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LATEST WORK-OUTS EAST AND WiST 738 LEXINGTON. LEXINGTON, Ky., October 25. Todays workouts here included the following: Weather clear; track fast Tlree-Eighths Mile 735-Bettina 30 C32-Ima Arclte ....39 731-Castlereagh ...30 72G-Omnipotent ...37 725-Cho Cho 34 734-Rangoon 38 730- Dorlc 38 Half Mile. 724-Oindcrella 50 731-Roval Dick ...49 731- Martha Fallon. 49 734-Radio 52 Five-Eighths Mile. 731-College Girl .1:05 727-Rapid Day ..1:03 733- My Rose 1:04 734-Sportsman ...1:10 730- Melun 1:04 735-Wild Flower. 1:06 737-Miss Joy 1:01 728-Warsaw 1:04 Three-Quarters Mile. 5S8-Arrow Point 1:20 731-Louis Adair ..1:16 734- Braedalbane .1:14 727-Lady Madcapl:14 717-Countess 1:42 730-Lively 1:21 734-Cahalan 1:19 734-Marse John ..1:22 731- J. S. Reardonl;22 737-M. Crestwoodl:45 .731-Jim Daisy 1:14 733-Montillo 1:43 734- John Finn ..1:13 737-Refugce II... 1:14 724-Klnburu ....1:40 735-United Yerdel:47 628-Louie Lou ...1:42 733-Yoshimi 1:15 737-Lady Astor ..1:44 Mile and a Half. 737-Firebrand ...2:34 LAUREL. LAUREL, Md., October 25. Todays work-outs here included the following: Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 735- Alva 39 730-MiIes S. ......37 727-Brainstonn ....42 733-Midnight Sun. .39 732- Chastc .Star ...38 733-Perigourdine ...37 734- Dovesroost 39 714-Sword 37 711-Freezy Sneezy..38 735-Silence 39 735- Gladbrook 3S 734-Sugarmint 37 703-Ima Frank 38 733-Uncles Lassie..39 577-Kingling II .40 Half Mile. 733- Ararat 50 732-Hackamore ....50 735-Alice C 10 723-Moco 51 735-Bunting 4S 725-Maryld Belle.. 49 732- Careful 49 734-Messines 49 735-Ohcrry Tree ..48 731-Peerless One ..53 734- Caligula 50 723-Rack Em Up. .51 724-Dresden 50 733-Tryster 52 727-Foreclosure 52 73i-V.-Chairraan ...51 Five-Eighths Mile. 720-Artisan 1:05 73G-Marble 1:03 733- Brllllant Rayl:04 730-Mereutio ....1:03 737-Fairly 1:06 730-Sailing Alongl:04 731-K.s Champn.l:04 725-T. Foreigner.l:03 724-Miss Fllley .1:08 72S-mtra Gold ..1:06 Three -Quarters Mile. 731- Betty J. ....1:19 730-Iron Boy ...1:17 734- Beamer 1:18 Lucky Strike.l:24 735- Benevolent ..1:17 736-Motor Cop ..1:17 735-Blutfer 1:17 73G-Mnttikius ...1:24 735-Chateaugay ..1:20 719-Sencrow 1:22 734-FInery 1:10 735-Sis. Emblem. 1:20 737-Fnmc Tireur.l:17 737-Sagamorc ...1:16 Seven-Eighths Mile. 733-Rajah 1:21 One Mile. 733- Bcaverkill ...1:50 734-King John ...1:47 734- Baby Grand 1:40 72S-Moody 1:47 735- Calamity .Tanel:44 735-Natural 1:40 730-Camouflage ..1:48 730-Super 1:55 733-Harmonique .1:50 735-St. Germain 1:45 715-Infidel II. ...1:50 735-Scourgeman ..1:47 735- Kath. Harlan 1:52 Alva went well. Ima Frank is not doing much Miles S. showed speed. Sugarmint was under restraint. Maryland Belle has plenty of speed and should get out of the maiden class soon. Messines went fast. Bunting is commencing to show some of his old time speed. Cherry Tree showed fine speed. Alice O. went well. Sailing Alogn was never extended. Brilliant Ray was doing his best. Sagamore is about ready; worked nicely. Finery had no more speed left; was all out. Rajah was only cantering. Calamity Jane finished under restraint and had plenty left. Baby Grand had plenty in reserve. EMPIRE CITY. NEW YORK, N. Y., October 25. Todays traiuiug gallops at Empire City included the following: Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 736- Adelia S 38 734-Sea Cove 40 732- Ooodhart 39 735-Vineyard 38 73G-Irish Brigadier3G 728-Whisk 38 733- Sea Sinner 38 731-Wel. Stranger.30 Half Mile. 726-Black Rascal .50 733-Messiues S3 737- Draft 52 731-Pickwick 51 732- Fel Swoop 51 735-Roy C. 55 72G-Good Bye 51 735-Restraint 49 734- Gladiator 53 737-SparklIng 49 640-Keltol 52 571-Service Star ..55 735- L. Lichtenheim51 735-Saddle Ring ..51 729- Kate Biumlmel53 734-Thunderclap ..49 690-Maize 5G 730-Wild Deuce ...51 Five-Eighths Mile. 736- Blue Brush ..1:03 582-Miriam Cooperl:04 735-Glenbells ....1:02 734-Prelude .....1:08 735-Jackstonea ..1:04 735-Straight Shotl:05 735- Lucky Buttonl:03 735-Trader 1:03 737- MaJor Parke 1:00 734-The Sphinx ..1:04 733- Mavonrneen .1:04 737-Wireless 1:04 Throe -Quarters Mile. 733- Dry Moon ...1:18 731-Liberty Girl 1:18 734- Extorminate 1:10 737-Missiouary ..1:17 730- Enfilade 1:17 727-Mlracle Man. 1:19 731- Finnish Maid 1:19 73G-Phantom Bluel:21 730- Frult Cake.. 1:18 733-Sh!Uelagh II.. 1:23 731- Inglecrest ...1:21 732-Sadowa 1:24 737-Joe AVhipple 1:21 734-Tickllsh 1:10 731-Keziah 1:21 733-Veto 1:22 734-Kai-Sang ...1:17 7?3-War Note ...1:21 700-Lucky Girl ..1:23 734-YelIow Hand 1:21 Seven-Eighths Mile. 734-Quecreek 1:33 One Mile. 736- Arapahoe 1:40 731-Indolence 1:48 734-A1. Hamiltonl:50 73G-Natlve Land .1:15 729-Bon Homme .1:44 737-Recount 1:44 733- Black Thong.. 1:47 732-Rockport 1:48 734- Emotion 1:45 732-W. H. Bknerl:44 Ticklish did his work easily. Recount is in fine condition. Restraint and Thunderclap went easily together. Kai-Sang had an easy gallop. Lucky Button was under restraint. W. H. Buckner worked fast. Dry Moon galloped an easy work. Enfilade is improving. Missionary was not extended. Native Land and Emotion worked well on even terms. Exterminate is ready for a good race.