2nd Race [2nd Maple Heights, Daily Racing Form, 1923-05-11

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n„j n»pr It-1 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. July 25, 1 f22 cud HAUL — 1:12 — :i — ioi». i SEDAN, b. g. 9 110 By Jim Gaffney— Kitty Belle Brooks, by Clifford. Trainer. J. A. Parson. Owner. J. A. Parson. Breeder, W. F. Schulte. t 69563 Columbus 5-8 1 ;03 fast 10 113 9" C Eames S Var.sylvia, SpringVale, R.Wehle | . , 69510 Columbus r.J f 1:11 Vtvy 3J 110 ll C Eames X L. Romper. Ar.CoOn. I rainerow | , 67313 Havana E| f 1 :0S good 7 110 6 7 7 745 E mbrse 7 Hohokus. Foul Weather. Huronll. | i 63591 Ueno 4J f 53Vast 9 103 C5J H Molters 6 omcut ter. Tabloid. Ask Jessie ! i 63129 Ueno 4i f 54*sfast 16 109 55i P Caron KtlielBin. Cornciitter. Asklessie ! | 63276 Reno t| f lllTHf— t 19 104 4»i H Molters 7 Aryanna. Or. orbett. Fiesta I 63217 Ueno 3-4 l:14%fast 8 113 6«i P Martinez 7 John Jr., Bittern. Ike Mills . 62682 Omaha ."J f 1 :08%fast 2-5 116 3l P Martinez 8 FkleFancy. M.Elnora. T.Kllison 62589 Omaha H f 1:10 slow 1-2 115 3» D Hum 7 Walterina. F. Fancy, Tawastl.a t-2339 Omaha 2-4 1 :lJ%fast 2-5 103 5» J Sing ton 5 Money, Motor Ccp. Ikey T. j MACHIAVELLI. ch. g. 5 105 By Disguise — Ghetto Girl, by Ben Brush. Trainer. A K. Miller. Owner. A, K. Miller. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 69702 Map HUs 3-4 1:14 fast T h 113 3* J Robbins S Snods. Loeh I ven. De Kind 69624 Columbus B| f 1 :09V.fast IS-.". IIS 3» KDefnayo | Zoona. Winchester. Mann.hen 69483 Columbus t I 1 IfltfMt 16-5 109 3=1 J Robbins 7 Maim-hen. Mbji— I . Humpy 69465 Colmbus lm50v l.r.-Vast 7 110 5J J Bobbins » Yank-e Boy. Hazel W.. Benicia i I i EDNA D .. b. m. 6 102 By Ballot — Sadie S., by Charaxui. Trainer, 1". Tennant. Owner, J. H. Murray. .Breeder. G. Starr. 69774 Map.Hts lm70y l:: l=*;hvy 5 108 7* T Cameron 7 M. Maxim. B. Stride. S MghtHI. 69543 Columbus 11:45 fast 66 103 S8 F Horn % Jacquerie. Burjjoyne. ;.I;lierty . 69400 Columbus 3-4 l:18fast 8 112 Crl 11 Molters 9 Jazz. MM Rock, Babylonian j j 69360 Columbus 5-S 1 :04%fast 29 113 C." J Robbins 9 .Whitney. BirdieG., L.Iointer 68983 Mobile I I ! % »! 15 107 1 1 l1 1* R Holway T iypsylight. M.Jimmy, V.Cuba 1 j 1 68971 Mobile Ab 6J f 1 :24mud 5 115 6 7 7 7,JA Amman 7 Propaganda. Co. lahvin 68878 Mobile Ab 5-8 1 :02 good 8 116 2 7 6= 6° C. Mangan S Marjorie Wood. Fringe. JosieM. j, : 67382 Jefferson 1 IS 1 :56fast 15 109 5 12 12 1227 J McCoy 12 1irateMiGee, Tyrny, Brn Bill JOHNNY OVERTON, blk. g. 6 108 By Celt— Sister Anna, by St. Georre. Trainer. C. N. Freeman. Owner. U. N. Freeman. Breeder, A. B. Hancock. 69322 H.deC.ce 1 1-16 l:48fast 2i 104 7 F. 5= 4J A Abel S Blue Brush, Smarty. Ticacey 69260 H.deOce 1 1-16 1 :4:VVdow 8 107 2 6 5l 4-J H Shillick 9 Citation. Chateaugay. Smarty j 68250 Jefferson 1 3-16 2:02 Vast 8 115 5 .". 2 I« L MclJott S Ijght Wine. Lord Heibert. Ace 68192 K.Crnds 1 1-8 1 :58Vtihvy 100 1 H 7 7 61 5° H Farland 9 Devonite. H. Pardner. WarPrizt I , * 67503 Rilrnds 1 1-16 1 :48=igood 15 106 11 10 7 7" J Owens H Wconne. CenXorna, M.Kose II. ! 67348 Jetrerson 1 3-16 2:03=»sfast 1S-5 109 12 9 21 li J Owens 12 St.Gcrmain. Beriuont. II. Bound 67177 Jefferson 1 1-S l:.".9shvy 4 109 4 4 5= 4= B Smwod • P.ravo. Attorn. Muir. SagamooU I] | 67112 Jeff.rson 13-16 2:03 good 4 111 6 3 3* Z- E Smwodll Light Wine, Secretary, Pit 66959 Jefferson 1 1-8 1 :54%fast 6 103 3 9 5 2r-j J Owens 12 Richelieu. Amaze, Maize 66913 Jefrerson 1 1-8 l:54,ifast 7 106 7 8 5! 4j J Owens 9 Magician. Hope, Amaze i I TIM McGEE. ch. h. 8 107 By McGee— Cheek, by Hawkswick. j Trainer, W. Ritte. Owner. W. H. Ritte. Breeder. C. W. Moore. ] 69768 Map.Hts 3-4 1:17%hvy I 10S 4*J A Kroner s First Consul. Q.Run. Anticipate ! 69704 Map.Hts 3-4 1:13 Vast 29 110 4- W Rogski f Nan McKinney. Dancer. I rail U 6384 1 M Heights 8-4 l:13Vast 14 102 8 9 10J 11*3 E Roehm 12 I-ji.Iy Loxury, Mary C. Toy Miss ! 62786 Iitonia 1116 1:47Vast 80 110 9 11 ll=0ll53 F Moore 12 Dr.Gilbert, Damcris. War Spirit , €2563 Iatonia 1 1-16 1 :47Vast 48 113 3 S 9 9» F Moore 9 Arravan. Dr.Kao. FlyingPrinc p : 61860 M H -ights 7-5. 1:31 slop 13-5 118 1- AKrogtr 7 Bay wood, Shortstop. Flypaper NOT YET, b. m. 5 100 By Jack Atkin— Dentifrice, by St. Andrew. Trainer, J. Durkin. Owner, J. Durkinl. Breeder. S. T. Baxtef. 69804 Map His 8-4 l:12Vnu l 18 104 3 E Demayo 7 KpodH. Canteen Cirl. Hatraek 69772 Map.Hts 1 1:47 hvy 11 107 616 I. Mills 6 Mamlii. American Soldier. Pit 69423 Columbus CJf l:25Vast IS 115 9" H Molters 9 Miss Km. Itav Atkin. Neenah 69363 Columbus 3-4 1 :19,fast 22 113 55J H Molters S VivaCuba. ArrahGoOn. Bengali! . 69014 M«Hile lm70y 2:01 hvy 15 102 2 3 4s 4ri C White 7 S.LightllL, Kglingll., M.Jinv 68995 Mobile Ab 65 f 1:30 mud 20 107 ■ 4 3» 4* A Fraley 7 Lit Patsy. Amanda. Hutchison i 68969 Mobile lm7»y 1:.".0 mud 30 112 4 4 5J 7,T W Dunsn 7 Stevenson, Jacobina. MarseJmy 68861 Mobile ! 1.51 slow 3 105 I C 61 •»• C White 7 Har.King. Hutchison. Tok. March 68832 Mobile Ab 5-9. 1 :04 /t,hvy B 116 1 5 5 i ■ Smwod X Lancelot, High Value. i.ranUee 68718 Jefferson 3-4 l:15Vast 30 115 9 10 9J 10,; T Brooke 12 Caleta, Hysteria, May Cirl CRACOW, b. g. 8 105 By Bryn Mawr — Anne Evans, by Rossington. Trainer, J. H. Davenport. Owner M. Dattner. Breeder. E. L. Davis. MLltMH 1 3-16 1 :59Vast 132 109 5 4 4 4 8« l« J Denport 9 Wads.s Last. AdeliaW.. Melvin ■MB Latonia 1 1-8 l:52Vast COf 109 C 2 2 8 8l 95 H King 11 Xelle Yorke. Bromo, Poilu 61967 JaT— 3-4 1:17 hvy 100 111 9 11 11 ll1 ll8 B Mitchell 13 R.-.garza. Murray. Anticipate 61760 Jefson 3-4 l:15Vivy 100 106 9 9 9 9 9J1 8 Mitchell 9 H Jewel. T. Nephew. A. of Aces 4a405 F.Onds 1 1-4 t IfHn | 30 98 5 3 2 2 2" 2| G Stack 8 K. Neptune, Tanlac, Lit.Cottage I

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923051101/drf1923051101_8_2
Local Identifier: drf1923051101_8_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800