Pimlico Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1923-05-11


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. f Pimlico Form Chart | BALTIMORE. MD.. THURSDAY, KAY 10. 1923.— Pimlico one milt. Ninth day. Maryland Jockey | Club. Spring Meeting if 12 days. Weather clear. Steward Representing Maryland Racirg Commission, George Brown. Jr. Judge at Luge, Carlos M. | MnHrih. Stewards. George Rrown. Jr.. Faker Waters and Frank J. Rryan. Placing Judges, K. . I Smith. J. R. Campbell and II. P. Conkling. Starter. James Milton. Hating Secretary. Frank J. Bryan. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 2:30 p. m.. W indicates whip. S spurs. II blinkers. Fig- i i;rcs in parenthesis following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse ami t wight carried. •Indicate* apprentice allowance. N — _ , . t £»Qr7QEl FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 6, 1909— 1:00%— 3— 110. Purse ,300. 2-year-olds, j OiJ 4 *j «_J Fillies. Claiming. Net value to dinner 00: second, 50; third, -0. ; Index Horses AWtPISti % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eluiv. Odds Strt 69689 FLYING FlR w 1*". 6 I H 11 1 1 ■ Ball VV J Salmon 1*0-10 69577MCI.IA M. v M 5 5 7- 6:- :,- P A Abel J Arthur 370-100 69577 VHD LADY WW 114 S 1 3nk 2* 2i 3H L McAtee Nevada Stock F;trm Stb 915-100 VIOLA BURTON w 110 4 6 fl 31 B* 4« J McTagt Kenton Stable 27S5-100 69686 MYRTLE HUDSON w8 1* 1 2 l»k 1and 4» V S Rullman H B Bilson 2230-100 •SNOW MAIDKN w 104 7 8 8 71 7r 61 I Finn B Parr 3885-100 | . J 09686 HIMBLK w 112 2 4 4» 5 0 P* C Kummer .1 B Cosden 615-100 . 69086 rock IXMJBT ara ios 3 7 6 l 1 s M Huff l cook lttiio-ioo Time. 23%. 48%, 1:01. Track fast. S2 mutnels paitl. Flying Fur, .00 straight, .10 place, .40 show; Julia M., .70 place, .80 slit w; Wood L.dy. BUB show. Equivalent bilking otitis Flying Fur. 100 to 100 s raight, 55 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Julia M., So to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; Waai Lady. 55 to 100 show. Winner IV f. by Huon--Kolinsky, by Intl.- trained by T. J. Ilcaly; bred by W. R. Miller. | ! Went to ixist at 2:30. At post 2 minutes. Start good ami slow. Won easily; second anil third j ilriviag. FLYING FIR was saved until rounding the turn into the homestretch, from where she mt.ved i in wi 1i a rush and. racing into a long lead in the last eighth, won in a canter. JlLIA M. began slowly. but finished fast ami easily ourinished the others. WOOD LADY was must used in racing MYRTLL RIL-SON and VIOLA RURTON into defeat and tired. I Scratched tlW.Miillany Night. 10X; Just Me, 103. Overweights--Humble, 2 pounds. j AQ7Q£k SECOND RACE — 2 Miles. Mt. Washington Steeplechase. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds OtlF 4 *J O and upward. Allowances. Net value to win-jer ,400; second, 00; third, 00, I j Index Hors.s AWliPSt 4 I 12 13 Fin Jockpys Owueis Equiv. Odds Strt 06660MCSTY w 5 149 7 1 li li 1 1- 1 N Kenndy J S Cosden 475-1 00 j j 6972 I -SHOAL w 6 154 8 4 3s 3* 3* V 2 B Kleeger R Pending 310-100 i C9633 UOLLIPOP w 4 137 4 7 6" 4J 2- 23 P* C Mergltr ■ Ross M -100 I BOSS JOHN w 5 132 6 6 2" *-" 4=" 42" 4-" C Akers Glen Riddle Farm Stable 2335-100 1 66668 I DYTERER w 4 133 1 2 41 5 5 5 5 C Smoot J E Widener 530-100 C9721 VOX IOPCLI II. w 7 137 5 8 7 Refused. J McNair Dosoris Stable 3560-100 69687 PHOENIX ws 5 142 3 3 5« Fell. B Haynes J E Davis 650-100 08003 LOCARNO w 5 140 2 5 Fell. A Ferson Seven Oaks Stable 3095-100 Time, 3:59%. Track fast. mutnels BaM, Musty, 1.50 straight, 30 place, .30 show; Shoal, .10 place, .20 show; Lollipop. *4.40 show. Equivalent booking r ltls— Musty. 475 to 100 straight. 165 to 100 place, 115 to 100 show; Shoal, 105 to tOO place. 60 to 100 show; lollipop. 120 to 100 show. Winie r Ch. g. by Ultimas — Divination, by Horoscope trained by W. Garth; bred by Mr. Phillip M. Walker. Went to post at 3:00. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: sett nd anil third driving. MISTY jumped well and won easily all the way. SHOAL wore LOLLIPOP down in the list sixteenth and cugameil him at the end. LOLLIPOP moved up rapidly when goiug to the twelfth fence. but came wide after taking the last jump. VOX POllLI II. refused at the seventh jump. PHOKMX fell at the fifth and LOCARNO at the third. ! Overweights Loyterer. 1 pound. tQQTQT THIRD RACE— 1 Mile. May 2. 1923— 1:37%— 4— 110. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds and Oct • %J 4 upward. Fillies and Mares. Claiming Handicap. Net value to winner ,000; second, $£00: third, 00. Index Horses AWtPISti % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt 69348 UDY BTLMORE w 4 114 5 2 1» l8 1 1- U C Kummer J S osden 135-100 BMMITYIJaMD LELLE w 4 103 1 l 5 3* 2 1 •_■• 2« E Bell W H Snyder lsOO-100 66865 *THLY1RLE wb 5 113 2 3 BJ 21 3« 31 3* G Mein R J Murphy ;;ii0-100 ,9690 PRODIGIOUS w I 112 3 4 4* 4» 43 4" 4" F Wdsfck .1 ■ Davis 645-100 G9725 POLLY ANN wb 5 117 4 5 3 5 5 5 5 L McAtee S L Jenkins 385-100 Time, 24. 47%. 1:14%. 1:39%. Track fast. niuti:els paid. Lady P.altimore, .70 straight. .30 place, .30 show: Maryland Relle, .G0 place, $; .S0 show; Thimbh-. .60 show. Equivalent booking t dds — Lady Raltimore. 135 : 100 straight. 05 to 1X place, 13 to 100 show; ! Maryland Helle. 330 to 100 place, 90 to 100 show: Thimble, 30 to 100 show. I Winner Ch. f. by Dick Finnell — Federal Girl, by Lltimus rained by W. Garth; bred by Mr. Phillip M. Walker. Went to post at 3:30. At post 2 minutes. Start gootl and slow. Won easily; second and third i | driving. I.ARY RALTIMORE raced into a long lead in the first quarter and was under restraint at the j end. MARYLAND RKLI.E steadily improved her position and uttinished the others in easy fashion. THIMBU showed speed, but tired. PRODIGIOUS and POLLY ANN ran poorly. ] AQTQfi FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Nov. 6. 1922—1:11—5—128. Purse ,300. 3-year-olds Ot7 4 cjO and upward. Claiming;. Net value to winner 00; secend, 50; third, 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi V4 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt i j H9637 HILLSDALE w 4 115 6 4 ink ink l« Ink A Abel J R Skinker 305-100 I 65529 »HA1DEE wb I 100 5 6 V 4 2 2" C Taylor C. G Smith 400-100 ! ! 69608*ACOSTA w 4 115 2 5 8 53 41 3| S Banks Q E Campbell 17H5-10G ! j 69583TARN w 4 115 3 S 4"k 2£ 3« 4"« G Mein R I Miller 385-100 67142 ••PERIGOURDINE w 8 110 9 1 7"" V. 5 B1 EBell KN Gilpin 2040-100! j ■ !9321*DELL.HM ws 5 115 4 2 51 6 6 6J E Smwod Kenton Stable MR-MO | 06777 BAB COY w S 1/ 7 9 94 a1 ?i 7- E Jelley W D Althouse 17985-100 ;r 816«HARD GUBS8 wb 5 115 10 3 6!J fak 9 Ss S McLane J Serio 3070-100 I £9722 "BLUE TONY wb 3 105 1 7 2 3«k 8nk 93 s Bullman C I- Whiting 4SO-100 , , 69469*ZENNOTTA w 4 110 S 10 10 10 10 10 W Brown M Grant 13155-100 j Time. 23%. 37%, 1;14. Track fast. j mutnels paitl. Hillsdale. .10 straight. .70 place. .40 show; Ilaidee. .50 place, .20 show; , 1 Acosia, .40 show. I Equivalent booking otitis— Hillsdale. 305 to 100 straight. 133 to 1H place. 70 to 100 show; Haidee, 225 u 100 place. 110 to 100 show: Aftsta. 320 to 100 show. Winner Rr. g. by Moot dOr II. — Lady Hillington, by Garry Herrmann trained by W. A. Riirtt«-chell: bred by Mr. George D. Widener. Went to post at 4:01. At ]Mst 1 minute. Start gootl anil slow. Won driving; second and third the same. HILLSDALE took the lead soon after the start ami set the pace all the way. but was tiring at I I the end. HAIDEE finished with a rush ami was fas; wearing the winner down at the finish. ACOSTA t-utgamed TARN for third place. RLIE TONY ran a fast half. Scratched 69167 Alva, 115. AQ7QQ FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Nov. 6, 1922—1:11—5—128. Chesapeake Claiming Handi-Ot/ 4 *J*J cap. Punc ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,000; second, 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Y* % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 69656 "TONY SUE w 4 103 2 4 1» U l1 1" fl Bell J J Farrell Jr 335-100 I 69167 iT J R MILE wb 6 104 4 S 71 4J 4 2 A Abel WE Matthews 1135-100 I 69524 TIDINGS wb 5 112 7 1 3J VI 3J 3l C Kummer E P Summerfield 435-100 I 69137 THORNY WAY w 5 105 1 3 4"k 51 E| 4" T Finn Kenton Stable .".00-100 1 | I 69528* MOM w 4 110 5 2 51 6 6* 5J E Smwod G C Winfrey 740-bX • j j 69583 3V HA LEP.ONE wb 7 110 8 8 2"k 2 B*B*J McTagt T E Crist 560-100 • I ! 69608* FUSEE w 4 109 3 5 6h 7 7" 7* E Jelley P S P Randolph 4S35-1O0 I 62729 *CARETAKER w 4 107 6 7 SS8SS Bullman E F Whitney 710-100 • Time, 23. 47. 1:14. Track fast. mutnels paid. Tony Sue. .70 straight. .10 place. .60 show; Charles J. Craigmile. 0.90 place, .70 show; Tidings. .10 show. Equivalent booking odds— Touy Sue. 335 to 100 straight. 155 to 100 place. SO to 100 show; Charles J. Craigmile. 445 to 100 place. 183 to 100 show; Tidings. 105 to 100 show. Winner Ch. f. by Tony Rouero — Susan Lenox, by Handsel trained by R. L. White; bred by Mr. J. L. Rrown. Went to post at 4:29. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. TONY SUE. suddeuly improved, took the lead quickly ami raced WHALKRONK into retirement in the first five-eighths, but just las ed long enough to outtinish CHARLES J. CRAIGMILE. The latter was in a jam soon after the start an was pulled up. but saved ground w lieu entering tile homestretch ami finished fast. TIDINGS was a forward and game contender all the way. THORNY WAY finished close up under a weak ride. MOM finished well. WHALKRONK qui; after racing well to the . stretch. I Scratched 09656Colando. 116: 09469 Mizar. 107; 6900S Reknb. 103. Overweights Tidings, 2 pounds; Mom, 5. . j CQ6AA SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. May 10, 1022— 1:44%— 3— 107. First Running ARLING- I Ot/OlIU TON CLAIMING HANDICAP. ,000 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value * to winner, ,650; second. C0: third, $£.00; fcurrh, 00. I j Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt : 69658 IPRAL SWAIN wit 7 112 o 5 .",■ B :;n in lj B Smwod G Winfrey 20-10 I 69611 -•PRINCE REINT wl 99 1 1 2J2 2 :2 C Taylor W M Jeffords 665-100 69611 LADV MYRA w 3 102 3 6 P 3;l i| 4 P 1 Mein S Louis 740 101 I 69691 1* WELLFINDER w I 112 I 2 1- 1 1 2J 4J fl Bulhnan R I Mill-r 470-100 1 j 9" 8l*i:ELI.SOl.AK w 11 7 104 2 S S 4i 4J .".* r.-i E Bell W L S Martin 520-100 1 99525 SANDY REAL w I 111 7 I V- 5 6J C: 6: A Allen W S Murray L3-lo0 ] 69431 HASTILLE wn 5 114 4 7 7" 73 7* 7 7A A Claver Ia.stim- Stable 5 W 100 69550* TREVELYAN w 1MB I 4 «l 8 8 8 S S M.Lane E F Whitney 945-100: Time. 24%. 48%. 1:14%, 1:40. 1:46%. Track fast. iiiutiieK paid. Pastoral Swain. .00 straigiit. .*0 place, .70 show; Prince Regent. . so place. .30 nh»w; Lely Myra, .50 show. I Iviuivaleiit hooking odds Pastoral Swain. 250 to KM straight. 90 to 100 plate, 35 to 100 show; Prince Rtgent, 290 to 1H place. 165 to 100 *how; Litly Myra. 123 to 100 show. Winner R. g. I.v olm Elegance, by Oinie trained by il. C. Winfrey: bred by Wickliffe Stud. Went to |»/st at 5:01. At |mjsI 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; NCaad ami third 1 the same. PASTORAL SWAIN was f.u bat k in the early miming, but no ved iiu gratlnally when called I on and. wearing the lenders down, took lhe lead, but just lasted to outtiiiixh PRINt K KBGKNT. The • Litter r:i.d close up all the- way ami. finishing gamely, was going fast at the end. LADY MYRA finished 1 Baal ami 1 lose up on the outside. WKLLKINDKR set a good pace, but tiletl ami quit after going [I arvea eajMfea ;» **"•• hail, rkllsola r rati fairly afrit Scratched 69750 Hilly Rarton. 1W; 6»72tiirop Sergean:. Ill: BMBB Insulate. !•!. ; /jqoa SEVENTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Nov. 6. 1922—1:11—5—128. Purse ,300. 3-year-olds b ! IjJjOvr A and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 50; third, 50. I Index Horses AWtPISti % % Str tin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strl t 6972«*K1KAH w I 110 2 I P 1 1* H A Abel H E Crist 46100 t S9524* JOSEPH I-KANT W 4 115 17 4 2 2* P B Smwod J Szelatowski 4.i5-10O ti»726 ■•li.UtK 111LL wb 7 115 7 5 5J .! • 5i Z" S Rullman A Swettke LB 100 Oi f | | I i t N . t j ; 69726 JOHN MORRILL w 3. 4 120 I 9 1- 7i 4 4l J Dennlaon G W For.3m.1n AM54M 69636 LEAN GONE w 7 120 9 6 8 8= 6 5» A Allen 1 J Farroll Jr 7405-100 69637 JOSEPHINE C w 3 105 4 1 21 61 5J 6 P Walls L T Bamer 2715 100 66874 UTAH w 4 120 I 3 6= 4i 7s 7h S McUin1 A Rroff 1120-1X 66854 LADY ZEUS w 4 110 S 8 I I 8" 85 W Brown M Grant 7220 10 69583 BOBBjO v 4 120 6 4 1" 5 9 9 J McTigt R F Carman BB M Time. C4. 48. 1:13%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Kirah. 1.20 straight, .40 place, .90 show; Joseph Rr.int, .10 place. .20 show; Oaik Hill. .40 slit w. Kquivaltnt hooking odds Kirah. 460 to 100 straight. 170 to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; Joseph Rriat. 220 to 100 place. CO to 100 kliow; Dark Hill. 20 to 100 *how. Winner - Ch. m. by Astronomer Ma:y Greenwood, by Falsetto trained by II. E. Crist; bretl by Mr. K. P. Shipp. Went to post at 5:31. At post 5 minutes. Start good and kIow. Won easily; second and laird driving. KIRAH raced ZORRO into defeat in the first half and. taking the hail, saved ground on the last turn and was going away at ;he end. JOSEPH RRANT dwelt at the start, but closed a gap and finished gimely. DARK HILL ran much below his true form. JOHN MOIMCILL closed a big gap. .lOKKIHINK C tired badly. ZORRO showed the most early speed ami was eased up when he beg a to tire. Scratched G15s0Sea Pirate. 120: 69637 Roy C, 115.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923051101/drf1923051101_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1923051101_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800