6th Race [6th Jefferson Park, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-24

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DATC 1 12 Miles lyenroias a Dec JUl nAUb si5 45 5 111 EXHORTER b s 9 102 102Trainer By Sunder Persuasion by Persimmon Trainer D Womeldorff Owner W D Bernharrtt Bred in England bv J B Joel 08371 Jefferson 1 116 lI8fast 2 107 2 1 21 2 G Mein 10 Dumbfounder WhStellaven Ace 08229 Jefferson 1 116 l49 fast C 114 4 2 2i 21 E Smwodll Trooper Mcunoti Elder Maize 68031 FGrhds 1 316 202fast S lOt S 3 4i 71 R Doyie 10 Repeater Wvlie Ashland AshlandS 07883 FGrnds 1 1S l53fast 6 107 It S 81 S A Abel 12 Cirmencita Holster Ailliro 07028 FCVnds 1 1S l54itast 10 108 D DG7587 2 3i TJ E Pool 11 VnPtHall IJspoIetK HtDond G7587 F Grnds 1 316 202 fast 3 107 3 2 li 2S J Crcoran 7 Kins Trojan Magician Ihelan 07503 FGrnds 1 116 l4Sgood 4 106 4 G G1 6i A Abel 12 Winconne GCudiin MRosell 07347 Jefferson 1 116 149 fast 12 10S 10 G 7 7i A Frieshonl2 XdAlmee KtDoiiaril PIMIcbu G7288 Jefferson 1 116 l4Sfast 3 21 2 A Abel 9 Coaler Tulane Devouite LIGHT WINE b m 6 SS By Ormondale Frankness by Miller MillerTrainer Trainer G M Johnson Owner W L Lewis Breeder J E Madden 08250 Jefferson 1 316 202 fast 18C 110 3 1 21 J Wallace S JohnnyOverton Ldllerbcrt Ac 08158 FGrnds 1 316 204mud 4J 105 7 32 4 J Owens 7 Mechanic Repeater Amaze Amaze3i 08095 FGrnds 1 116 1CO wood 185 JCG 7 3i U J Owens 11 Ashlit ti Hickory Stanley StanleyIl 07112 Jefferson 1 316 203 Rood 21 110 3 3OG98G Il I1 C Lans 11 Secret ry Johnny Overton Pit OG98G Jefferson 1 116 1 47 fast 4 107 7 7OC913 1 I C Lanjj 12 Handf ill Viva Cuba Sutana Sutana7nk OC913 Jefferson 1 1S l34fast 5 103 a aOG812 7nk 5iJ A Roach 9 Masie in Hope Amaze Amaze3i OG812 DadePrk 1 l4S l4SCG784 l4Smud 21 10314 3i 3J A Roach S 1helai Grayson Itrown Bill CG784 Dauelrk 1 1S iSS 21 21 T Uurns 9 Ituekboard Itrown ItilJ IMielan GG728 DadePrk 1 18 152 fast 30f 102 1 3 31 31 E Petzoldtll Walnut Hall Tamper Hope GGG81 DadePrk 34 lll fast 7 7IS II Gray 14 Jacobean Muhony Amanda AmandaBy ST GERMAIN b h G 101 101Trainer By Sea King Queen Bixon by Sir 2i on Trainer A B Maguire Owner F Holman HolmanG8347 Breeder J E Maddan G8347 Jefferson 1 316 202jfast 10 108 7 3 3 lfc E Smwodl2 Stanley A N Akin Neapolitan 08193 FGrnds 1 116 150 hvy 8 109 9 S S 7 1 Owens 9 WhoCare Coniander Tinslinj 08073 FGrnds 1 116 l50 hvy 10 103 1 5 5079GS Cl 5s U Doyle 12 Itnllvlwll Isnxoni Fornovo 079GS FGrnds 1 316 201 fast 15 10G 10 5 6 7 A Roach 13 Ace KoMor Itill and Coo 07819 FGrnds 1 116 151 hvy S 103 6 5 5s 4 = 1 J Owens 9 War Piize Advliire MorEldet 07483 F Grnds 1 1S l57 nvy G 110 S 6 7s Ssl II Thurbcrl2 Lord Herbert Itravo Satana 07443 FGrnds 1 116 l33hvy 5 103 G 5 4 W Fronk 14 Ettahe Jordan Chief G7348 Jefferson 1 315 2035 fast 13 109 9 2 31 21 W Fronk 12 J Overtoil Itermt llwdllound MOODY b B 5 101 By Broomstick Contrary by Hambur HamburTrainer Trainer W V Casey Orr = sr W V Casey Breeder H P Whitrey WhitreyG8351 G8351 Jefferson 1 31G 202fast 15 113 S 1 1 21 J McCoy 12 TheYVit Hickory SpectacGirl 08207 Jefferson 112237 fast 12 1034 5 4 4 ° A Abel 5 Pit MountainUoMrll Topmast TopmastG822G G822G Jeffeispn 1 116 149 fast 13 109 1 S 6l 7J A Roach 11 Ashland JFairman WIIaven 08193 FGrnds 1116150 hvy 15 109 497 Gl E Smwod 9 WhoCares Comamler Tingling 081 10 FGrnds 118155 fast 32 10S 7 5 5 3 G Mein 8 Topmnst MirieMan GCadorna 08073 FGrnds 1 11C l50 hvy 15 11010 S SJ S E Smwodl2 ItalH bell Ituxem Fornovo 07883 FGrnds 1 1S luTr Jast 20 103 9 11 11 11 = n Doyle 12 armeneita Itolster Ailliro AilliroG781U G781U FGrnds 1 116 151 hvy 13 103 2 2 21 G G Mein 9 War Prize Advturc MorEldcr PIT ch g 10 104 104Trainer By Leonid Belle Rankin by Hardball HardballBreeder Trainer G E Phillips Owner J Phillips Breeder W E McLemore 08207 Jefferson 1 12 237 fast 12 100 1 3 21 In B Harvey MtainlJosoIL Topmast Moody 08110 FGrnds 118155 fast 12 168 S 8 G C J D Mnoy S Topmast Miracle Man Moody 07G49 FGrmls 1 12 L fast S 07 G 6 5s 5 J Crcoran G RibGrass lakelterser FSneezy C7523 FGrnds 1 14 2OStood 6 103 G 3 31 3 C Lantr G Snjrimook lluonec Tuba 07 183 FGrnds 1 1S l57 hvy 15 103 12 11 10s 9 C Demellel2 Ixjrd Herbert Itravo Sutana 07289 Jefferson 1 12 22G fast 12 1041 Lost rider C DemcllelO Sacamk Ldlleiliert GrnssTreo 07112 Jefferson 1316203 fjood 21 10510 T 41 4 J Crcoranll LichtWine Secretary JOverton 07058 Jefferson 1 1S 20l7hvy 133 109 T 7 5 3 = i J CorcornlO Itiillotcir Hickory Qunlllondu QunlllonduTOPMAST TOPMAST ch jr 4 99 99Trainer By Pennant Golden Red by All Gold Trainer J B Partridge Owner W M Cain Breeder H P waiincy waiincy2l 08207 Jefferson 1 12 237 fast 32 108 G 2 2 2l 3J I McDott 5 Pit Mountain Rose II Moody MoodyI1 08110 FGrnds 1 1S 155 fast 115 106 5 4 1 I1 I1 B Harvey 8 MirleMan Moody GenCadorna GenCadorna5s 08074 FGrmls 1 116 1 ilwy S 103 S 5 5 5s 5eJ B Harvey 12 Loveime s Uxeciitien WCiires 07947 FGrnds 1 1S l32 l32sfust = sfust 0 103 3 5 5 C3 R Doyle 9 SFrank TMcTaKsart Attorny 07839 FGrnds 1 116 l5Qfelivy 20 106 S S 6 G1 U Doyle S Amaze Kirnii Huonec 07712 FGrnds Im70y l4Cfast 32 102J10 9 10 9 H Doyle 11 GrsTree ZdArmee Pce Welles 04 707 Devshire 1 1S USS hvy hvyOIG22 C 102 352 4i E Petzoldt G FFogarty CleamSone Comm Cl OIG22 Devshiro 1 13 l3S = ihvy 4 100 3 3 3 3 E Petzoldt 5 SistcrKlo FrnnkFogarty Ixiuis ESCARPOLETTE b m G 105V By Fitz Heibsrt Belancoirp by MeddJor Trainer T F Devercaux Owner T F Devereaux Bred in Franco by C H Mackay 08351 Jefferson 1 1S l54fast l54fastC820G 10 109 5 5 4l 4 = 1 E Smwod 0 SamFrank ItrolhIovo Normal NormalCO C820G FGrnds 1 316 lC3BOod lC3BOodC8157 CO 103 7 S 101 91 It Harton 11 Itest Pal Royce Rools Olynthu C8157 FGrnds 1 11C l49Timad l49TimadJ8072 6 1C6 2 1 in ink n Harton 8 SlipEIm PaiilMicoii DayLJlly J8072 FGrnds 1 1S l37hvy 31 106 1 2 2 2 k rt HartonlO Ettahe Itallotrar Demos 07987 FGrnds 1 1S 1154 fast i 309 4 4 41 3l E Pool 10 lluonec SlipporyKlm StiKamook 07903 FGrnds 1 316 200fast 7 1051 S 5 21 2l E Pool 10 lluonec GtlcnJVtt llIarduer 07839 FGrnda 1 116 l50 nvy 31 112 G G 5 4 H Harton S Amaze Kirali Iliionec Iliionec4i 07755 FGrnds 1 1S l54faL t 4i 103 3 6 41 I1 n Harton 7 Tliornhedce Kirnii Devonite G7G28 FGrnda 1 18 l54tffaat 20 107 7 4 4h 21 H Harton 11 WaltHall StDonard LAmmiu G74G1 FGrnda 1 316 2OShvy 7 109 2 C 4J 4 i R Harton G Attorney Cantilever Sacatnoolc FXEZZY SNEEZY b f 4 101 By Lovetie Frosty by Rockton RocktonTrainer Trainer J H Deavanpcrt Owner J H Beavenport Breeder Mrs L A LiTiwrriao 68328 Jefferson 1 116 148 fast 6 113 4 6 6 6 H Tharber S MRoberts RQnpen GDgbcrty 68137 FGrnds 1116149 Blow 3i 104 3 6 CJ 711 G Mein 9 ProTom Carmcita GDchcrty 67947 FGrnds 1 18 l52fast 4 101 1 2 3 4 4 1 G Mein 9 SFrank TMcTaggart Attorny 67840 FGrnds 1 116 l50hvy 8 105 4 7 71 S l II ShillicU12 UAmmie MiracleMan Blotcar 67776 FGrnds 1 316 200 fast 12 100 3 7 71 6 J H Shillick 8 Fantoclio Tan Son Sagamook 67649 FGrnds 1 12 233fast 4 102 1 3 3 3 G Mein 0 RibGrns JakcBorger Sagamk SagamkC7607 C7607 FGrnds 1 116 148 fast 7 103 5 5 I1 li G Mein S WaltUall Wneconne Natural NaturalLORD LORD BTERBERT b g S 93 By Fits Herbert Hanztnita by Meddler MeddlerTrainer Trainer J McCuc Cwser 3 HcCue Bred in France by Mackay Carroll 68267 Jsffevson 1 12 237 fast 31 103 3 4 5 5 F Sharpe 5 Pit Mountain Rose II Tjpmast 68250 Jefferson 1 315 202fast S 110 4 4 41 3 A Abel S JnyOverton IJprht Wine Ace 68072 FGrnds 1 18 l57hvy 20 107 S 9 Ss 6 R Doyle 10 Kttahe Escarpolette Ballotcar 68007 FGrnds 1 1S l57mud 20 110 3 5 C1 52 U Doyle 9 Tulsa Ettahe MonntainRosell 67862 FGrnds 1 1S l 3good 10 111 10 8 S 711 H Shillick 10 Kttahe JkFairman GCadorna 67770 FGrnds 1 31G 200 fast 15 103 8 83 S J A Abel S Fantoclie Tan Son Sagamook C7714 FGrnds 1 1S 133 fast 4i 110 U 5 7 4J A Abel 11 I itAmmic Encrinite W Prize SPECTACUXAR GLEL b m 6 By Hippodrome Colna by ColUr ColUrBrerider Trainer J A Strode Owner W J McFee Brerider J W Corrigan 68351 Jefferson 1 316 202fast C 10S 12 8 4J 4 1 McDott 12 The Wit Moody Hickory 8290 Jefferson 1 1S 156 fast 15 IOC 2 4 4 4 I McDottll Buxom Pastoral Pirate McGee 68226 Jefferson 1 11G l43fast 33 10711 10 11 Sl E Roehm 11 Asliland JFairman WITaven WITavenG8031 G8031 FGrnds 1 31G 202fast 30 10310 7 G1 6J G Mein 10 Repeater Wylie Asbland AsblandG7735 G7735 FGrnds 1 316 202fast 30 107 4 8 7 S J Chalmrs 9 Wads Last TheWit DtorJim 67650 FGrnds 1 11G IMSrifast 30 1C7 11 10 10JIO11 J Wallace 11 SamFrank Magicn DoctorJim DoctorJimGENTLEMAN GENTLEMAN JOUETT ch g 4M 103 By Uncle Bikes by Sir Diron DironTrainer Trainer W Hurley Owner Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable Breeder W B Killer KillerG8072 G8072 FGrnds 1 1S l57Hhvy 12 101 6 8 9J 1085 A Wilson 10 Kftahe Escarpolette Ballotcar 67903 FGrnds 1 316 200fast 30 105 3 7 Cl 35 A Wilson 10 Huonee Kspolette H Pardner 67691 FGrnds 1 316 200ljfast 20 104i 265 5I A Wilson 7 Walnut Hall llama Gem 67628 FGrnds 1 1S lMfust 20 10419 9 9 9 A Wilson 11 WaltUall Espolettc StDond 67557 FGrnds Im70y l4Ggood 100 107 3 7 6 5 J A Wilson 7 MkOrange StDouard Wdtrap WdtrapC7521 C7521 FGrnds 1 116 lMSsood 60 101 2 10 HP 10J A Wilson 11 CoDawn Ramkin AmerBoy AmerBoyTOREADOR TOREADOR b h 5 101 By Great Britain Tiffany Blend by Cesarion CesarionTrainer Trainer W M Carter Owner W M Carter Breeder H H Gain 8317 Jefferson 1 316 202fast 15 113 S 9 9J 0 J Owens 115 StGermain Stanley A N Akin AkinG8290 G8290 Jefferson 118156 fast 15 111 9 10 010 H J Burkell Buxom Pastoral Pirate McGee i803l FGrnds 1 316 202fast 30 103 3 10 7s 5CJ J Owens 10 Repeater Wylie Ashland AshlandK7940 K7940 FGrnds 1 116 l4S ifast 30 101 10 11 9l Sls J McCoy 12 Ailliro My Uosio Fast Trial G78I9 FGrnds 1110151 hvy 30 102 5 9 S4 I1 J McCoy 9 War Prize Adrtnrc MorElder Gil 02 Bowie 1116156 mud 61 112 7 6 6l 71 D Stirling 15 ScbJigbtlll J Reeves Sltock

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923022401/drf1923022401_5_4
Local Identifier: drf1923022401_5_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800