Carter Handicap Entries: Eighty-One Good Horses Named for ,000 Stake at Aqueduct, Daily Racing Form, 1923-05-11


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CARTER HANDICAP ENTRIES , * Eighty-One Good Horses Named I for ,000 Stake at Aqueduct. -— -— ♦- Bcvcii-Kiglitlis Brant Attracts Best Throe- Year-Ohls as Well as the Leading Veterans of the Year. ♦ One of the most popular of the metropolitan spring stakes is the Carter Handicap of .ooo added, which is one of the early fixtures at the Aqueduct course of the Queens County Jockey Club. This event always at-tiacts the cream of the handicap division and this years entry list is no exception. Altogether eighty -one horses have been named for the race and among these are all of the outstanding figures of last years handicap division, as well as the leading three-year-olds of last year and the best of this latter division for the present season. Among the older herses must be mentioned the fine liancocas pair. Mad Hatter ana Grey hag. the Allies Stables Dominique Greentree Stables Fxodus, Westmount Stables Tryster and Walter J. Salmons Careful. The four-year-olds named for the Carter include Snob H.. J. S. Cosdens 3,010 colt ; Marshall Fields Kmotion ; Rancecais Stables Kai-Sang and Little Chief; Lexing-. . ton Stables Lucky Hour, and H. 1*. Whitneys Bunting. The best three-year-olds of the year may be found in the list of eligibles. including Martingale and Dunlin, from the Cosden stable; Robert L. Gerrys Cyclops; Greentree Stables Uialto : liancocas Stables Bud Ler-ni-r and Zev ; C. A. Stonehams McKee. and H. IV Whitneys trio. Flagstaff, licketer and Chickvale. Following are the nominations and conditions for the Carter: CUTB HANDICAP -For three-year-olds :ind over; ,000 added, of which ,000 to tlie boi-ond Mi $."iOO to the third. Weights to be MMMl five days before the nice. Winneis after the announcement of the weights to carry five poundi extra. Seven-eighths mile. Allies Stable- Dmm iuique, ch. g, 0, by Peter Quince — Horry Maid. A. J. Bedell— Craiius. ch. g, 4, by Sunstar — Vera Cruz. August Belmont— Ospiey. ch. g, 3, by Fair Play - Olvmpia. Albert C. Bostwick — Fairway, br. g, , by Bryn Mawr- Justly. Albert C. Bcstwick Knighthood, br. g. 3. bv Tbeo. Cook Cowl. Altiert C. Bostwick Tassel, b. f. 3. by Berrilldon Stake and Cap. All ert C. Bostwick Lucky Button, b. f. 4. by Sweep— Buttonhole. Mrs. K. M. Brown- Amor Patriae, br. g. 3, by Colin- -Masque. Frank K. Brown--Hephaistos, b. c, 4. bv Vulcain- Neva W. I*. A. Clark Dunboyne. ch. b, 7. by Celt— Work inn id. W. 14. Coe — Many Smiles, eh. f, 4. by Harmonic n Ijaughaway. E. F. Cooney- Athclstan. b. g. 4. by Uncle — Con- suelo II. J. S. Co den Lady Baltimore, ch. f. 4, by Dick Finnell Federal Ciil. J. S. Omm» Martingale, b. c. 3, by Martinet - Lady Iruia. J. S. Cosilen — Dunlin, ch. c, 3, by Fair Play Dona . MM. J. S. Cosden -Snob II.. b. c, 4. by Prestige — May • D.ira. J S. Cosden Golden Bule. b. e, 3, by Wrack - ■ Jolding Frank J. Fa ircl!— Horologe, br. c. 4. by St. Amaut Hour Hand. Frank .1. Farrell Dimmesdale. ch. b. .".. by Olani ball Hester Piynne. Marshall Field -Emotion, ch. f, 4. by Friar Rock - Affection, ltolx-rt L. tierry — Cyclops, blk. c. 3, by Heno- Daphne, ltobcit L. Cerry— Errand Boy. b. c. 3. by Wrack - Lady KVrant. CSlen Kiddle Farm Stable — Oceanic, br. c. 4. by The Finn -Veuve lii|iiot. Glen Kiddle Farm Stable -Dinna Care. ch. g. li. by r Superman Dinawick. Glen Kiddle Farm Stable — Demijohn, br. g. 3. by Sweep- Flirtatious. Oreeiitiec Stable — Cherry lie, b. g, 3, by hide - Cherry Malotte. Qllllliu Stable- -Eiodtns. ch. g, 5, by Peter Pan 1 — First Flight. Creentrce Stable — Galantman, b. c, 4. by Super man Galanta. Greentiee Stable--Rialto. b. c. 3. by Chicle Matinee. Greentree Stable- Skyscraper, ch. g, 4, by Ultiuius s Ollie Bdle. Willis Shaipe Kilmer -Sunfrrenoo, ch. c. 3. by F Sun Briar -Conference. Willis Shar|M- Kilmer — Sun Thistle, b. f. 3, by Sun-star Sweet Briar II. . E. B. McLean- Comixa, br. f. 3. bv Colin — The Minx II. ■L li. Mcleati -Noel. b. c. 3. by Broomstick - - Chtistu as Star. S. Mo.Vaiighloii — Firm Friend, ch. c. 4. bv Friar Ho. k Bold Girl. f . McN.iughton Little Celt. ch. c, 3. by Celt - Lit Co Flower. Oak Kidge Stable -Runviso. ch. c, 3. by Bunny mede Micco. Oak Kidge Stable — Kuneli.-e. ch. f. 3. by Kunny . mode Hyinir. Oak Kidge Stable -Xotthcliff. ch. c. 4. by Sea a King Doria. W. L. Oliver Dexterous, b. g. 4. by Peter Pan-Adroit. Quincy Stable Kay Jay. b. c, 4. by Assagai Komagne. Quine, stable Uaveat Emptor, blk. g, 3. by Celt — BolHilink II. Quincy Stable Bluemout, blk. c. 3, by Vulcain- Notasulga. Quincy Stable Carol, ch. c. by Ormondale — Bonnie e Carrie. Banc... is Stable Mad Hatter, br. li. 7. by Fair " Play Madcap. . Stable- Grey Lag, ch. h, 5, by Star Shoot — Miss Minnie. K.incoc.i-. Slal.le — Thunderclap, blk. g. 7, by Vulcain Bandana. blWM Stable Knobbie. b. h, .".. by Wrack Gold. Illfli ■■ Stable Little Chief, b. c. 4. by Wrack Medora II. IMWMI SUibb- Kai Sang. br. c, 4. by The Finn Kihiiia. tHHIir Stable Z.v. br. c, 3, by The Finn Miss ■ Keainey. Itain as Stable Bud Ix-rner, b. c, 3, by The Finn n Dreams.. mi-. Itaniiwas Stable Rigel. ch. c. 3. by Ballot - Pictons Pride. IHMfll Stable Satellite, ch. c. 3. by Oplon Star of Danube. IHIIIII Stab.. Wl.iilwiud. ch. g. 3, by Illium.- ■ Sarnia. Hivier.-i Stable Miss Star. b. f. 3, by Hesperus Istar Walter J. Salmon Careful, br. m. • , by Wrack - Mindful. Hanford Stud Farm - Seronador, ch. c, 4, by Cat h- i- Ctar*a Double Golden Harp. J. It. Smith— Caladium, br. c, 3, by Vulcain — Cadeau. C. A. Stonehatn — McKee, b. e, 3, by Cltinvjs liallymena. Iicxiugton Stable lucky Hour, br. c. 4, by Kerch or Hourlcss Lic-ky Catch. Lexington Stable My llay, b. c, 4, by Fair Play — - Mahutinh Islington Stable Missionary, cfc. c, 4, by Hourles-- «s Mission. ■ n - ■ - i- — — - «s 11. Waterson Brainstorm, blk. g, 4, by Peter Pan ■ -Bubble. Wcsiinniit Stable Tryster, blk. h, ." , by Peter Pan Tryst. If. P. Whitney Bunting, b. c, 4. by Pennant Fril-11 lory. II. 1". Whitney Picketcr. b. c, 3, by Chicle--Patik- - hurst. If. . Whitney Flagstaff, ch. c, 3, by Broomstick — Inaugural. II. P. Whitney Chickvale, b. c, 3, by Chicle Greonvale. EL 1". Whitney K.« ket, b. g, 4, by Broomstick - - First Flight. H. 1". Whitney Kevonse, b. g, 3, by hide lie grot. . H. P. Whitney Transom, ch. f, 3, by Broomstick - -Traverse. II. P. Whitney Fly by Day, ch. f. 3. by Broom i- -tick r|j by Night II. J. K. Wideuer Kiuiantell. b. c, 4, by Broomstick k Zoda. J. K. Widener Battersea, ch. t, 3, by Mont dOr r II. Sunflower. K. T. Wilson Wilderness, ch. c, 3, by Campfire — Geitesta. K. 1. Wilson Tall Timber, b. c, 3. by Campfiro-le - Piry. K. T. Wilson — Pillory, ch. c, 4. by Olambala lies " ter Iryuoe. Xalapa Farm Southern Cross, br. c, 4, by Luke M. Luke — Pamphyle. I Xalap.i Farm Poe, b. g, 4. by Huon -Crystal Maid. j.

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Local Identifier: drf1923051101_12_1
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