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TIJUANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES Continued from ninth page DA PC 1 IUUe i5ycnrolds and upward Claiming June 17 1S1 rSAUt i s s 5 VIC D m 5 106 106Trainer By Watervale Eastern Shore hy The Bard Trainer AV Walker Owner AV Walker Breeder T Piatt 68312 Tijuana 1 1S l55fast 5 108 1 4 11 11 F Stevens S Bacchus Tasentha Bes Young G8283 Tijuana 1 l45slow l45slowG787G 7 110 5 5 41 4s P AValls S vNail MtsPink WMtgouicry G787G Tijuana 1 14 213mud 2 106 1 3 3 2i F Stevens G MadgeF Dominator 1 David G7831 Tijuana Im70y l4 fast S 104 7 7 6s 6sG7GOO 52 F Stevens U She Devil My Rose Irosity G7GOO Tijuana Im70y l43fast 8 104 3 3 3s 3sG7534 3j 3 C Rails 9 FFogty SuiurSigh Tawastha G7534 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 5 108 5 6 51G7398 51 3 k C Rails 10 ByRight TomOwens HorLercli G7398 Tijuana 1 1S l34fast 4 108 4 45 5 4 4G7339 41 4s C Rails smso lust Right Madge F G7339 Tijuana 1 1S l54fast 5 111 6 5 4J 4JG7303 21 C Rails 7 Eugenia 1C Dolph WalterDant G7303 Tijuana 1 1S l53Vifast 2710 0 105 1 5 b bMADGE b2 bJ 41 C Ral3 G Regreso Sutm Sigh Dissolute DissoluteBy MADGE F b m 7 106 106Trainer By Voorhees Salvatrix by Balvatles Trainer W D MilterS Owner AV D Millard ard Breeder A B Sorackels 68304 Tijuana Im70y l4 fast 20 102 1 1 3l 3lG8243 5 = J AT Martin 9 Hackamore Dolph N 1C Beal G8243 Tijuana 41 f 57 57hvy 57hvyG80I5 hvy 27 111 7 777 7 7 6TJ C Thpson 7 IIuzelDale JoeTag BlackPrince 080 G80I5 15 Tijuana 1 150 hvy hvyG1932 61 113 3 3Gl 4 5l GJ H Long S SIIedron MEmG Chley Boy G1932 Tijuana 1 316 207Shvy 207Shvy6787G Gl 110 2 5 6 6 C Thpson G Torsida Whippet Rijah 6787G Tijuana 1 14 213Mmud 213MmudG7791 3 111 3 3G 1 I1 Il C Thpson G Vic Dominator Judge David G7791 Tijuana lm0y l45fast G 103 4 4 73 7i E FeUoldt U Donatello Chleyloy Fireworth G7GG3 Tijuana 1 116 l47fast 3110 1 U ol W Martin 7 BkhornlL WMtgomy Piedn G7534 Tijuana Im70y l474fast 13 113 6 5 10 10 II Long 10 By Kigbt Tom Owens Vic G7398 Tijuana 1 13 l54sfast 21 108 112 3 = 1 M Fator j Just Right Vic TOM CEAATEN b g 4 By Magneto Lakelet by Orlando OrlandoBreeder Trainer C Irby Owner C Irby Breeder C Ciay CiayI1 G8313 Tijuana 31 f l07fast 1110 113 6 I1 2 C Rails 13 Shebyville Poacher View G8281 Tijuana 51 f lOSjslow 4 111 5 2 3 C Kails 8 Sister Susie Conichon Poacher C79GO Tijuana 34 llG hvy 7f 107 3 6 = 7 1 C Rails 9 LitFlorce IIGeorge BBlackl 679 1G Tijuana Im70y 149 mud 41 100 S S S M AVood S Rajah Silk Sos YcrmaU G7855 Tijuana 51 f lOS75inud 93 95 S S1S 8 S M AVood S Kinslike TubbyA C Barlhell G77I4 Tijuana 31 l14fast l14fastG7598 1S 115 o 2J 2H D Hum S Virge Nebr Lad Philanderer G7598 Tijuana Im70 118 fast 3 107 7 75f 1 I3 B Petzoldt 8 Fiieworth Cafeteria Mrntona G7493 Tijuana 1 l42fast 5f 105 2 4 6i O Rails 7 CharBoy SnmrSigh ColSuidcr G7453 Tijuana 1 l42fast 2 112 G 1 21 D Hum 11 Wise Judge Flame Cigalc COLONEL MATT b g 10 103 By Colin Ormelia by Orme OrmeBtcd Trainer S Polk Owner S Poli Btcd in England by Captain J 0 0Ewin Ewin C8108 Tijuana 5S l01 l01fast fast 37 113 3 31 41 E Fator 10 Angela Pay Off Hazel Dale 07790 Tijuana Im70y 70y I45i4fast I45i4fastG7725 C6 110 6 7 6 i E Petzoldt 7 Butkhorn II She Devii Purl G7725 Tijuana 34 l13fast l13fastG7GI9 61 115 6 G 51 4 E Fator S Silk Sox Herder TSarriskan G7GI9 Tijuana Im70y l47 fast 107 3 3 5 G i E Petzoldt S Regreso WMgomy KRankin G7475 Tijuana 34 l14 fast 21 118 4 3 31 571 E Fator 7 Mannikin II Herder Pueblo 67396 Tijuana TijuanaG72M 51 f l07sfast 1 107 1 15S 3 l i 1 = 1 M Fator 7 CoISnider Corncutter KAlkin G72M Tijuana 5S l02good 75 109 5 2 1 = 1 M Fator 10 Miss Dunbar Velvet Broluskl 66937 Tijuana 41 f 55hvy 32 100 6 5 5 53 M Fator G IkeyT Dick Tcrpln Corncuttsr GG499 Toledo Im70y IMorif 710 10G 111 = 35i M Fator 7 Buckboard Bill Hunley Flea NEBEASKA LAD b s 5 108 By David Tcnny Nebraska Lass by Highland Lad Trainer J Foster Owner Loe Pinnegar Breeder A Neal 1 l42fast 85 Thpson S Walter Dant Olympiad Lota G7957 Tjuana 5S l03hvy 11 115 2 G GJ 4 = J C Rails S Full Moon Count Boris Miida 67744 Tijuana 34 lllfast 1 113 2 4 4 3a E Petzoldt 8 Airge Tom Craven Philanderer Philandereri8 07672 Tijuana 58 i8 102 fast 3 112 7 7 6 = 2l E PctzoUltll Fonl Hope Nizam Ispham G72G2 Tijuana 34 iI4rsraat 25 109 109C5281 2 1 1 = 1 1 E PetzoldtlO TomCraven Shelbvvile LitGink C5281 Hastings Im70y n70y 150 fast S5 112 1s B McEwen G LadySmall ClovJunia Quinam Quinamn70y G5187 Hustings Im70y n70y i53hvy 1110 112 112G5153 41 B McEwen 7 CIiMastcr ClovJunia DcsUosa DcsUosai70y G5153 Hastings Im70y i70y 152 slop 3110 111 111G5121 2 E McEwen 7 MonBelle DesertRosc Quinara Quinaran70y G5121 Hastings Im70y n70y lol slow 13 114 114G5080 E McEwen G LorMoss MaryFulIer ClJunia ClJuniai70y G5080 HastinKS Im70y i70y l50J4mud 61 lit litGI219 5 E McEwen S Cobrita Lorena Moss Cork Cork70y GI219 BBnouse lT70y 70y l47sood 6f 111 2 B McEwenlO DonbleVan Hickyniit MDixon MDixonn70y I 111I G4875 Eshousc Im70y n70y 141 lAltzst fa3t 17f 111 111HIDIAN 511 B McEwcnll BcrniceE MouBelle ClovJuuia HIDIAN b h 6 111 By Meridian Veneta Strome by Ben Strorne StrorneEice Trainer J D Eice Owner J D Eice Breeder E F Carman Carman5S 68241 Tijuana 5S l05hvy 2110 111 2 1 li 1 = II Zander S Car Fickle Fancy Belle Flower I 68222 Tijuana 54 f lllraud IS 111 H 6 5 3J H Zander 12 Baisy SthnGtleman Raffcrty G8I98 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud 3S 113 6 4l 4 1 II Zander 7 Red Man Pueblo Rosa Atkin G8055 Tijuana 51 f 113 hvy 9 113 6 4 3J 45i II Zar Zander S Jack Ledi Billy Joe Conichon C8020 Tijuana 34 119 mud 11 113 2 2 2l 2 H Zai Zai5S Zander 7 VeraRita GMuehlebh TIJcach G8000 Tijuana 5S l01Vimud 52 119 1 6 G Ch 53 D Hur Hur5S Hurn 10 Yukon Plow Steel Billy Joe G7933 Tijuana 5S 104 hvy 3Sf 116 9 9 Sl 7 i T Pae 11 FdUope Philanderer FullMoon G789G Tijuana 5 f l09mud 43 118 S S 75 5TJ T Rae Rae5S S Cornciitter NShore EyeBnght 67872 Tijuana 5S l03mud 13 IIS 5 6 P up T Rae 10 Corncutter Milda Count Boria G7802 Tijuana 51 f 107ifast G G1 S1 E Dugan 10 Lobelia Poacher Yukon YukonBy LETA ch m 8 By Meelick Meadow by Leonid LeonidBreeder Trainer E E Lovell Owner T Werner Breeder AV McLemore 68106 Tijuana 1 l12fast 1S6 110 S 7 5 4 = 1 W Pool S Nebkal ad AVterDaut Olympd 6804 1 Tijuana 51 f l13hvy 43 lit 7 7 7 7 J Shaffer 7 Joe Tag Jack Lcdi OIlie Wood WoodG7338 G7338 Tijuana 1 l43 l43sfaHt sfaHt 710 10S 1 6 3 1 = F Stevens 9 Cancion Au Revoir Florentine FlorentineG72G3 G72G3 Tijuana 1 116 l4SAfast 41 112 6 4 33 I1 F Steves 7 EugeniaK AValtcrDant Pcher 67115 Tijuana Im70y l52mud 2 108 4 3 H 1i F Stevens 9 Deckhand LltOrphan Drifting GGU78 Tijuana Im70y l49ihvy 3310 106 2 G ol 41 F Stevens 7 Double Van Lavaga My Iiddie GG939 Tijuana Im70y l4SHJivy l4SHJivyGCS99 8 10S 2 5 5 = 4 F Stevens G CdourIL BuckhonilL Pacher GCS99 Tijuana 1 116 I51islop I51islopG5S73 S 108 2 1 I1 2n F Stevens G Bill Head Dolph Madrono G5S73 K worth 1 116 11S fast fastG5733 13 107 5 5 5 5 F Stevens G Azriel Bribed Voter KcntBoy G5733 Kworta 1 18 l5l fast 9 105 G 55 511 F Stevens 7 Rouen KentliBoy Joan of Are 65209 Thcllffe 1 12 236sKood 14 100 100G5I35 5 6 = oJ F AVeiner 8 Jn ofArc OldFaithful ClnGone G5I35 Thncliffe 1 14 208 slow S 102 102YUKON 2 5 = 5 F AVeiner 7 OFthful BlosIIouse ClnGona ClnGonaBy YUKON ch s C 113 113Trainer By Deutschlaad Lady Vera by Woolsthorpe Trainer G Gray Owner G Gray Breeder Nevada Stock Farm 08 199 Tijuana 51 f liWimud 2710 115 6 6 6 J W Gargan S Full Moon Cicely Kay Dan Jose G804 1 Tijuana 51 f 113 113C8000 l13hvy 7 113 5 C GSJ W Gargan 7 Joe Tag Jack Iedi OIlie Wood C8000 Tijuana 5S S 104 l01rmud Ifci IfciG7927 193 116 3 1 1 = 1 E Dugan 10 PlowStfcl UillyJoe Aera Rita G7927 Tijuana Im70y l51 i iG7918 14 115 1 91 II W Garganll Ilorlerii NluSUoie Pltagenet G7918 Tijuana 5S 103 103G7802 21 113 4 5 4 AV Garsan 8 IlazclDale StleylL DdcGuisa G7802 Tijuana 5 5fl07ai f 1 07afast 17 110 4 3 41 Ssi E PetzoldtlO Lobelia Poacher July Fly 67722 Tijuana 5S 102 102G7G58 l023ifast 6 113 3 1 I H W Garganll Delancey Phyilis 1C Norfield NorfieldG7G58 G7G58 TUuana 5S l0ril l0rifast 3710 116 4 10 10 = 105 J Singtonl2 Mclchoir Nnliour GalBerry GalBerryGEOEGE GEOEGE KingstonTrainer MUEHLEBACH b g 7 108 By McGee Stolen Moments by Kingston Trainer J Manale Owner J Manale Breeder C W Moore MooreG8129 G8129 Tijuana 1 18 l55 faat 5 110 3 3 11 Il K Petzoldt 9 Al Wick ludgcDarid Montona MontonaG805G G805G Tijuana 1 l51 ihvy 6 101 3 4 3l 3 F Stevens 8 Lewis I lariat Olympiad 68020 Tijuana 34119 mud 11 110 4 4 4 = 3 = 1 W Pool 7 Vera Rita Midian Tom Roach RoachfiTOJ fiTOJ Tijuana Im70y l32hvy 17 113 G 7 7 7 = D Hurn 11 HorLereh NliShore 11tagenet 67714 Tijuana 34 l14 = fast 42 113 7 G 5 = 1 55J F Stevens S Virge TomCraven NcbrasLad NcbrasLadG763G G763G Tijuana Im70y l4t fast 21 110 4 1 1Jl E PetzoldtlO Seven Seas Pink Tenuy I iva ivaG7G1G G7G1G Tijuana 51 f lUOfifast 44 110 S 4 3s 31 E PetzoldtlO J Parmer Tiliotsou Cloarfield CloarfieldEVALYN EVALYN HAEEIGAN ch m 7 106 By Harriean Vancena by Batten BattenTrainer Trainer AV Leeds Owner Leeds Mills Breeder F C Marmet 68171 Tijuana 31 l18 = ihvy 53 113 2 6 7 771 H Long 12 Philamler SIIedron Lewis B BG80I9 G80I9 Tijuana ImTOy lua mud 13 lit 2 3 5 = 1 G C Rails 7 Lewis B Cabin Creek Rhymer 67997 Tijuana Im70y l531irmjd 10 111 5 7 71 7 = M Andsnn 9 Cafeteria Olympiad Benccia BencciaG795G G795G Tijuana 1 1S 202ihvy 7 110 4 3 4 = 1 47 R Flynn S Ponza Ray Lewis B Railbird 67834 Tijuana 1 14 2OSfaiit 13 103 7 3 7 S J Thomas 9 Fireworth York lassie Lit Dear 67492 Tijuana Im70y ll7Lfait 11 103 5 4 4J 41 J Thomas S Yeruiak Walter Daut CtBoria CtBoriaIOEENA IOEENA MOSS br m 7 111 By Sir Wilfred Kitty K by Gotham Trainer J T Strite Owner Strito c Valentine Breeder A Humphrey Jr 68279 Tijuana 31 l16slow 56 103 3 7 J C J T AVilson 10 Can ma no Dovesroost Cannonball CannonballG8082 G8082 Tijuana Im70y l49Vsslow 7 110 1 f 1 S T AVIIscn 11 Car LittleGink Point to Point PointG7933 G7933 FullMoonG7833 Tijuana 53 101 hvy 3Sf 111 11 H U It T AVilson 11 Fdllope Philanderer FullMoon G7833 FlorceDeenG770I Tijuana 51 f 107 fast 2Sf 10S 11 U It 11 T Wilson 11 Tule PhroneWard FlorceDeen BlairG5282 G770I Tijuana 12 4SVifast 4Gf 111 7 7 7 71 T Wilson 8 Hazel Dale Joe Tag Joe Blair G5282 Hastings 1 116 l30 ifast 9 112 37 B McEwen 9 Deckhand Cigale Bernlce K KG5188 G5188 Iltes Ab 1 1S l5Sihvy 195 109 3 1 T Wilson 7 lariat Capon Bobolink BobolinkG5121 G5121 Hustings Im70y lrl islow 1310 11 1 P Martinez G NebI id MaryFulIer Cl JunU JuntaG1999 G5080 Hastings Im70y l30Hmud JT 112 2 P Martinez 8 Cobrita Cork Clover Junta G1999 Bshouae 1 11S lW islow 11 101 Ci F Cantrel 0 G Mint Cafeteria Tawascutht YERMAK ch g 10 10F 113 By Ormcndale Lady Alicia by Sir Dixon Trainer G F Hum Owner G F FIm70y Hum Breeder J 0 G H Kesna GS304 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 14 109 5 C Sat SS P Hum 9 Ilnikamore Dolph N K Heal 6804 Tijuana 1 150 hvy 145 115 5 6 G2 710 D Hum S SHcdron MKtnC Chlcy Hoy 7981 Tijuana 1 l4S rnufl 1710 1710Im70y 113 3 4 6t S D Hum 10 NthShoro GMItryan ChleyBoj 07915 Tijuana Im70y l495mnd 5 5Im70y 115 2 3 34 3CJ P Hum S Rajah Silk Sox Peace Flas 07791 Tijuana Im70y l45 l45sfust = sfust 4 115 3 G 2i 54J D Hum t Don itelli Chlpylloy Fireworth 07000 Tijuana 115 7 G 5 rs P Hum 9 FrkFogarty fSiimmerSirh Vic 07551 Tijuana 115 1 2 H 2 D Hum 7 SnmSigh Cavardrll MyRose 67432 Tijuana 109 421 I1 F Stevens S WaltDant Ctlloris Fllargai G743G Tijuana I 142 fast 9 9b 110 6 5 2l 25 F Stevens 7 Rejrreso Cafeteria Dissolute CANNONBALL CANNONBALLTrainer b h 5 5E 116 By Irish Exile Betala by Rcy del Sierras SierrasE Trainer H E Davis Owner H E Davis Breeder L L Allen 08340 Tijuana 5S l01 = ifast 3 3rJ 116 111 lt j Glass 9 RMcyers TCplH11 MrKrutcr C8297 Tijuana rJ f 1OS fast 21 116 2 3 2l 3s J Glass 10 Ilaiicey No Wonder Flame OR27U Tijuana 115 1 3 Il 3t j Glass 10 Carmnno Dovesroost Norain G819G Tijuana 114 3 1 11 21 J Glass 7 lllnck Iat Onwa Perfect Day G8103 Tijuana 34 116 fast 113 2 1 11 3b J Glass 12 Vipv Plurality Obstinate G7829 Tijuana 34 113 fast 113 4 2 21 3s F Stevens 9 Sheka View LTiima Weller G7802 Tijuana 51 f l07 l07sfast sfast 110 S 7 7J Cl F Stevens 10 Lobelia Poacher Yukon G7721 Tijuana 51 f l03Mfast 116 2 3 31 8ei I Fletcher 12 Prophecy Nonsuit Flame G7450 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 113 4 S 9s 9 JM AndKonlO Hazel Dale View Dclancey