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8th RACE 4 12 Fnrlonsrs 3yearolds and upward Claiming 1O21 oI t5 1O 1O5 ARYANNA oDayTrainer ch m 5 100 By Uncle Helen Barbee by Peep oDay HeadleyR242 Trainer B F McClain Owner B F McClain Breeder H P Headley R242 Tijuana 51 f lll hvy IS 10T 6 6 6 11 F Watrous B Harry D Jack Bauer FullMoon 68127 Tijuana 5S l01fefast 45 111 1 1 1 1 E Petzoldt 9 Dark Ages Endive StAngelina 67552 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 4 106 6 3 3i 5 1 J Thomas 8 Honest George Hazel Dale It G751G Tijuana 58102 fast 165 110 6 5 7 751 H Long 8 Ph Ward Horinja Pay Off 67456 MManageG7380 Tijuana ES l00fast 8 105 3 2 21 2s II Long 8 CocaCola PhWard MManage LaragaSISTER G7380 Tijuana 34 l14fifast 3 105 3 1 I1 In li Long 11 She Deril July Fly Laraga SISTER GoldfinchTrainer SUSIE b m 10 94 By Galveston Sweet Lavender by Goldfinch Hacgin6R281 Trainer H T Palmer Owner H T Palmer Breeder J B Hacgin 6R281 Tijuana 51 f lXWslow 25 111 111 Il W Pool S Conichon TornCraven Poacher 6812G Tijuana 5S l0lfast 45 111 2 1 I1 1J F Stevens 9 LyBrbon DanGirl X Harper GipJoeG7929 G8024 Tijuana 5S l04 5 mud 2310 111 3 2 2 3J F Stevens 6 ItosaAtkin StAngolina GipJoe G7929 Tijuana 5S l04 = ihvy 165 111 7 7 6J 6 J Shaffer 11 MKmG RosaAtkin Pinaquana 67833 Tijuana 51 f 107 fast 26 1CS 10 7 7 = 1 G J Thomas 11 Tule PhroneWard FlorceDeen 67642 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 4310 111 5 4 9 9 H S Jones 9 Phrone Ward Icon Dark Ages ANGELA ch f 4 102 By The Wolf Mona Canomann by Elmar r Trainer R M Hollenbeck Owner R M Hollenback Breeder P A Klipsteic G8319 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 95 101 5 4 1U 13 M Milr ck 7 Settle Ask Tessa Col Snider 68284 Tijuana 41 f 54slow 6 102 1 1 1i 2 M MUrick 9 Kinglikc Incognance Corncuttcr 68108 Tjjuana 5S Irtlfast 1310 109 2 1 1 is E PetzoldtlO PayOff HazelDale ColonelMatt 67679 OffG7510 Tijuana 58 101 fast 4 105 3 1 I3 1 E Petzoldtll Joe Tag Full Moon Pay Off G7510 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 3110 105 3 1 1 l C Rails S SwoUpII DonJns Mayflower PlantngeDOTJGH ijuana Mayflowerijuana 55104 hvy 9 103 2 1 1 Il C Rails 7 Corncutter EWaldo Plantnge DOTJGH DiseaHOTrainer GIRL b m 5 93 Bjr Great Britain Black Tail by DiseaHO Trainer M Smart Owner K Smart CombsG5910 Breeder L B Combs G5910 Laurel 34 l13ifast 131 107 C 5 6h 7 J Wallace 15 Jock Scot Perigourdine Rolo 65489 WilsonG5342 HdeGce 34 l14faat 34 111 8 7 81 11 = A Allen 15 Camouflage Fleer Ira Wilson WhaleboneG2861 G5342 HdeGce 34 l15fast 13 112J13 10 11 9i C KutrmerlS Terminal Wrecker Whalebone G2861 LeghornG1311 Aqueduct 61 f 121 good 30 112 3 1 C3 61 F Keogh G Jyntee Marie Maxim Leghorn G1311 IIdeGce 34 l16Vsgood 39 10518 12 12J 15 B Parke 15 Rolo Dare Titauia TitauiaFLORENCE FLORENCE DEEN b f 4 95 By Discontent Garvanio by Otlm Trainer J J Quinlan Owner Quinlan Heigle Breeder E H Trowbridge 68087 Tijuana 34 114 fast 5 101 3 1 1 = 1 1s P Walls 10 Horingn CStocking John Jr 67960 Tijuana 34 4 l16shvy 19 101 5 5 54 S51 M Garrett 9 LitFlorce IIGeorge BBlackl BBlackli G7833 Tijuana 5i i SisterSusieS f 107 fast 6 105 4 6 61 31 E Petzoldtll Tnlc Phrone Ward SisterSusie S l013fast 115 110 3 4 31 3 = i H Long G PiyOff DirU Ages MissEnift 67516 Tijuana 58 8 102 fast 6 110 5 7 C = l 5s E Petzoidt S PhroneWard Horinga Pay Oft Ofti 65280 Hastings 61 i f 123 fast 17 109 2 = 1 D Powell 7 HGcorge EugcniaK ColBoyle i INCOGNANCE b e 4 106 By Disguise Las Flores by Bearcatchsr Trainer A W Kraft BearcatchsrKraft Owner J McGinn Breeder R S Avery 68319 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 15 119 436 = 7 II S Jones 7 Angela Settle Ask G8284 Tijuana 41 f 54slow 12 119 4 3 S 33 H S Jones 9 Kinglike Angela Cornciitter 68242 Tijuana 51 f 111 hvy 10 113 2 2 2 4 G Rose 6 HarryU Jaekltniier FullMoon 08060 Tijuana 5S l04hvy 6 110 7 5 4 5 G Rose S Kglike Hon George DrJobnn 68002 Tijuana 34 Il7fcmud 2 110 1 1 1 = 1 I5 G Rose 8 JohnJr Delhimar ClicflMirtri 67917 Tijuana 51 f lC9mud 4 115 5 4 41 C II Long 8 Nnhour TubbyA BBlackwell 67853 Tijuana 51 f 1CS mud llo 104 3 1 lh h II Long 8 HarryD John Jr Blue Bel 1 STANLEY H b K 13 By Pianndes Variant by Disguise DisguiseBreeder Breeder G D Wilson 4 = 3 P Hum 8 Philanderer Pueblo QuinWard G79 7 Tijuana 5S l03hvy 1110 115 5 2 41 0 6 P Hurn S Full Moon Count Boris Milda 67918 Tijuana 5S l03mud 15 113 3 1 1 2 2h P Hurn 8 HazelDale Due IeGiiise Yukon 67643 Tijuana 5S l01fast Jl 115 4 1 21 4 = D Hurn 7 Mflower IIiltonA LitPointcr 67511 Tijuana 58102 fast 3 115 4 1 21 5 = i i P Hum S HazelDale RLOwen FullMoon MelchoirG7317 67430 Tijuana 58 l01fast 75 115 3 1 1s Il D Hum 9 Shelbyville StyMiss Melchoir G7317 Tijuana 58102 fast 4 114 2 1 21 2l D Hurn 9 Mayfler Syiicopufu EmWelier EmWelierNORFIELD NORFIELD ch c 3 ICO By Enfield Horma G ErKieC8362 Trainer E Linnell Owner Leslie Stable Breeder S S ErKie C8362 Tijuana 34 l14fast 7 105 1 1 lh lh W Pool 8 Athanna ClkStoekinj HIRolilo 08314 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast IS 100 2 1 1 I1 A Claver 12 Nizam Meirv Ijiss Cicely Kuy 68240 Tijuana 58 l05Jhvy 20 99 7 4 7 7 i F Watrous S Billy Joe Poacher HelenMajor 67996 Tijuana 51 f lll lllsmud = smud 51 101 856 = 5J F Stevens 11 Caunzcl TlieVenciiine CSmith 67827 Tijuana 41 f 54sfast 3110 101 1 1 11 Il F Stevens 12 NHoney Qucenciip II LSiuilu 5S 1 02fast 35 100 7 4 41 43 O Rose 11 Yukon Dclantey Phyllis K ROYAL MAID hlk f 3 By Transvaal Broken Promise by King James Trainer I Glasscock Owner E Murray Breeder Morris Walden 68201 Tijuana 58 l02mud 41 110 3 3 3s 1 3s P Walls 7 Paisley Joelhi 1 Csdric 68151 Tijuana 51 f l09mud 25 106 7 5 5G7917 3 3 35i = 4 P Walls S Harryl Carlos Enrique Rrnp G7917 Tijuana 5ifl09mud 41 103 G 6 667G22 6 71S C Rails S Nnhour TubbyA BBiacKvcIl 67G22 Tijuana 34 34114fast l145sfast llf 101 3 1 1i Ill P Walls U Poacher El Roble MollieBarnes i Tijuana 34 34113 113 fast 1S3 100 G G GC7017 8 S = P Walla S BrilRiiy LnekyBiitton Coffield C7017 Tijuana 34 l17imud S 110 1 1 1BLIND 1 Il 1 1J = 1 C Euel 6 Piuaquana Cl Stocking II Kens BLIND BAGGAGE b b h 10 103 103Irairer By Sain Lovt Lovenot by Voter Irairer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeder E R Bradley 67282 Tijuana 51 f l077sfast 7 111 2 2 23S13G 4 4ci D Hum 7 MartRuiieh Fireplace Kinglike 3S13G Iexington 24 l12i fast G5 125 2 2 3 3rl L Gentry 4 KingGorin Itiifunl Atnlanta 37936 Lexington FC l09 fast 10 IIS 5 5 5 45j L Gentry 9 BdleysChoicr Solly FruitCiko 35774 Churchiii 34 113 slow 10 129 3 3 3MART 10 10 i II Shilling 10 Vogue BdleysChoicc PZareta PZaretaBy MART BUNCH b c 3 100 100Trainer By Shooting Spray Prithee by FiliRrnne Trainer B John Owner W G Jenkins Breeder W G Jenkins 67397 Tijuana 34 l13fast 12 103 G 4 5l C1 M Fator 7 Ioelln1 Ijiisley CarlosKnrique 67358 Tijuana 34 l12fast 95 112 2 4 4 = 1 4 l M Fator 7 Delante CEnriiiie Knighthood 67282 Tijuana 51 Baggage5S f lOTfast 4 100 1 3 2S l fc M Kator 7 Fireplace Kplike 151 Baggage 67039 Tijuana 5S l02ihvy 19 112 6 4 45 41 L Barber G Paisley ClosEnrique DTcrpin GG998 Tijuana 58 l03mud S5 112 1 1 I5 V I Barber 8 PeaceFlag UalMaid SirLeonid