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i i : i . . , r s ; 1 t l r t 1 t j j J f s l r Entries and Past Performances LAUREL PARK SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6 WEATHER CLEAR: TRACK FAST. 73414 Flying Fur 107 1:0G 113.. 710 Tho figures under the heading "Rec." in 73G74 Priscilla RuleyM114 1:03 104.. 710 the entries below show the best time of 73233 Roman Girl 113X705 each horse at the distanco sinco January 1, 74236 Haughty Lady M112 1:03 104.. 700 1921, no matter -where it finished. In case 7419S Elsbeth M 100 1:03 104.. 700 where record was made on other than a fast 73073 Tiday M 112 1:0Gand 104.. 700 or good track, abbreviations show track , conditions. FoHJth EaTcT6-:4 Mlle Joppa Handicap. ZZHZ Purse ,500. All Ages.. . . . . Track record: Oct. 2, 1923 1:11 3 110. - ,m., to Racing starts at 1:45 p. m. Chicago time 12:4u. . Superior mud runner. XGood mud runner. 7,4290- Silk m Tassel 114 1:11 3 109 X 750 :!:Fair mud runner. M Maidens. "Apprentice 4290 Hildur 117 1:11 5 122X 745 allowance. bBIinkcrs. ,.........101:11 3 109X745 First Race 3-4 Mile. 739313 bReparation 115 1:12and 4 112735 Purse 31,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. . Track rctord: Oct. 2, 1923 1:11 3 110. .Fifth Eaee 3-4 Mile. Todays Twefth Runnins National Stakes. ,000 Added. Ind. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han 2-year-olds. Allowances. Ct 2 3-l:ll-3-110. 74417 .Royal Charlie ....103 1:12 4 103..725 74417 bCloughjordan 110 1:13 4 108 X720 74291 SARAZEN 127 1:12 122X750 74321 Ina Kay 103 1:12 11103X715 4370 Miss Whisk 111. .735 74323 The Lamb 117 1:13 6 10SX715 74143 Sunny Sal 112 1:14 111.. 735 74171bBluc Hawk ......101 1:13 3 102710 0823 Lord Baltimore II..115 1:12 125.. 730 65713 Dr. Joe 7 111X705 74288 Fluvanna 122 1:10 11G..730 74371 Superlative . . . . 1:12 4 111X705 4370 Moon Star 115 1:12 112..725 74371 Sea Tag 1:14 3 101X705 74249 AgaKhan M ...109 1:12 103.. 725 74172 Gold Mount M?. .951 1:14 3 102x705 74370 Donnelly 114 1:13 112. .720 VSSi whTmI-vu Sixth Race-1 1-1G Miles. 73935 White Rock M.. 110 1:14 3 107. . .00 pursc 20; 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Sscond Race 2 MUes. Track record: Oct.7, 1916 1:43 5 11G. Catoctin Steeplechase Handicap. 74323 King John 102 1:46 8 109725 Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. 74292 Smarty 105 1:47 5 113X720 72938 USea Master ... 4 142 X700 7432S3 Col. Whallen 110 1:48 3 103.. 715 74119 Letterman 4 140..G95 70413 bNorth Wales 97 1:4G 4 109X715 73936 Boss John 5 135.. 695 74174 Miss Filley 110 1:48 8 101X700 74237 Jim Cof froth 8 135.. 690 74175 Sea-Wolf M 105 1:51 4 109.. 700 74369 Mercurius M 5 130.. 685 74374 Ducks and Drakes . 95 1:50 3 98. .700 74119 Huonora M 7 130. .685 Seventh Race 1 1-2 Miles. Third Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Purse ,300. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Track record: Oct. 11, 1919 2:29 3 108. Track record: Oct. 31, 1914 1:05 2 118. 74289 Trevelyan 4 104 X 725 74101 Whetstone 114 1:07 109.. 725 74326 bRoyal Duck 6 106 X720 73820 Sunmagne 109. .720 74180 Sea Monarch 5 92. .715 74055 Black Art 105 1:07 109.. 715 74320 Lady Lillian 102 2:35 5 92X710 74286 Graceful Carrie. . .115 1:08 109. .710 74326 Bastille 5 103 X 705 742SS Eagerness 101 1:08 109. .710 73988 Rock Pocket 3 100. .700 LAUREL PARK JOCKEY PERCENTAGES. From January 1, 1923, to September 2S, 1023, Inclusive. At or At cr Over Over Jockey. Y.C. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Jockey. P.C. Wt. Mts. 1st 2d. 3d. McAtee, L 23 101 354 82 64 GO Parrington, T. 10 112 51 5 9 6 Kummer, C. 20 1BJ 192 39 38 21 Thomas, J 10 103 72 7 6 7 Mangan, G 20 104 111 22 15 14 Flynn, R 10 100 17G 17 13 16 McCarthy, E 20 95 5 1 0 0 Ambrose, E 09 100 87 8 9 15 Smallwood, E 18 108 359 65 61 39 Urown, W. A 09 100 45 4 5 6 Lee, F 18 98 171 SO 14 1G Costello, R 09 9G 213 19 12 18 Lang, C 17 106 460 77 C4 58 Btillman, S 08 108 G5 5 5 7 Callahan, J 17 95 327 56 51 49 Coltiletti, F 03 108 172 15 28 30 Marinelli, B 16 102 283 45 29 35 Lcyland, J 09 95 11 1 3 1 Frost, C 16 90 50 8 3 13 Matthews, R 03 9G 3G 3 5 2 Pool, W 15 105 393 60 52 40 Carroll, G. W 07 104 8G 6 9 8 Howard, H 15 84 137 21 22 21 Rowan, J 06 109 145 9 17 17 Chalmers, J 14 93 401 66 61 43 Obcrt, W .05 104 78 4 10 11 Johnson, A. 14 112 122 17 1G 19 Thorndyke, F 05 100 21 1 2 0 Kroger, A .14 107 78 11 10 11 Duplantis, W 01 102 28 1 4 0 McLane, S J4 103 120 17 6 9 Bond, G 04 83 20 1 8 5 Corcoran, J J3 100 420 5G 53 4G Lilley, W 02 11G 40 1 5 6 Connors, J 12 112 155 18 27 18 Allen, C 100 2 O 0 0 Thomas, H 12 103 113 13 14 13 Callahan, H 92 27 0 0 0 Allen. A 12 Jll 73 9 7 9 Fisher, A 90 3 0 0 0 Robinson, C 12 112 41 5 6 3 Hansen, W 95 3 0 0 0 Schwartz, M. 12 111 102 12 14 10 Harvey, W 95 1 0 0 0 Mein, G 12 103 420 52 63 61 nuff, N 107 33 0 4 1 Denny, E 11 109 44 5 8 6 McNamee, R 102 16 . 0 2 5 Roach, A 11 104 229 25 29 27 Mergler, D 84 17 0 4 4 Kessner, J 11 92 144 13 9 10 Nicholson, O .. 100 0 0 0 0 Barnes, E 11 106 219 25 20 24 Robbins, E 99 23 0 0 6 Bonham, T. 11 107 213 - 23 37 23 Pierce, J. 108 1 0 0 0 Tryon, A. 10 102 10 1 0 0 Simon, M. 93 14 0 0 0 1-t DA PC 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. Oct. 2, 1023 I SI HAUL 1:11 2-5 3 110. Index Course DIst Time Tck Odds Wt St Str via Jockeys Started Order of Finish E03TAX CHARLIE, b. g, 4 108 By Charles OMalley Captive Princess, by CaptiTa- Trainer, M. J. Murphy. Owner, S. Louis. tion. Bred in England by W. A. Wallis. 74417 Seo todays chart. 74107 H.deGce 1 1:40 fast 13 102 6 S 4 5 J CorcoranlO F.Lore, Clghjordan, PralSwaln 73937 H.deGce 3-4 l:13slow lOf HO 5 1 VI 1 B MarinelllM Tidings, Poppye, Rhinegold 73863 H.deGce 3-4 l:15fast 8 H5 4 5 6 01 G Mein It. Faith. Vice-Chairman, Haidee 73504 Timonm AbGSf 1:27 hvy 21-10 H2 3J G Mein 7 Bud.Kean. Explosive, Unc.Sand 73333 Timonm 3-4 l:lGfast 6-5 H3 l6 G Mein 8 Star Court, Acosta, War. Victor 72887 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fat 15 112 11 12 121 14 J CorcornlG Donges, Rosa Yeta, Daydue 72520 Saratoga 3-4 l:13fast 8 114 5 11 33s H,a A Johnsonl7 Good Time, Belmon, Skirmish . 71872 Empiro Ab 3-4 l:10fast SO 105 12 12 13 13 J Corcornl4 Swpstakes, Pietrus, Marionette CLOTTGHJORDAN, b. g, 4 108 By The Curragb Trance, by Ben Brush. Trainer, J. Hennessey. Owner, Mrs. J. Phillips. Breeder, J. Sanfoid. 74417 See todays chart. 74107 H.deGce 1 1:40 fast 19-5 93 6 1 21 21 F Lee 10 FortLorc. PralSwain. SeaCoTS 738G2 H.deGce 3-4 l:13fast 3 112 6 1 1 Is J Wallace 15 Poppye, Far East, Avalanche 7348G Belmont 61f MC l:19fast 6 107 H 8 3 4ii F Smith 12 Bucado, Daydue, Coeur de Lion 70425 Belmont 3-4 MC l:12fast 12 112 4 8 10l 105 R Carter lt CumSah, D. of the Vley, R.Salt 70231 Belmont 3-4 MC l:lfast B HO 7 6 5 il E Kummerl2 Pietrus. Sagamore, Belmon 70117 Jamaica 3-4 l:15mud 4 103 6 2 2 2 E KummerlG Ticklish, Mar. White, Turhulent 69952 Jamaica 3-4 l:13fast 5 105 3 5 41 21 F Reilly 17 Coral Reef. Ticklish, Antilles LNA KAY, ch. rn. II 103 By Nasturtium Subdue, by Star Ruby. Trainer, B. E. Chapman. Owner. B. E. Chapman. Breeder. J. H. Brown. 74321 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 13 107 1 7 6 6 A Roach 11 Bucado, JoscphBrant, Rhinegold 74172 H.deGce 3-4 l:13fast 9 108 1 4 4 4J A Roach t V.-Chairman, Ticacey, Far East r 73083 Devshiro 3-4 l:13fast 2J 103 7 6 BS Vh H Zander 11 J. B. Brown, Athanna, Dentaria 72838 Kcnilwh 7-8 1:28 fast 33-10 100 7 5- 3t B" W Fronlc 9 Betsinda, Sun Brae, Bcngore 72101 Kenilwh 3-4 l:12fast 9 108 4 2 l1 1 P Walls 10 Ogaritc. Joycclloffman, Nenette 71602 Devshiro 3-4 1:13 fast 5 107 2 H Zander 11 Arctic King, Futen, MackGarner 70793 Dfferin Ab 5-S l:02fast C-5 109 f.? N Burger 8 SheDevil, Scrv.Flag, MissHold 70677 Dfferin Ab 7-8 1:34 mud 33-10 99 3i W Martin G Blondcl. N.McKinney. F.Kinney 70145 Thcliffa 3-4 l:llfast 3 109 1 6 41 2l M Schwtz 7 Bon Jour, Topmost, Bios. Houso THE LAMB, b. g, 6 103 By Uncle Winifred A., by Sir Diron. Trainer, W. G. Campbell. Owner, W. G. Campbell. Breeder. W. B. Miller. 74323 Laurel lm70y l:45fast 20 HI 4 6 61 SJ G Babin 8 MfnRosell., K.John. C.WhTea 74174 H.deGce lm70y l:15fast 12 HI 2 2 2 5i T Bonham 7 AIlFair, Invigorator. Miss Filley jr 73825 H.deGce 1 1-16 1:51 fast 12 H5 5 10 14 14 C RobsonU King John, Lit.Ainmie, Tinglin 72729 FortErio El f 1:07 fast 25 103 5 6 6 6 A Claver 8 Mercury, Peter Piper, Tidings 72470 Ham ton 1 1-16 l:48tast 8 106 2 3 8" R Costello 8 Belphrizonia. Jacques, Joaquina 72436 Hamton 1 1-8 l:54fast IS S3 1 1 1 B R Costello 10 Gath, Glad News, Pirate McGee 72322 Hamton 11-16 1:48 fast 3 99 6 1 4 51 R Costello 12 May Roberts, RingRose. Tamper 71960 FortErio lmTOy l:47fast S-2 103 1 3 3 41 L Penman 9 Smarty, LordHerbert, Fr-Kinney BLUE HAWK, br. g, 3 102 By Atheling II. Chocolate Lady, by KlUmit. Trainer. F. C. Frisble. Owner. 0. Yzauierdo. Breeder. Nevada Stock Farm. 74371 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 107 110 6 9 91 10 W Lilley 10 Joseph Brant, Finality, Feodor 74171 H.deGce 8-4 1:13 fast El 101 1 3 5 3s J Corcoran 9 Pcterripcr, RoundRobin, Rupee ! 7797 Kenilwh 3-4 l:llfast 83 105 8 8 9 9 G Fields 11 Brunswick, Slercury, SspeedyGirl I 72676 FortErie 3-4 l:13good 18 115 8 8 8 8" F Sharpo 8 Wraith. Seths Lemon. Jacques 72358 Hamton 1 1-16 l:46fast T7 971 1 4 8 810 R Costello 9 My Dear, Spot Cash, BabyGrand 1 71518 Aqueduct 7-8 l:26slop 8 117 7 9 8 11" J Callahanl2 List.Dearic, KeoMation, Zealot 71340 Aqueduct CI f 1:19 fast 50 100 7 8 8 7 J CallahanlO Missionary, Nantucket, Canyon 71050 Aqueduct 1 li37Xfast 60 103 5 7 7 7" J Callahan 7 LittleCelt. Martingale, "Cber.Pie DR. JOE, br. h, 7 111 By King- James Adellnettfl. bv Vnltna. Trainer, F. C. Frisbie. Owner, J. 8. Tyree. Brcedor, II. T. Oxnard. E5713 Empire 1 1-16 l:45fast 18-5 6 2 4 4 2 21 3 J Callahan 4 YwIIand, R.Roois, Dimmcsdale s 65CIS Aqduct 1 1-16 1:43 fast fi 100 1 3 3 3 2 3s J Callahan 3 Mad Hatter. Royce Itools 65363 Aqduct 1 1-16 lMSmud 31 95 2 2 2 t 2 1 J Callahan 3 Captain Alcock, Knobbie C5163 Aqduct 61 f l:17sfast 6 112 3 5 6 4 4 D Stirling 0 S.Screen. SeaMint, Dimmesdnlf p 64193 Pimlico 1 l:41slow 23-10 118 6 E 4 3 ink ink D Stirling 6 StarVoter, LghStorm, DkHorse ! 64025 Pimlico 3-4 l:15hvy 9 118 3 3 3 2 2 D Stirling 4 Motor Cop, Devildog. D.deGuls E3990 Pimlico 1 l:41slow 13-5 109 3 3 2 2 2 21 D Stirling 3 Baby Grand, Herd Girl E1389 Pimlico 1 l:3Sandfast 8 106 3 2 2 2 6 5" F Cltllettl C Audacious. Sen.lark. Leochare , SUPERLATIVE, b. g, 4 111 By Superman Rubeola, by Advance Guard. Trainer. J. G. Wagnor.. Owner. M. J. Reid. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 74371 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 13 107 9 7 S 5rl A Roach 10 Joseph Brant, Finality, Fcodor 73299 Devshire 3-4 l:12fast 36 107 10 8 81 8" A Roach 10 Soldier II.. Poor Sport, Arragosa 73253 Devshiro 3-4 l:13fast 13-10 107 7 8 8 8" A Roach 8 Dcntaria, Black Deer, Arragosa 72931 Kenilwh 3-4 1:11 fast 88 110 7 7 7 7" A Roach 7 Hildur, R.onTimc, JohnP.Jones 71500 Hawthno El f l:054fast B 108 7 6 41 6 A Roach 8 D.IIkman, R.Robin, M.P.Gdnci 70570 Thcliffe 3-4 l:lSslop 41 123 3 1 1 5T1 E Scbbio 5 Vcnnie, Ethel Clayton, J.P.Jones 70528 Thcliffo 3-4 l:14fast 11 112 8 E El 42 A Roach 8 MnstardSeed, "Wraith, LadyBoss 703C4 Thcliffe 1 1:40 fast 8 107 6 4 6 6 A Roach G Sangrado, Cr. o Dawn, Finality 70245 Wdbino 2-4 1:12 fast 11 119 8 2 21 3 A Roach 8 Pennon. Heremon, Racket 69429 H.deGco 3-4 1:13 fast 11 117 7 6 41 41 J Butwcll 9 Avisack. S.Troughts. Camoufge , SEA TAG, blk. f, 3 104 By Atheling LI. Suavita, by St. Leonards. Trainer, A. Swenke. Owner, A. Swenke. Breeder. Kevada Stock Farm. 74371 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 23 101 2 S 7 8" J ChalmerslO Joseph Brant, Finality, Feodor 74175 H.deGce lm70y l:46fast 7-5 106 4 2 21 2 A Roach 8 Dumbfder, MayBuddy, Scctary 74172 H.deGco 3-4 l:13sfast 43 103 8 6 7l G2 J Chalmers 0 V.-Chairman, Ticaccy, Far East t 73G75 Dorval 3-4 l:12fast 21 104 4 8 9 91S F Sharpe 9 Knighthd, SunBrae, Dr.C. Wells 71108 Dorval 3-4 l:12fast 12 97 4 6 9 .9 R Costello 9 Cordelier. Ira Wilson, Radiant 70708 B.Bnnets 3-4 l:16andslop 43 93 5 3 11 2 R Costelloll Kirah, Black Baby, "War Tank C94C9 II.deGce 3-1 l:14fast 14f 100 13 13 14 la14 B Mariellil." Fusee, Hereafter, Rhinegold 69317 H.deGco 3-4 l:llfast 28 93 14 14 14 14" R Costellol4 Picnic, Forest Qneen, Fusee 69152 Bowie 3-4 l:15fust 2Sf 93 3 1 4 l 5 R Costelloll Papillon, llilliiouse. Sultan 67688 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14sfast 8 105 5 11 ll1 ll" H Thomasl2 Begum. Ghost. Kinsman 67458 F.Grnds 3-4 l:lShvy 12 103 6 7 7 7" E Smwod 7 Macbeth. Rork. Flying Devil GOLD MOUNT, ch. g, 3 M 102 By Mont dOr n. Fantam Bala, by Olambala. Trainer, T. Lynn. Owner, E. K. Bryson. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 74172 H.deGco 3-4 l:13fast 104 101 7 5 fck 710 j inland 9 V.-Chairman, Ticaccy, Far East t 6828G Jefferson 3-4 l:14fast 12 105 10 10 10 10" F Murphy 10 B.Leighton, Cliiva, Tender Selli 67602 F.Grnd3 3-4 l:15andfast 7 104 11 4 41 3l G Mein 11 Radiant, Sw.andPty, Sw.Mama , 673S1 Jefferson 3-4 1:15 fast 10 108 8 7 6 6i E Kummerll Bedazzle, Ormont, Ksrk 67145 Jefferson 5-8 l:04hvy 3 108 6 4 4 V E Smwod 9 Permnrco, Fcrnandos, Begum 67107 Jefferson El f 1:09 good 5 115 6 1 2 2 E Smwod 9 Majority. First Blush, Yorick 6687G Bowie 3-4 l:14andfast XS Ml 7 4 4 3 G Mein 11 Belphrtza, MabclK., D.andDkes , 6GS27 Bowie El f 1:09 fast 6 114 7 4 4 31 C Lang 12 Caladium, Rechabite, Spin.Flax t T. J. PENDERGAST, ch. g, 5 111 By Handsel A. M. J., by Boanerges. Trainer. J. H. Stotler. Owner, J. W. Young. Breeder. T. B. Jones. 74171 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 30 110 4 5 5s 51 W Pool 9 Pet.Piper, RoundRobin, Bl.Hawk 73862 H.deGce 3-4 l:13fast 21 112 7 12 12 12" W Pool 15 Cloughjordan, Poppye, Far East t 73386 Timonm 3-4 1:19 fast 12 115 2" E Hilernan 7 JosephineC, Humpy, F.Rhann 73334 Timonm 1 1-1G l:lSfast 19 106 76i S Bullman 8 C. Whallen, YenalJoy, J.Dunde , 66814 Bowie 61 f 1:22 fast 160 107 4 7 8 10" E Gormanl3 Torchy, Feodor. Joseph Brant 66730 Marlboro 51 f l:09Vfast 20 113 1 6 6 6 B Parke 8 Utah, ArthnrMidton. Tricks 65047 Timum Ab CI f 1:21 fast 13-10 118 471 H Buel 5 Fleer, Burlingame, True asStee 64739 ConLako Ab 5-S 1:01 slop 9-10 113 21 T Buel 6 Pokey Jane. Dud.Bug. CFrancon , G4674 ConLake 61 f l:257sfast H-5 112 1 T Buel 7 Beeswaw, Midlan, Kedgwlck 64C29 ConLake Ab 5-8 l:01good 11-10 108 62 R Holway 8 Rapidan, Anna Star, James Q WHITE ROCK. b. c, 3 M 107 By McGee Lithia, by Ingoldsby. Trainer, W. M. Carter. Owner, W. C. Langley. Breeder. C. W. Moore. 73935 Aqueduct 1 l:40slop 10 115 7 4 5s 5" H Thurber 9 Rejectn, Potentilla. Plntycoos 5 73819 Aqueduct 61 f l:19andfast K 112 1 S 8ilO" H Thurberll Pittston, Peddler. Rosa YeU 72620 Saratoga 3-4 l:13fast 15 116 6 7 61 10 H ThurberlS OKelly, Miss Belle, Insulate 71710 Aqueduct 61 f l:21fast 6 1101 8 8 10 91 L Morris 17 Delcadia, Sea-Wolf, SaToy 70733 Belmont 3-4 MC l:12good 8 110 9 8 91 7" L Morris 13 Sea Wolf. Pat Casey, Delcadia 2 Mles Catoctln. Steeplechase. Handicap. 4-year-olds and np- 2nd RACE SEA MASTER, b. g, 4 142 By Seahorse II. Teacher, by Greenan. Trainer, Woods Garth. Owner, J. S. Cosden. Breeder. J. T. Gwathmey. 72988 Saratoga Ab 2 4:20fast 4 123 3 1 1 11 C Mergler G Smangha, Rampage, HTdLigfc 72521 Saratoga Ab 2 4:20 fast 16-5 137 3 4 310 32 C Mergler 7 Lettcrman, Wm.W.II., Comiqx " 71390 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:13fast 3-5 139 2 1 1 1 C Mergler 3 Wrack Grass, Loyterer 70940 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:21 fast 18-6 132 2 3 2 22 C Mergler 6 Grenadier, Souinangha, RonletU 69G52 Pimlico 2 3:59andfast 9-10 145 5 Fell. C Mergler 9 Philosopher, Chuckle, Treviscwt 69545 Pimlico 2 3:59fast 2 136 6 4 6 42 N Kenndy 8 Grenadier. Peccant. Phoenix XiETTERMAH, ch. c. 4 140 By Superman Arlette, by Robert le Diablo. Trainer, V. Powers. Owner, Greentree Stable. Breeder, H. T. Oxnard. 74il9 Woodna 2 1-2 4:59fast 19-5 143 4 3 3s 3 B Hayncs 5 Lieut.Seas, NotMuch, The Trout t 73955 Woodne 2 4:04 "slow 8 137 5 3 2s 1" B Havne.-? 5 Lient.Seas, Hap.Chanccs, Dandy 73581 Belmont Ab 21 4:51 fast 16-5 137 1 4 6 El B Haynes 8 Not Much, Musty, Damask 73487 Belmont 21 4:57Vfast 11-10 139 2 2 3 3 B Haynes 4 Grenadier, Damask, Phoenix 72521 Saratoga Ab 2 4:20 fast 13-10 130 4 3 2 13 W Bethel 7 Wm.W.II., Sea Master, Comique e 71477 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:14fast 3 137 8 3 1 1 B Haynes 10 W.ofCtoman, Cniebcrt, P.Gold i 70775 Belmont Ab 2 3:04 fast 1 137 3 4 4t0 3t0 B Hayncs 7 Parlays, Treviscot, Jigger BOSS JOHN", ch. h, 5 135 By Tho Manager Lucy Locket, by Order. Trainer. G. R. Tompkins. Owner, Glen Riddle Farm Stable. Breeder, T. C. McDowell. 7398G H.deGce Ab 2 4:01slow 9-5 337 5 2 11 2" C Akers 7 Shoal. Gold Foyle, Sea Bryn 72922 Saratoga Ab 2 4:20good 1 147 2 2 . 1and 1J1 C Akers 5 FancLady, WheatKing, Phoenix s 72790 Saratoga Ab 2 4:20fast 4 125 4 1 1 1 C Akers 7 V.Fopulill., J. CofTroth, Vicaire e 724G4 Saratoga Ab 2 4:30good 3 145 1 2 2 31 C Akers 7 Patissiere, Resarf, Vicaire 69796 Pimlico 2 3:59fast 23 132 6 4 410 4" C Akers 8 Musty. Shoal. Lollipop JIM COFFROTH, blk. g. 8 135 By Colinet Marie Hyde, by Handcuff. Trainer, T. Rodrick. Owner. S. Flaherty. Breeder. J. W. Fuller. 74287 Laurel 2 3:57 fast 15 135 4 6 6s 6,s F Preece 8 TheTrout, R.Clover, V.Populill. 7409G Aqueduct Ab 2 4:17fast 10 138 2 4 4 41 F Preece 6 Lollipop, Crestllill, V.Populi II. . 73515 Belmont Ab 2 3:57 fast 18-5 146 4 3 31 3 S Vch Jr 5 RoiCraig, Voxlopulill., Grouch h 73453 Belmont Ab 2 3:52 fast 6 152 4 5 Refused.S Veitch 6 Crest Hill, Le Marsouin, Peccant t 73220 Saratoga 2 4:23good 7-5 152 3 Lost rider.H Willms 3 Flying Scout, Melun 72790 Saratoga, Ab 2 4:20fast 8-5 152 1 5 4s 3,s S Vch Jr 7 BossJohn, VoxPopuli II., Vicaire e 7?668 Saratoga Ab 2 4:28 fast 7 153 5 2 1 Is S Vch Jr 5 Crest Hill, Adamant, H.Chanccs s 72502 Saratoga Ab 2 4:25 fast 6-5 144 1 4 3" 12 S Vch Jr 7 Adamant. Voxlopulill., Vicaire MEECURIUS, b. h, 5 M 139 " By St. Meriadoc Amore, by Amphion. Trainer, F. W. White. Owner, A. Fowler. Bred in England by Lord Zetland. ; 74369 Laurel 2 3:58fast 13-5 147 1 4 3 3" C Hynes 7 Dan.Boone. H. Dattner, Groach 74211 Woodne Ab 2 4:03siow 15 145 3 2 3s 2l C Hines 6 Pir.GoId, n.Chances, Clgardie 74003 Woodne Ab 2 4:06 fast 21 154 1 3 3" 3T A Kelly S Coolgaraie. Span.Malzc, IrishJig 73461 B.Bnnets 1 1:40 fast 22 101 6 E 4 4" A Claver 6 Fornovo, D.dtalorny, GrassMaiU J 73289 B.Bnnets Ab2i 5:03fast 6 135 E 4 4 4"W Gentry 4 SeaTale. Miaata, Overmatch 73035 Saratoga Ab 2 4:24fast 8-5 132 3 Lost rider.W Gentry 0 Vox lopull IX., Parlays, Resarf I 72830 Saratoga Ab 2 4:23fast 6 141 6 2 21 2 W Smyth G Not Much, Rampage, Resarf 72588 Saratoga Ab 2 4:23hvy 15 135 9 C 5 5" W Smyth 9 Dan IV.. Patissiere, Loyterer HUONORA, b. f, 7 M 130 By Huon II. Henora, by Kroonstad. Trainer, F. W. White. Owner, W. A. Read. Bred in Ireland by B. B. Trench. 74119 Woodne 2 1-2 4:59fast 34 133 3 6 5 C1 L Newton 5 Lieut.Seas. NotMuch, Lettermn B o-J DA PC 1-2 Fnrlongs. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Oct. 31, , OrU HAUL 1914 1:05 4-5 2 11S. WHETSTONE, b. f, 2 109 By Sweep Keystone, by Marajax. Trainer, G. R. Tompkins. Owner, Glen Riddle Farm Stable. Breeder, Himyar Stud. 74101 H.deGce 51 f l:07fast 3 114 1 1 1 1 J CallahanlS Memento, EbbTide. r.andYellow v 73897 H.deGce El f 1:07 mud 17 99 2 6 E1 J Wallace 8 Flax, Sunayr. Heir-at-Law SUNMAGNE, b. f, 2 109 By Bun Briar Romagne, by Polymelus. Trainer. J. I. Smith. Owner, W. S. Kilmer. Breeder, W. S. Kilmer. 73820 H.deGco B-S 1:01 fast 18 113 3 1 H lJP CollettiU MconStar, BeauNash,. Skirmisher r 71285 Aqueduct 41 f E3fast 30 116 12 7 8s 81 A Johnsonl4 Negrina, Miss Domino. Scarab BLACK ART, b. f, 2 109 By Transvaal Magical, by Bryn Mawr. Trainer, A. G. Weston. Owner, T. Clyde. Breeder, T. Clyde. 74055 H.deGce 51 f l:05fast 15 105 3 2 41 7" E Barnes S Lpards, McAuliffc, K.Ransom n 73895 H.deGce 6-8 1:02 mud 21 105 3 1 V 14 E Barnes 14 Plymara, SnowMaiden, F.Kceps ,s 73820 ILdeGco 5-8 1:01 fast 12f 112 7 2 El TJ A Allen 14 Sunmagne, MoonStar. BeauNash 1, 692G7 H.deGco 1-2 48fast 13-5 115 2 6 41 41 A Allen 13 Remnant, Sunny Light. NoLady y 69135 Bowie 1-2 48fast fi 113 7 1 3 32 A Allen S Close Work. Dusk, Friday 13th li GRACEFUL CARRIE, ch. f, 2 109 By Superman Grace Cameron, by Lissak. Trainer, J. A. Murphy. Owner, Parkview Stable. Breeder, H. T. Oxnard. 7428C Laurel El f 1:0S fast G 115 4 4 U V E AmbroselO B.BcIoved, Ebb Tide, HhtyLady 75820 H.deGcs 5-8 1:01 fast 19 113 9 7 S1 62 E AmbroseH Sunmagne, MoonStar, BeauNash h 72863 Saratoga 5-8 59fast 10 114 5 E 3l 31 E AmbroseH Anticipate, Devil Girl, Defiant t 727G7 Saratoga E-S l:00good 1C0 105 11 7 91 14" E AmbroselO A.MarroncII., Elvina. LadyDiana a 72G25 Saratoga E-8 E9ifast 100 106 10 7 7s S E Ambrosel3 H.Thghts, A.Marnell.. Postion a EAGERNESS, ch. f, 2 103 By Vulcain Turkey Red II., by William Rufua. Trainer, M. Brady. Owner. J. E. Davis. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 74288 Laurel 51 f 1:07 fast 131 101 6 2 41 7 F Wdsfck 9 OffColor, Fluvnna, S.MissLizzie e 73583 Belmont 51 f l:07fast 6 107 1 6 4 4i F Wdstck 7 MissDomino, Rinkey, Relentless s 734 16 Belmont 5-S st 69 fast 60 112 4 3 41 41 F Wdsfckl3 JanctlJlair, MissDomino, Fly By v 71G77 Aqueduct 5-8 E9andmud 30 114 3 5 5s 4,s F Wdstck 8 MissDomino, BabyLane, Salacia a 71393 Aqueduct 41 f E2fast 60 109 4 11 U1 10s! F WdstcklG A.Marrouell., Parthcma, Salacia a 71028 Aqueduct 41 f E4fast 15 114 5 3 4l 76i B Marinelli 9 A.Marronell. H.Cook. UDare FLYING FUR, b. f. 2 113 By Huon Kolinsky, by Uncle. Trainer. T. J. Healey. Owner. W. J. Salmon. Breeder. V. B. Miller. 73414 Belmont 3-4 1:12 fast 13-5 104 B 4 4l E51 B Marinlli G B.Warren, nuniorctte. Batsman 73317 Belmont 51f MC 1 :05fast 41 107 3 7 7s 2 B Marinlli 8 Huon Pine, Eventide, Rival 72923 Saratoga 3-4 l:13good 16-5 104 2 8 8 810 B Marinlli S Convent, Lady Polka, Batsman 71914 Empiro 51 f 1:07 fast 8 106 1 1 1and Ink u Marinlli 8 Flax. Donnelly. Superanna 71748 Empiro El f l:06fast 25 113 1 9 9! 6" B Marinlliip Fluvanna, Cave Woman, Parasol 1 71230 Aqueduct B-S l:00andfast 15 112 10 7 81 2 B Marinellilli Polysia, McAuliffe. KsRansom n PRISCILLA RULEY, b. f. 2 M 104 By Ambassador IV. The Reef, by Trap Rock. Trainer. J. McCormack. Ownerr. Beleir Stud Stable. Breeder. Belair Stud. 7r.G74 Belmont 51 f l.-035fast 31 U4 5 3 3s 41 T McTagtll Ladyltelle, Rinkey. Pearl Mesta a 73517 Belmont 3-4 MC l:llfast 60 104 9 6 5s 5 B MarinIlil3 Tree Top. Ncl. Morse, Tr. Doreen n 73372 Belmont El f l:05andfast 30 103 7 6 E3 75 B Marinlli 9 IyDiaua, TrccTop, A.Mronell. 73320 Belmont 51 f lrfJ6fast S 111 S 2 2 4s F ColletU 11 Fiy By, Janet Blair, Nemesis j" 72468 Saratoga E-8 59good 20 H4 4 3 3 3 C Lang 19 Salacia, Miss Whisk, Blissful 72288 Empiro 6-8 1:01 good 12 110 3 4 E2 3 C Lang 10 Nellie Grey, Tree Top, Confetti " ROMAN GIRL. ch. f. 2 113 By Peter Guince Lilly B by McGee. Trainer. J. G. Wagnon. Owner. M. J. Reid. Breeder. W. S. Threlkeld. 73233 Devshiro E-8 1:01 fast 4 104 7 7 63 6 A Roach 10 Whiff, Fehrah, Sarah Ginger i72055 Hawthno 5-S l:00faet 8 IDS 7 6 E E A Roach 9 Pret.PoIitician, Snowden, Whiff f 170856 B.Bnneta B-S l:01fast 7-5 114 2 2 21 4 A Roach 7 Malvern, Ombragc, Snowden 70566 Thcliffe E-8 l:04hvy 18-5 110 6 4 4 21 M Schwtz 7 LyQksilver. Fehrah, F.Prcess s 1 78091 Wdbtoo 6-8 l:04?4hvy 3-2 106 4 5 E 31 A Roach 8 S.sAlibi, I.Bachelor, Toscanclli II 69523 ZLdeGTc 41 f and4tfast 31-10 111 4 8 El 2 A Roach S Julia Jackson. A. J. Buja ! I 1 s p ! , , t t , , t t , , 5 " t e i s e . h t e s ; J I B , v r n ,s 1, y li h t a a e s v a a 1 n a n j" " f s II HAUGHTY LADTT, ch. f, 2 M 104 By Trap Rock High Born Lady, by Tho Whtto Knight. Trainer, M. Smart. Owner. S. Ross. Breeder, S. Rcss. 7428G Laurel 51 f 1:08 fast 120 115 5 8 7 4 E Barnes 10 GfulCarrie, B.Belovcd,- EbbTide 73624 Belmont 61 f l:0Cfast 30 112 17 12 12 13" H Stutta 18 Lady Argos, Pathan, Stroller 73370 Belmont El f 1:07 fast 30 103 8 6 71 81 R Mlhewsl.l Mitau, Parvenu, Without 73179 Saratoga 6-S l:01hvy 30 110 2 8 8 8" E Barne3 9 Defiant, Sophy, Madam Venule 72468 Saratoga E-8 E9good SO 114 14 6 91 9" E Barnes 19 Salacia, MissWhlsk, Pris. Buley 7133G Aqueduct B-S 69fast 30 100 8 13 13 13,s E Barnes 13 Postillion, Squires, Byron ELSBETH. b. f, 2 M 104 By Jim Gaffney Katriona, by Woolsthorpo. Trainer, H. Rites. Owner, Griffithwood Farm Stable. Breeder. J. E. Griffith. 74196 H.deGce 61 f l:06fast 63 1C0 2 6 4 8 J Thomas 10 Donaghcc, Byron, Fredericktown 74101 H.deGco El f l:07Vsfast 17 U4 6 C 4l Bel J Rowan 13 Whetstone, Memento, Ebb Tide 73895 H.deGco 6-8 1:02 mud 20 101 11 8 8 61 J TJiomas 14 BlkArt, Plymara, SnowMaiden G9758 Pimlico 1-2 49Vslow 9 109 1 2 2l 4 A Abel 5 Showy, Dcop Thought, Rags 69547 Pimlico 41 f E9Jfast 15 109 1 2 6 61 A Abel 8 Y. Princess. Col. West, Fly.Fur G9448 H.deGce 1-2 48 fast lit 110 6 E 71 7 A Claver 14 Remnant. Helen Cook. SunnySal TIDAY, b. g, 2 M 104 By Broomstick Julialeon, by Helmet. Trainer, M. Hirsch. Owner, G. W. Loft. Breeder. G. W. Loft. 73073 Saratoga 51 f l:03fast 12 112 10 8 7 5 G Babin 14 I.obsMary, Hourmore, BobCahill 72G72 Saratoga 51 f l:06V4fast 10 112 IS 11 11 9 G Babin 18 Klondyke. Sun Flag, Fly By 72487 Saratoga 5-8 1:00 fast 60 112 11 5 6 El G Babin 17 Mino, Husky,. Fly By 72449 Saratoga 5-S l:01Hvy 30 112 7 13 13 12" G Babin 18 Swingalong. St. James, G.Armor 4th RACE 3-4 llc10JPpa HandlcaP AH Ages. Oct. S, 1023 1:11 3-5 SILK TASSEL, ch. f. 3 109 By Superman White Silk, by Galloping Simon. Trainer. M. Hirsch. Owner. J. B. Smith. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 74290 Laurel 3-4 l:llfast 29 100 2 1 Ink e Lcgcre 8 S.sAHey. N.Hampshire, Bluemt 73931 Aqueduct 7-8 l:24slop 9-20 102 2 2 3 31 E Legere 3 Flannel Shirt, Dolores 73669 Belmnt 7-S MC l:23fast 5 105 1 1 1 1J E Legere 7 PccRegent, Dimsdale, Pegasus 73550 Belmont 3-4 MC l:llfast 5 107 5 1 11 31 E Legere G Oui Oui, Dunlin, Betty Beall 73516 Belmont 3-4 MC l:llfast 41 114 S 1 21 2 E Legere 5 F.Pliantom, L.Straw, M.Patricia 73375 Belmont 3-4 l:llfast 4 HI 1 1 1 Is G Babin 5 Last Straw, Comixa. M. Patric 73175 Saratoga 3-4 l:12hvy 10 105 1 3 3 35 E Legere 4 Ind.Trail, Fair Phantom. Blae-rt 73068 Saratoga 3-4 1:11 fast 18-3 1061 2 12 31 G Babin 8 Dimdale. List.Dearic. M.Ceri HILDUR, blk. h. 5 122 By Star Shoot Shelby Belle, by Knight Errant. Trainer, H. McDaniel. Owner. J. K. L. Ross. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 74290 Laurel 3-4 l:llfast S 115 5 6 7 72 P Walls 8 S.sAHey, SilkTasI, N.Hpshire 734G2 B.Bnnet3 3-4 l:12fast 1 124 1 4 4 2 P Walls 4 Battersea, LastOne, Peter Piper 72931 Kenilwh 3-4 1:11 fast 1-5 117 111 ll P Walls 7 R.onTime, J.P.Jones, Melachrino 72732 FortErie 3-4 l:12fast 4-5 124 111 11 P Walls 5 W.-Barre, Procyon, J.F.OHara 72130 Kenilwh 7-8 l:24fast 1-3 117 1 2 2 2 P Walls 7 Last One, Cooncan, GraceMayers 71727 FortErie El f 1:09 slow 1-2 116 1 3 2k 21 P Walls 5 J.F.OHara, Heltaps, Knighthd 71533 Hamton 3-4 l:12Cast 1-2 124 6 4 and ll P Walls 5 Heeltaps, Bullet Proof. Rubien 71296 Hamton 3-4 l:12fast 6-5 126 E 8 2l 22 A Claver 10 Mnmast, N.Hampre, DocGaiety 70997 Dorval 3-4 l:12fast 1 122 2 2 21 11 A Claver 4 Mainmast, Planet. Muskallonge COMIXA, br. f, 3 109. By Colin The Minx ,JX, by Irish Lad. Trainer. J. F. Schorr. Owner. E B. McLean. Breeder. E. B. McLean. 74290 Laurel 3-4 l:llfast 30 100 1 2 4 61 J Callahan 8 S.sAHey, SilkTasI, N.Hpshire 74144 H.deGce 3-4 l:llfast 1S-5 107 2 4 4k 31 J Callahan 5 S.s Alley, Charaplain, Heeltaps 74056 H.deGce 51 f l:03.4fast 18-5 105 4 1 ! 1 J Callahan 7 Wellfinder, SunQucst, McKenna 73375 Belmont 3-4 l:llfast 11-5 112 5 2 2 31 L Fator 5 SilkTasscl, LtStraw, MyPatcia 72205 Empire Ab 3-4 l:09fast 7 123 3 1 l1 2J L McAtee 5 IndianTrail. Ruddy, Sleiveconard 72118 Empire Ab 3-4 1:09 fast 16-5 llD 1 2 2 3 J Butwell 4 Miss Star, Metric. Luminist 71943 Empire Ab 3-4 1:10 fast 15 124 1 2 2 21 J Butwell 7 St.AIIan, Ind.Trail, Sleiveconard 71787 Empire Ab 3-4 l:0Sfast 15 100 4 9 9l 10 J CallahanlO Runantcll, Cyclops, Rocket 71128 Latonia 3-4 l:llVifast 17-10 98 1 i 1 11 W Fronk 7 Great Jaz. Translate. Metric OFF COLOR, ch. f, 2 100 By Jim Gaffney Shady, by Broomstick. Trainer, G. R. Tompkins. Owner, Glen Riddle Stock Farm St.. Breeder. S. D. Riddle. 74288 Laurel 51 f 1:07 fast G 204 1 1 1 U J Callahan 9 Fluvna, S.M.Lizzie, K.sRansom 74143 H.deGce 5-S 69fast 8 109 1 2 2 2 E Ambrosell Sunny Sal, Sarko, Donnelly C9654 Pimlico 4 f B4fas,t 21-10 104 2 1 1 Ink s Bullman 5 NoLady, Broomfield, HelenCook C9G05 Pimlico 1-2 48 fast 5 110 4 1 lk jh s Bullman 10 Sun.Sal, Eagerness, Haugh.Lady 69448 H.deGce 1-2 48 fast 9 HO 3 2 5 S Bullman 14 Remnant, Helen Cook, SunnySal 69406 ILdeGco 1-2 48 fast 73 113 7 4 21 2" S McLane 15 Sunny Light, Ducky, Neptune REPARATION, ch. g, 4 112 By Trojan Humility, by Bryn Mawr. Trainer, M. Brady. Owner, J. E. Davis. Breeder, J. T. Gwathmey. 73981 Aqueduct 3-4 l:12good 13-5 129 3 2 21 3i T McTagt 4 Osprey, Tolly Ann, Hody Guard 73760 Aqueduct 1 l:29fast 5 113 2 1 ll 12 T McTagt G K.Albert, Supercargo, Satellite 73347 Belmont 1 1-16 l:43fast 4 106 1 1 1 2 F Hastings 5 Costigan, Tangerine. Pilgrim 73132 Saratoga 1 l:39mud 3-2 105 4 1 ll 12 F Wdstck 5 Donges, Pilgrim, Master Hand 73008 Saratoga 3-4 l:llfast 40 115 S C 6 5 F Wdsfck G FairPhantom, Goshawk, Bighrt 72765 Saratoga 1 l:37good 7 121 1 2 21 2 F Wdstck 3 All Over, Nassau 72G21 Saratoga 1 l:37tfast S 110 S 4 3l 6 E Sande 9 Rialto. Shuffle Along, Valador Rth RAP 3-4 Mile. National Stakes. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Oct. J LI I nMUt 2, 1023 1:11 2-5 3 110. .SARAZH, ch. g, 2 122 By High Time Rush Box, by Box. Trainer, M. Hirsch. Owner, Fair Stable. Breeder. M, E. Johnston. 74291 Laurel 1 l:38fast 1-3 91 1 1 1 1 J Callahan 4 Flagstaff, Bigheart, Blazes 73858 Aqueduct 3-4 1:12 fast 7-20 127 1 1 1 1 C Kummer 5 Sun Pal, Elvina, .Hourmore 73553 Belmont 7-8 l:2ifast 3-10 112 1 1 1 1 E Sande 9 AgaKhan, Sunspero. S. and Span 73454 Belmont El f 1:05 fast 1-3 118 1 1 1 11 E Sande 11 McAuliffe, Bonaparte. S.Audnc 73134 Saratoga 61 f l:03mud 9-10 115 1 1 1 1 M Garner 6 H.T. Waters, BobTail, Pkpocket 72088 Hawthne 6-8 69Vifast 6-5 108 1 1 1 1 M Garner G Sanola, TimeExposurc, Val.LIght 71718 Hawthne 5-8 l:05hvy 7-5 113 6 11 11 P Martinez 7 Brandeis, NoLady, MyrtleBilson MISS WHISK, ch. f, 2 111 By Whisk Broom II. Wonder, by Disguise. Trainer. James Rowe. Owner, H. P. Whitney. Breeder, H. P. Whitney, 74370 Laurel 51 f l:06fast C-5 107 3 1 ll 1 L McAtee G M.Star, Y.Princess, Lcathwood 72834 Saratoga 5-8 69andfast 4-5 H4 2 1 1 ll L McAtee 12 MarieMartin, Fly By, Tree Top 72468 Saratoga 6-8 E9good 7-3 114 6 5 4i 2 L McAtee 19 Salacia. Pris. Ruley, Blissful SUNNY SAL, b. f, 2 111 By Sun Briar dalvolatfle, by Disguise. Trainer. J. I. Smith. Owner, W. S. Kilmer. Breeder. W. S. Kilmer. 74143 H.deGco 6-S 59fast 6-5 103 4 1 I1 1 J Chalmersll Off Color. Sarko. Donnelly 73937 H.deGce 61 f l:0Smud 3 112 6 1 11 21 W Lilley 12 McAuliffe, Sarko, Beau Nash 73070 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 15 112 6 10 9 101 C Kummerll A.Mronell., N.Morse, TrecTop 72557 Saratoga 51 f l:03fast 20 107 2 1 1 2 G W Crolill Befuddle, Fluvanna. Parasol 72522 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 10 112 7 4 71 10" G W CrolllO St. James, Mino, Gold Bug 71060 Aqueduct 5-S 58fast 12 112 1 2 3l 51 A Johnson 12 Initiate, Pond Lily, Fluvanna 70735 Belmnt 51 f MC l:05good 6 112 5 4 41 6i G W Croll G Mint Briar, Initiate, Peter King 70589 Belmont 5-S st 59 good 6-5 112 6 4 41 4i A Johnson G NellieMorse. Initiate. Relentless LORD BALTIMORE LI., ch. c, 2 125 By Trap Rock Federal Girl, by Ultimus. Trainer, Wm. Garth. Owner, J. S. Cosden. Breeder. P. M. Walker, 73823 H-deGco 3-4 l:13fast 4 114 2 2 1 1 C Lang 13 BigBlaze, Rinkey, Brice 73G71 Belmont 3-4 l:10fast 15 124 7 18 19 16 C Lang 19 St.James, Fluvanna, Sun Pal 73532 Belmont El f 1:06 fast 6-5 118 3 1 1 1 C Lang 10 B.Warren, BabyLane, UMartin 72725 Saratoga 3-4 l:llfast 10 122 1 1 31 51 C Lang 8 St. James, Sun Flag, Diogenes 72503 Saratoga 51 f l:05far,t 9-5 122 1 2 21 32 C Lang 5 Salacia, NellieMorse, PeterKing 7244G Saratoga 51 f l:0Shvy 6 129 3 1 1 1 C Lang 9 Fluvanna, Parasol, Gold Bug 72150 Empire Ab 3-4 l:0Sfast 11-10 115 2 1 1 21 C Lang 6 PeterKing, NoonFire, Transmute 71944 Empiro 1 f l:075fast 11-10 115 1 1 1 ll G Babin 8 Transmute, Thorndale, Tet.King 71789 Empire 5-8 BSfast 4-5 111 1 1 11 11 C Lang 9 PeterKing, Reply, WatchCharm 71418 Aqueduct 3-1 l:12fast 7 115 2 1 1 2 C Lang C Transmute, Diogenes, TheWorld 71164 Aqueduct 5-8 5Sfast 7 115 1 1 11 31 C Kummerll Rustic, Fluvanna, reterKing FLUVANNA, ch. f. 2 116 By Cudgel High Pass, by Ultlmus. Trainer, M. Hirsch. Owner. Salubria Stable. Breeder. S. Rcss. 74288 Laurel 51 f 1:07 fast 1-3 114 5 3 21 21 G Babin 9 O.CoIor, S.M.Lizzie, K.sRansom 73671 Belmont 3-1 l:10fast 15 122 2 2 2 23 G Babin 19 St. James, Sun Pal, Lady Diana 73221 Saratoga 3-4 l:12good 30 122 10 9 71 72 G Babin 15 Diogenes, Bracadale, Sunspero 73070 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 6 122 9 3 311 52 G Babin 11 A.Mronell., N.Morse, TreeTop 72557 Saratoga 51 f l:03fast 16-5 126 3 2 2 3s G Babin 11 Befuddle, Sunny Sal, Parasol 72446 Saratoga 61 f l:0Shvy 6-5 123 1 2 21 2 G Babin 9 L.Bltimorell., Parasol, GoldBug 71748 Empire 61 f l:0Cfast 6-5 H6 4 1 1 1 G Babin 10 CaveWomau, Parasol, Variation 71577 Aqueduct 6-8 l:O0Vmud 6-5 112 1 1 1 1 G Babin S Lpardcss, nmorctte, F.Mments 71164 Aqueduct 6-8 68fast 4 112 6 6 3 2 G Babin 11 Rustic, L.lSaltimorc II., P.King 71060 Aqueduct 5-S 68fast 4 112 8 1 21 31 G Babin 12 Initiate, Pond Lily, Polynesia 70507 Belmont 41 f SC 62fast 1-2 110 1 1 1 12 E Sande G A.Marronell.. T. Water, Squires 70387 Belmont 41 f SC 52 fast 13-5 112 1 1 ll 1 E Sande 8 The World, Stroller, Pr. Leopold MOON STAR, ch. c, 2 112 By Trompe la Mort Star Fancy, by Star Shoot. Trainer, G. R. Tompkins. Owner, Glen Riddle Farm Stable. Breeder. S. D. Riddle. 74370 Laurel 61 f l:06fast 3-2 110 1-2 2 2 E Ambrose 6 M. Whisk, Y.Princess, Lcathood 741G9 H.deGce 3-4 l:12fast 1-2 115 1 1 1 1 J CallahanlO Heir-at-Law, Modest, Rags 73820 ILdeGco 6-8 1:01 fast 43-10 H6 4 5 4 21 C Kummerll Sunmagne, beauNash, Skirsber AGA KHAN, br. c, 2 M 108 By Omar Khayyam Lady Carnot, by Radium. Trainer. J. McCormack. Owner. Belair Stable. Breeder. Bslair Stud, 74249 Aqueduct 1 l:3Sfast 18-5 105 6 4 5 51 B Marinelli 8 Mr. Mutt, Bracadale, Sun Pal 73553 Belmont 7-8 l:21fast 50 107 6 8 6 2 B Marinelli 9 Sarazen, Sunspero. Spie and Span 73285 Belmont 3-4 l:llfast 12 105 9 9 9 9s L McAtee 9 Infinite, Hourmore, NellieMorse 73105 Saratoga 3-4 l:llfast 15 109 4 5 6 351 F ColIetti I Sunspero, Sun Pal, Tester 73073 Saratoga El f l:05fast 50 115 8 H 61 T McTagtll BobsMary, Hourmore, BobCahill 72814 Saratoga 61 f 1:07 fast 10 115 Left. T McTagtlG H.T.Waters, Baparte, Urmore DONNELLY, ch. c. 2 112 By Spanish Prince LT. Plain Dorothy, by Planudes. Trainer, M. J. Murphy. Owner, S. Louis. Breeder. J. E. Madden, 74370 Laurel 61 f l:OGfast 24 110 5 5 4ik 551 W Lilley G MissWhisk, MnStar, Y.Princess 74143 H.deGco 6-8 59fast 14 109 5 6 51 41 .1 Corcoranll Sunny Sal, Off Color, Sarko 73823 H.deGce 3-4 l:13Vfact 61f 105 10 9 91 91 G Mein 13 L.BaltimorelL, B.Blaze, Rinkey 728GG Saratoga 51 f l:03fat 15 11G 7 7 51 5s A Johnson 9 S. and Span, Bracadale, Bontaud 72812 Saratoga 3-4 l:llifast 25 114 9 6 7 7" T McTagt 9 II. Thoughts, Tarasol. Befuddle 71914 Empiro 61 f 1:07 fast 3-10 111 5 2 2 32 E Sande 8 Flying Fur, Flax. Superanna 71710 Empire 61 f l:07andfast . 6-5 113 C 7 6l 2l A JohnsonlO Replyt Jimson. McAuliffe 71421 Aqueduct 5-S 69y5fast 18-5 116 3 2 1 1 A Johnson S Cockney, Check, McAuliffe 71092 Aqueduct E-8 59 fast 5 HO 11 6 3a 3" G Mein 14 The World, McAuliffe, Maclean 70905 Aqueduct 6-8 59 fast 7 U3 4 4 3 21 G Mein 9 S.andSpan, L.Bmorell.. F.Lcopold 70307 Belmont 41 f SC 52 fast 12 117 7 6 6 5 C Lang 10 PeterKing, Transmute, Sheridan 70199 Belmnt 41 f SC 53 fast 8-5 112 5 2 ll 1 H Stutts 8 Baby Lane. Postillion. Pathan 6th RACE 1 1-1G aPes 3-year-olds and upward. Clainiinsr. Oct. 7, 191G KING JOHN. b. g. 8 109 By Sir John Johnson Deviltree. by Top Gallant. Trainer, F. Farrar. Owner, J. T. Euckley. Breeder, J. E. Madden. 74323 Laurel lm70y l:45fast 5 109 1 4 5 2"k E Legere 8 MtnRosell.. C. Whallen,. Valtia 74202 H.deGco 1 1-16 l:4ofast 17 116 2 7 7 7" E Barnes 8 Advocate, Pas.Swain, NhtRaider 73825 H.deGce 11-16 1:51 fast 7 115 8 3 3 l"k E "SmwodM Lit.Ammie. Tingling, M.Roberts 73122 Devshiro 1 1-1G 1:47 fast 11 111 4 6 4 4 J McCoy 7 Ne.ddam, Mayor Carrel, Wylie 729G1 Kenilwh 7-S l:26"fast 23 109 10 8 71 7" P. McCrnnll Mt. Rose, P.andWhite. FarKast 72470 Hamton 1 1-1S l:48fast 61 104 1 4 41 551 G Fields 8 Belpurizonia, Jacques, Joaquiua 72411 Hamton 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 23-10 110 1 4 3b 3 G Fields 12 Lady Zeus, Citizen, Tamper 71959 FortErie 1 1-8 l:54fast 41 111 2 3 3 3 A Claver G Royal Duck. Trevelyan. Elias O. SMARTY, b. g. 5 113 By Theo. Cook Canny Miss, by Ogden. Trainer. J. Beamish. Owner. J. M. Collins. Breeder. W. and L. Garth. 74292 Laurel 1 1-16 l:4Sandfast 31-10 1C9 2 1 ll 1 E Legere 8 Col.Whallen, Tingling, DayLilly 74148 H.deGce lmTOy l:46sfast 18-3 111-2 1 l1 12 J CorcoranlO Flint, Lady Zeus, Acosta 73901 H.deGco lrnTOy l:4Sandmud 21-30 115 3 2 3 31 E Smwod 8 PeacePal, DpSInker, HkyFinn 72824 H.deGco 1 1-S l:57fast 13 112 S 3 3 2 C Rob mnlO Sedgefld. Invigorator. Tomahoi 72705 FortErie 1 1-16 l:47fast 12-5 112 U 6 P SJJ D Mneyl2 Citizen. Lucky Run. Devonitc 72632 FortErie 1 1-16 1:49 mud 14-5 113 5 3 3 3i A Qlaver 7 Wild Flower. Bonfire. At. Muir 72493 Hamton 1 1-16 1:49 fast 61 111 5 1 ll 11 J D Mney 8 Ring Rose. June Fly. Gallagher 72436 Hamton 1 1-8 lHfast 7 109 Left. P McDottlO The Lamb. Gath, Glad News teL. WHATTCT. b, g. t 108 By Dick Welles Rods, by Dr. Xeggo. j Trainer, It. J. Muxpiy. Owner. S. Louis. Breeder. J. P. Baker. 1 94523 Laurel lm70y l:45fast 16 103 3 J IPJF Lee 8 MtnRosoII., KingJohn, Val Ua 4292 Laurel 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 7 108 1 2 31 t J Corcoran 8 Smarty, Tingling, Day Lilly PJS991 H.deGce 1 1-4 2:08slow 8-6 103 3 1 21 11 J Corcoran 9 Yoshiml. Invigorator, Hickory 193899 H.deGce 1 1-4 2:Umud 8 103 1 2 3 33 G Mein 8 The Roll Call. Fitzrne, Vendor B3385 Timonm 1 i-16 l:49fast 3-6 110 31 G Mein 5 Venal Joy, Thriller. War Victor B3334 Tiraonm 1 1-16 l:48fast 5 110 11 G Mein 8 Venal Joy, J.Dundee. T.Feigncr 3011 Saratoga 1 l:38fast 10 105 4 7 7 8" L McAtee 13 L.Ahtbine, Th.Square, Honorable 172558 Saratoga 1 l:40fast 10 113 4 4 t 4i J Corcorn 6 Ladylnez, Lif.Ammie, Sea-Wolf 42483 Saratoga j l:29faat 20 100 2 3 4 6 J Tamaro 7 Eoct Salt. J.Fairman. SiLKing jjOBTH "WAXES, b. c 4 109 By Bachelors Hope Grecian Bend, by Blocs. Trainer. E. S. Wallace. Owner. W. E. Martin. Breeder. R. B. Strassburger. 50413 Map.Hta 1 l:38fast 7 106 " 21 H Farland 7 Crys. Ford. G.Kuffan, Tail.Mald 0374 Map.Hta 1 1-16 l:46fast 11 18 2 A Kroger 8 S.Turret, W.Tnbow, T.Feigner ?0291 Map.Hts lm70y 1:43 fast 5 103 2 W Lancet 0 TailorMaid. So.Breczc, G.Kufran 70098 Map.Hta 1 l:43hvy 14 102 3 M Garrett 5 BulletProof, TailorMaid, Bttahe i9773 MapiHta 1 1-16 l:52hvy 9 113 6" C Hmond 7 Allie Ocbs, Serbian. Hainan tC9G71 Map.Hta lm70y l:44fast 11 113 11 F Horn 8 Tody; Dumbfounder. Devon i to G9424 Columbus 1 l:43fast 25 105 8" R Holway 9 Jack Fninnan, Loveliness. Friz C9139 Bowie 1 1-16 l:50fast 40 89 1 7 6 W Milner 7 BiffBang, Episode, Pastor.Swain 69107 Bowio 1 1-16 l:51f ast 31 93 1 C C tJR Costello G FannicBean, Gondolier, Ramkin 9044 Dowio lmTOy l:4Sfast 22 104 5 4 4l 51 W Pool 5 H.Kemble, Fan.Bean, Trajanu MISS FELLEY, ch. m. 8 101 By Superman Allie Darden. by Algol. Trainer. W. H. Post. Owner, W. H. Post. Breeder. J. S. Ames. 74174 ILdeGco lm70y l:45fast 18 103 1 7 7 3R Flynn 7 AlIFair, Invigorator, LadyLillian 74058 H.deGco 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 36 104 1 4 41 7i R Flynn 10 Day Lilly. Thriller. Sea Pirate 73866 H.deGce lmTOy l:47fast 45 101 3 7 7 6" R McNec 10 Untried, Valentia, Jewell V. D. 72367 Map.Hta 1 1-16 l:44fast 14 110 3 3 6 5i W Hansen 8 Hercules, Uncle Velo, Col. Matt 72300 Map.Hta 1 1-16 l:46slow 41 10S 1 1 2 2l C Grace 7 Overstep, Paula V., Marg.Loretta 72106 Map.Hta 11:33 fast 7 113 11 7 8 7 T Bonham 12 N. McKinney, SheDevil. F.Fullet 71635 Aqueduct 1 l:40fast 60 1081 2 J 9 6 E Josiah 17 Ballot Mark, Delcadia, Super 6EA-WOLF, b. c, 4 M 109 By Ultimas Queen of the Water, by Water Boy. Trainer, F. A. Tansor. Owner, F. A. Tansor. Breeder. W. B. Miller. 74053 H.deGce ll:42fast . 9-6 109 1 4 41 2J1 A Roach 8 Insnlate, VioIetBlue, Redbrand 73939 H.deGce lmTOy l:49mud 5 106 1 3 3 31 A Roach 10 St.Donard, BiffBang, St.Germn 73863 H.deGce 3-4 l:15fast C 112 8 6 51 42 J Callahanlo Faiths Vice-Chairman,. Haidce 73584 Belmont 1 1:40 fast 5 115 6 4 1 2 J Callahan 9 MissBoIle, Syl.Spring, Rejection 73528 Belmont 1 l:29fast 5 115 3 2 3 351 J Caliahan 5 Fitzgibbon, RosaYeta, Pliilpher .72558 Saratoga 1 l:40fast 31 109 3 2 2 3 J Callahan 6 Lady Inez, L.Ammie, C.Whallen 72313 Empire Ab 3-4 l:10fast 15 107 12 S 5l 71 G Rice 15 Tarn. Fluff. Pelion DUCKS AND DRAKES, b. g, 3 98 By Thistleton Tho Loon, by Grebe. Trainer, T. J. Healey. Owner, K. T. Wilson. Breeder. J. M. Whelan. 34374 Laurel 1 1-8 1:54 fast 21 102 7 4 4" 51 J Callahan 7 The Forgner, Zouave, Invigtor 73943 H.deGce lm70y 1:51 mud 12 1011 4 4 6 43 D Nichson S Jew.V.D., H. Baker, Cote dOr 73867 BLdeGce 1 1-16 l:48fast 22 95 7 6 6" 5" H Callhan 7 Lunetta, Westwood, Bluffer 73107 Saratoga 1 l:3Sfast 30 99 4 5 6 63 E Gorman 8 Y.Star, Carmcncita, K.Charmg JI2891 Saratoga 1 l:3Sfast 8 1031 9 8 9 91 B Marinellil3 R.Mtain, Recdation. L.Antoine . 66876 Bowie 3-4 l:14fast 10 109 3 T B 4 E Bell 11 Belplirizonia, MabclIC. GoldMint 66863 Bowie 1 1:45 fast 8 101 1 3 2 l1! E Bell 8 Tennon, Sea Tag, Cork Elm 7U DAPC 1 1-2 Mile. 3-year-oldn and upward. Claiming?. Oct. 11, 1010 111 HAUL 2:2D 3-5 3 lOS. TREVELYAN, ch. g, 4 104 By Trevisco Starry Night, by Star Shoot. Trainer. G. C. Winfrey. Owner, C. P. Winfrey. Breeder. K. D. Alexander. 74289 Laurel 1 1-8 l2fast 6 102 3 4 3 1 E Legere 5 Lmninist, Pilgrim, The R. Call -74198 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:46fast 9-5 1C6 1 2 1 V J Corcoranl3 Yoshimi, Hobey Baker, Valentia 74106 ILdeGce 1 1-S l:53fast 21 110 5 61 64i C Lang 8 SiltKing, St.Donard, MTdBelle ,73807 ILdeGce 1 1-16 l:4Sfast CI 106 1 5 4 451 W Duptis 7 Lunetta, Westwood, Bluffer 73038 Saratoga 1 l:39fast SO 115 1 S 6 61 G Babin G Pilgrim, Aladdin, Deadlock 71959 FortErie 1 1-8 l:54fast 19-5 112 2 1 21 2 W Duptis G Royal Duck, King John, Elias O. 71887 FcrtErio 1 1-8 1:55 fast 23-10 109 2 6 6 5i E Smwoa 5 Dospair, Fornovo, Cooncan 71495 Hamn 1 1-160T l:45ifast 11 111 G C 5" E Smwod G Redstone. ByJiminy, Sailing B. BOYAL DUCK, br. g, 6 106 By Royal Realm Duckshot, by Gallinule. Trainer. A. Swenke. Owner, A. Swenke. Breeder. G. D. Widener. 7420 Laurel 1 1-8 l:54Vfast 6 110 7 4l 2 C Lang 8 St, Donard, Vitamin, Bastille 74202 ILdeGce 1 1-16 l:13fast 5 113 8 6 41 4" B Marinelli 8 Advocate, Pas.Swain, NhtRaider 74106 H.deGce 1 1-8 1 :53fost C H7 8 3 3" 53 B Marielli 8 SiltKing, St.Donard MTdBelle 73538 Dorval 1 1-16 1:49 slow 3-2 113 5 3 21 21 F Sharpe G Lampus, D.deMorny, Belle Araie 73078 Cnaught lm70y l:45slow 23-10 113 4 1 l1 l1 F Sharpe 7 Stonewall, Joella J., Lampus 72734 FortErie 1 1-1S l:4Cfast 27-10 113 1 1 1 ll F Sharpe 8 Stonewall, Loveliness, Aquatic 72679 FortErie 1 1-8 l:55good 8-5 114 5 1 l1! I1 F Sharpe 8 War Penny, Croupier, SahdyBeal 72566 FortErie 1 1-16 l:46fast 23-10 117 8 3 1 23 L Penman 9 Stonewall, Croupier, Citizen 72494 Hamn 1 1-4 O T 2:04andrast 9-5 9S 4 4 3 3 R Costello 5 Fornovo. Fannie Bean, Lonis SEA MONARCH, ch. g, 5 93 By Seahorse II. Mollio Richards, by Star Shoot Trainer, T. J. Donohue. Owner, Mrs. F. A. Clark. Breeder. J. T. Gwathmey. 74180 Woodno Ab 2 4:02slop 8 144 3 4 4 4" W Green 5 The Trout, Dandy, Briganna 74153 Woodne Ab 2 4:01fast 7 138 7 3 21 3 W Green 7 Roi Craig, Flying Frog, Nomis 74005 Woodno 1 1-8 l:54fast 7 105 7 3 2 11 R Romclli 8 Ten Can, Belle Amie. Louia 73957 Woodne 1 1-16 l:47slow Sf 90 8 8 6 4 L Ward 13 So It Goes, Lampus, Vennle 73377 B.Bnnets Ab 2 4:05fast CI 135 4 3 31 3" W Green 5 Briganna, Chuckle, Dandy LADY LILLIAN, blk. m. 5 92 By Zeus Black Swan, by Herbert. Trainer, G. W. Campbell. Owner, G. W. Foreman. Breeders. White and Garnett. 74326 Laurel 1 1-8 l:54fast 12 102 2 7 71 6S3 F Lee 8 St.Donard, EoyalDnck. Vitamin 74174 ILdeGce lm70y l:45fast 4S 108 6 6 51 4J F Lee 7 AlIFair, Invigorator, Mis3 Filley 73940 H.deGco 1 1-S l:59mud 10 105 6 7 61 6 F Leo 7 UAmmie, Mnltosen., Bphzia 73824 H.deGco 1 1-S l:57fast 7 107 9 9 71 7T3 F Leo 10 Sedgefield, Smarty, Invigorator 72532 FortErie 1 1-16 l:45fast 7 97 3 C 5 5" H Farland 7 Marble, Tender Seth, GrassMaid 71920 Hawthno 11-8 1:53 fast 7-5 104 1 5 Ill L McDott 8 PeacePal. QneenHigb. Georgette 71850 Hawthno 1 3-16 2:00 fast 5 110 7 4 4 2 N Barrett 7 Raider, Tony Beau, Rear 71238 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45tfajst 10 104 9 9 71 7 W Pool 9 Neddam. RainbowBoy, PlusUltra ? BASTILLE, ch. h, 5 103 By Voter Oppression, by St. Serf. Trainer, 0. B. Akers. Owner, Pastime Stable. Breeder. J. Sanford. 74326 Laurel I 1-8 l:54fast 28 U0 6 4 6 4 G Babin 8 St.Donard, RoyalDuck, Vitamin 74202 H.deGce 1, 1-16 l:OVfast 10 103 6 6 61 6" W Pool 8 Advocate. Pas.Swain, NhtRaider 72310 Empire lmTOy l:44fast 15 111 6 7 71 6,e A Collins 8 RockSalt, Wynnewd, Carmcita 71G95 Devshire lm70y l:51slop 7-10 109 5 J Wallace G Baby Mine, Advocate, Wcssie B. 7154C Devshire " lm70yl:43fast 15 111 5al J Maiben 6 E.Iticbacher, Jouett, Gondolier 70999 Dorval 11-16 l:47fast 33 112 8 C 4 4,s J Rowan G Despair, FanJJean, GrayGables 70894 B.Bnnets 1 l:40fast 9 103 2 S 41 4i P Walls 5 Despair. Wrangle, Fannie Bean 70670 B.Bnnets 1 1-8 l:56fast 7 113 3 4 4 4 E Smwod 5 Zed, Cr. o Dawn, War Mask 69800 Pirrilico 1 1-16 l:46faat H 111 I 7 71 71 A Claver 8 Pas.Swain, Pr.Rgent; LdyMyra BOCK POCKET, b. f, 3 100 By Ogden Sand Pocket, by Rock Sand. Trainer, W. H. Brooks. Owner, Salnhria Stable. Breeder, C. T. Grayson. 73988 H.deGce 1 l:40slow 21-10 106 5 4 41 P E Barnes C Scoop, Forest Lore, Son Fey 73942 H.deGco 1 1-16 l:49mud 12 87 4 3 31 3i G Bond 4 Canyon, Tip.Witchet, Deadlock 73865 H.deGce lmTOy l:47vsfast 3 110 3 7 6 453 S McLane 8 Luminist, Cb.sPlay, Anonymous 72956 Saratoga 1 l:38fast 8 107 1 1 ll 11 S McLane 7 Simoon, Peddler, Rejection 72809 Saratoga 7-8 l;25fast 15 98U8 9 9 83 F Lee 11 Frank G., Pilgrim, Better Luck 72591 Saratoga .1 l:42hvy 30 91 5 7 41 3i G Bond 10 V.ofDreams, WaterGirl, B.Wood G9G57 Pimlico 3-4 l:12faat 62 1031 7 8 8 81 S McLane S M.Twain, Wellfinder, Sailing B. 64460 Saratoga 3-4 1U3 fast 12 102 8 7 7 61 S McLane 8 WilmTell, EterBells, SdayBest