7th Race [7th Tijauna, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-24

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TAU PCin DA PC and 7O Varcls yearolds and up ard Clainiiupr Jan in nAUt aa 142 5 s os BY RIGHT b m 7 113 113Trainer Uy Cunard Skyo by Goldcrest GoldcrestBreeders Trainer C C Smith Owner A Kaufman Breeders Combs Bradley Bradleyfii 49 Tijuana ImTOy l45fast C 105 3 4 4ijuara fii 63 J Thomas 7 Louis KItankin Black Thong ijuara lrr70y IMTiifast T10 10S 3 1 Il I1 J Thomas 10 Tom Owens Vic Horace Lrch ijuana 1 116 l47 ifast 2710 103 2 1 1G8 1J1 1s J Thomas 8 WalterDant Doiph Deckhand G8 Tijuana 51 f lOT = jifast 13 100 S 7 S SJ J Thomas 9 Pay Off John Jr Full Moon 65805 MHshts ImTOy l46 fast 2310 IDS 1 V BogskilO Oid Pop Mab Seven Seas ri701 MHKhts Si f l09fast 165 103 3 J ThomaslO HBurgoyne Hopeful iuffBnll OJ1G2 Delmier Ab 5S l04Vifast 7 113 113VIC 1 TV Bocskl 9 Liidyloue Joes Sister My Hose HoseBy VIC b ra 5 108 108Trainer By Watervale Eastern Sboreby Tho Earth EarthBreeder Trainer W Walker Owner W Walker WalkerG8312 Breeder T rintt G8312 Tijuana 1 1S l55 l55jfast jfast 25 10S 1 4 4G8283 11 U F Stevens 8 Bacchrs Tasenthn BesYoung G8283 Tijuana 1 l45 l45sslow = sslow 7 110 5 5 5G787G 4J 4 i P Walls 8 iXail McsPink WMtgotnery G787G Tijuana 1 14 213imud 2 103 1 3 3G7831 3 21 F Stevens C MadgcF Dominator J David G7831 Tijuana ImTOy Il5fast S 101 T 7 C 51 F Stevens 9 She Devil My Uose Irosity 07000 Tijuana ImTOy l43fast S 101 3 3 21 3 C Rails 9 FFogty SumrSigli Tawastha 57534 Tijuana ImTOy l4T fast o 10S G 6 6C7398 i iC7398 D 3 ° C Halls 10 ByKight ToniOweus HorLcrch C7398 Tijuana 1 1S l54 ifast 4 10S 4 5 41 4s C Rails lust Uight Madge F FBy KACKAMORE b K G 110 110Trainer By Flint Rock Hour Hand by Ethelbert EthelbertBred Trainer W H Sperling Owzer J Pidgeon Bred in France hv A Belrnont Belrnont1J 68304 Tijuana ImTOy l46 Afast 6 104 4 2 1J 1 M MJlrlck 9 Dolph N 1C Beal Lewis B 68184 Tijuana linTOy l49Sihy 5 111 C 7 7 71C E Dugan S SHedron PlowStI TVKeance 68109 Tijuana ImTOy l41 ifast 49 106 3 3 i 3 4 ° II Howard 7 Irosity Barriskane Donatcllo 67928 Tijuana ImTOy l53 = hvy 116 110 2 3 3s 3 = H Flynn 8 Sail Hedroii Uiriat Dominator 67787 Tijuana 1 142 fast IS 10S 4 1 1s J Thomas 12 Plunger ThcVgeance Glenzir 67G37 Tijuana ImTOy l47J4faat 4 115 G 4 I C11 Ci H Caner S Theresa Starlike Iteydo IteydoBy POACHER ch 8 1 By Star Shoot Partridge by Longfellow LongfellowBreeder Trainer S Polk Owner S Polk PolkG8384 Breeder J E Madden Maddenlh G8384 Tijuana Im70y IMG st 11 1 1G8315 lh li K EricksnlO PeaeeFlng OrleansGirl Theresa G8315 Tijuana 51 f lOTtfast 23 1 3J 35 K EricksnlS Shelbyville Tom Craven View 8281 Tijuana 51 f lOSslow 13 1 31 43 II Ericksn S Sister Susie Conichon TCraven 68240 Tijuana 5S l03 fchvy 12 1 1C8172 51 2si K Kricksn S BillyIoe Helen Major Tabloid C8172 Tijuana 34 119 hvy 47 1 1G810G 9 99 K Ericksn 9 Clioir Master NCR Kimono G810G Tijuana 1 l42fast 61 1 1G8055 Gl 6 E Petzoldt S XebkaLnd WterDant Olympd G8055 Tijuana 51 f 113 hvy 3310 1 5 = o9 II Ericksn 8 Jack Ledi Pilly Joe Conichon ConichonBy WALTER DANT ch s 8 110 110Trainer By Harrigan Willie T by Albert AlbertBreeder Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin IrwinG8364 Breeder S A Jones G8364 Tijuana 1 14 2OSifast 9 10S 1 C 31 3 F Cantrell 7 Reydo Charley Boy Balfour 08301 Tijuana ImTOy 1 MSfast 2110 109 6 S SG8147 6l 73 H Long 9 Hackamoro Dolph N K Beal G8147 Tijuana 1316205 mud 19 110 5 3 3G810G 4s 4 D Hum G Whippet Torsida Gipsy Joe G810G Tijuana 1 l42rast 3 112 1 3 3G8001 3J 2i D Hurn S Nebraska Lad Olympiad Lota G8001 Tijuana ImTOy IoBimud 18 115 S S SG7749 T4 713 D Hum S Billllcad PeaceFlag Barskane G7749 Tijuana ImTOy l45 = ifast IS 112 4 6 6G7678 4i 55i D Hurn 7 Louis KItankin Black Tlions G7678 Tijuana ImTOy I43sfa3t 9 115 1 6 6CAAMANO 4l 4l D Hum 7 Tasentha SumSigh LManuing LManuing3y CAAMANO ch B 8 107 3y Celt Cantaloupe by Hastings HastingsBreeder Trainer L Knifong Owner L Knifonc Breeder W Garth 68341 Tijuana 1 1S l55rifast 41 110 1 41 54 E Petzoldt 8 Slioreacres LitDear NKBeal GR279 Tijuana 34 llGlov 1710 107 G 3l I E PetzoldtlO Dovesroost Cannonhall Norain 68183 Tijuana Im70y l50 ihvy 3s 3 E Pctzoidt 8 Tawisenthn Anita K Silex II G8144 Tijuana o4 119 mud 1510 107 6 6 6 6 E Petzoldt 9 BFlower GIndNews BesYoung 68103 Tijuana 34 11G fast C 107 S 11 115Sf T1 51 E Petzoldtl2 View Plurality Canncnliall G7785 Tijuana 5Sf lOSifast 4 11010 8 8l 7i E Petzoldtll Ollomestd MissDbnr Review ReviewBy ORLEANS GIRL br m 6 101 101Trainer By Jack Atkin Lady Installator by Installator InstallatorBreeder Trainer G Neal Owner Neal Bros Breeder T Shaw R384 Tijuana ImTOy l4Gfast 21 105 5 51 3l M MilricklO Poacher 1eaceFIns Theresa 17928 Tijuana ImTOy l53Tshvy 9 110 3 7J T10 C Thpson S San Hedion Lariat Hacknmore G7915 Tijuana 31 34117 117 mud 13 111 7 S S1 II S Jones S Pclamatn DaucGirl CahCrk G743G Tijuana 1 142 fast 23 103 5 52G 6 6 5 II Long 7 Itegreso Yennak Cafeteria G7398 Tijuana 1 1S i54fast 2G lor 3 C 6Ta H Long G Begrcso Just Itight Mndge P G7278 Tijuana 4 l14 l14sfast sfast 41 110 7 a G5 H Long 9 DtorTubbs SlieDevil AuUevoir 487 BKhouse I 2 104 65i H Long 9 YLassie Tawasentha Deckhnia DeckhniaBy FLAME ch m 8 105 By Charles Edward Flicker by Berwentwatflr Trainer C Irby Owner P G Christopher Breeder Estate of W Hendria 68359 Tijuana 34 115 fast 910 10 111 2 2 23 1i W Martin 12 MrKruter CaveMan Limeriec 68297 Tijuana 51 f 103 fast S3 5 111 3 35S 4 41 4 1 C Rails 10 Dclancey NoWder Caimonball Caimonball2S 68060 Tijuana 5S l04hry 2S 100 S S S S C Rails S Kglike Hon George DrJohnn 67803 Tijuana 1 11C l4Tifast 31 96 1 1 11 3 C Rails S PreeDirect SiiiuSigh Roisterer 07721 Tijuana 5 f l09kfast Plantagenet2S 5 112 4 4 63 23 F Chvcttall Prophecy Nonsuit Plantagenet 67G19 Tijuana lm0y l47ifast 2S 100 4 C 7J 7 3 C Rails S Regreso WMgomy KItankln 67552 Tijuana 5S 101 fast fastDOCTOR 51 10G 7 S S 71 M Wood S Honest George Hazel Dale It DOCTOR TUBES b g 4 110 JBy Norford Laura E hy Ben Strome Trainer A Keal Owner 2Jeal Bartholomew jw Breeder Neal Bartholomew TSSOO Tijuana Im70y l46 fast 36 103 7 9 9 R Lee 9 Don Jose El Roble Reydo G8214 Tijuana 34 11S hvy 33 110 S 31 3J1 T Wilson i UFlorence Delhimar Barkane 68202 Tijuana TijuanaG8171 51 f 111 mud 21 10S 3 2l 2 R Lee S JkLcdi HazclDale QcyWard G8171 Tijuana TijuanaG8IOG 34 llShvy 73 109 9 3 4 U Lee 12 Philandcr Sanlie lron LewisR G8IOG Tijuana TijuanaG8045 1 l42fast 13 107 G 41 53 F Stevens S NebkaLnd WterDant Olympd G8045 Tijuana TijuanaG7981 1 1 0 hvy 25 10S 7 714f 31 4U F Stevens S SHedron MKmG Chley loy G7981 Tijuana 1 l4Sjraud 14f 110 7 Si 10 H HolterslO NtiiShore GdBryan ChleyBoy KIDIAN b h G 113 By Meridian Veneta Strome by Ben Strome StromeBreeder Trainer J D Rice Owner J D Rice Breeder R F Carman Carmanli 68241 Tijuana 5R 105 Vhvy 2110 111 2 2SI li I3 II Zander 8 Car Fickle Faiitv Belle Flower 68222 Tijuana SI f lllsmud IS 111 11 5 3 H Zander 12 Baisy SthnGtleman Rafferty 68198 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud 38 113 6 6El 4l 4 i H Xandcr 7 Red Man Pueblo Rosa Atkin 68055 Tijuana El f 113 hvy 9 113 6 3 431 H Zander S Jack Lrdi Billy Joe Conichon 68020 Tijuana 34 119 mud 11 113 2 25S 2l 2 II Zander 7 VeraRita GMuehlebh TRoach i8000 Tijuana 5S l01itmud 2 119 1 15S 6h 5 3 D Hurn 10 Yukon Plow Steel Billy Joe 67933 Tijuana 5S 104 hvy 2Sf 116 9 Sl 7 1 T liae 11 FdUopc Philanderer FullMoon KR X ch f 5 By Frizzle Floral Park by Burgomaster Trainer C Bnzton Owner A Marrone MarroneOG8IO Breeder F J Grefer OG8IO Bowie 1 116 l52fast 14f 101 3 3CG7S9 10 i2i C Lang 14 Transient B tty J Bravo CG7S9 Marlboro ImTOy l52V fast 6 111 1 3s 3 M Buxton U Salt Peter Sir Adsum Futcn G775 Mboro Ab 6J f 1 29 Rood 29 113 C COG732 41 4 M Buxton 7 Salt Peter Ruminn Star Court OG732 Mboro Ab Ci f 126 fast 4 113 1 1CC443 4 4 i M Buxton 8 Purl Jnp Minna Ina Kay CC443 Empire 1 11G l43rast 10 103 5 5GC341 6l 7S3 E Kummerll BalMark SLightlll St Isidore Isidore13s GC341 Empire 1 116 l49fast 1C 10T 1 1GEORGE 13s I3IS E KummerlG ServStar l ordUerbert Huoiiec GEORGE MUEHLEBACH b g 7 115 115Trainer By McGee Stolen Moments by Kinpiton KinpitonBrerder Trainer J Manale Owner J Manale ManaleG8383 Brerder C W Moore G8383 Tijuana 1 l425ifst Sf IDS 4 4G8129 51 rJJ G Rose 11 ColMatt NebraskaLad Yukon G8129 Tijuana 1 1E l55ifast 5 110 3 3G805G 11 Il E Petzoldt 9 AI Wick JudgeDavid Montona G805G Tijuana 1 l311ihvy C 104 3 3G8020 3 3 F Stevens 8 1owis B I iriat Olympiad G8020 Tijuana 34 119 mud 11 110 4 4f7927 41 3 = 1 W Pool 7 Vera Rita Midian Toiu Roach f7927 Tijuana ImTOy Ii2hvy IT 115 C 7 = 7 = D Hurn H HorIerrh NliSlmie Pllaginet 07744 Tijuana 34 l14 = ifaat 42 113 T TC7G3C C51 3S F Stevens S Virge TomCravcn NebrasI id C7G3C Tijuana ImTOy 149 fast 21 110 4 Il I1 E PetzoldtlO Scvcii Seas Piuk Tcnny Lava YUKON ch g C CTrainer 115 By Deutschland Lady Vera by Woolithorp GG838 Trainer G Gray Owner G Gray WoolithorpGray Breeder Nevada Stock Farm G838 Tijuana 1 l42ifast 20 113 5 2 35 3 W Pool 11 ColMatt XebrkaLad Yermak 08199 Tijuana 5i f l10 imud rT10 115 566 6 J W Gargan S Full Moon Cicely Kay Don Jose 08044 lihvyGSOOO Tijuana 51 f lihvy 7 113 1 5 C G 3 W Gargan 1 Joe Tag Jack Ledi Ollic Wood l04VsmudG7927 GSOOO Tijuana 5S l04Vsmud 195 116 3 1 I5 1 E Dugan 10 PlovrSteel UillyJoe Vera Rita G7927 l52SihvyT57918 Tijuana ImTOy l52Sihvy 14 115 1 5 91 11 W Garganll IIorlx rch NliShore Pltagenet T57918 Tijuana 5S l0t = immi 21 113 4 5 5 41 V Gargan S HaxelDale Stleyll DdeGulsu

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923022401/drf1923022401_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1923022401_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800