Latest Training Gallops, Daily Racing Form, 1923-05-11

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Latest Training Gallops 264 IOUISVIT.L.E, Ky., May 10.— The following: were the more important workouts which took place at Churchill Downs today : CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather clear ; track fast — Three -Eighths Mile. 212 Avispa W% Valley Light . .3N Kay Jr. 38 Half Mile. A Ita wood H% Mizanna Til l*i Craiptliom ....51-.-, 202 Mavonrneen . . .4SAj Polfin 11% Mali Jong ■•% 211-Jaek Fainiian .90% 22-Moss Fox II.. 4! 44." King iorin II. .49. 1X9 Niiyaka 51 Vi 258-L.ierre 50. 2t 3-Nassau 51 88-I.rf-w Pope 49rr; 25S-Silvergrift 50r. I*-i ly Matian . .49" f, Snnspero 51 -.-, 253-Miss Fortune ..50.-, 247-Iproar 50/i Five -Eighths Mile. 212 Rarra. uda ...1:04-.-, 2fi2-Lina Clark ..1:03 Pat tie Shot .1:02- 29-Lilae Time. . . 1 :02 % Cannon Shot 1:02% 223 -Old Top 1:03 27 astlereagh ..1:02. Orlox l:03r-f. 58 Jon Jon 1 :02 Passport 1 :03 V. W-LMMt f— W«l:Wii 71-Vio. Ma honey. 1:05-, 75-Lixly Astor . . 1 :01 -, 22- Yalta 1 :03 ; Three -Quarters Mile. MB -Hill O-Flynn .1:14-. Si-Miss Muffins 1:15 102 Peg Pardon 1:17% 20 Nenette 1:M Hnsy Hon ...1:1N-.-, 7ti-Palniba 1:M% 177 -Hegtini 1:15 174-Pnnta Corda 1:15 N Clio Clio 1:17% 73-Skeezix 1:17, 00 . MrM.ekinPlSi.. 244-Surf Kider ..1:14 79 Courtship ...1:17-.-. 207-Stump Jr. ..1:M% K Cobweos 1:17V. 10-Ten Can 1 : 1 4 «r. II M— li I:MH 2w! Translnte ...1:15*-, 219 Fernandos ...1:17% 74IncIe Bert ..1:17- 210 Hysteria 1:18 j.-, 98-Yanishg Hoy 1 :1« 018-Iothair 1:18% 83-Vhite Star . .1:17 Seven -Eighths Mile. 210-Hess L 1:34% 251-Hrookholt ....1:28 One Mile. 81 Aliee H. down! :43% Rob 1:42.-, 102 Helle Aniie ..1:4ti% 83-Holdgold 1:44% 258-Rest Pal 1:54% 98-Romps Mary 1 :4li% 212-Hoy F. Home 1:50 257-Rib Crass ...l:44 i 2»i2-Iamg Spray .1 :42% COli-Simpleton ....1:45 »!3-Ieadlo«k . . .1 :4t 72-Salvo 1:48 2«0 I antorhe 1:43% 88-Tom Hare Jr. 1 :43 2f.2 -Cy of th Seal :45 107 Intried 1 :4«% H Hiimplirey ...1:47 99 -War Idol 1:47 25 ! Jnba 1:45 702-Whirling Dun 1:4«% 212 Kenninare ...1:13% 257-Wida 1:44% »:2-Marg. Winsor 1:47 200 -W. Take All 1:4:;% 101-Plus lltra ..1:47% Mile and an Eighth. 131 -Hon Homme 1:53% S3-Tnited Verde 1:55 177 Pree Tii Tii l:5i 19-Whiskaway ..1:51% Mile and a Quarter. 88-In Memoriani 2:11 Surf Rider and Brookholt worked well together. Alice Blue Gown was under restraint. Prince Tii Tii worked easily. Bon Hommes work was excellent. Whiskaway. paced, by United Verde and Tom Hare Jr., showed he is close to good form. In Memoriam went steadily and finished strong. Best Pal repeated three-eighths in 36 after going a slow mile. P.A1.TIMORE. Md.. May 10.— Todays training gallops at Pimlico included the following: PIMLICO. Weather clear; track fast-Three -Eighths Mile. 212 Prusli All 40 2C.2-I.ady Myra M 2tW-Caniouflage ...39 253-Ola Cream ....39 23ti-Cotrompa 30% 259-Pietnis 39 • Ebb Tide 37% 2tl2 Postillion 37 2«i -Felk-itous 39 Sea Robin :;7% 203 Fusee 38 202-S. Miss Lizzie 40 Half Mile. Relle K 49% 257 Pandowdy 49 283-Cherry Pie ....49 202-Star Jester ..52 Freedoms Call 50% 258-Sunayr 53 179-Cath 53 202-Sun Audience .55 2«2- Jilt Fringe ....51 Sun Lady .53 202 Mabel K 50% 170 Trantula 52 Mint Hriar 54 203-Wrack Horn ...51 Five -Eighths Mile. 203-Copper lenionl:01 Three -Quarters Mile. 259 I espair 1:16% 258-Sailing R. ...1:18 25.3-Kxplosive 1:17% 203 Sunference ..1:21 250 iaudy 1:18 Seven -Eighths Mile. 200 Rlue Nose . . .1:13 One Mile. 255-Ronf ire 1 44% Mohican 1 :.". 260-Rrig. Jeiu-rall :45 258-N. Hampsbirel 43% 263-Crk o 50 20.". Oceanic 1:45 262 Flag of Trucel :43% 260 Rebuke 1:43% 260 Joshawk 1:42% 202-Spot Cash ...1:56 258- ;rcnadier ...1:56 259-St. Cermain 1:48% 200 Houdini 1 :56 257-Stanley 1 :44 259-Jewell V. I. 1:43% 203 Two Feathersl :43 258-Lunetta 1:43 257-lntidy 1:49 2«0-Mer ntio 1 43% 2 s-Vitamin 1:45 75 M mala 1:55 MB-WBBCt Grass 1:49 256-Miss Smith .1:43 Mile and an Eighth. 262 ;en. Thatcherl :57 258-Vigil 1 :55 -!i Ml Martingale ..1:50% Mile and a Quarter. 263-Rbary Hush 2:10 Ebb Tide showed some speed. Pandowdy and Cherry Pie ran well. Freedoms Call was only cantering. Mabel K. was under restraint. Despair worked well from the barrier. Mercutio and Rebuke worked well together. QoahawM was hard ht-ld all the way. Generai Thatcher was extended. XEW YORK. N. Y.. May 10— Todays training pallops over the local tracks included the following: JAMAICA. Weather cloudy : track slow — Three -Eighths Mile. 25S-Clarice f 38. 262 Prima Donna ..40% 203-High Chief .39 259 Ralco 3S% Little Alfred ..41 260 Reply 37 259-LEffare 38% Ticker 41 Half Mile. 243-Avisack 56 263-First L. Hardg52% Haiiou 54% 263 -Horologe 52 263-Hen Wood 50% 263-Higll Prince ...51% 263 Retter Times ..50 2 airish Pat 52% 253-Raby Line ...55 263-Nantokah 53 262-Hud Fisher ....50 257-Peter King ....51% 263 Ctess Claridge .54% 2«-Rock Salt 50% 256 Dorothy Ryan .50., 2CO Whisk 52 263 Da vd lie W% 252 Zouave 52% 249 Kpisode 52 Five -Eighths Mile. 259-Air Hubble .1:05% 257-Lally 1:03% Three -Quarters Mile. 263-Anonymous ..1:19% 262-Lky Antoine 1:24% 21-Broomster ...1:19% 244 -Roaeata II. ..1:21% 259 Rigger Still 1:22% Rockel 1:19% MS-Mat Kiss ..1:17 203-Sweepy 1:19% One Mile. 263-Hniinstorm ..1:47% 263-Rccontdation 1:57% 259-«omic Song .1:51% 259-S. ioldman 1:52% 262-Montalvo 1 :57:i.-, Reply was under restraint. Dorthy Ryan was not extended. Peter King and High Prince worked on even terms. I ally is fresh and good. Irish Kiss worked well. Brainstorm had an easy gallop. BELMONT PARK TRAINING TRACK. Weather cloudy ; track slow — Three -Eighths Mile. 263-Pep to Peep .41 263 Right Royal .41 Half Mile. 262-Rud I-rner ...55 89-Pat Casey 51% 262 Curtis 49% 263 -Paula Shay 51% 251-Dunsandel 52% 263-Rig,-l 51% 260-Kge 55% 256-Skirmish 55 Kilbowic .53% 256 Wishbone 51% 263-Mabel McKane 55% 2 J3 Zero 52 Five -Eighths Mile. 262 Solisa 1:07 Three -Quarters Mile. 2 K-Chesterbiook 1:28% 260 Merry Mars.. 1:28% 2t50-Cum Sail 1:23 262-Whirlwind ...1:17 One Mile. 202-Muskalloiige .1:52% 2t~2-Thunderclap .1:50 259 -Mad Hatter. .1 :51% Thunderclap galloped an easy mile. Whirlwind ran well. Wishbone was under restraint. AQUEDUCT. Weather cloudy; track slow — Three -Eighths Mile. 79-Tikeh 38 Three -Quarters Mile. 259 All Over ...1:15% 25N-Hughie 1:19 256-Rluemont ...1:23 263 -Speed ball ...1:20 252-Cork Kim .1:19 248-Tony Heau .1:17 Free Hooter. 1:23% 203 The Corsair. .1 :22 Seven -Eighths Mile. 262 Jauiiebar ...1:56 112 Pettifogger ..1:53 2t«J-«vertake . . . .1 :47 2B2-T. C.regorian 1 :52% 257 -Plav fellow ..1:53 262 Vulcaiii Parkl:50 259-Ray Jay ....1:48% Mile and an Eighth. 203-Frince Jamesl :55% Prince James worked well in the slow track. All Over ran well.

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Local Identifier: drf1923051101_9_2
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