Daily Racing Form Handicaps, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-24

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DAIL Y RACING FORM HANDICAPS JEFFERSON PARK The horses which seem best in Saturdays races are areJefferson Jefferson Park 2 ew Orleans La Feb ¬ ruary 23 1Q23 1 Elizabeth Bean Peter Brown Raffles 2 Evelyn Sawyer Xady Hose Felicitous 3 High Cost Colando Hadrian HadrianA A IRISH KISS Parader Miss Melse 5 Brotherly Love Kewpie ONeil formal 6 Pit ISxhprter Light Wine WineJ J L Dempsey DempseyXCTT XCTT York Ilnmlicnp 1 Elizabeth Bean Glabella Ilillhouse Pe ¬ ter Prown 2 Lady Rose TTelicirouB C A Reinhart Tender Selh SelhS S WAR ZONE Canyon High Cost Mon ¬ astery 4 Irish Kiss Parader Servitor Auntie May 5 Kewpie ONeil Normal Brotherly Love May Roberts RobertsC C Escarpolette Light Wine Topmast Ex ¬ horterCliicnsro horter Cliicnsro mill IIufTiflo Tin mil crip 1 Hillhouse Peter Brown P affles Stone StoneAge Age 2 C SawyerPoor A Reinhart Bedazzle Evelyn Sawyer Poor Sport 3 Monastery High Cost War Zone Ralco 4 Irish Kiss Parader Auntie TMay Neddam KEWPIE MayRoberts ONEIL Brotherly Love May Roberts Mom 6 Exhorter Light Wine St Germain GermainMoody Moody MoodyObservers Observers IIt nillcnp nillcnpI I Peter Urown Ilillhouse Elizabeth Bean BeanRaffles Raffles C A Reinhart JEvelyn Sawyer Tender TenderSeth Seth Lady Rose 3 HIGH COST Hadrian Monastery Guv Guvnor nor 4 Parader Irish Kiss Neddam Auntie May 5 Brotherly Love Kewpie ONeil Normal NormalSlay Slay Roberts 6 Exhorter Pit bloody Light Wine 1 Elizabeth Bean Hillhouse Peter Brown Raffles 2 C A Reinhart Evelyn Sawyer Lady Rose Felicitous 3 High Cost War Zone Monastery Co lando 4 IRISH KISS Parader Auntie May Ned dam 5 Brotherly Love Kewpie ONeil Normal May Roberts RobertsC C Exhorter Pit Escarpolctte Light Wine WineHAVANA HAVANA The horses which seem best Jn Saturdayts races are Oriental Jark Havana Cuba February 23 1023 1 Bantam Relox Courtier 2 American Eagle Twenty Seven Colossus 3 Runnan Port Light Carrie Moore 4 SUSLVNA Turbulent Winnipeg 5 Biernian Poilu Felix M C Bread Line Fair Virginia Old Pop 7 Smart Money Jno R Roche Mary Maxim MaximT T 1C Lynch LynchIVcw IVcw Yorfc ll lli i txllunp 1 Bantam Courtier The Gaff Midday 2 Advance Okaloosa Twenty Seven Gra tian 3 Runnan Carrie Moore Hullo Miss Cal tha 4 Erica Turbulent Wida Miss Mazie 5 After Night Felix M Guardsman Bier man 6 Bread Line Short Change Misericorde I Miss Rankin 7 TAMPER The Ulster Valmond Smart MoneyCliltrno Money Cliltrno jiml ItnfTnlo Ilnmlicnp 1 Relox Bantam Courtier Frankenia 2 Twenty Seven American Eagle Advance Whispering 3 Carrie Moore Hullo Port Light Miss Caltha 4 ERICA Winnipeg Turbulent Susiana 5 Felix M After Night Poilu Blerman BlermanG G Miss Rankin Moorcsque Misericorde Gol ¬ den Red i 7 Tamper Smart Money Puzzle Jno li Roche Observers Ilnmlicnp 1 Bantam Relox Courtier Eugenia Gomez American Eagle Twenty Seven Gratian GratianColossus Colossus 3 Carrie Moore Runnan Port Light Hullo 4 Erica Susiana Turbulent Winnipeg 5 Bierman Felix M Poilu After Night C Mies Rankin Bread Line Job Thayer ThayerMooresque Mooresque 7 SMART MONET Tamper Puzzle Dainty Lady LadyConiciiNtis ConiciiNtis of Ilnmllcnp 1 BANTAM Relox Courtier The Gaff 2 American Eagle Advance TwentySeven TwentySevenGratian Gratian 3 Runnan Carrie Moore Hullo P6rt Light 4 Erica Susiana Turbulent Winnipeg 5 Bierman After Night Felix M Poilu 6 Bread Line liss Rankin Mooresque MooresqueMisericorde Misericorde 7 Smart Money Tamper Jno R Roche RochePuzzle Puzzle TIJUANA The horses which seem best in Saturdays races are Tijnana 3Iex February 23 1923 1 Martha Lf Counsel George James 2 Dancing Girl Joe Campbell Bittern 3 HORINGA Grace Trimble Churlotta ChurlottaSmith Smith 4 No Wonder Amackassin Colonel Matt 5 Kirkwood Delancey Jack Ledi 6 Polly Wale Halu Red Wingfield 7 Orleans Girl Vic Poacher 8 Angela Sister Susie Blind Baggage BaggageG G W Sctiilline SctiillineNc Nc r Yerk llnmllenp 1 Little Smile Glad News Mae Seth Syn ¬ copation 2 GallouBerry Joe Campbell Peggy Mar ¬ tin Perfect Day 3 CIIARLOTTA SMITH Grace Trimble Horinga Do Admit 4 Colonel Matt Amackassin Neg No Won ¬ der 7 Careen Delancey North Shore Kirkwood KirkwoodG G Red AVingfield Dorius Woodie Montgom ¬ ery Polly Wale 7 By Hight Poacher Midian Ilackamore IlackamoreS S Angela Sister Susie Norfield Stanley II Cliicnsri nml IlntTnlo Jlnmlirn n 1 Mae Seth Freddie Fear Marion Holins Glad News 2 Vibrate Dancing Girl Joe Campbell Bit ¬ tern 3 Grace Trimble Horinga Dora T Do Ad ¬ mit 4 Colonel Matt Amackassin No Wonder Harry Rudder 5 Kirkwocd Jack Ledi Delancey North Shore ShoreG G RED WINGFIELD Irosity Buckboni II Van Patrick PatrickT T By Right Vic Hackamore Poacher 8 Aryanna Sister Susie Angela Dough Girl GirlObserver Observer IIi iitHciip 1 Glad News Syncopation Marion Hollins Mae Seth 2 Maysville Dancing Girl Bookworn Peggy Martin 3 Horinga Do Admit Cbarlotta Smith Grace Trimble 4 Amackassin Lady Bourbon Colonel Matt No Wonder 5 Kirkwcod Delancey Careen North Shore ShoreC C Red Wingfield Buckhorn II Van Pat ¬ rick Catharine Marrone 7 Walter Dant By Right Orleans Girl Mid ¬ ian 8 SISTER SUSIE Mart Bunch Aryanna Florence Deen 1 Martha L Little Smile Mae Seth Glad News 2 Dancing Girl GallouBerry Vibrate Maysville 3 Horinga Charlotta Smith Grace Trimble Do Admit 4 Colonel Matt No Wonder Amackassin Lady Bourbon BourbonE E Kirkwood Careen Delancey Jack Ledi LediG G RED WINGFIELD Polly Wale Buck horn II Van Patrick 7 By Right Orleans Girl Walter Dant Vic VicS S Angela Aryanna Sister Susie Mart Bunch

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923022401/drf1923022401_2_4
Local Identifier: drf1923022401_2_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800