2nd Race [2nd Jefferson Park, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-24

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I Onrl DA PC 5 12 Fnrlonsrs yearold Claiming Dec 1G 11 IIU nAUC 1O5 45 i 112 112C C A REFNHHART b c 3 95 By Colonel Vennie Wondawhy by Sempronlns drainer Sempronlnsdrainer W V Walsh Ownsr J S Ward Breeder J B Respess 08266 Jefferson 34 l14faat 8 110 5 5 31 3 = B Harvey 12 Stone Ago Iady Rose Zoona 08131 FGrnda 34 l16 slow S 105 1 1 11 l k B Harvcj 13 Kefuimer Royal Crown Lit Ann 67983 FGrnds 34 114 fast 4 115 1 G H1 10 H J BurkcH Kuhilia Sultan First Blush 07878 FGrnds 34 l14fast 20 107 3 6 GJ 6 1 E Harvey 11 Childs Play Poor Sport Rork RorkG7G87 G7G87 AlluringGC687 FGrnds 34 l14 = 5fast 30 116 5 5 31 5J B Harvey 12 IQKelly FirstBlusli Alluring GC687 Pimlico 34 114 fast 6f 1031 9 6 6 6 C Studer 15 Tassel Reap Racket 60590 Pimlico 34 l S fast lOf 115 10 11 12 95 E Fator 12 Athsicne RkBottom TMintes 00382 Latonia 34 l13fast 19 98 2 3 21 25 J Corcoranll Gst ofllonor Procds AlStebler AlSteblerG627C G627C Latonia 34 l Cfast 2110 107 7 6 62 67j J Corcoranl2 GolileuCiest Nuyaka StoneAgo 66162 Latonia 34114 fast 3f 110 3 5 4s 4i E Pool 12 Cash Power Lucky Run RunBEDAZZLE BEDAZZLE ch f 3 93 By Cunard May Bird by Thrush ThrushTrainer Trainer D F Cannon Owner G Drnmheller breeder E R Bradley Bradley6800G 6800G FGrnds 34 IlSrsfast 15 S3 6 S 7 = 77J W Fronk 10 ChasJCraifeniile Orlova Theo 67731 FGinds InVTOy 145fast 12 105 9 8 S = 7 J Chalmersl2 Al Stebler Glabolla Untried Untried07G85 07G85 FGrnds 1 116 14S fast 12 98 4 4 51 5s J Crcoran 7 Superbum RchBeauty Glabella 07501 FGrnds 34 13fast 6 107 S 7 6 = 67J J Corcoranll Glabella Ebethllean Ghost 07482 FGrnds Im70y 143 hvy C 110 6 7 8 8 II Shillick S AlSloblcr MarjWood PGorda 07381 Jefferson 34 113 fast 75 104 5 2 11 11 J Crcoranll Ormont Rork Marjorie Wood 67250 Jefferson 34 l13fast 1S5 103 2 3 21 M II Thurber 0 Leslie Ilillliouso Al Stobler StoblerCG724 CG724 MColIottsCG691 DadePrk El f l06fast 2310 112 4 2 21 31 H Thurber 7 LilyM Put audTake MColIotts CG691 ingCGC41 DadePrk 5 f 107 fast 1110 110 2 1 II 1 = H Thurber 9 Goldenltillows RoyalMaid ing CGC41 Latonia 34 l135sfast 5 109 5 1 3 3s H Thurberl2 Waywasso PocTiilli VunBor VunBorEVELYN EVELYN CyllcneTrainer SAWDER ch f 3 107 By Ballot Cyllene Cross by Cyllcne Trainer F Smith Owner G L Goodacre Breeder Nevada Stock Farm G8133 FGrnds 34 l15slow a 10S 11 10 10s 105 H Tliurberl2 Rnpeo Tender Seth Radiant 68091 FGrnds FGrndsG7199 34 114 seed 10 3CC 7 4 41 5 J Chimersll PSptit PBrown WinTaUeAl WinTaUeAlGS Jeffersoni G7199 Jefferson GS l Slthvy 115 M2 1 3 Li 11 J Crcoranl2 Kinsman Josie M Ormoiit i G6799 Bowie BowieiGG71G 34 l14fast IS 111 12 12 12s 10 J Rowan 13 Lit Hope Adventuress PrSport iGG71G PimlicoI Pimlico 1 l42fast 33 JO 112 6 2 9l 9 = E Sande 12 Little Hope Sea Tag Majority I CC687 Pimlico PimlicoI 34 114 fast 5 109 12 11 9l S J Rowan 15 Tassel Reap Racket I G6618 Pimlico PimlicoI 51 f 107 fast 6 1071 6 6 E = 34 G Babin 9 Knighthood Tassel PeterRrown I 66522 Laurel 51 f 108 faat 10 103 431 3 = 1 E Barnes S BliaHawk TrueFlier LadyMyra LadyMyraE POOR SPORT b E 3 113 By Delhi Play Fair by Fair Play I Trainer W A Barttschcll Owner J R Sklnker Breeder J D Carr t Ero C8190 FGrnds 34 l14hvy 12 101 3 5 C1 6 = J Crcoran 8 Sagamore JFOHara Monnary 68135 FGrnda Im70y l46slow 7 111 2 1 51 = J Crcoran S Kent L Al Stebler WTakeAll 68091 FGrnds 34 114 goo good 2 21 Til 3 2 1 1s E Smworlll PBrnwn WinTAll Vanrburg 67878 FGrnds 34 114 l14rast l14rast674IG = 4 fast 3 110 11 4 31 2 E Srnwodll Childs Play Rork Admirer AdmirerW 674IG FairGds 51 f l09fchvy W 10G o 1 3 3 II ShilJck 10 JIIueNose Anonymous Uriad 07365 Jefferson 51 f l07ifast 10 108 1 9 9 S l H Shillick Itet Times Leslie Allio Ochs 67327 Jefferson 34 l1514hvy 10 106 3 3 31 4 = 3 E Barnes 5 BlueNose Calcutta Kirk Lady 66871 Bowie 34 l14fast l14fastGG848 7 109 9 6 101 105 E Barnes 11 Rpgllorne ForMLore Caladm GG848 Bowie Gi f l21f fast 3 112 3 2 1 = 1 E Bell 12 Pennon Adventurs Belphzonii RORK b e 3 112 By Assagai Affinity by Star Shoot Trainer C A Aoolegate Owner C A Applogate Breeder W S Kihnsr 68091 FGrnds 34 114 good 7 103 11 7 7l 6T L McDottll PSport PBrown WinTikeAll 08026 FGrnds 34 l14 fast 13 304 6 3 51 5 = J A AAilsun 0 JQKelly Aiiymous MChilton 07930 FGrnda 34 l14fast 115 10S 6 7 7 G l G Babin SiMOebs WinTakeAll LyRose 67878 FGrnds 34 l14fast 8 118 5 3 4J 21 G Babin 11 Childslla PoorSport Admirer AdmirerC7809 C7809 FGrnds 34 l14Mmud 15 110 1 4 4s 3 = 1 G Babin S Shamrock Macbeth Thessaly 67772 FGrrds 34 113 fast 15 1091 S 9 9 9 G Babin 9 BIueNose JolinQKellv Jupiter 67685 FGrnds 1 116 148 fast 7 105 6 2 = 71 II Thomas 7 Superbum HchBeauty Glabella 07555 FGrnda 34 l13good 41 101 7 6 6l Cl J Wallace 13 Mar Bodine Alex H Spugs 67458 LeslieG7381 FGrnds 34 l18hvy S 114 5 3 3 2 G Babin 7 Macbeth Flying Devil Leslie G7381 Jefferson 34 113 fast 7 113 G G 31 31 J Owens II Redazzle urniont MjorieWood MjorieWoodLADY LADY ROSE b f 3 M 107 By Yon Tromp Jourdain by Watercress WatercressTrainer Trainer W Blair Owner M L Mahler Breeder E Cebrian 08260 Jefferson 31 l14 fast 2 110 4 2 2 J Owens 12 StoneAge CA Reinhart Zooni ZooniC7936 C7936 FGrnds 34 l14fast 15 107 8 3 31 3s L McDott AlOehs WinTakeAll Glabella GlabellaGG124 GG124 Jamaica 51 f l07fast 910 1101 1 1 31 4 = 3 C H Miller 5 Leioha Temptress Miss Belle BelleG5715 G5715 Jamaica 34 114 fast 135 1C3 4 1 71 751 J Callahan 8 AlOchs RLeighton Homestch HomestchG5602 JennJeCG5474 G5602 Aqueduct 5S l00fast 1 111 4 3 2s 21 L McAtee 7 DiamdDkk Bowsprit JennJeC G5474 PrSport052S8 Aqueduct 34 l14 ifast 4 102 2 2 21 31 H Thomas 9 PofLmliria ESawyer PrSport 052S8 Aqueduct 34 115 fast 2 109 5 6 Gs G T Rice 11 Avalanche Hoy Chile 65100 Belmt 51 f ilC l03fast 13 112 7 6 6l 61 T Rice 12 Felside Sun Fey Sunday Best BestGHOST GHOST b c 3 102 By Sweep Unseen by Yanknn YanknnTrainer Trainer v V Casey Corner W V Casay breeder W S Kiiier 08331 Jefferson 1 116 l484 faat 8 10S 5 2 5l 671 H Tliurber Slanderer Rupee Kennraare Kennraare6S24G 6S24G Jefferson Im70y 147 fast S 103 3 1 I4 11 A Abel 12 Slanderer Rupee Sweet Mama MamaG8133 G8133 FGrnds 34 l157lslow 15 105 2 9 S Sl G AV Car1112 Rupee Tendir Seth Radiant RadiantG8010 G8010 AVranglerG7815 FGrnds ImOy l46fast H5 101 2 1 IS 2k G Mein 10 Yorick Marj Wood AVrangler G7815 FGrnds 34 l15hvy 10 10316 6 G l G AV Car1113 Flying Devil OldTop Wrangler 07731 FGrnds Im70y l43fast 7 102 8 4 B 5 G AAr Car112 Al Stebler Glabella Vntried 07688 FGrnds 34 l14 4taat 3 197 9 4 Z 21 G AA CarI12 Begum Kinsman Josephine C 67004 FGrnds Im70y l4Sfaat 6 106 4 2 2 = 2 G TV Carlll IrhPat Slandenr MildredRuth 07501 FGrnds 34 l13ifast 12 110 6 6 4l 351 G AV Carllll CIaliella Eliz Bean Kinsman KinsmanG73G3 G73G3 Jefferson 6S l0144faat 20 118 1 4 4 = 4 G W Car1112 FlygDcvil Glahella SwtMama SwtMamaTENDER TENDER SETH ch g 3 114 By Seth Tender Bloom by Sir Diion Trainer x Wright Owner E Knebolkamp Breeder B A Jon s 110 7 4 4l 31 A TVilson 10 BUighton Chiva Put andTake 34 l15 = slow 12 113 5 2 41 2 A Wilson 12 Rupee Radiant Flying Devil G793G FGrnas 34 l147 fast SO 10S 258 = 9 J F Smith i l k u ly lyiCf o 07645 FGrnds 51 f l07ifasc JO 10S 5 9 9 S F Smith 9 Miss Meise Rock Salt Shamrk ShamrkCG80G CG80G DadePrk 34 l18mud 14 104 3 6 6 = s J Owens tt Plue Stone Maebeth Fernandoj Fernandoj6G793 6G793 DadePrk El f l07 slow 17 105 1 2 34 3 J Owens S Leslie PO Brown Teds Plum 00737 DadePrk 34 l127sfast 19 110 1 2 4 7 J Owens S TayHay StumpJr PG Itrown ItrownG6G9G G6G9G DadePrk 51 f lOGVtfast 26 113 1 2 S 4 B Scheffel 5 Banter Bninell Taylor Hay HayGAIL GAIL FORD b g 3 110 By Brummel Ethel May by McGee McGeeTrainer McoreOS26G Trainer C T Worthinjrton Owner C T Worthineton Breeder C W Mcore OS26G Jefferson 34 l14ifast 12 113 3 7 7 G 3 W Kelsay 12 KtoneAgo LvRose CARnhart CARnhartG7173 G7173 RnpceG7107 Jefferson 34 l17ihvy 10 113 3 1 Il I W Kelsay li First Blush Blue Bird Rnpce G7107 Jefferson 51 f 109 good 12 115 1 8 S W Kelsay 9 Majority GoldMount FirstUIush 66792 DadePrk 34 lUSVisIow 7 112 1 3 44 32 H Stearns S Vanlisltoy ThelmaK Ferndos 66750 DadePrk E f mOVimud 2 165 4 4 41 3 = II Stearns 9 Gold Billows RalMaid Mamon MamonGG708 GG708 DadePrk El f 1OS fast 2710 110 G 2 2 21 11 Stearns i Iteaihlieauty Cukamo AlbertL 06680 KelnethCGG1G DadePrk 51 f l07fast S710 112 2 3 2 2 = II Steams 3 Lucky Run Kelneth CGG1G Latonia 34 lll = tfast It 103 5 4 10 = 1011 II SloarnslJ Stump Jr Lucky Run Yorick YorickOLD OLD TOP ch c S 104 By Theo Cook Oseetah by Ornamtnt OrnamtntTrainer Trainer W J Foley Owner Four Oaks Stock Farm Stable Brceier H P Heading HeadingC8091 WinTakeAllG8026 C8091 FGrnds 34 114 good SO 10S 1 11 11 10 AV Bo skill PSport Pltiown WinTakeAll G8026 MChiltonG7815 FGrnds 34 l14fast 30 103J 7999 AV Bogski l IQKelly Anvmoiis MChilton G7815 FGrnds 34 l13 ihvy C 104 4 3 11 21 G Mein 13 FlygDevil Wrangler Kinsman 67710 ChivaC7G02 FGrnds 34 l13ifast 20 102 1 4 6 S A Abel i Leslie Elizabeth Bean Chiva C7G02 FGrnds 34 l15Hfast 7 97 6 7 84 S J Corcoranll Radiant SwandPlv GMouit 66449 Latonia 34 112 fast 52f 109 4 10 11 11 It Hartonll AliceBGown BlossTime Metric MetricG6348 LilyMC5726 G6348 Latonia 34 l12jfast H 97 2 9 H1 11 L Gregoryl2 Right on Time Uuatciu LilyM C5726 Latonia 51 f l07 l07ifast = ifast Gf 10S 3 1 21 24 II Stearns 12 HGraham Gofllonor F Cook 63450 AVoodne 34 113 faat 6 103 2 3 33 2l P AValls G Kirkl ady Sslenion Dghorea DghoreaFELICITOUS ByI FELICITOUS ch c a 122 By Ultimatum Felicitation by Delhi Trainer C P Winfrey Owner C P Winfrey Breeder S Ross C78 9 FGrnds 34 113 fast W KC 7 3 1 7 = E Smwod S IJ Kelly Sliamrk P cfUmba 57809 FGrnds 34 l14Hmud l14Hmud6G987 12 1094 665 = S E Smwod S Slmminck Macbeth Rork 6G987 Jefferson 51 f l07 = ifast ifastGC835 4 115 6 3 4 4 = 1 E Smwod S RoekSit RetTimc StumpJr GC835 Bowie 61 f l21 fast fastCOG37 193 112 C 3 41 G l E SmwodlO Rueadr Lit Hope Adventures COG37 Pimlico 34 l13fast l13fastGG387 12 10S1 3 2 1 = 1 E SmwodlS LyMyra Homestretch Al I5oyd GG387 Laurel 1 l441ifast l441ifastOG248 3110 110 S 3 I1 3i E SmwodlO llelplirizoiiia PoorSport Tassel OG248 Laurel 34 l15 = ifast 45 1CS 2 3 2 1 S TUcLane 9 Panasain SandPty BlueCuina MACBETH i c 3 110 110Trainer By Tony Bonero A M J by Boanerges Boanergesntry Trainer L Gentry ntry Owner L Gentry Breeder T B Jones 08003 FGrnds 34 114 mud 31 10S 4 6 C Sn J ChlmTs f Camflage Cold Floss PMicoa 67838 FGrnds Im70y l4Csyivy 10 92 2 1 24 2 AV Fronk t Rama Kof thellVr Richelieu 07809 FGrnds 34 l14smud 31 105 2 1 1 21 C Lanj S ShamioI Rork Thessaly 07458 FGrnds 341lSvhvy 165 116 1 1 1 in II J Burke 7 Rork Flying Devil Leslie 00800 DadePrk 34 llSVimud 35 101 1 2 2CC781 1 21 1 A Roach C P Stone Fernando TedsPlum CC781 DadePrk 78 119 hvy 3110 103 4 2 41 G i J Owens 5 RompMary Taylorllay Rrunell 60705 DadePrk 14 l13hvy 710 113 1 3 3CG217 41 3i II J Burke 5 Stump Jr Fernandos M Wood CG217 Latonia 1 145 hvy 2910 lw 5 4 5 = 4l J Corcoranll Ieijuot Vennie Laviuia THE COLONEL b c 3 21 106 106Trainer By Bryn Mawr Toastrack by SInsleton SInsletonBreeder Trainer T A Kane Owner B A Leigh Leigh0828G Breeder H S Border Border6s 0828G Jefferson 34 UHifast 15 105 6 5 6s 6 T Wallace 10 liLeiphton Chivn Tender Seth 08135 FGrnds ImTOy l lsslow sslow 15 103 4 S S S J Wallace S Kent 1 AI Slebler WTakeAll 08091 FGrnds 34 114 coed 12 10S 10 S SI T J Wallace 11 PSptrt Pllrown WinTnkcAlI 07964 FGrnds 34 l13ifart 20 100 5 S 9 S J J Wallace 12 Admirer Chiva Major Chilton 07809 FGrnds 34 lli mud 20 104 S S 5 G J Wallace 8 Shamrock Macbeth Rork Empire 51 t l T = fast 4 105 S S SOG303 71 S1 G W Car1110 Rafflos Peter rnnm Itork OG303 Empire Ab 34 llfli fast 21 10T1 7 7 7CG193 41 4 1 L Fator 11 Raffles RenWood PesLeishSon CG193 Empire 51 f 107 fast 3CO 114 7 7 7G6127 6 7 1 M MntainlO Mutiny Mazeppa Sakah G6127 Jamaica Dl f l06 fast GO 107 2 a aG5918 5 G1 M Mountn 5 Riucl Equinoctial 1elion G5918 Jamaica 34 l125ifast 100 103 1 3 4l 5 II Thomas 8 Host Love Itattorsea Alaildin FLEETING ch f 3 M MTrainer 99 By Manager Waitc Independence by Ballot BallotOwner Trainer C S Wilson Owner C S Lemieux Breeder T C McDawrll McDawrllfast G828G Jefferson 34 114 = fast 15 105 3 3 51 531 J MajesticlO ItLeiRlilon Chiva Tender Seth Sethslow G8135 FGrnds ImTOy l S slow SO 102 5 3 G G7 J Majestic 8 Kent L AI Stcbier WTakeAll WTakeAllhvy 080G8 FGrnds ImTOy 148 hvy 30 105 3 2 3l 311 J MajesticlO AHAinerican RcelFcot 15oifira 15oifirafast G79G1 FGrnds 34 l13v fast 30 93 12 12 12 lli J Chlmer 12 Admirer Chiva Major Ciiiiton Ciiiitonfast 07899 FGrnds 34 113 fast 300 100 4 fi G1 G J Majestic S JQKelly Shamrk P rfnmhn rfnmhnfast GG344 Latonia 34 113 fast 36 109 6 9 91 9 J Howard 12 HArrow MColIette PdOuilly PdOuillyfast G2599 Latonia 5S 101 101G2212 fast 30 112 9 9 10 10to E Martin 10 DFlowcr AItGown Prestclila Prestclilafast G2212 Churchill 5S 101 = fast 19 112 7 8 72 7 W Pool S Metric Taylor Hay Wida

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923022401/drf1923022401_4_4
Local Identifier: drf1923022401_4_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800