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MASTER CLOCKERS WEEKLY 25 CENTS. AT AM, NEWSSTANDS EVERYWHERE. NEW ISSUE FOR SALE TODAY. I CAUGHT BEE! I CAUGHT HEE ! ! I ESCAEPOIETTE 1.90- WON "Yes, sir, I caught her and sot ?TlO.00 for my LONE 20 SPOT that I put sup," writes J. C, from Cincinnati. Continuing further, he says. "I am for jyonr MASTER CLOCKERS WEEKLY right along; ITS GREAT!" More po-fver J to you, J. C, thats all ive can say. If -we can help you will get plenty more like Escarpolcttc. A TREMENDOUS FREE OFFER! A STUPENDOUS OFFER! MY 00 SPECIAL FREE NEXT THURSDAY TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS jthat get the MASTER CLOCKERS WEEKLY today and CUT OUT the COUPON on hack page, enclosing ?2 for 3 MONTHS SUBSCRIPTION. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE ! Go right now to your newsdealer, PIN to the COUPON you will find on . Dade page and MAIL it with a SELF-ADDRESSED, STAMPED ENVELOPE to the i MASTER CLOCKER, 333 SOUTH DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO, and THURSDAYS 00 SPECIAL WILL BE MATT.Tm TO YOU FREE OF CHARGE LOOK!! LOOK!! i Yesterdays Advertised "Daric Sleeper" QUEEN HIGH 4.80- WON! Who else gave you that? Who didT THE MASTER CLOCKER gave it on j his Daily Sheet. TODAY ANOTHER "DARK SLEEPER" For this one, aslc your newsdealer for the DAILY MASTER CLOCKER, MAILED 2 WEEKS, ?9.00. 333 SOUTH DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO FOE SALE AT ALL PRINCIPAL NEWSSTANDS. COVINGTON Gordons Drue Stone, Fourth and Scott Streets. CINCINNATI Hey Pierce, Fifth and Tine Streets; Fountain News, Fifth and "Walnut Streets; W. Storey, Fourth and Central Streets; Kahler, Sixth and Walnut Streets. BT. LOUIS Laser, 711 Market Street ; Forste, 410 Washington Street. LOUISVILLE Eiler Sc Goodman, 227 Fourth Street. DAYTON, OHIO Euphrat, 129 South Jefferson Street. INDIANAPOLIS Moeslin, 112 Illinois Street. KANSAS CITY Ricks ecker, Ninth and "Walnut Streets. THE SPORTING EDITOR DAILY SERVICE DAILY ONE DORSE ONLY -0 WEEKLY RUSH HOW TO THE NEAREST TELEGRAPH OFFICE AND WIRE for TODAYS GUARANTEED WINNER ! Todays horse MUST WJJT or you get NEXT SIX DAYS SERVICE FREE! Hows that for a proposition? We are doing this to show how mnch we think of this ones chances of WINNING. WIRE and your correct address to The Sporting Editor 35 South Dearborn St., Room 700, Chicago, 111. I, , THE MIRACLE SYSTEM 7T Fully Copyrighted and Protected. jLi jfipn How Did Columbus Discover America ? Jr FACTOGRAM NO. 1251 L3sZ5 vSjcfej Columbus was not a happy-go-lucky adventurer. He was fired SfiEavY gSSamm y the spirit of discovery, the spirit of research. A man who en- 85 gages in research never knows what he will discover. So it was CP5" with Columbus. He discovered among other things the variation of the ccmpass needle. JJe opened up an entirely new continent. A Steady In- He was the first to acquaint Europe with the strange new people. Equally Ef-oo me at Tracks animals and riches of the western world. He conducted research foctivo With or in on a large scale. There is n greater similarity between Columbus Winter or Handbooks voyage of discovery and Turf System research than may be Summer supposed. The man in this field who tries to discover the "why" Racing. 1 of things is a Columbus. He substitutes facts, knowledge, for- guesses and plausible theories. And, like Columbus, who observed Htrange deflections of the compass needle, he discovers phenomena undreamed of before. Every Investigation condncted in the Statistical Department of M. 1. Walter and Co. is a voyage of discovery. Where will it end? What will be disclosed? No man can tell. But day in and day out the very constitution of the matter is studied and new principles are revealed that make PROFITABLE TURF INVESTMENT an ABSOLUTE REALITY. There is enly ONE WALTER SERVICE, but there is more than one seller of a turf system. Are you intqrested in being enriched by new facts, a new turf knowledge? Write TODAY for a complete FKEE PROSPECTUS of the Miracle System. We will send you I ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT CHARGE OR OBLIGATION interesting FACTS concerning owners, trainers, J Jockeys, dockers, handicappers, public selectors, tipsters, bookmakers, stable information. COMPRE-! HENSIVE INFORMATION relative to weight, time, class, law of average, ratings, workouts, betting stables, progression methods, system reviews and much ether enlightening and valuable information and j pointers. Its just the sort of a work you have wished fop a detailed and absolutely comprehensive j volume, written in common sense, easy-to-understand style. It is yours for the asking. AT.T. INQUIRIES i TREATED IN ABSOLUTE AND IMPLICIT CONFIDENCE. inrrr-j M- WALTER and x i KNm I CUBA The Organization of Research Service. MEXICO i CANADA s. E. ARTHUR, Public Relations Mffr. AUSTRALIA j I 1 Private Loclc Box 40P : t Towson, Mil. I I I : GARS CHIEF OBSERVER 35 Cents at All Newsstands TODAYS FREE CODES: I, AT O NT A Wyoming-Brown-Red-Water. LAUREL Virginia-Water-Daik-Boy. WINNERS are what you get in the OLD and I RKT.TABT.F STANDARD, 35c at all newsstands. TODAYS FORH SPECIAL: 2 Juno-Peach -13-46-23-63. STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403, 22 W. Quincy St., Chicago, Til, i Do You Want Latonia GOOD THINGS? TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9th I again expect to demonstrate that there is some REAL INFORMATION to be had at Latonia. This particular horse while he is considered erratic and inconsistent by some people was never better In his career and is now running kindly as well as sensationally In his morning trials. I am both sincere and honest when I say I think he Is the SAFEST BET that has gone to the post in Kentucky this year. I am so certain of the result of this race that I am seeking all new clients possible to secure. Terms: The winnings of a ten dollar bet wired me the day after the horse has won. I DONT WANT a dollar of your MONEY IN ADVANCE, and I MUST MAKE YOU A WINNER before I realize a profit. I believe any man is willing to pay for something that he has learned is good and all I require of you is your word that you will telegraph me the winnings of a ten dollar bet after you have won. This horse goes for the money on TUESDAY, THE 9TH, and I will have some more good things starting during the balance of the Kentucky meeting. If you want some REAL INFORMATION on Latonia races, and will keep your word after I SEND YOU THE WINNER, then wire me Immediately, agreeing to my terms, and be sure to give your correct telegraph address. JAY J. WILKINS SIS 1-2 Madison Ave. Covington, Ky. MUTUAL ! INFORMATION BUREAU So. 5 Colambns Circle Hew York City A combination of the best information in America. All horses on file with Daily Racing Form. Friday Sixth Bay at Xatonia: Marine Corps .50- Won Thursday Fifth Day Latonia: Kindred 5.30- Won "Wednesday Fourth Day LatoHla: Translate 2.50- 3rd Tuesday Third Day Latoaia: Dream Maker . . ..40- Won Monday Second Day Latonia: Rambler , . 1 - Won Opening Day latonia: Braedalbane . . .3.1Q- Won Getaway Day at Lexington: Giblon 2.40- Won Tuesday, Sept. 25, Lexington: Pequot ....... 3.70- Won Monday, Sept. 24, Lexington: Beau Butler 9.20- Won 00 Special Today Saturday This information is as powerful as dynamite. So confident are we of this information that if he does not win we will give all weekly subscribers six days service absolutely free. Ride With the Smart Money RATES 10.00; 0.00 FOB SIX DATS. Remit by "Western Union Telegraph. Oh, Boys! Look!! THIS WONDERFUL SYSTEM This system only had 5 losers in tho last meetings at Aqueduct and Havre do Grace combined. Best Bet only had 1 loser in 23 days. Last meetings at Woodbine and Lexington combined only had 8 losers cut of 71 bets. Best Bet only had 1 loser. GENTT.KtTKN This system is a real winner. SYSTEM Ho. 2 This system is still picking the winners. ES-CAEPOLETTE, ?71.90-f2; LADY ASTOR, 5.40-; FAITH. ?57.90-; CRESCENT, 2.6042; JOHN PAUL JONES, 3.45-2; HILARITY, 8-1; COEUR DE LION, 12-1; GYPSY KING, 8-1; TRE-VELYAN, ?14,10-; SILENT KING. 16.40-?2; LETTERMAN, ?17.65-; BRAZOS, ?29.0-; VO-T.TTffA, 7.40 -?2, place, and a large number of others. Get theso systems and pick your own winners. Can bo played at or away from the track. Price in full for both only ?5.00. Then, after you get them and if they havent done just as I advertise, I will gladly return ycur money. J. H. CROSMAN 654 SOUTH FIFTH ST., LOUISVILLE, KY. I 2 KENTUCKY BUD FELD "TUKF COMMISSIOITEB" Ko. 41 East 29th Street New York City 2TOTICE! XOTICE! KOTICE! TODAYS SPECIAL POSTPONED! For Monday, Oct. 8, owinff to reasons that my position does not allow mo to make public, horse will win and pay the limit. If horse fails to win I will send you my next special FIIEE, charges prepaid. TERMS, TN ADVANCE. 2io proposition accepted J. SPRINT TWO HORSES DALLY NEVER KOBE Yesterdays One Best: Belphrizonia $.7.30- Won Yesterdays Long Shot: Jimson .10- Won Yesterdays Private Special: Snow Maiden . .4.50- Won Thursdays: Joseph Brant ..1.70- Won Humble 6.40- Won Wednesdays: Joseph Brant . . . 7.80- 2nd Golden Rule ...1.20- Won Tuesdays: Smarty .30- Won Trevelyan 4.10- Won THATS HITTING THEM Were you on these winners, Mr. Player. If not, why not? Only costs you fl daily, or 6 weekly if you subscribe. ?5 PBXVATE SPECIAL GOES AGAIN MONDAY, OCTOBER 8TH and my clientele that has reaped so rich a harvest on my last fS special: Snow Maiden . .4.50- Won I am Euro will welcome the coming event and hurry their subscriptions. The price of private specials is and no propositions accepted. Wire money or call at office. JACK SPRINT BOOM 605 NO. 23 DUANE ST., NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. HARVEY AMES Earle Building Broadway at 52nd Street NEW YORK, N. Y. SPECIAL "Harvey Transaction" TODAY This is the acid test of the value of "Harvey transactions" and warrants a big investment. Terms: TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS payable strictly in advance by telegraph or in person. WARNING: I have no agents or representatives anywhere. Deal directly with this office and avoid being imposed upon. TELEPHONE CIRCLE 5790 JIM REID SO. 207 VAN SICKLEN AVE., ROOM 17 BROOKLYN, N. Y. WIN AGAIN TODAY 20-1 20-1 Yesterdays Winner: Ten Sixty ....... 6- Won Thursdays Winner: Kindred ...... 5.30- Won Wednesdays Winner: Lucidus 0.60- Won Tuesdays Winner: Escarpolette ...1.90- Won Jim Reid has been tho players friend for years. I have "been catering- to the pnblio with high-class information. Let me help you win without worry. One horse every day at Latonia. f5 DAILY; 0 WEEKLY Wire foe Western Union or Postal SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, TT.T., 157-159 EAST 82ND STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y n EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. Y.