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Qrrl DAPJT G 32 KurlonsTN yearolds and upward Claiming June 2Sf Ol U nAUCL 11I1C 1O5 15 a US DODE ADAMS br m 7 113 113Trainer By Luck and Charity Tripod by Bonnie Joe JoeBreeders Trainer H Cassity Owner H Cassity Breeders J H Barnett 68340 Tijuana 5S l01fast 7 111 2 25S 7 = S H Long 1 Canball BMcyers JCampbcll 07764 Tijuana 5S l02 fast S 113 4 45S 2 4J H Ixmg 1 CamIon Santliia C Woolday 5S l02fast 3S 105 3 4 45S 5 = 55J E Taylor S IlAngloton 1jzarro Walt Mack 5S 101 fast 7 103 C 5 55S 41 1 B Taylor 10 Quid Nunc Kl Sabio Chrome KWiS Tijuana 5S l04 4hvy 31 113 1135S 10 D Hum 10 CamflagelL DFshu LitJake E2504 Tijuana 5S l04V hvy 1S5 110 S l n MariellI12 IndBgnde MEurta JJMrdb 52360 Tijuana 51 f IcOS good 3if 113 S53 Rowe 11 Ity Baby Kimitana CMurpby MAE SETH ch f 3 M 88 By Scth Mae Erwin by Banquo II IITrainer Trainer C C Richards Owner F A Breit Breeder F A Breit 08338 Tijuana 4i f 55jfast 17 10 2 2 2 = J llaiben 11 XorIIonoy LitSmilo Trippawa 07070 Tijuana 6S lC5 = imud 16 102 6 S S1 S F Stevens 10 S n ash lUcchus Onwa firi Tiina 5s l03 imud 7 92 4 3 4J 713 H Long 12 Careen Zainor Cicely Kay Kayna na 5iflOS fast 31f 110 S 7 M S J Carrol 12 BrianKcnt LyLeonid Bowsprit CHROME ch e 6 115 115Connor By Sigurd Quecccup by King Faustns FaustnsBreeder Trainer E Connor Owner R Connor Breeder H II Trowbridye 07595 Tijuana 5S l02fasl 9 11G 2 3 31 5 F J Baker 12 Pliilandercr Viva Bacchus BacchusC 67180 Tijuana 51 f 1J2 hvy 7 112 7 C CU 5 F J UaKer 8 IlorI crch CicclyKay PliyllisK 07079 Tijuana 5i f lllhvy 13 112 4 4 4 3s F J Baker 8 It Cascade Cuba 7035 Tijuana 51 f 112 hvy 12 111 1 4 411 33 F J Raker 9 Count Itoris Jorry Merry I asi 7000 Tijuana 51 f 110 mud mud5S 23 112 4 7 5J 5A F J Baker 8 Harry D North Shore Pueblo 0895 Tijuana 5S 104 slop 27 111 1 2 2 = 2i F J KakerJl Tutt Airce Nes 5184 Hstings Ab 5S 1 M Mshvy = shvy 22 114 3 15 McEwen 7 Torsida Firk Fancy LadyEHeen 5110 Hastings 34 l19isloW 10 114 6IZ E McEwenlO Toyon Choir Master ViolalarlJ 5035 Ughouse 34 l15Mgood 2G 113 5 J B McEwenl2 KdLeVan I de Guise FFancJ 61900 13ghouse 51 f l08 l08sfast = sfast 7 114 1145S 2 B McEwen 9 SlanyII Ies Young Gold Rose C4871 5ghouse 5S 102 fast S 111 I1 I McEwenl2 Squasli Uoiinebclle Cigale 1265 Hastings 34 l177sfast 25 110 S2 H Rowe S Celebrate Black Top Baisy 01037 Brhousa 51 f l071 fast 175 103 1035S 77 H Long 12 Gdieltose AliceCarr CicelyKay 63734 Reno 5S l01fast S 107 2J H Molters S LySmall LittleJake riiyllisK SYXCOPATION ch m 7 108 By Meelick Flash of Kight by Prince of Monaco MonacoTrainer Trainer W Piakstaff Owner V Pinkstaff Breeder G L Blackford 08125 Tijuana 5 58 102 fast 4 111 8 6 7 71 C Thpson 12 SGtleman JCpbell IlersPnt 07491 Tijuana 5 5C7431 5S l03fast 8 108 3 7 71 Eel II Molters 11 Cnndorosa TCampbell Alajali AlajaliC7431 C7431 Tijuana 5 5S l01fast 1310 108 3 3 3s 3 C Rails It Virpe Alajali French Nurse 07317 TiJiana 5 5S 102 fast 15 109 1 5 4 3l C Rails 9 MayOcr Stanleyll EmWclIei 07225 Tiuana 5 5670SM 5S 1C2 good C 1C9 o 5 5s 4i II Long 11 Xiniln Mayflower Tom Koaca 670SM Tijuana 5 560U47 58 l03 l03shvy shvy 19 100 4 4 4J 5 H Molters 7 SilkSox KramaWeUer Stanleyii StanleyiiS 60U47 Tijuana 5 5fiSfiSl 5S l03 slop S 103 7 5 5 5 J W Pool 7 Don Jose Par Off Velvet VelvetS5 fiSfiSl Ueno 5 5C0883 l01 4fast S5 IOC 1 II Long 8 Alajali Bridget Malono Rattan C0883 Tijuana 5 58 l02 good I 111 766 C2 C ThpsonlO Mac Joimson GMEnough Vodka ERMITANA b m 8 By Von Tromp Isolation by George Kesaler Trainer W Kern Owner J Kern Breeder E Cebrli 08297 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast l4f 111 5 8 9 9 = II Long 10 Dclaneey NoWdcr Cannonbal 08258 Tijuana 5S 100 hvy 3 109 I S 5J 3 J F Watrous S Itrolaski SanthiaC TlireeX TlireeXil 08195 Tijuana 51 il f 1 i limud 9 108 4 3 3 = 1 F AVatrous S Nonsuit Ix la Fluke Jazz Jazz5S 08167 Tijuana 5S OG7thvy 9 109 5 7 7s SJ E PetzoldtlO Ivy Gray You Itet Victory Won 08104 Tijuana 34 116 16 fast 13f 105 3 6 73 S33 II Howard 12 Plow Steel Balfour Thrills Thrills6S 08000 Tijuana 6S l044mud 04 mud 29 110 10 S 10 9 T Wilson 10 Yukon Plow Steel Billy Joe 07970 Tijuana 58 05mud CG 114 2 2 21 61 C ThpsonlO Squasli Haicluis Onwa 79 13 Tijuana 58 104 04 mud 19 114 1 3 3i 2J C Thpson 8 Olymjiiad Smile Again Review 67892 Tijuana 34 34118 118 mud IS 110 2 3 3MR 31 3 = C Thpson 12 Fickle Fsincv View Dora Dorar MR KRUTER ch g r 7 110 110Trainer By Transvaal lillin Krutrr by Orimar Orimarirmet Trainer F Marmet irmet Owner R Marmet Breeder M Boyle Boyleil 08038 Tijuana 51 il f l13Vihvy ICf 115 4 3 71 S J Pevic S HarBiirgoyne Thrills Bacchus Bacchusil 00571 Akron fil il f l24 fast SC 104 2 ° P Gross 10 Cavalier Qof the Spa BlackPat j 064 09 Akron G Jl f l2CV alow 11 113 45 T Rae 8 Star Banner Bashful Uranium UraniumI 05059 NKton I 147 fast 21 111 551 C Eames 0 Keveler Itapidan Ponderosa 05415 NKlon 34113 fast 5 107 3 C Watson 5 Com Colin McLane St Keyin Keyin5S 65273 NKton Ab 5S l01fast 9 113 1 = C Watson 7 KittyChtham OnrLAnn Chow 61771 ConLake 34120 good 1310 112 2l W Dkson 0 Jazz Favour Marcluone Marcluone5S 01709 ConLake Ab 5S l01ifitst 9 110 110CURLICUE 4i W Dkinsn 7 Pokey Jane Virge LuiMeme CURLICUE ch g 14 4 115 115Trainer By Handsel Eva Rice by Mnselfo Mnselfonchart Trainer F Rinehart nchart Owner F Rinebart Breeder T B Jones C77G3 Tijuana 5S 101 Hfist 11 112 7 12 12 12 II Molters 12 Viva Ben Payne Irene Delsa 07658 Tijuana 5S l01faat 29f 107 9 7 9l 9 W Martin 12 Melchoir Nnhour GalBerry 67545 Tijuana 5S l01tfast 15f 111 5 6 93 125 E D mhuel2 OlWood JCampbcll Mayflocr MayflocrBONNEBELLE BONNEBELLE ch m 5 113 By David Teany Dominica by Alvcscot AlvcscotTrainer Trainer A Ncal Owner Keal Bartholomew Breeder A Heal 08297 Tijuana 51 f 1 OS fast 24f 106 9 7 7 7 R Lee 10 Dolancry NoWder Cannonball 82CO Tijuana 51 f 13 hvy IGf 106 5 4 C5 6 3 R Lee S MissMlick Tern Duncan Onwa 08039 Tijuana 51 f 141 hvy 68 108 766 Si R Lee 11 Hag Doll Onwa Tcrapy Duncan 07912 Tijuana 5S 04mud llf 110 G 2 Ch n7 C Thpson 11 Velvet llantagenet Ijonc Pine 07722 Tijuana 5S 02ifast 76 110 9 C 6 63 G Collins 11 Yukon Jelancey Pliyllis K K07C57 07C57 FancyC7017 Tijuana 5S 01 ifast 91 105 756 53i G Collins 12 Pewaukeo Slicka Fickle Fancy C7017 Tijuana 51 f 01tTfast 19 10S 9 8 91 ll i C Rails 11 Midian Cneion Delancey 07573 Tijuana 5 f C3 fast 43 108 954 3 3 G Collins 12 Gen Czar Midian Review 07431 Tijuana 53 tfl fast 14 113 5 8 ij 8 A Claver 11 Virgo Alajali Syncopation 05181 llstings Ab 5S l005 hvy 11 109 6 II Molters 7 Torsida Fickle Fancy Chrome 65076 Hastings Ab 5S 10 mud S 10S In H Mcltera 9 ValLady TlveBells IySmall IySmallTILLOTSON TILLOTSON br g 11 110 By Marta Santa Black Banner by Masetto MasettoTrainer Trainer Z E McGregor Owner Z E McGregor Breeder S C Lyne 68297 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 12 10S C 5 G S E PetzoldtlO D ° lincey NoWder Cannonball 67850 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud 3 115 5 4 d 57J A Claver 10 Alnzou MaudicWilson Coombs 07785 Tijuana 51 f lOS = ifast 2 113 8 7 51 4 = R Carter 11 OIIomestd MissDbar Review j 67616 Tijuana 5X f 09 ifast 35 113 5 1 2 2 R Carter 10 JParmer GMtiehlebh Clearfld 67571 Tijuana M f OS ifa t 1310 113 3 1 Int 2 R Carter 12 Ispham Plunger Cave Mac I I 190 Tijuana Tijuanaof 5S 02 02sfast sfast 2710 115 7 3 2J 21 R Carter 10 Vera Rita Norfield PokeyJana PokeyJanaof of 4 30 Tijuana TijuanaG2587 5S 1 01fat 41 111 1 2 3 G i R Carter 9 Stanleyii Shelbvville StyMiss G2587 StyMissG2587 Omaha 51 f l10 10 = islow islow5S S 112 10 1 L Mills 10 Herder LitPoiiifer llelenMajor I 01270 Tijuana 5S l02fast 16 112 8 8 8 71 P Hum S CoverUp AskJessie EllaWaldo 61203 Tijusua 51 f 1OS fast fast5S 13 ColMurphyC 112 3 4 32 3el P Hum S Don Jose Cover Up ColMurphy 01151 Tijuana 5S l01fast C 110 4 2 22 3s P Hum 9 Alajali IWHarper Raffcrty 01055 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 16 112 8 8 8 Si W Organ S RAtkin Th Seven Mayflover CHARLOTTA SMITH b f 4 M By Theo Cook Lady London by Hermia Trainer G P Sherman Owner F J Gilroy Breeder W Garth 68257 Tijua i 7 107 1 1 II 2 R Flynn S Reviei JainesG Gr Trimble 08217 Tijua i 31 IMbrimud 4310 103 2 2 2 = 3 R Flynn SmileAgain Contriot Malvezcna 67990 Tijua i 51 f l11muil S ICfO 3 1 3 3 1 R Flynn 11 Caunzrl The Vengeance Car 07955 Tijuana LtickyPearl5S 34 l19thvy 7 103 1 1 11 21 R Flynn 7 Slclbyville Thrills LtickyPearl 07870 Tijua i 5S PlantngenetES l03jmud 51 ItC 7 G Si S l W Martin 11 Tom Koacli Sijnnsli Plantngenet 07705 Tijua i ES l01fast 1SS 103 7 3 31 25 W Martin 13 Angrlo Tenipyiincin Tiulance 07531 Tijuan i 34 llt ifast 2CO 11411 9 S SM 1 Fletcher 11 LManning PeaceFlag Contriot Contriot5S 67432 Tijuan i 5S l01 ifast 46 11311 11 11 11 I Fletcher 11 Fond Hope Vera Rita Angela 67297 Tijuan i 51 f 1OS fast Cl IDS 5 3 7 7eJ T Rae 7 II Rudder 0 Wood II Major MajorINS SttUIRREL HAWKINS INS b h 5 M 113 113Trainer By Flying Squirrel Addie Hawkins by Logan Trainer F Baldwin Owner W S Knapp Breeder A Hawkins 680 IK Tijuan 41 f f9Vsmu l 9f 111 2 1C 10 i M MilricklO CtheWay TpyDuncan BRuth 01377 Tijuan 5S l02ifast 7 110 3 3 3s 3S E PetzgoldlO IidyTiptoe RutliJolinson Ethel 61334 Tijuan 51 f 103 fast 41 112 5 7 G 4i E Petzgolall Itookwonn Apropos Rinkavous 61271 Tijuana 51 f 1 OS OSsfast sfast 115 5 110 3 35S 333 4SJ W Organ 10 Olive 1 Ispliam Delancev DelancevS 61240 Tijuan 5S l023sfast S 115 3 2 21 2 D Hum 11 Joe Rlair Olivel RetStuart RetStuart2S 61210 Tijuan 1 l4lAfast 2S 108 2 S 8 713 E Petzgold S TliSeven Dble Van EupeniaK 61 104 Tijuan 51 f l09ifast 135 115 3 3 31 2 E Donhue 9 EWilliams LettyRce Striker 61081 Tijuana 51 f 1 rflSXfaat 19 115 2 3 2s 2 E DonhuelO Cascade Bookworm Chippendale Chippendaleb SARAH COCHRAN ArgyieGraw b f 3 M S3 S3Trainer By Leonid Helen Print by Argyie Trainer J McGraw Graw Owner J McGraw Breeder C B Daniels Danielsn70y 68312 Tijuana Im70y n70y l17 l17sfast = sfast 23 SC 11 K 10 11 11 M Garrett 11 TomCnivon Cobrita Mike Dalv 8180 Tijuana 1 1 148 4S hvy 31 87 7 I 6 6e G7 E OBrien S Lichen Wann Girl Santliia C Ca70y 68053 Tijuana Im70y a70y 155 hvy 7 4 3 3 3 5 1 W Dean 11 Ptender Chtielloltirs Bacchus C7893 7 893 Tijuana 1 1147 147 mud 76 98 6 6 4 4 5 J Pevic 7 Pinaqua Silv rMiid PoorPuss 07850 Tijuana 5 f 111 mud 140 99 S S S S10 J Povic 10 Alaon Maiidie Wii on Coombs 67799 Tijuana 61 f lOSUfast 2f 91 5 C 71 7 M Garrett 9 MarnXorrn Nizam Pinaquana 07660 Tijuana d Pinaquanad f 108 fast S9 103 4 7 7 7 M Gamtt 7 llrian Kent Faber Miss Edna 07010 Tijuana Cj EdnaCj CMhlpbacli5S J 1 09 ifist 39 97 6 5 6 = 1 r J M Garrett 10 JPinner Tillofn CMhlpbacli 63483 Reno 5S l02Hfast M 102 102KUNIKE 5Ei E Petzgld 7 PIIampson EimerW PPierson PPiersonM KUNIKE ch e 7 M 115 B BTrainer By Grandmas Joeneth by Joe Ttrry Trainer L R Holbrook Owner L R Holbrook Breeder L H Holbrook 08217 Tijuana 34 l ins S mud 1ST 10S C 7 7 7 = R Bauer 7 SmileAgain Contriot ChSmith 08180 Tijuana 1 14S hvy 112 102 4 7 S S = ° R Bauer S LicIicn Wann Girl Santhia C 68125 Tijuana 58102 fast 3f 11312 10 10 1 11 T Rae 12 SGtleman JCpbell IlersPnt 67850 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud lOf 11510 10 10 10 T Rae 10 Alizon MaudieWilson Coombs1 98 113 10 7 11s 12 T Rae 12 Prophecy Nonsuit Flame