Pimlico Turf News, Daily Racing Form, 1923-05-11


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- - r - 1 s F - - - . a — e " . PIMLICO TURF NEWS BAI.TIMOItK. Md., May 10. James Itowe shipped II. P. Whitneys ; Transom to New York. Jockey J. Merimee is expected here to ride Blanc Seing. Joseph McLennan has left for Toronto to resume his duties as racing secretary for the Canadian Racing Associations. 1. J. I.eary arrived this morning and will saddle Zev for the Ir.-akness Stakes. Farl I Sande will ride him. coming down from New ,• York. Following the running of the steeplechase 8 yesterday the Glen Riddle Stable disposed I of the jumper Rocking Horse to B. K. Bryson t n private terms. Twelve Canadian breds were shipped from 1 the J. K. L. Ross farm at Laurel to Toronto - this morning and will be joined by the - main division here in charge of II. Mc-I - aniel. Wonl was received from the track physician, - I r. Dalton, who accompanied jockey f A. Ferguson to the hospital, that the lads injury was not as serious as was at first t supposed. J. R. Skinker claimed Brilliance from J. S. I Cosden previous to the third race for $;!,500. , J. EL Stotler will continue to race Cham-plain _ throughout the summer and will pick Ij up some more horses. C. R. Tompkins received a message from l "Father Bill" Daly yesterday asking him to O train the stable which he will race in New v York this year. Tompkins has taken the matter under advisement and will notify Italy when he arrives in New York. z

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923051101/drf1923051101_12_4
Local Identifier: drf1923051101_12_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800