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MASTER CLOCKED AT ALL NEWSSTANDS YES, SIB,: YESTERDAYS ADV. LONG SHOT: DOROTHY BUCKNER 8.30-, WON I tell you the MASTER, is RIGHT on the job again. "Who else gave you that SLEEPER, I ask? "WHO ELSE DID! No one hut a LIVE CLOCKER could give you THIS KIND. She had done absolutely NOTHING IN public. TODAY! AT LATQNIA, SIR! ANOTHER LONG SHOT! EXPECT 10-1 ON THIS ONE! I tell you I know something. I know something when I tell you this bird is going to MAKE THEM sit up and take notice. Go right now to your newsdealer and ask for tho DAILY MASTER CLOCKER , MAILED 2 WEEKS Address: 333 Bo. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. CINCINNATI FOR SALE: Rey Pierce, 5th and Vine Sts.; Bishow, 5th and Walnut Sts.; Kahlers, 6th and Walnut, and W. Storey, 4th and Central. COVINGTON FOR SALE: Gordons Pharmacy, 4th and Scott Sts. Or in all PRINCIPAL CITIES. !Pf Superior Advance Information ""d Filed With This Paper Day Before. WEDNESDAYS CODE: Strictly confidential no wires. Buy your form and get our REAL inside information. Write for particulars. FRANK .T. MADDEN", Mgr. 407 Clinton St. Brooklyn, N. Y. The American Racing Manual for 1923 now on sale DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 167-159 EAST 32 ND STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. Y, 7 WINNERS out of last 9 starters oi our "ONE HORSE D AILS WIRE." This certainly is "Going Some." Whj pay 0 to 00 when you set information like the abovo for .00 FOR SIX DAYS! Rush your subscription at once so as not to mis: the good ones. NEW BOOK out today; gives yoi the BEST LINE on horses at all leading tracks. 35 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS. Mailed direct three copies for .00. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL:: June-Pear-61-14-28-97. 403, 22 W. Quincy St. Chicago. Ill THE LONG SHOT SYSTEM SELECTED THESE WINNERS Proof Filed with This Paper GOLDEN RULE S91.20- WO? RESTING TIME 7.60- W03 KINDRED 5.30-52 WOI ISOSCELES .00- WOI Why risk largo capital on favorites and get smaJ returns when THE LONG SHOT SYSTEM give LARGE returns with SMALL capital. Select play to win that win at big odds, irrespective of trac conditions, weights, jockeys, etc. Can be playe at or away from track. Get it today and catch th SLEEPERS that pay fancy prices. Order now-price 0. F. ROSS No. 142-144 Westchester Ave., Port Chester, N. "S MADE GOOD AGAIN !! Oct. 6 gavo SAN OLA, .70-, won, and a second. Previous Saturday, In Memoriam, 5.20-, won. and a third. Made good 66 out of past 117. Any wonder same people past 19 years stick. Skeptics, this ought to convince you we deliver real info. Eventually you will all awaken. Why not now? Wednesdays Special: No. 472 New Book ALL NEWSSTANDS THE TURF REPORTER Originator and Oldest Publication in Existence 22 W. Quincy St. Estab. 1904 Chicago, HI. Have the best. Why bother with the rest. The American Racing Manua IS NOW ON SALE. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING C 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. IX 157-159 East 32nd STREET, NEW YORK. N. 1 74 EXCHANGE STREET BUFFALO. N. 1 MUTUAL INFORMATION BUREAU No. 5 Columbus Circle NEW YORK CITY A combination of the best information in America. All horses on file with Daily Racing Form. Yesterday, the ninth day at Latonla, both Dally and 00 Special won. Post Haste . . . .8.40- Won Tody .60- Won Monday, the eighth day at Latonia, Taylor Hay - Won which makes 12 straight winners in 12 days, and a 0 straight play over ,800 winner. These were our other winners: Batter Up 6.70- Won Marine Corps .50- Won Kindred 5.30- Won Dream Maker . . ..40- Won Rambler 1.00- Won Braedalbane ... 3.10- Won Giblon 2.40- Won Pequot ....... 3.70- Won Beau Butler . . . .9.20- Won DAILY LONG SHOT GOES TODAY. If you want real information follow us. Next 00 Special goes Friday and will pay better than Post Haste . . . .8.40- Won or Batter Up ..... 6.70- Won This 00 Special will be included in our Daily Wire to all weekly clients only. This horse must win or all who subscribe for weekly service will be given an extra six days service absolutely free. KATES: 0 A DAY; 0 FOR SIX DAYS. Remit by Western Union Telegraph. Jack Howard GIBSON HOTEL CINCINNATI, OHIO Positively the only plays advised by me during the present Latonla meeting were: TUESDAY: Col. Gilmore ... .0.10- Won J WEDNESDAY: 1 Frank Gailor . . .2.00- Won THURSDAY: Amanda 4.60- Won FRIDAY: I Marine Corps ....50- Won SATURDAY Two Horses: . Jack Fairman . . 2.60- Lost Batter Up 6.70- Won I never advise a horse unless I know it is in the pink of condition and is keyed up for a winning effort. Wise Money is usually riding-. I cant say more. I know of one going: Wednesday. This horse is f another sleeper and should win by itself. It will j pay a price as I do not advise anything that does j- not pay well. I havo teen watching- this hahy for 1 some time. Wednesday is the day. Dont miss it for it will not miss. U Wire 0.00 with name and address. If this a hahy doesnt get home I will give you my next two s wires free. k Do not he imporcd upon. Deal with me direct, d This information cannot he had through any news-0 stand or other person than myself. I am giving this horse free to the racing public to show the caliber of my stable informa-. tion. N TODAY, GO THE LIMIT.TO WIN ONLY: Good Time Second Race My "info." is of the highest type and not the every-day sort. Bona fide stabte "info." is realeased by me. Fred Adelman 728 Vermont St. Brooklyn, N. Y. My terms are in advance and the win- nings of a five dollar straight play. J Subscribe for Daily Racing Form DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET. NEW YORK. N. Y. z. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO. N. Y. HARVEY AMES Earle Building Broadway at 52nd Street New York City, N. Y. "Harvey Transaction" Today I expect to demonstrate again why I re ceive the largest fee for racing Information and the reason so many await the arrival of "HARVEY TRANSACTIONS." The last two HARVEY TRANSACTIONS, and only horses advised each day, were: Heeltaps 1.90-Won AND Lady Marian 9.70- Won Both advised for heavy Investments. Todays terms: 00 Payable strictly in advance hy telegraph or in person. "WARNING: I have no agents or representatives anywhere. Deal directly with this office and avoid ueing imposed upon. TELEPHONE CIRCLE 5790 JIMREID 207 Van Sicklen Ave., Room 17, BROOKLYN, N. T. a Day; 0 a "Week. I AM STILL AT IT! YESTERDAYS WINNER: Defiant .30- Won . This was tho only horse that I sent to hundreds of clients yesterday, making my followers biff winners, in fact ,500.00 AHEAD on a 0 flat play each day. MONDAYS WINNER: Crayon 2.10- Won SATURDAYS WINNER: Guest of Honor. 7.60- Won FRIDAYS WINNER: Ten Sixty 6- Won THURSDAYS WINNER: Kindred 5.30- Won WEDNESDAYS WINNER: Lucidus 0.60- Won TUESDAYS WINNER: Escarpolette ...1.90- Won Follow my one horso every day and you cant help getting the money. My record is enough to prove that. ATTENTION! ATTENTION! A LATONIA LONG SHOT TODAY! Comes so good that I advise you not to miss it. This is a real "secret special" that should he at least 15-1. SPECIAL OFFER G big days, 0; 1 special 5. Wire money Western Union or Postal. Sond address and avoid delay of messages. AL McGEE 25 W. 42nd St., Room 214, New York City I 0 DAILY 0 WEEKLY Todays one horse comes from the same 1 source. Enough said. Q YESTERDAYS ONE E03SE: I LADY MARIAN, 9.70- WON ; MONDAYS ONE HORSE: Widgeon .. 0.80-Won Wire your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. i ATTENTION! Would like to hear from reliable people"who can take advantage of two or threo good plays each v.eok. No money in advance. Pay after you collect. TERMS: Winnings of a ?5 straight play. Send me your name and address. J. H. KELLY 100 Warren Street, :: BROOKLYN, N. Y. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM