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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesTIJUANA TIJUANA SATURDAY FEBRUARY 24 24AVEATIIER AVEATIIER CLEAR TRACK FAST Tho figures under tho heading Rcc in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1820 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track ccnditions Racing starts at 135 p m Chicago time 3ri Superior iniiil runner X Good mtiil runnor Fair mini runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance b rlinkirs rlinkirsFirst First Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse CO yenrol ls and upward Claiming Track record June 28 1010 103K 3 118 Ilnrse IlnrseMac Wt Rec Mac Seth M 110 111 Freddie Foar 100 l094i Maiioa Ilollins 108 10 Glad News 110 111 3 Missouri loy 110 l09Vi Syncopation 111 110 Ljva 113 l12 = i George lames 102 lOS Little Smile M MMuriels 92 1133 Muriels Pet 112 l07 = i Martha L M MCounsel 110 112 Counsel 103 108 Striker 109 l0ti Second Race 5 12 Eurlcngs Ilirse 00 3yenrolds and upward upwardTrack Track record June 2S 191G 105 eS108 Vibrate 99 lOfiSs lOfiSsC812G1 C812G1 bDanciug Girl 112 107 107G83S9S G83S9S Joe Campln 107 l07rf l07rf66977s 66977s Bittern ul07s 67622 Maysville 105107 05379 = Peggy Martin 110 1OS 1OSC83G2 C83G2 Miss Jane lOiJ 109 109G813G G813G 1prfett Day 107 1OS 1OSGS339 GS339 Hookworm 110 1 OS OSC8218 C8218 GallouIUrry 113 100 f 65924 Smiling Maggie 103 lOG t 1 64907 bAudrey K C8104 Little Abu 103 107 1 Third Race 5 12 Furlongs Purse So OO 1yearolds and upward Track record June 2S 191G l03Vi 63257 Gracf Trimble 10Sl03 10Sl03o = o C8284 Horinga Ill 1OS 1OSDora 53551 Dora T 68126 Do Admit 100 1OS 1OSNet 683D3 Net Star M 68380 Charlotta SnilthM10S 109 67957 Dublin Anne Ml C771 Double Three M Fourth Race 34 Mile Purse 600 3yeurolds and upward Track record Dec 2 1D1G 11 1 68383 Colonol Matt 111 112 112eSSGObAraackassiii eSSGObAraackassiii 104 113 113G8370 G8370 No Wonder 109 115 68264 l Hnrry Rudder 109 113 67833 bVauessa Welle 1034112 68223 Milda 113 113 = 5 68264 Emma Williams 110 115 681261 Lady Bourbon 115 115 SS223 Ncg 111114 S 10SX710 68264 011ie Wood 10S 113 G 10SX710 10SX71068280s 68280s Double Eye 112 114 0 113X710 68222 Cancion I0i 115 G 105X70 63264 bRcd Man 109 114 9 113X700 63361 bF G Corley 111113 7 113X700 113X700Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Dec 20 1JIG 111 3 110 63404 Kirkwood 95 113 5 113 725 725682G43 682G43 Mack Lcdi 105 115 5 103X720 68297 Delancey 114 113 10 113X713 113X713C6045 C6045 North Shore 102 l14f 5 100X715 68264 Kimono 7 114 4 10SX710 68361 bCareen Ill 115 8 111X710 111X7106S314s 6S314s bMerry Lass 113 114 8 100X710 68404 Virge Ill 114 9 111X710 68401 July Fly 110 114 111x705 68404 Little Pointer 95 114 5 111X705 68264 bChoir Master 111 114 S 1131705 11317056S084 6S084 Vera Rita 105 116 5 108X700 108X70068129s 68129s A1 Wick 105 1135 10 103 700 68381 Alice RichmondMlll 117 5 111 700 700Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse SOO 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingHandicap Handicap HandicapTrack Track record Jau 21 1923 142 S OS 67474 bRED WINGKIELD104 144 4 101X725 68365 IroHity S 144 3 90 715 I 715I 6S282 bKuekhorn II 110 144 G 913X715 683171 Van Patrick 99 144 3 90X715 90X715GS317 GS317 Catharine Marrone 94 1 4 4 900715 68262 Rajah 10S 140 5108X715 5108X7156S282 6S282 Dorius 4 97X710 68403 bPrince Direct 115 145 7 09X710 68363 bllalu 107 l4fi 5100X710 63382 Polly Wale 107 14 1 4107X710 68345 AVoodic Montgom ¬ ery 113145 10101X705 10101X705GS405 GS405 Glen Well 104145 G 93x703 93x703Seventh Seventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsPurse Purse 00 3yuurolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Jau 21 1923 142 8 OS 67743 bBy Right 105 144 7 113i7 68342 Vic 104144 5103x720 68304 bllackamore 115 143 G 110i715 68334 bPoacher 110145 8110x715 8110x715G8S64bWalter G8S64bWalter Dnnt 115 145 8 110 710 71068S41 68S41 hCunmano 110 143 8 107 710 710C8384 C8384 Orleans Gill lot 14S 0 101X705 68359 Flame 100141 S105X705 S105X705683CO 683CO Doctor Tubbs 103 148 4 110x705 63241 bMidian i Il5ij705 66840 Mr X 100 14B 68383 be rge MuehlebachlOS 14 J 68333s Yukon 114143 Purso SGQO 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Jan 8 86S242 1921 53 10 103 6S242 bAryanna 101 33 5 100 725 68281 Sister Susie 110 51 10 94X720 68319 Angela 4 102X720 66910 liDough Girl 107 53 5 93 715 68037 Plorvnce Deeu I 95 71 5 68319 blncognance 105 54 4 1W1X710 68085 Stanley H 13 93X710 93X71010t 68362 Norf iehl 10t 54 3 100 710 68201 Royal Maid 3 IS X 705 66403 Blind Baggage 10 103 705 67397 Mart Bunch 107 56 3 100X700