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Latest Training Gallops 410 L1A.TONIA. Ky., Oct. 5. Todays training gallops here included the following: liATONIA. "Weather clear; track fast Three -Eighths Mile. AJI 36 400-Krekzunas 88 404- Batter Up 35 401-Medina 36 405- Billy Tcdd 34 403-Normal 35 403-Braedalbane ...36 403-Polvo 35 407- Bona Vera 36 390-R. on Time ..36 40S-Ballot Brush ..3C 403-Sayno 37 40S-Colfin 37 40-Snn Spot 30 403-Despard 36 404-Tokihimo 35 405- Fair Break ...35 3S9-Tulane 36 403-In Memoriam .35 Half Mile. 328-AUie Ochs 49 404-Mlss Mazie ...48 339-Billy Star 49 404-Miss Margaret 51 310-Childs Play ..49 399-Miss Beulah ..51 406- Drm Maker ..48 Over Fire 50 40G-Follow Me 50 403-Ruth S 50 403- G. of Honor .51 353-Rcdwood 51 404- Hold Me 49 365-Untried 49 3Sl-Knobbie 47 407-White Star 51 , Five-Eighths Mile. 98-Black Rock. .1:03 340-Hitrnmp 1:03 286- BIue Bonnets 1:05 405-Ivinburn 1:05 408- Boss Man ...1:05 407-Luxor 1:02 497-Bobs Folly ..1:02 407-Perrigo 1:02 403-Belzoni 1:01 400-Queer 1:04 407- BugIer 1:04 390-Queen Bess .1:05 400-Crayon 1:02 400-Royal Crown 1:03 287- Cyprene 1:03 393-Teds Plum ..1:05 405- C. McDevitt..l:02 407-VaUey Light 1:02 405- Flower Shop 1:05 405-Wg Through 1:03 406- Four O Five.. 1:02 Threo-Qnarters Mile. 403-Actnary 1:15 407-Gordon Shaw 1:16 405- Annie Lyle ..1:15 404-HoUy Boy ...1:16 40o-Audacious ...1:16 407-Ho Hick ..-..1:17 403- Bluc Stone ..1:14 403-Lady Lgridgel:17 406- Bill OFlynn 1:14 408-Lord Allen ..1:14 404- Battlc Bent .1:17 39G-Lucy Berry .1:16 400- Bob Cahill ...1:15 398-Lord Granite. 1:15 407- Breechloadcr 1:17 406-Mrs. Gardnerl:15 406- Chief Brandt 1:14 407-May Lloyd ..1:16 404-Devil Girl ..1:13 407-Miss Meise ..1:16 409- Dreamer .....1:15 409-N. Langhornel:15 403- Dust Proof ..1:15 397-Our Option ..1:18 404- Earl Pool ...1:16 318-Ruby 1:18 393-Elwood IC. ..1:17 366Souhia Maria 1:18 341-E1 Astro 1:15 407-Shafe 1:17 403-Fair Phantoml:14 403-Struttcr 1:18 405- Gentle Julia.. 1:17 264-Trantula 1:18 407- Georgclto ...1:18 400-Whiskaway ..1:15 406- Green Briar .1:15 403-Wong Bok ..1:16 I Seven. Eighths Mile. 321-Grande Dame 1:29 409-Radis 1:28 406- Oui Oui 1:26 One Kile. 405- Blanche Mac 1:42 306-HIgh Tea ...1:45 407- Belg. Qneen .1:47 405-Haln 1:43 407- Banncr Bcarerl:44 407-LleweUyn ...1:43 406- Cappy Ricks .1:42 95S-La Derniere 1:45 408- Fantoche ....1:41 400-Mistress Maryl:44 401- Flow. of Lovcl:43 405-Sister Flo ..1:47 Actuary went very easily. "NVhiskaway did his good work kindly. Oui Oui worked impressively. Knobbie showed good speed unextended. Fantoches work was extra good for him. NEW YORK, N. Y., Oct 5. Todays training gallops over the local courses included the following: JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 403-A. Marrone 11.30 406-PotentBU ....38 406- Dominique ....30 885-Purl .: 39 407- F. L. Harding 37 407-Rcply 36 408- Little Alfred .37 406-Skirmish 40 Half Mile. 407- Curtls 50 404-P. of Umbria 52 403-HephaUtos 49 400-WUdraks .. 50 408- OTertaka 50 i Five-Eighths Mile. 408-Ben Wood ...1:07 408-Stand Fast ..1:04 405- Dazzler 1:01 408-Swingalong ..1:01 407- Fabian 1:01 Three -Quarters Mile. 408- Better Times 1:19 4C9-Miss Star ...1:19 406- Dusk 1:15- 407-Norfie!d 1:16 40S-Fly By Day 1:16 408-Pat Casey ... .1:18 One Mile, 407- Veto 1:47 Dominkiue is training well. Fabian raced well. Swing Along and Dazzler worked together. Miss Star was under restraint. Fly by Day seems good. Veto galloped an easy mile. BELMONT TAJIK TRAIISIJTG TRACK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 400-Canaqne 36 403-Ncgrina 87 Half Milo. 409- Blind Play 4S 40S-Spic and Span.51 40S-Bud Fisher ...49 40S-Super 52 403-Ruddy 49 40S-Resolution 49 403- Miss Kenny ...51 404-Trystcr 50 374-Mr. Mutt 54 Five-Eighths MHe. 408- Conrser 1:03 406-Forearm ....1:03 405- Cyclops 1:05 405-Scare Crow .1:04 Three-Quarters Mile. 400- Polyxcnia . . .1 :16 One Mile. 406- Algoa 1:48 403-Firm Friend 1:45 Tryster was under restrainL Blind Play showed good speed. Firm Friend did his work easily. Forearm and Courser worked together. AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track fast Three -Eighths Mile. 405- Cork Elm 37 405-Janet Blair ...33 Half Mile. 408-Dnstabout 51 409-Redskin 51 407- Lndy Bijur 49 405-Samaritan 51 406- Lost Beveille .47 405-Water Girl ...49 Five-Eighths Mile. 40S-A. B. Ahdem.l:01 Flint Stone .1:01 Three-Quarters Mile. 3G9-Maxle 1:17 Feysnn 1U7 .One Mile. 407- Homestretch 1:43 LAUREL., Md., Oct. 5. Todays training gallops here included the folio wine: LAUHEL. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 399-Comiia 37 403-Sarazen 34 Elsbeth 3G 362-St. Maurice ...26 Half Mile. 339-Bigheart 48 401-Rialto 50f 399-Blazcs 53 403-SiIk Tassel ...48 401- Bunting .50 395-Sunayr 50 40S-L. Baltimore H.55 Three-Quarters Mile. 40S-Batonnier. ...1:17 409-N. Hampshire! :16 397-Bramton ....1:16 408-Sun Fey ....1:16 402- Frk Monroe 1:19 403-Sun ThisUe .1:16 401- lIildur 1:15 403-Swingalong .11:15 408- KIondjke ...1:16 8-T.J.Pdergast 1:19 404- Memente ....1:22 23-Toucana 1:19 402- My Own 1:18 320-Whiskalong .1:15 One Mile. 4W-Birthday 1:47 397-St, Germain 1:53 408-R. Wgfield 1:4 407-Tip. WitcheU:18 405- Rebuke . 1:42