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S1 Mile IJyearoia and upirard Claiming Dec 0 1O1G COLONEL MATT b g 10 108 108Trainer By Colin Ormclia br Orma OrmaPoli Trainer S Polk Owner S Poli Bred in England by Captain 3 O Orvrls rvrls 68383 Tijuana TijuanaGSrOl 1 l42fast 185 10S 2 1 U 13 K Ericksnll Nebraska I ad Ynkon Termak GSrOl Tijuana TijuanaOS 34 334 fast 46 115 7 4 5 4J E Fator 12 Amkassin Shelbyvle Mflowor MfloworJ7 OS 108 Tijuana 58 l01lifast l01lifastIm70y J7 115 3 4 3l 41 E Fator 10 Angela Pay Off Hazel Dale 07790 Tijuana Im70y IHoVifast 36 110 6 5 7 6J E Petzoldt 7 Kuckliorn II She Derii Purl 67725 Tijuana 61 115 6 6 51 44 E Fator S Silk Sox Herder Harriskane HarriskaneC 67619 Tijuana C 107 3 3 o G i E Petzoldt S Regreso WMgomy IwRankin 67475 Tijuana 21 US 4 3 3s 51 E Fator 7 Mannikin li Herder Pueblo 67396 Tijuana 61 f l07 fast 1 107 1 3 3i 3 = 1 M Fator 7 ColSnlder Cornentter RAtkln 17224 Tijuana BS l02 = i ood 75 103 5 2 I1 1 M Fator 10 Miss Dunbar Velvet Rrolaskl 66937 Tijuana 41 f 55hvy 32 100 S 5 O5 51 M Fator 5 IkeyT Dick TerpSn Cornentter OG499 Toledo ToledoAMACKASSIN ImTOy 3457sfast 3457sfastg 710 105 1113 3 1 M Fator 7 Buckboard Bill Ucaley Flea AMACKASSIN b g 8 8M 108 By Sweep Radiance by OnondaK OnondaKOwner Trainer R M Hollenbeck Owner R M Eollenbeck Breeder C W Hoore Hoore17f 68361 Tijuaia 34 334faat 17f 110 3 1 3l 1 W Martin 12 ShclbyTre Ma flower ColMatt 68085 Tijuana uS l014ifast 15 110 S S S UridG Rose 8 Philanderer Pueblo QuinWard 68054 Tijuana 51 f 331 hvy 2 110 7 3 SJ SrJ G Rosa 11 CMaster Homir td TRoach 08003 Tijuana 5S l03 mud 116 103 f 5 4 = J Ji H Flynn 9 KPJackivell Cneiittcr ISPrince 67897 Tijuana 51 f 1 0nimud 25 110 3 4 C1 55 G Rose 9 DilcGuiso Fdllope ConntHoria 67801 Tijuana 51 f I07ifa3t 16 110 S 9 9 7 i F SerembalO Due deGuise Theresa Don Josa 67679 Tijuana 5S 101 faat 45f 113 467 643 I Fletvhnr 11 Angela Joe Tag Full Moon G7622 Tijuana 31 314fast 35 10 4 2 51 9n S Sykes 11 Royal Maid Poacher El Roble 67476 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 35 104 5 6 6i 5n M Milrick 7 Harryl 15 lllajkwell GraceK 67414 Tijuana 6S 101 fast 21 112 8 8 75 iJl I Fletcher S Joe lilair Pay Off Corncutter NO WONDER ch g 8 113 113Trainer By Fireman Belle of Portland by G W Johnson Trainer H T Palmer Owner H T sr Breeder Mrs I HcPhoe HcPhoe1J 08379 Tijuana 5 f lOS ifast 12 115 1J I5 W Pool 9 PegMartin Onwa KrcnehNnrse 68297 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 61 113 4 3 3J 21 W Pool 10 Delancey Cannonball Flame 66398 Akron Ab 5S l03mud 9 W9 7 i T Buel 8 Virge Chisca Queen of the Spa 60331 Akron Ab 5S lWfast 3t 112 441 J Pcvlc 7 Flip Right Angle Aunt Agnes 05655 XKton Ab 58 l02fast 25 113 113654M 1 C Eames C Midian Marchtone Amer Rose 654M NKton Ab 5S liOlfast 39 113 5J F Lux 0 Ncg I Gentry Gilder 05362 NKton 34 325 fast 13 311 41 C Eames 5 Itlack Pat Reneoia Riibnla 65245 XKton Ab 5S 1 02fast 3910 10S C i H S Jones J Pomerene Diulleliug PokeyJana 65110 NKton Ab 58 lOlT6good 3J 113 113HARRY 551 F Lux 0 WeaLAnii Gilder UatMcCarty UatMcCartyBy HARRY RUDDER ch gr 7 103 103Trainer By Skilful True Step by Handsome HandsomeBreeder Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeder S Block BlockInk 68204 Tijuana 51 f l10hvy 21 113 1 Ink 41 H Ix ng 9 KmWHliain Kimono Tkl sdl 68084 Tijuana 58 102 good 125 115 3 61 551 D Hum 9 Fond Hope Little Pointer Neg 08003 Tijuana 58 303mud 13 US 4 S3 9 D Hum 9 ilickwell Cnentter I J Prince 67746 Tijuana TijuanaG7G38 1 143 fast 4 115 2 25S 3 3s D Hurn 11 FGCorley Mflower DrSteson G7G38 Tijuana 5S lGl = 5fast 75 110 3 3 1 3 C Ti3Ua S Harriskane Count Roris Neg 07374 Tijuana 51 f 1OS faat 6 316 3 2i 2n D Hurn 7 LPointer ThirtyScven P Joss 67297 Tijuana 51 f 108 faat 45 109 3 li iuk ji Fator 7 OWood Helen Major Erraitana VANESSA BolvlderoTrainer WELLES ch m 8 111 By Bick Welles Vanessa by Bolvldero Trainer J J Guinlan Ownsr Quinlan Heigel Breeder T Piatt 07833 Tijuana 05 f 107 fast 45 116 6 10 10s S M Garrett 11 Tule PlironeWard FlorceDeen 07743 Tijuana 34 I14fa8t 165 116 1 3 31 1 M Garrett 9 Cabin Crk Poacher Pretender 67621 Tijuana 1 l4fast 4 112 C 2 61 73 M Garrett 11 PVeFlas Procmation GenCzar Man672S9 67470 Tijuana 34 l14Tsfaat 73 111 2 1 1J 1 = 1 M Garrett 10 View Plantagemt Red Man PorterC7247 672S9 Tijuana 51 f 3 OSfast 4 309 4 6 6 5 = 3 M Garrett 7 Galway ThirtvSvn Al Porter C7247 Neg670J0 Tijuana 51 f l074fast 10 109 3 5 4l 4 = M Garrett S Herder Horace Lcrch Neg 670J0 TennileeC6949 Tijuana 51 f 112 hvy 7 112 4 4 4 = 1 3 M Garrett 7 Joe Tag Vera Rita Tennilee C6949 Tijuana 34 l16Hs op 3 113 6 5 5si 5s R Carter 7 LFIorence NtliShore CRobU 66920 Tijuana 5S l02imud 8 114 2 4 4s 3 i M Garrett 6 llonGeorge DancGirl Angela MILDA br m 7 106 106Trainer By Jack Atliin Armilda by Eryn Kawr Trainer B Creech ech Owner B Creech Breeder C C Patrick Patrick5S 68223 Tijuana 5S 30 l014imud 4 mud 36 10S 6 6 6 7 J R Flynn 7 Hazel Dale It Joe Tag 68199 Tijuana 51 1 f ll l10 H imud mud 51 10S 1 2 4J S12 W Martin S Full Moon Cicely Kay Don Josa Josail 68044 Tijuana 51 il Wood5S f l13Sshvy 3 104 3 3 5 5J W Martin 7 Joe Tag Jack Led Ollie Wood 01957 Tijuana 5S l0r shvy 3 10S 7 3 2 = SJ F Stevens 8 FiillMcon Countloris NYbLad NYbLad5S 67918 Tijuana 5S l0375mud 51 106 7 4 4 C4 G Rose S IIi7eIIalc SMleylL DdcGuiso 07872 Tijuana 5S DdcGuiso5S l031imud 13 308 5 2 2 2 = 1 W Martin 10 Cornciitr Countlioris N Shore 67639 Tijuana 5S Shore5S 1 OlHfast 2310 30S 2 2 21 2 = 1 C Rails 7 FiillMoon Alajali FGCorley FGCorleyS 07396 Tijuana S f l07fast 15 107 3 4 4 5r l W Martin 7 iuiMatt CoISniiler Cncutler EMMA WILLIAMS b f 4 By Light o in Life Imprint by Knight of th Trainer C W Officer Owner Trowbridge Ic Officer Thistle ThistleBreeder Breeder R Giffin 08254 Tijuana 51 f l10hvy llf 101 2 5 41 1 E Petzoldt 9 Kimono Jack Ix di II Rudder 68172 Tijuana 34 119 hvy 11 107 134 = 4J K Petzoldt 9 Choir Master Neg Kimono 08044 Tijuana 51 f l13jhvy 16 107 6 6 41 4 C Rails 7 Joe Tag Jack Led I Ollic Wood 07897 Tijuana 51 f l09mud 9 106 5 7 9 D E Petzoldt 9 DdcGuise Fdllope Countllorii 67493 Tijuana 1 ll2faat S ICG 3 6 C = 5 6 1 E Petzoldt 7 Charlioy SumrSigh ColSnider 67380 Tijuana 34 l314 fast 6 110 5 41 CJ E Petxoldtll Aryanna She Devil July Fly 67211 Tijuana 34 316 slo 14 105 7 3 45 E Petzoldt 7 Pueblo John Jr Madge F 67116 Tijuana TijuanaLADY 34 33S4imud H5 306 2 1 Il 11 E Petzoldt 9 KuscninK FGCorley EIIarn EIIarnch LADY BOURBON ch m 6 106 By Marta Santa Helen Pink by Pink Coat Trainer J G Given CoatGiven Owner J G Givens Breeder J H Woodford 68126 Tijuana 58 l0fait 8 116 1 2 2i 21 C Thpson 9 SisSusio Dan Girl Nel Harper 68024 Tijuana 58 l04mud 7 331 1 4 4 = 5J W Miler i RosaAtkin StAngelina SSnsie 67727 Tijuana 5S Itfl ifast fast IS 110 2 2 41 533 W Miller li PayOff DarkAge FlorceDeen 67659 Tijuana 5S l01 ifast 1 I1 1 W Miller 10 RosaAtkin CaveMan Pinaquana 07456 Tijuana 58 UOOsfast 216 107 1 7 7l 6 i W Miller S CocaCola Aryanna Ph Ward 673SO Tijuana 34 l14fast 32f 105 4 7 S1 9J W Miller 11 Aryanna Shn Devil July Fly 65075 Hastings HastingsNEG 34 llSmud 345 103 1 W Miller 6 Deckhand Review HKAsher HKAsherBy NEG blk g 8 8Trainer 103Barnett 103 By Orimar Lulu M by Masetto Trainer R I Barnett Owner Barnett Barnetti Breeder M Doric GS 223 Tijuana 58 liOl mud i 110 3 4 4 561 L Armsfg 7 Hazel Dale It Joe Tag 68172 Tijuana 34 139 hvy 112 5 2 11 2 L Atnsrns 9 CMaster Kimoro KmWilliama C8U81 Tijuana 5S 102 good 7 130 5 4 3l 3J 1 Armsti 9 FIIope LPointer HHurgoyna 68023 Tijuana 24 IlS7srnud 111 1 4 44 4 M Slghter 6 ClkStockinj Pliilander Pueblo 67897 Tijuana 61 f 1 OSi = irnud 2 110 1 6 61 7s F Stevens 9 DdeCuise FMIlnj e Count Itoria 67830 Tijuana 5S 301ifdst 130 4 5 5i 41 2 F Stevens 9 DdcGuise Mayflo ver Tmbeola 67769 Tijuana 58 301ra3t i 311 4 5 5i 4 = 3n F Stevens S HazelDale KIO en LPointer 67038 Tijuana 5S 301 fast i 310 4 6 6i 61 4 F Stevens S Harriskaro CtBor s II Rudder 67375 Tijuana 61 t 1OS fast i 111 1 4 21 2J J Thomas 6 F G Corley Kii 10110 Tutt OLLIE WOOD ch g 6 103 By Doncastcr Seddie King by Leonid LeonidTrainer Trainer W D Millarii Owner W D Millardl Breeder G E Reynolds 8264 Tijuana 51 f 1 10hvy 7 310 C 6 7 = 1 64 C Thpson 9 EmWilliams Kimono Jkl edl 68202 Tijuana 51 f 1 11 mud 11 115 1 S 6h 5 C Thpson 8 Jack Ledi DrTnbbs HazcIDala HazcIDalaS 68085 Tijuana TS 3 01fast S 110 2 5 51 FellW Pool 8 Philanderer Pueblo QuinWard 68041 Tijuana TijuanaC7805 51 f l13hvy 7 111 5 4 Sl 3 = 3 H Long 7 JoeTag JarkLcdi E AVilliami AVilliami7f C7805 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 7f 115 5 7 9 9 E Fator 11 Pay Off Vibrate Noonhour 07638 Tijuana 5S l01fadt 15 310 a 7 71 0 = 1 II Long S liarriskaiie CtPoris H Rudder 67545 Tijuana 5S l01fast 11 112 2 2 2 = 31 II Long 12 JCampbell Mayflower MLdna DOUBLE EYE b h 6 6Trainer 113 By Eyebrow Edith Inez by Jack Point PointNebraska Trainer B J Sheldon Owner Nebraska Stable Breeder A L Aste AsteIll 68280 Tijuana 5 f 109 slow Ill Angelo9f JOS 3 3 31 2s II Zander S Eyeliright Sliolbyville Angelo 08219 Tijuana 51 f lUlVimud 9f 113 10 30 10 9 M AndsonlO St Angelina Conichon Caunzel CaunzelMO 68020 Tijuana 34 119 mud 2C MO 315 7 7 7 5 = 3 15 Parke 7 VRita Midian C Miielilebach 07890 Tijuana 34 llSimud 7 112 5 1 I4 I1 C Thpson 10 LoiuPini MdieWHn CMaster CMasterIS 67829 Tijuana 34 135 fast IS 310 9 9 9 SJ F Cantrell 9 Sheka View Cannonball 67703 Tijuana 1 l13fast 21 117 236 = 7 H ilolterslO Fireworth Starlike San Hedron 67338 Tijuana t 343fast 7 113 9 9 8 S A Claver la Camion An Revoir 0724 1 Tijuana lm0y 34S fast 11 113 8 1 1 34 A Claver 10 LinkOrphan Reydo Deckhand 07157 Tijuana 1 l48 hvy 25 107 5 4 5 = 1 50 II Long 7 Whippet Lavaga North Tower 07 US Tijuana TijuanaCANCION 34 11 mud 25 105 1 3 3 = 2 H Long Cotintltoris HorLsrch RcdMaa CANCION T m 6 MarprarsM 106 By Medici Regea by Marprars Trainer C L Dickerson Owner M Hudson Breeder G L Blackford P8222 Tijuana 51 f lllmud Sf 112 9 II 11s S C Thpson 12 Itaisy SthiiGentlenian Midian 68148 Tijuana 1 l47mud IS 111 6 4 5 = 1 5 C Thpson I Pueblo Olympiad Jack Ijdi f7800 Tijuana 51 f 10 fast 11 115S 113 4 7 41 5 = 3 C Thpson 8 Pliilander EllaWaldo RedMan 07 764 Tijuana 5S l02 ifast 65 65El 110 G 4 31 I4 C ThpsonlJ SanlhiaC Woolday DodeAdam 07617 Tijuana El f 30Jfast 20 108 30 9 5 = 1 21 F Cantrell 31 Midian Delancey Pokey Jane 67452 Tijuana 1 l43sfast 7 7BS 110 S 5 7 = Ssl C Rails 9 Gipsy Joe Gen Czar Iariit 67430 Tijuana BS I0i7ifast 11 113 S S S5 C A Claver 9 Stanley Shelbyville StyMisa 67338 Tijuana 1 l43Viiast 274 274BS 103 7 2 31 22 L Uarher 9 Ixta An Uovoir Florentine 67152 Tijuana BS 105 hvy 23 23BS 301 6 6 6 55 E Petzoldt S Red Man Rig Indian Olympiad CGSDo Tijuana BS 104 slop 15 110 388 = 6Jt G Walls 31 Tutt Chrome Virgo RED MAN ch g 9 9Trainer 113 By Abe Frank Alma Gardia by Rancocas RancocasS Trainer A White Owner S Whits Breeder J F Newman 08204 Tijuana 51 f l10hvy 9 110 S S 9 91 E Dugan Em Williams Kimono JkLcdl 68198 Tijuana 51 f 311 mud 14 115 5 4 S1 1 = 1 C Thpson 1 Pmlilo Rosa Atkin Midian MidianfS 6799X Tijuana Im70y 151 mud mudC7927 fS 315 7 6 4 3s E Dugan S ITtagenei CabCreek Railbirtl RailbirtlVi C7927 Tijuana Im70y l52shvy l52shvy0789G Vi 115 3 4 4 5 = C Thpson 31 lloilirih XhShore Pltagcnct 0789G Tijuana 51 f SiO mud Sif PltagcnctSif 115 176 CJ3 C Rails S Corncutter NShore EyeHright 07800 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 11 115 3 4 Si 3 P Martinez S Pliilander EllaWaldo Shacrea 67672 Tijuana TijuanaI BS 102 fast 20 117 S S 3 7si T Wilson 31 Fondllope Ntbraskal id Nizam I G CORLEY br g 7 113 By Jack Atkin AtkinT Eglantine by Martinet Trainer J T John n Owner J T Johnton Breeder R Warfield C8361 Tijuana 34 l14fast 24 115 12 10 9 lOl P Walls Walls5S 12 Amkassin SinObyvle Mllower 08085 Tijuana 5S l01fcfast St 115 6 4 C3 G i E Fator 8 Philanderer Pueblo QuinWard 079 Tijuana 58104 hvy 30 113 C 7 B1 51 E Fator 11 Fdllope Philanderer FtillMoon 67897 Tijuana 61 f 1 OSrimud 21 115 7 3 3 4 E Fator FatorI 9 DdeCuise Fdllupe oinitltoris 07746 Tijuana I 143 fast 5 115 4 3 2 2J E Iator IatorB8 11 llltiidder Mflower DrStevsoa 67039 Tijuana B8 lOlifast SI 115 5 E 41 4 = J E Fator 7 Full Moon Milda Alajali AlajaliS 07414 Tijuana 58101 fast 4S 132 7 B3 4 E Fator S Joe Rlair Pay Off Corncutter Corncuttert 07375 Tijuana 51 f 308 fast 2 30S 3 1 1 = 33 M Fator t Neg Kimono Tutt TuttS 07261 Tijuana 34 314 31 8 311 1 8 S 4 = 3 M Fator S CSnider DonJose lWHarper