:lS 70-Fairlv 1:20 70-Tautalus 1:1S 575-Laughtcr 1:18 700-The Boy 1:17 011-Mcrrimac 1:20 703-Who Cares. . .1:17 574-Phnntom Fairl:19 G95-Yeomanettu ..1:21 One Mile. 707-Bolstcr 1:48 707-P. G. King... 1:49 707- CcIiva 1:49 70i-Scrapis 1:47 700-Chlie Summy.l:47 707-Tenons Bon... 1:10 709-Chinnie Walshl:4! 705-Tryster 1:45 703- Jean Bullant.. 1:48 707-Weary 1:49 704- Lady Lillian.. 1:14 JAMAICA. NEW YORK, N. Y.. September 27. Todays work-outs over the local tracks were as follows: Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. OSS-Esquire 37 707-Max Gold ....35 703-Fort Churchill 35 Ji7-Red Tom 37 708- Horolosue .....85 i Half Mile. i97-Deep Sinker ..54 707-Master Jack ..53 70S-Grundy 54 703-Quecn Blonde .51 705-Irish "Brigadier 51 704-Ross R 50 709-Kezlah 54 708-Royal Jester ..5o 703-Lnmpus 53 702-Staunch 52 707-Marjorie M. ..53 707-Twopair 01 : Five-Eighths Mile. 703-Armistice ...1:11 700-Lucky Button 1:04 707-Episode 1:09 703-Meiise 1:03 703-Leghorn 1:02 703-Valentia 1:01 Three-Quarters Milo. 703-DiviI to Pay J:21 702-PIiantom P.lucl :18 707- Draft 1:18 7CC-Plurality 1:20 709-Knot Grass ..1:17 707-Preludc 1:13 708- Mawreoron ..1:20 70C-St. Isidore ..1:22 708-Modesty 1:18 700-Voorniir 1;20 C43-Phalaris 1J0 One Mile. 707- Burley 1:55 708-Irish Dream 1:42 705-Capt. Hcrshlerl:43 709-Light Rose ..1:41 703-Chat. Thlcrryl:4i; OS-Ticklish 1:47 703-Genie W. ...1:48 BELMONT TRAINING TEACIC. NEW YORK, N. Y., September 27. Todays work-outs over the local courses were as follows: Weather clear; track fast Three -Eighths Mile. 703-P.antry Pass... 37 70S-May Hampton.. 37 70S-Bces Wax 35 707-Mission Bells... 37 708- Clinchfield 37 707-Montara 37 707-Externiinator ..3S CSS-Northcliff 35 Gem 37 05-Rose Brigade. 43 70G-Irish Confetti.. 37 701-Toil 37 Half Mile. 70S-Consort 50 707-Sn..rc 49 709- IIalu 50 707-Tangerine 50 707-Lady Baltimore.O C92-Titanium 51 709-Manna 51 703-Volcanic 50 705-Orcus 52 Five -Eighths Mile. 707-Beckna 1:05 700-Kinrioul 1:03 703-Bellatrix 1:07 707-Kirtle 1:03 G93-Black Rascal. 1:07 707-Perfcction ...1:03 707-Bravo 1:03 707-San Stefano..l:03 707- Calistoga 1:02 707-Tarn 1:07 703- Invincible ...1:01 707-Vcnizelos 1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 708- Beveiiy Belle.l:19 707-Rosalcen 1:17 C99-Doughnut ...1:18 701-Tidings 1:20 707-Last Straw... 1:17 Seven-Eighths Mile. 701-W. T. Grives.l:29 One Milo. 704- Mello Cadeaiil:45 703-Thunderclup .1:11 . 705- Monastery ...1:18 703-Wrcckcr 1:18 70S-St. Patrick... 1:48 Mile and an Eighth. 705-Damask 1:58 .