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6th RACE Iie uml TO Yarus Jlyearolils and iipvarjl Claiming llan ilicup Jan 1 lit 14 o S i 8 RED VTNGFIELD ch g 4 101 101Trainer By Superman Off by Cunard CunardBreeder Trainer C Eccd Owner H C Kcisel Breeder II T Oxcanl 07474 Tijuana 1 l40 fust S 97 5 4 41 4i II Long 7 JiuiDaisy Joolla1 JSReard t 00079 Hthorne 1 116 202 mud 123 107 2 1 I3 1 = K 1etroldt 4 Dnntzic Eulah K Citizen 05926 Hthorne Ira70y I13ifa3t 115 103 4 2 2 = 1 1 E Petzoldt 7 Dantzic Eulah F IIack Betty 65738 Hthorne 1 ltt ifast 3 101 G 5 5G4971 5J 47J R Doyle 0 Coyne Dantzi Eulah F G4971 Churchill 1 11G l4 ifast 1110 S9 3 3 3chill 2 2 W Pool 7 rniIeVolo Sofllsuro B Valet chill IrnOy 114 faat 7G 1C I 4 2 2IEOSITY 2 2 W Pool S Incle Velo Tulane MitineeIdM MitineeIdMBy IEOSITY br f 3 00 00Trainer By Atheliag lIrLady Trinity by Star Shoot Trainer A L Brings Owner A L Briggs Breeder Nevada Stock Farm FarmS 08365 Tijuana 1 11C 47 fusl 111 91 3 S 9 = P Walls 9 Philanderer BlHouse SumSiffh 08109 Tijuana Im70y l4lsfast S S3 2 2 1 = 1 I1 1 Hurn 7 Barriskaiu Donatello Hkamore 078715 Tijuana 34 1 16imul 10 S5 G 10 9 915 P Walls 10 MEmmaC Nlioiir MolBarnca 07811 Tijuana ImTOy l45 sfast f S3 5 4 4U 7 P Hurn 9 She Devil My Rose Whippet G7490 Tijuana 16 97 1 S 8 7 C Rails 8 MsPink SilkSox Proclamation d2392 Reno 5S l01 = ifaat 17G 90 4s W Miller 7 DTerpin BrnICent CarEnrinu BUCKHOEN II b g 6 OS OSTrainer By Buckhorn Berlin V by Sempronius Trainer B Creech Owner B Creech CreechG8282 Breeder H P H ailey ailey7s G8282 Tijuana 1 116 117 slow 73 93 5 7s 7 M Garrett S Ahadun TenButtons JPJone 08185 Tijuana 1 14 209ilivy 10 101 2 7 G 5 H Long 7 Abailunt Haiti Tailor Maid 08058 Tijuana 1 IMC hvy G2 W 2 5 4 = 1 3 = 1 W Martin 9 Abadane TailorMalil TButtons 07931 Tijuana 1 1J 2ll = Jivy 11 97 3 3 3J1 2 = 1 T Wilson 8 Halu TailorMaid Carabosse 67874 Tijuana 1 11G l48iniuil 10 fH 2 4 31 3 W Martin 0 TBultoiia Carabosse E Indian 07790 Tijuana Im70y l aVjfast il 110 3 7 4 = 1 II Long 7 She Devil Purl My Rose 07708 Tijuana Im70y l14ifast 2 110 3 4 4l I D Huru 9 VPatrick SdiaUI KathRkln VAN PATRICK ch c 3 96 96Traiuir j Marian by Rubicon Traiuir C Irby Ovraer C Irby Breeder G M Van Gordon C8317 Tijuana 1 IMO fast 21 102 102G8221 2 3J 3 C Rails 7 Hyanpoin RlklleMy Pliilander G8221 Tijuana 34 l16Smud 7 10 5 4 1 i i P Walls r Hnrryl WFlower JdgcPrycr G8038 Tiiuana 1 l46nvy 19 09 S S Ci G C Halls 0 Ahadaiie TlorMaid Ilkliomll IlkliomlliTOy G7980 Tijuana IraTOy iTOy 150 mud 2310 100 1 1 1 = 1s 0 Railsc852 Rails C WFlower FrkFoKly Ullnrce c852 Tijuana 1 l43 = imud 8 105 3 1 3J 5 M And AndG77C8 Anilson 5 Kowypril DcIantc Spot ash ashiTOy G77C8 Tijuana ImTOy iTOy l44 l44Ufast ifast S 99 2 3 3 3 C ttallsCATHARINE ttalls 9 P hornll Sdialll KKankin KKankinRONE CATHARINE MARRONE RONE ch f 4 96 By Glencaira GlencairaTrainer Tiara by Peep oEay oEayTryon Trainer X H Tryon Owner J McKay McKayG8317 Breeder J Karrone Karronellrast G8317 Tijuana 1 llrast 95 102 7 1 6 7 F Watr WatrG8107 Watrous 7 llyinpom PrkHeUy VPatrick VPatrick5J G8107 Tijuana 5J f l06Jifast l06fast 48 104 f 7 7 7 ° 1 F TVatr TVatrG7835 Watrous 7 Ten nuttons Dolores Joella J G7835 Tijuana 1 1144 144 mud 1110 107 2 1 11 1i C Halls S Dorius Uowspiit Due ileMorny G7851 Tijuana 1 11 l49Umud 32 IOC 2 1 I3 1 J C Rails 7 JDundee Ixiuanna Pcc Direcl DireclG780 G780 Tijuana ImTOy l42fast 9 9110 11 12 11 M Garrett 15 Muiny land foffiild Alwilane 67705 Tijuana 34 l12r st 13 109 4 2 2l 41 R Carter 7 Ten lluttons Settle Messincs MessincsC7010 C7010 Tijuana 34 llllXnvy 45 111 1 1 2 3l R Carter G CantCIover Louanna TlorMaU RAJAH br g 5 By Duaoar Parthents by A Jos JosBred Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Bred ia Trance by E BlancG82G2 Blanc G82G2 Tijuana ImTOy l49hvy 65 114 6 9 9 9s1 C Thpson S nJcMurny I ouinna Hyanpom 18220 Tijuana ImTOy l49mud 1110 112 2 1 I1 Il F AVatrous G FFosarty Marlaltoy Stocks StocksG8187 G8187 Tijuana ImTOy 14S slop 32 IDS 1 1 11 1 1 F Stevens S Horace Lerch Repre o Whippet WhippetP8057 P8057 Tijuana 1 1S 203 hvy 5 112 3 1 11 2 F Stevens G Whippet Poor Puss CharleyKoy CharleyKoyCS022 CS022 Tijuana ImTOy 151 mid 51 109 7 C 4 4 F Stevens T Loiinnnn FrkFosnrty Whippet WhippetKJ932 KJ932 Tijuana 1 316 2OT 4hvy 75 112 4 1 I 3 U Flynn G Torsida Whippet Fireworth FireworthC701G C701G Tijuana ImTOy l49 imud SI 111 4 1 Ill6 II Long 8 Silk Sox Yermak Peace Flag DORIUS b cf br c 4 97 By Sain Latifa by Hamr jrg Trainer jrgTrainer J Morris Owner Pueblo Stable Ureeder G J Los LosG8282 G8282 Tijuana 1 11C 147 slow 2S 1ft S 7 S S1 P Walls S AUadane Tcnlluttons JPJones JPJonesG7958 G7958 Tijuana 1 14C hvy 1110 107 1 1 I1 1 E Fator G Ilyjuipom Louinnn DdcMorny 67895 Tijuana 1144 nvud C9 102 7 3 31 2SJ AV Dean S CMarrone Bowsprit DdcMorny DdcMornyG7832 G7832 Tijuana 34 l12 fast 120f 109 S S S S W Dean S Kniphlhd CocnCola DrCorb t tG4588 G4588 Dcvshire 1 139 fast 7 111 4 G 6 5 i H J Burke G Plucky MossFoxII FannieBean FannieBeanGJ470 GJ470 AVindsor 1 11C l50mud 9 112 6 9 9 9s3 II J ISurke 9 Ceorgcttc Tcodles Elias O PRINCE DIRECT b g 7 99 By Itey Hindoo Directa ty Vinctor VinctorTrainer Trainer C 13 Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeder E Cebrian CB3G Tijuana 1 1S 132 fast 93 5 4 4i 4s r Hum TIttittons Jl7ones EIndian C8149 Tijuana Im70y l49V mu l 95 103 4 7 7 714 H Long 7 FkFognrty GlcnWell Louannn Louannnr7931 r7931 Tijuana 1 14 2115ihvy 43 107 5 6 5s 5 C Thpson lukhnnill Tailor Maid 07 854 Tijuana 1 11G l49imud 2710 113 1 6 4J 4 i P Martinez 7 CMnrrone J Dundee Tonnnna TonnnnaG7803 G7803 Tijuana 1 11G l4oifast 4 116 8 6 4 1 G Rose 8 SiimmerSigh Flame Roisterer RoistererG7788 G7788 Tijuana 1 116 146 fast 19 115 G 4 6 o P Martinez G Alleden Carnbosse Fairway FairwayG77G8 G77G8 Tijuana lm 0y l44 = fast 2 115 1 5 GJ 5J P llartinez 9 Itkhornll VPatrick Sdialll SdialllHALTT HALTT i s E 106 By Kin James Adelinette by Jfeltss fTrainer i H Tryon Owner Allen Tryon Breeder H T Oxnard GR3GS Tijuana 1 1S 152 fast S 103 1 5 6 5SJ F Watrous 5 TButtons JPJones E Indian 68282 Tiiuana 1116147 Flow 22 105 6 S C5i 6U F Watrous S Ahadane TenButtons JPJones JPJonesC8I85 C8I85 Tijuana 1 14 20Hihvy 9 104 7 5 3 2J E Petzoldt 7 Abadane Tailor Haiti Alleden AlledenG8058 G8058 Tiiuana 1 l4Gthvy 12 S4 5 3 5 55 M Garrett 9 Abadane TlorMald 15khornII 15khornIIG7931 G7931 Tijuana 1 14 2llhv7 17 97 2 2 1 ll C Rails S Bkliornll TlorMnid Carabse CarabseG7804 G7804 Tijuana IrnTOy l42fast 9 10711 13 1312 = l R Carter 15 Sunnyland Coffield Abadane AbadaneG7599 G7599 Tijuana i iiOfast 175 93 1 3 2J 2 M Garrett 7 Rebuke Black Betty Paisley PaisleyPOLLY POLLY WALE ch f 4 107 By TTncle Onr Lassie by Yankee YankeeTrainer Trainer v7 T Anderson Owner San Diego Stable Breeder W B Miller 6838 Tijuana 34 lll fast 53 10S 4 4 4s 4I C Studer G Feylanco BrilliantRay Dolores DoloresG8303 G8303 Tijuana 4 l12sfast 3J 110 7 5 4 = 1 5C C Studer 7 Jackltnuor CBnrique Doubtful DoubtfulG8128 G8128 Tijuana 34 l14Jifast 12 110 3 2 2 = 1 = C Thpson 9 Fireplace Maria Boy Roisterer RoistererG7G61 G7G61 Tijuana 31 l13rfast 10 110 3 2 23 2i C Studer 8 OraceK Unniiilus MollieBarnes GG7I7 Pimlico 1 116 l47lsfast S 105 7 3 7J10M C Studer 11 Gazinta Crossless FcignedZcal FcignedZcalGGG59 GGG59 Pimlico 1 116 IMS fast T35 105 1 2 Il 1 C Studer 11 BallotMar SouthBreeze Moeo MoeoGGGOG GGGOG Pimlico 1 116 l4Sfast 20 103 243 4 1 C Studer 11 Care Free Star Court Juno JunoWuODIE WuODIE MONTGOMERY ch 10 101 By First Chip Duchess of Montebello by Banastax I ITrainer Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeder S L Warinr WarinrG834 G834 Tijuana 1 1S Io3fast 10 106 3 G 7 7 F Cantrell 7 JIarBoy Roisterer FannieNail FannieNailG8318 G8318 Tijuana Im70y l Jfast 4 110 1 1 I1 2 E Petzoldt G Roisterer SummerSicli SDevil SDevilG8283 G8283 Tijuana 1 l45islow G5 110 1 1 1G8128 3 3i J Sington S Fannie Nail McGees Pink Vic G8128 Tijuana 34 l141ifast 22 115 1 C CG7740 7l 7s J Sington f PollyVale Fireplace MarlnBoy G7740 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 3310 115 1 3 3G7707 31 45 F Scremba 7 Louis KRankin Black Thong G7707 Tijuana ImTOy 145 fast 5 112 1 1 1G7GG3 1 3 1 A Claver 7 FFogarty Regrcso CliarleyBoy G7GG3 Tijuana 1 11G l47fast 1310 307 1 2 SI 2 E Pcfoldt 7 Bnckliorn II Piedra Louis GLEN WELL br g 6 95 95Trainer By Dick Tinaell Paradise Won by Prince of Mon Trainer E Linnell Owner Leslie Stable aco Breeder R H Anderson G8317 Tijuana 1 l40fast 17 103 2 7 7 6 A Claver 7 llyanpom BlkRctty VPatrick 6822 1 Tijuana 34 l16riiud 13 105 4 5 5 C T Wilson 5 VanPatricX JlarryD WFlowcr G8149 Tijuana ImTOy l19Hmud 21 S8 2 1 1s fl T Wilson 7 FrkFogarty Ixiiinnna Hyanpom 68022 Tijuana ImTOy l51mud J 5 C Rails 7 Louanna FrkFogarty Whippet G77G7 Tijuana Im70y l44 fast 33 1C7 3 G Gl 6 = C Rails 7 JolmSKeardon Srapis Bastille 67302 Tijuana 1 116 147 fast 26f 83 4 9 9s 81 II Long 11 TailorMaid CrystlFord Bastille