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Latest Workouts 192 NEW ORLEANS La February 21 To ¬ days training gallops here included the fol ¬ lowing FAIR GROUNDS Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 101 Businesslike 39 170Forestiere 38 ISOBlotter 38 38188Body 190Johu Joseph 188Body Guard 35 177Miss Britain lS9BUly Connors 38 188Primo 189Bye Bye 38 181Iteply SFleeting 39 183Koseate II ISSBlue Nose 48 185 My Kcvcrie 49 49190Bedazze 190Bedazze 50 184 Maize 51 51lS7Flying lS7Flying Boat 5114 185Nyrolao 48 48188Grayson 188Grayson 49 175Uork 51 51190Irish 190Irish Dream 49 190Scourgeman 49 49182Last 182Last Girl 51 51FiveEishths FiveEishths Mile Mile174Ardito 174Ardito 108 18SShamrock 105 105lS5BeIphrizcnia lS5BeIphrizcnia 105 187Scottish Chief 100 lG5Kirtle 100 100ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 188Bcmcareful 116 ISO Sandy II 115 115ISSDiana ISSDiana 115 387Tip Wltchetl19 Wltchetl19189Gondolier 189Gondolier 115 ISGThe Colonel 118 ISIiMavourneen 118 181Tom CassidyllG 185Pir McGee 119 119SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile Mile190Blk 190Blk Hackle 132 ISSHpugs 132 13217SP5t 17SP5t 132 132One One Mile Mile189Bermont 189Bermont 141 187Kebo 153 153ISOCommander ISOCommander 155 181Minute Man 148 148187Chiva 187Chiva 144 187Our Birthdayt51 Birthdayt51189Gent 189Gent Joucttl45 ISSTulsa 144 144190Uigh 190Uigh Gear 148 148Mile Mile and an Eighth 189Mogens 202 188Oralegso 153 153Jago Jago ran well wellFull Full o Fun is training well Blotter had an easy gallop My Reverie and Grayson worked together Blue Nose seems fresh and good Belphrizonia looks good Gondolier and Diana galloped on even terms termsSandy Sandy II showed improvement improvementChiva Chiva was not extended extendedHigh High Gear looks and acts good goodJEFFERSON JEFFERSON PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast ThieeEishths Mile Mile187Fifteen 187Fifteen Cents 37 IJOLUtle Romper 37 mHigu Value 39 3Mabel A 3G ISSLucky B lS9Kping Flax Half Mile Mile185Assume 185Assume 51 185King Trojan 53 53187Blarney 187Blarney Stone 51 ISGOrmzleigh 49 4918t5Bobby 18t5Bobby Allen 51 190Uadiant 50 50190Better 190Better Times 51 190 Koch am beau 52 52188IIeIlo 188IIeIlo Pardner52 188Sikhim 53 190 Jago 49 188Youneed 50 50Five Five Eighths Mile MilelK9Baladin lK9Baladin 103 190Ueformer 101 101190Glabella 190Glabella 103 180Sagamore 103 103ThreeQuarten ThreeQuarten Mile MileISOCalcutta ISOCalcutta 122 189Lot Lorrainel 17 17188Dmbfouuder 188Dmbfouuder 127 187LErfarw 117 117lS7Full lS7Full o Fun 117 ISUMachiavelU SevenEighths Mile 177Bces Wing 134 134One One Mila Mila185RaIlotcar 185RaIlotcar 119 190Tricks 144 144190Bright 190Bright Trash 119 190Vooseria 140 140189Iaiupus 189Iaiupus 152 179 War Zone 147 147190Le 190Le Uaulois 147 137Will Soon 149 190Our liotsy 145 145Mile Mile and an Eighth 190 Execution 201 ISGWylie 200 ISOSt Doaard 108