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Entries and Past Performances LATONIA - WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10 WEATHER CLEAR: TRACK FAST. I 74363 Walnut Hall IOC 1:45 0 08X703 The figures under the heading "Bee." in 74411 Rapid Traveler ...106 1:46 0 107 X 705 the entries below show the best time of 74558 Dorothy Buckner.. .103 1:48 4 107 X705 each horse at the distance since January 1, 72163 bTulsa 106 1:47 6 93:1:700 1921, no matter -where it finished. In case 745E6 Boy From Home ..105 1:47 4 105x700 whero record was made on other than a fast 74511 bSea Prince 101 1:45 6 107X700 or good track, abbreviations show track 74511s Isosceles M 106 1:46 4 109.. 7C0 conditions. Fourth Race 3-4 -.wt Mile. ! rursc ,400. 3-year-olds. Claiming. . .. Track record: July 2, 19231:10307. . . o - .nn Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, 2:00. 1lrv,,. Good mud 74316 bDonRcs 114 1.12 Superior mud runner. X runner. Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice 74409 Ten Sixty 90 1:12 ?2X720 allowance, b Blinkers. ?gg SSf . .V .S l87 First Race 3-4 Mile. 73993s Jupiter 101 1:13 105X715 Tursc 51,400. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 73865 Anonymous 107 1:13 107X715 Track record: July 2, 19231:10397. 72991 Tempting ........103 1:12 99. .715 Todays 74254 bSunny Ducrow ... 107.. 715 Ind. llorse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Uan. 73827 Stump .Tr 110 1:12 105X710 72123 Giuseppe 101 1:13 3 1D5..723 72987s Miss Meise 109 1:12 !--7i2 74361 Green Gold 107 1:12 8 109 X 720 73995 Kingsclere 100 1:12 ..tOo 74279 Jou Jou 108 1:12 4 106X715 72636s Wrangler 108 1:15 JPJXiOo 73987s Tonpye .106 1:13 3 104 X 715 74145s Untried 99 1:14 17X0.j 74364s rlova .105 1:12 6 0S. .715 73827 Fcrmarco 100 1:14 97X705 74075 Lord Allen . ...... .109 1:12 4 106X710 74507 Chief Brant M . .110 1:17 100 . 700 74244 Stone Age 103 1:14 3 102 X710 74415 Golden Billows .. .112 1:14 12X700 73944 Napoo .. 109 1:13 5 109X710 70476 Reel Foot l:18h 10.X700 74457 Redwood ..1011:13 3 99.. 710 74219 Noonhour ....... .101 1:14 10oX700 74409 Vanishing Boy ...113 1:14 3 102 X705 Fifth Race 1 Mile. 73995 Blue Stone 10211:13. 3 102 X 703 Metropdle Hotel Purse. 68638s Betty Mae M ...103 1:14 3 94.. 700 rurse ,800. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 74257 Tokihime 102 1:14 3 9fX00 Track rccord. Ju, 5 1919 1:36 J 3 118. 74252 Mildred Ruth 100 1:15 3 94 X 700 , 72316 Dustproof M .... 3 102.. 700 74510s nEREMON 115 1:44 3 no 98X750 73868 Queen Esther 101 l:18m 3 99.. 700 74461 Oui Oui 104 1:37 3 107 X 740 68636 Mart Bunch 112 1:14 3 102X700 71525 Buster 98 1:37 4 104.. 740 74363 Jake Feld 111U:13 6 106.. 700 74365 Pindar Peel 114 1:37 4 112X735 74412 John Finn 102 1:38 4 104 X 730 Second Race 3-4 Mile. 74412 Brunell 96 1:41 3 103720 Purse ,400. 2-ycar-olds. Maidens. ColU and . ,, - , Geldins. Special Weights. Sixth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Track record: July 2, 1923 1:10 3 97. Midway Purse. . Purse ,609. 2-year-olds. Allowances. 1 i -nr -o- ?0rnti V-JirK1. Track rccord: June 7, 1909-l:05-3-93. 115.. 4.20 74314s Lord Martin .115 1:14 74458s Horgan 115.. 715 74414 Glide 109 1:06 104 X725 74253 Businesslike 118 1:15 115.. 715 74462s Seclusion 115 1:07 112.. 720 74458s Phil McCann 115.. 715 74458 Sayno M 109 1:08 102.. 715 74410 Program 100 1:12 115.. 715 74462 Mali Jong ...113 1:07 104.. 715 74109 Krishna 115.. 710 74414s Madam Vcnnic ...104 1:07 104X715 73828s Equity 115.. 710 74256s Earl Tool 109 1:07 112X715 74314 Batch o Grass ...115 1:15 115.. 705 74366s Stage Coach 110 1:07 107. .715 70040 Peter Maloney 115.. 705 74512 Hunter 10811:07 112X713 74314 Southern Pacific ..115 1:15 115.. 705 74462 Postillion 112 1:00 104.. 710 72022s Arabis 115X703 72348 Valley Light 122 1:07 112. .710 73997 Future 115.. 709 73224 King ONeill II. M115 1:06 105.. 705 72829 Everglade 115X700 72348s Altawood 107 1:08 110X705 74512 Hardman 115.. 700 74508 Jessie Benton M104 1:07 102.. 700 74253 Frontiersman 118 1:10 115.. 700 73683 Blue Bonnet M .113 1:13 102.. 703 Gorget 115 74256 Rip M 10111:08 105. .700 Phidias 113 74503 Blue White M ..118 1:C9 105.. 700 71681 Volt 115 1:09 110.. 700 Third Race 1 1-16 Miles. 74557s Annie Lyle M..;.112 1:09 102. .700 Turse ,400. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track rccord: Oct. 7, 1916 1:43 3 122. Seventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 74457 Reliability 98 1:46 4 90X 725 Pu fnTA a?? record: 0T- 3- 181i 1.41tf-3-J. Track 74509s Atta Boy II 110 1:43 6 96X720 74463s Sagamook Ill 1:40 5 108X715 74258 Lady Astor 99 1:43 4 109 X 723 74463s Normal 115 1:45 5 102 X 715 74367s bTippo Sahib 106 1:42 8 108X720 74511 Cap Rock .... 103 1:45 4 103 X 715 74367 Who Knows Me .. 3 95X715 74411 Marine Corps 112 1:47 " 5 108.. 715 73874s bLlewellyn 107 1:43 4 106X715 74463 Bobbie Shea 1011:46 4 100. .715 74513 Blanche Mac 5 103X710 74556 Ben Valet 109 1:45 5 95 X710 73874 bKinburn 100 1:42 6 106X710 74363 Gem 103 1:45 5 100. .710 74513 bllold Me 4 98X 703 74511 Double Cross 107 1:46 4 103. .710 74319 Huonec 108 l:52h 5 106X700 74285 Fancy Free 115 1:48 4 103.. 710 74459 Better Luck 107 1:44 3 108X700 LATONIA JOCKEY PERCENTAGES. From Jan. 1, 1023 to Oct. C, 1023, inclusive. At cr At or Over Over Jockey. P.C. Wt. Mts. 1st.. 2d. 3d. Jockey. P.C. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Martin, E 21 108 291 61 40 33 Murray, T 11 HO 93 10 7 15 Tevic, J 19 101 326 63 63 47 Ycargin, G 11 111 72 8 5 10 Pool, E 19 108 280 54 60 41 Kiniry, F 11 95 46 5 4 2 McDcrmott, L 18 103 491 87 81 75 Losoe, W 11 102 18 2 1 1 Parke, I. 18 88 4C9 86 59 02 Byrne, J. 10 100 221 23 17 32 Garner, M 18 108 238 44 35 34 Ycrrat, A .10 98 105 11 10 14 Petzoldt. E 17 107 547 94 81 75 Connelly, D 09 109 192 18 25 21 Scobie. E 17 100 311 53 69 34 Merimee, F 09 102 53 5 2 4 Heupel, J 17 102 200 35 29 20 Francis, J 09 109 22 2 2 2 Howard, J 17 105 120 21 21 9 Owens, J 08 100 309 26 25 31 Pickens, A 17 108 98 17 22 15 Scheffel. B 08 100 184 15 .12 30 Hastings, F .17 83 99 17 17 12 Smith, F 08 100 142 12 16 10 Barrett, N .17 110 40 7 4 3 Kaiser, II 07 98 110 8 10 16 Kummer. E 10 109 120 19 14 19 Stearns, H. 07 101 74 5 5 0 Burke, J. U 10 107 76 12 14 8 Jones, D 07 95 44 3 0 2 Fronk, W 15 93 587 89 75 62 Lunsford, H 00 110 109 6 7 8 Wilson, A 15 105 271 40 37 36 Gantner, A 06 108 68 4 11 6 WiSls, G 15 110 146 22 18 21 Gruber, J 05 114 20 1 2 4 Bwart, N 15 105 143 21 12 14 Keid, W 01 104 72 3 7 8 Wallace, J .14 98 671 91 82 108 Reeves, R 95 16 0 2 1 Brothers, T 14 99 426 61 61 69 Kcderis, J 103 13 0 2 1 Ponce, C 14 108 115 10 19 16 Kocrncr, T 110 10 0 1 Harvey, B 13 98 461 58 CO 50 Allen. L 110 2 0 0 0 McCoy, J. 13 101 360 46 42 3S Bladau, R 95 2 0 0 0 Mooney, J. D 13 112 237 31 20 31 Jordan, W 95 2 0 0 0 Boganowski, W 13 101 193 20 26 33 Griffin, S 95 1 0 0 0 Studer. C 13 107 85 11 4 9 Dunn, A 100 2 0 0 0 Lancet, W 11 101 305 34 37 52 and "P-ward. Claiming. July 2, 1023 ISt RACE Sl 10 - 3",ycalr"olds Icdes Course Dist Time Tck Odd Wt St i Sir Fin Jockeys Started Order or Finish GIUSEPPE, br. g 3 105 By Beppo Mots dOr, by Chaucer. Trainer, C. E. Patterson. Owner. P. T. Chinn. Bred in England by W. M. G. Singer. 72123 Hawthne 3-4 l:14fast 11-20 109 3 1 l4 14 M Garner 6 Larchmont, P. and Take, Marcel 71286 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 65 104 3 4 6s C C Dishmon 7 SuavcPrince, Ararat, D.Buckner GREEN GOLD, br. g, 8 109 By Celt Follie Levy, by Golden Maxim. Trainer, R. T. Runnels. Owner, F. Swain. Broedor, A. B. Hancock. 74361 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 7 115 2 3 5 3J J Francis 12 Kindred, BenBolt, SistcrJosella 71711 Latonia 3-4 1:15 hvy 61 113 4 5 5s G,s B Harvey 8 R. E. Clark, Ruby, Antonia 71583 Latonia lmTOy l:44fast 8 107 1 1 14 lnk D Connllyll Mary Reigel. Ginger, Megan 71581 Latonia 5-S 1:00 fast 11 114 3 1 2s 2s D Connllyl2 K.GorinlL, L.Lgridge, B.Agnes 71395 Latonia 3-4 l:lChvy 27-10 110 2 2 3 34 D Connlly 7 C.Uenry, Guvnor, Cock ot.Roost 71236 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 13 109 5 3 24 34 D Connlly 9 Lugs, Wake Up, Colored Boy JOU JOU. b. f, 4 106 By Von Tromp Jourdain, by Watercress. fTrainr, J. Lowe. Owner, J. Lowe. Breeder. E. Cebrian. 74279 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 9 113 6 2 3l 24 L McDottlO HonorMan, ColorcdBoy, BcgParn 72797 Kcnilwh 3-4 l:llfast 17 104 7 Fell. A Claver 11 Brunswick. Mercury, SpecdyGirl 52291 Hawthne lm70y l:44fast 3 103 2 1 IS lh H Zander S Courtship, Sportsman, Wrangler 72026 Hawthne 3-4 l:12fast 41 9G 7 8 S5 6 H Farland 9 Jakiellay, Mt.Rose, L.Marcellia 71582 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 9 104 4 5 3and 3S1 T Brothersll Lugs, Ascot, Kingsclere 71173 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 6 100 7 4 6b 64 I Parke 11 Dr.Uickman, Lugs, MarincCorps POPPYE. b. f, 3 104 By Theo. Cook Maggie Quince, by Peter Quince. Trainer, J. P. Polk. . Owner, E. T. Henius. Breeder, H. P. Headley. 73987 H.deGco 3-4 l:13slow 2 107 1 7 54 3 J CallahanU Roy.Charlic, Tidings, Rhinegold 73862 H.deGce . 3-4 l:13fast 7-5 112 5 3 2 2s J Callahanl5 CVghjordan, FarEast, Avalanche 73235 Devshire 3-4 l:13fast 2 106 4 1 Is 1 J Pevic 7 Fk Monroe, FarEast, Athanna 73117 Devshire 3-4 1:14 fast 21-10f 10S 2 1 Is l5 J Pevic 11 Buckwheat, Amelia S., Artisan 72893 Kcnilwh 3-4 l:llfast 22 101 7 9 84 S,s J Wallace 11 Childs Play, Soldierll.. Rustcm 72317 Hawthne 51 f l:07fast 20 97 6 3 24 14 W Fronk 9 P.Brown, A.Alexander, Hamet 71086 Hawthne 3-4 1:14s1od 20 97 9 6 9 7li B Scheffel 8 Little Smoke. Kindred. Marimba ORLOVA. b. m. 6 98 By Froo Lance Victoria B., by Bob Miles. Trainer, R. McGarvey. Owner, Mrs. R. McGarvey. Breeder. G. J. Long. 74364 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 2M0 102 3 2 21 2l F Hstings 9 Finday. My Valet, Ben Valet 74252 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 13-5 109 5 7 4s 43 B Harvey 12 Ruby, Redwood, Little nope 74060 Lexton 3-4 l:13fast 3 106 6 4 3s 2n j Heupel F.Canadian, Sis.Josella, Monsn 73724 Lexgton 3-4 1:13 fast 9 104 4 4 44 351 L McDottl2 M.Bodine, SisterJosella, Finday 73259 BI.Grass 51 f 1:07 fast 9-5 110 21 J Owens 12 Finday, Hazel W., Cash 72916 Lex.C.Fr 5-8 l:00good 1-2 107 ll J Owen3 4 Clay Allen, Little Avon. Carter LORD ALLEN, b. g, 4 106 By Frizzle Mary King, by Fatherless. Trainer, F. Bechtelheimer. Owner, Sunflower Stable. Breeder, J. L. Tarlton. 7079 Omaha 3-4 1:12 fast 27-10 112 1 2 5S1 5J R Scoville 6 L.Marclia, L.Gorham, D.Bkncr 74009 Omaha 3-4 1:14 fast 11-10 111 4 1 11 2s E Petzoldt 7 Goldstein, End Man, Billy Lane 72350 HaTvthne 51 f l:0S9smud 3 106 5 2 4s 5,s W Fronk 5 Bro.Jolm, Lit.Bl. Sheep, HarryB. 72244 Hawthne CI f l:07slow 4 106 1 2 61 614 L McDott 8 L.Marcellia, Tuscola, Winnipeg 71423 Latonia 3-4 l:12good 16 113 4 3 8 10 J D Mneyl2 Certain, Lugs. Be Good 71168 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 11 109 1 4 41 51 T Brothersl2 B.ofElizf n, R.onTinic, Inquisn 71032 Latonia -4 l:llfast 33 104 2 2 21 44 L McDott 8 Comixa. Pindar Peel, Elemental STONE AGE, b. g, 3 102 By Granite Mint Drop, by Irish Lad. Trainer. J. McKeon. Owner. W. A. Baumgartner. Breeder. J. K. Louchheim. 73244 BI.Grass 6-8 1:01 fast T 1041 1 B Harvey 11 Patrician, Froth, Carter 72701 FortErio 3-4 l:13fast 7 102 7 6 4 64 G Fields 10 Tampas, Th. Way, Teds Plum 72594 FortErio 3-4 l:14fast 8 1111 4 5 4 2" II J Burke 8 Patchwork. Athanna. Kadin 72455 Hamton 1 1-16 1:50 fast 22 102 2 2 21 6s T Wilson 10 Tamper, Gen. Average, Monette 71922 FortErie 3-4 l:14fast 21-10 108 S 2 2 2 J Wallace S TedsPlum, Ptchwork. Hillhouse 71758 FortErie 3-4 l:16faat 28 104 9 4 3" 4J J Wallace 11 St.Qucntin, FarEast, TcdsPIum NAPOO, ch. g, 5 109 By Martinet La Gloria, by Woolsthorpe. fTrainer. R. D. "Williams. Owner. Williams Bros.. Breeder, Williams Bros. 73944 Lexton 3-4 1:16 hvy 6-5 106 1 1 11 Is I Parke 8 GoldenFIoss, My Valet, T.LpaW 73772 Lexgton 3-4 1:15 good 3-4 104 2 1 1 ll I Parke 8 Fincastle, Klcvington, Monsooi 71448 Hawthne 1 1:40 fast 6 102 8 6 31 2 W Fronk 9 Sway, Tony Beau, Sea Mint 70663 Latonia 3-4 1:16hvy 20 108 1 5 5l 7" T Brothers 9 Glyn, Rnby, Day of Peace 70014 Churchill 1 1-16 l:48fast 16-5 107 2 2 31 3 J CorcornW Rob. -Hullo. Sweet Bouquet 69935 Churchill 1 1:42 mud 33-10 107 1 2 lJ 1 J Corcorn 8 ReelFoot, LastEffort, BenValcl REDWOOD, ch. f, 3 99 By Manager Waite Ebony, by Sain. Trainer. P. Bolan. Owner. P. Bolan. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 74457 Latonia lm70y l:44fast 4 107 3 4 4 44 J PeTic 10 Reliability, LitcIIope, FlrShoi 74252 Latonia 3-4 l:13taat 13 110 6 3 3s 2 J Pevic 12 Ruby, Little Hope, Orlova 72139 Map.Hts 1 l:39fast 61 95 2 1 11 In J. Kessner 8 Cacambo, Dardanclla, Dcwitt 72002 Map.Hts 3-4 l:14good 61t 96 2 2 1 14 J Kessner 12 PcessMyrtle, Ula, Marg.Loretta 71638 Latonia lmTOy l:45fast 8f 100 7 7 51 6"? T Brothersl2 V.ofDrcams, Palruba, Frcehlder 71342 Latonia 3-4 l:13mud 26 102 6 5 41 510 B Harvey 8 C.IIenry, H.Graham, C. dAmour 71098 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 10 101 17 8 751 T Brothersl2 MyRose, V.ofDreams. RachelD. VANISHING BOY, blk. c, 3 102 By Smoke House The Widow Moon, by Stalwart. Trainer, J. McKinney. Owner, R. P. Marshall. Breeder. R. P. Marshall. 74409 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 162 110 7 7 71 S14 J Grunsen 9 TenSixty, Sympathy, East.Bells 74254 Latonia lm70y l:44fast 16f 110 4 11 11 11s5 J Grunsenll SunnyDucrow, Hoy, MayorCarrcl 71100 Latonia lm70y 1:43 fast 51 103 5 10 10 10s J Owens 10 W.TakeAll, Bosh, Childs Play 70470 Churchill 7-S 1:26 fast 6 103 2 3 6s 6 B Kenndy 7 Bosh, Neddam. Mahony 70349 Churchill 1 1-10 l:51mud 13 106 4 1 21 3s! A Wilson 6 Pequot, Hoy, Little Hope 70083 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 20f ICS 13 12 13 13" J Heupel 13 Actuary, BoysBel.Me. Flagstaff BLUE STONE, br. c. 3 102 By Granite Jane Cowl, by Celt. Trainer, J. S. Ownbey. Owner, J. H. Louchheim. Breeder. J. H. Louchheim. 73995 Lexton 3-4 1:13 fast 5 107 7 6 C 68 G Walls 7 Teh Sixty, Jack Bauer. Enrico 70513 Churchill 1 1:37 fast 11 102 5 3 41 44 L McDott 8 Mvournecn. Pr.Lulu, M.Blossom 70391 Churchill 7-8 1:27 hvy 25 103 5 5 5 5,s L McDott 5 Lathrop. Washington, T.HareJr. 70203 Churchill 3-4 l:12fast 31 115 11 11 ll1 S W Lilley 12 Ascot, G. of Honor, Miss Meise 69931 Churchill 3-4 l:14mud 24 112 10 7 7s 6" N Barrett 10 PostHaste, G. of Honor, SunFey 69870 Churchill 3-4 1:14 mud 48 110 8 7 6 5" N Barrett 8 My Reverie, Skcezix, Rapid Day BETTY MAE. h. f. 3 M .94 By Ralph Binda, by The Bard. Trainer, F. Rector. Owner, F. Rector. Breeder, G. J., Long. C8638 Havana 51 f l:09fast 3 103 4 2 22 T Burns 11 BigNoise, JkHealcy, McMurphy 67737 Havana 51 f l:07fast 4 97 6 7 I iJT BrotherslO WildCat, Prudential, Rosie H. 67568 Havana 3-4 l:14fast 8 103 4 4 3 l 41J T Burns 7 Piegan, Confederacy, Rockabye 66585 Latonia 1 l:40faat 73 101 5 9 10s1 S T Brothersll MissColtte. BltieBIrd, AlStebler 6641C Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 156 99 2 8 9l 84 H Stutts 12 M.G.Gdner, N.Sccdus. BIueBird 66063 Latonta 51 f 1:12 hvy 41 107 7 1 6and 7 H Glick 12 Flow.Shop. Power. K.Carpentcr TOKIHIME, ch. f. 3 94 By Jim Gaffney Lady Colonist, by Africander. Trainer, G. Land. Owner, C. Wiedemann. Breeder. O. A. Bianchi. 74257 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast Sf 107 12 11 11 10 8 F Kiniry 12 Martha Fallon, Finday. Modna 71400 Latonia 3-4 l:15hvy 8 100 8 6 6s 5 B Harvey 9 MayBodine. Permarco, ThelmaK. 71098 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 10 102 6 8 7" 84 R Moeller 12 MyRose. V.ofDreams, RachelD. 70313 Churchill 3-4 1:15 hvy 31 103 4 9 10 9s W Fronk 13 Gold. Billows, C.sPlay, Kindred 63245 Latonia BJ f l:07fast 18- 110 3 3 31 44 J Owens 12 Dearie, First Ward, MartOHara 63112 Latonia 51 f l:10hvy 18-5 110 6 4 3s 34 H Gray 10 TenSixty, FullSpoon, Kennmara MILDRED RUTH. h. f, 3 94 By Trevesco Pitti, by Plaudit. Trainer. J. S, Everman. Owner. C. R. Miller. Breeder. K. D. Alexander. 74252 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 13f 103 9 8 V 9" W Lancet 12 Ruby, Redwood, Little nope 69964 Churchill 1 1:43 hvy 21 1101 2 3 4l 49 E Martin 6 Untried. M. P. Gardner, Fl.SIiop 69502 Hunfton 3-4 l:18mud 13 107 511 E Martin 7 Cliincotcague, Chow, Oak. Belle C9440 Hunfton lm70y l:45fast 41 100 510 W Lancet 5 Rapid Stride. Pliclan, Jordan 69398 Hunfton 1 l:40fast 16 100 34 W Lancet 6 F.Kinney, Flibtybt, K.Stride 69297 Hunfton 51 f l:07good 21 100 62 W Lancet 6 Sweet Mama, Glabella, Theo DUSTPROOF, b. c. 3 M 102 By Sweep Valeureuse, by Orsini. Trainer, G. V. Barnes. Owner, C. W. Clark. Breeder, C. W. Clark. 72316 Hawthne 3-4 l:13fast 12 113 7 4 4s 4" W Bogski 7 Palladium. M. Buddy. Rhinegold 72210 Hawthne 51 f 1:08 mud 7 97 6 6 4t 51! F Lee 7 Recruit. Rhinegold, Okaloosa QUEEN ESTHER, ch. f, 3 99 By Ralph Himera, by Goldcrest. Trainer, M. Reiser. Owner. A. Gasenheimer. Breeder. G. J. Long. 73868 Lexgton 3-4 1:16 mud 12 101 9 5 S" 7" W Fronk lit WgThrough, Palladium, G.Shaw 73239 BI.Grass 5-8 l:00fast 9 1041 21 J Heupel 9 Virgo, Ring, Winding Through 73152 BI.Grass 51 f l:09slow 11 103 3 L McDott 7 C. Bncanto, Antonia, Gold. Floss 73127 BI.Grass 51 f 1:07 good 12f 104 2s L McDottl2 Palladium, Antonia, Ilughie 69879 Map.Hts 3-4 1:20 mud 19-5 105 34 W Organ 7 Jago, Vansylvia, San Marcus 69735 Map.Hts 51 f l:09hvy 4 103 34 W Bogski 8 Full o Fun. Miss Em. Froth MART BUNCH, b. e, 3 102 By Shooting Spray Prithee, by Filigrano. Trainer, B. John. Owner, W. G. Jenkins. Breeder. W. G. Jenkins. 68686 Tijuana 1 1-1G l:44fast 151 87 5 7 84 Sl I Parke 9 Blanc Seing, Delante, Spot Cash 68563 Tijuana 1 l:44mud 19 SS 2 2 U 2 I Parke 6 V.Patrick, Doubtful, C. Enrique 68507 Tijuana 1 1:40 fast 19 95 1 5 54 511 I Parke 7 Coffield, Sunnyl.ind, Dorius 68466 Tijuana 51 f l:0Gfast 65 94 3 4 4and 44 I Parke 8 J.Bauer. LkyButton, MotorCop 67397 Tijuana 3-4 l:13fast 12 103 6 4 5 l 64 M Fator V .loeilaJ.. Paisley, CarlosEnriquo 67358 Tijuana 3-4 l:12tfast 9-5 112 2 4 44 44 M Fator 7 Delante, C.Enrique, Knighthood JAKE FELD. b. g. 6 106 Bv St. Volma Bonetto, by Masetto. Trainer, T. F. Devereaux. Owner, T. F. Devereaux. Breeder. J. S. Mullins. 74363 Latonia lm70y l:44fast 44 104 10 10 8 7 B Harvey 10 Amanda, Lt.Colonel, MorCarrel 74254 Latonia lm70y l:44fast 37 109 9 9 9s Sls J Francis 11 SunnyDucrow, Hoy, MayorCarrel 74114 Lexgton 1 1-16 l:49mud 7 105 2 1 1and 2s L McDott 4 F.Orient, WillowTree, UncIeVelo 74066 Lexton 1 1-16 l:46fast 2 10S1 6 6 7l 7" M Garner V, Okaloosa, BritishLincr, Ilaman 73833 Lexgton 1 3-16 l:59fast 17 115 6 2 2 34 L McDott 7 Wal.IIall, Broth.Lovc, Fincastle 73778 Lexgton 1 1-8 l:54good 30 108 3 2 3 3 L McDott 6 Dr.Gilbert, Par.Maid, M.Chilton OnrI DA PC 3-4 Mile. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Colts and Geldings. Allow- C.IIU nAUQ ances. July 2, 1023 1:10 3 07. CORINTH, ch. c, 2 M 115 By Corcyra Santois Sweetheart, by Santoi. Trainer, A. Baker. Owner, A. B. Hancock. Bred in England by J. Mclnyre. 74410 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 4 115 9 4 3H 3s E Pool 12 Baffling, Uproar, W. the Wizard 71712 Latonia 3-4 l:17hvy 3-2 115 8 6 5s 410 L Lyko 8 FrceUand. L.Lgridge, P.Louise 71064 Latonia 6-8 l:00fast 37 111 G 4 3l 21 B Kenndy 7 Sanola. Malt. New Beauty LORD MARTIN, ch. c, 2 M 115 By Sir Martin Mallard, by Star Shoot. Trainer, K. Spencc. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. Breeder, M. Jones. 74314 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 7-10 113 4 3 lh nt e Scobie 11 F.Gailor, WrackRay, Frankman 73532 Belmont 51 f 1:06 fast 50 106 6 6 5l 4s H Stutt3 10 L.Baltimell.. B.Warrcn, B.Lane 73454 Belmont 51 f 1:05 fast 60 102 5 10 10s 94 G W Crollll Sarazcu, McAuliffe, Bonaparte HORGAN. b. c, 2 M 115 By Trontbeck Apparition, by Sweeper. Trainer, J. F. Schorr. Owner, E. B. McLean. Breeder, E. Cebrian. 74458 Latonia 61 f l:07fast 9-3 112 1 2 11 2" E Pool 12 Batter Up, Phil McCann, Dudley BUSINESSLIKE, blk. c, 2 M 115 By Black Tcney Lady Languish, by St. Simon. Trainer, C. Howard. Owner, S. N. Holman. Breeder, Idle Hour Stock Farm. 74253 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 51 118 4 C 51 4" A Wilson 12 Rambler. Polaud, Black Ruler 73777 Lexgton 51 f l:06good 2S 1061 5 5 34 2" A Wilson 0 Chilhowee, Despard, Keegan 71169 Latonia Gl f l:06fast 18 113 1 9 8s S L Lyke 9 Col.Waguer, Modest, Frankman 71030 Latonia 5-8 l:00fast 22 115 3 9 8l 8" L Lyko 12 Enegy, W.Counsellor, CanonShot 70202 Bclmnt 41 f SC 53fast 20 115 12 9 91 9 L Lyke 14 Cano, Bowman, Rival 69864 Pimlico 5-8 l:01fast 14 112 6 6 51 4s G Mein 11 Eagerness, Chief Clerk, F. Mack 69653 Pimlico 41 f 54fast 16 114 1 10 10s S L Lyke 11 Showy, Transmute. Sunny Light PHIL McCANN, ch. c. 2 M 115 By McGce Whito Plume, by Order. Trainer, T. L. Pierce. Owner, C. W. Moore, Jr.. Breeder. C. W. Moore. 74458 Latonia 61 f l:07fast 28 112 3 4 3 34 J Wallace 12 Batter Up, norgan, Dudley 74109 Lexgton FC 1:13 mud 10 112 1 4 4 4 W Kelsay 11 Giblon, Baffling, Asaph 73945 Lexton 61 f 1:10 hvy L7-10 115 12 9 8 8" J Howard 12 Cloister, Jolly Boy, Krishna 73725 Lexgton 51 f l:0Sfast 61 115 10 9 S1 64 N Barrett 12 Bear Grass. Giblon, Wrack Ray PROGRAM, b. c, 2 M 115 By Disguise Shelby Belle, by Knight Errant. Trainer S. M. Henderson. Oner. J. E. Madden. Breeder. J. H. Rosseter. 74410 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 33-10 115 5 6 G" S J Pevic 12 Baffling, Uproar, Corinth 73116 Devshire 5-8 1:01 fast 3-4 11S 3 6 7s V E Scobie 12 Atlantida. S. Marie, Hermidale 72960 Kcnilwh 5-8 l:00fast 3-5 115 6 6 41 2 E Scobie 11 Toscanelli, J.Hickman, Ry.Girl 72893 Kenilwh 3-4 l:12fast 13-5 106 1 2 2s 2i E Scobie 6 ColonclWest. Halbert, Batonnier 72815 Kenilwh 5-8 1:01 fast 31 113 7 4 31 24 E Scobie 10 Batonnier, Pollymara, Q.Carine 72560 FortErie 5-8 l:00fast 21-10 111 4 2 2s 23 J H Burkel2 Deronda, Thornton, Sarko KRISHNA, b. c, 2 M 115 By Master Robert Epsom May, by Durbar. Trainer, W. Reed. Owner, J. B. Cloher. Breeder, C. B. Head. 74109 Lexgton FC 1:13 mud 6 112 7 6 04 I Parke 11 Giblon, Baffling, Asaph 73945 Lexton 61 f 1:10 hvy 19 115 5 6 4s 34 I Parke 12 Cloister, Jolly Boy, Ben Mack 72004 Map.Hts Abo-8 l:00good 4 11110 11 ll4 11 1 J Majestic 12 Pearl Boots, Shindy, Joyce 71169 Latonia Gl f l:06fast 39 115 9 8 6l 54 J D Mney 9 Col. Wagner, Modest, Frankman 70815 Latonia 5-8 l:05mud 32 115 7 5 5s 5" W Kelsay 12 Spellbinder, Col.Uilmore, Tight 70626 Latonia 41 f 54fast 49 115 2 4 4 5 W Kelsay 11 Ex.Edition, Brill.Cast, Hats Up 70010 Churchill 4i f 53fa3t 3S 115 4 10 81 10,s W Kelsay 11 Karl Pool, Uproar, Bourbou Boy EQUITY, b. e, 2 M 115 By Bezant Flying Flora, by Mauvezin. Trainer, W. Perkins. Owner, J. Koors. Breeder, W. O. Parmer. 73828 Lexgton 51 f 1:08 fast S 109 3 2 21 34 O Willis 11 Midwestern, Double!., WongBok 72829 Saratoga 61 f 1:07 fast 30 112 4 3 41 S9 F Colletti 11 Convent, Mitau, Apology 72667 Saratoga 51 f 1:07 fast 20 100 8 6 10s ll10 F Hastingsl2 Kilbowie, Eventide, Seastake 72094 Kenilwh 5-8 l:00fast 17-5 112 2 3 44 Sl J Rowan 7 Ch.Archee, Turnberry, UollyBoy 70350 Churchill 41 f 55mud 60 107 7 7 6s C A Wilson 12 PeggyO., QiinCharming, Bugler 70277 Churchill 41 f 51 good 28 107 9 9 8s 84 D Connlly 9 ChokceLee, BoyOBoy, Welcome BATCH O GRASS, b. c, 2 M 115 By Short Grass Barbie, by Orlando. Trainer, P. Coyne. Owner, G. T. Arnold. Breeders, Talbot Bros. 74314 Latonia 3-4 1:11 fast 14 113 7 7 8 8 J Heupel 11 F.Gailor, LdMartin, WrackRay PETER MALONEY, b. c, 2 M 115 By Sweep Orillia, by Lochryan. Trainer, J. C. Milam. Owner, B. Block. Breeder, Himyar Stud. 70010 Churchill 41 f 53fast 3-2 113 7 4 51 44 M Garner 11 Earl Pool. Uproar, Bourbon Boy SOUTHERN PACIFIC, ch. c, 2 M 115 By Bulse Triad, by Star Shoot. Trainer, J. M. Goode. Owner, J. W. Parrish. Breeder, J. W. Parrish. 74314 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 40 115 2 11 11 11" W Fronk 11 F.Gailor, LdMartin, WrackRay 74284 Latonia 61 f l:07fast 33 102 7 9 101 9,s W Fronk 12 C.Gilmorc, Q.Clianng, Quotation 74109 Lexgton FC 1:13 mud 32 112 9 9 7 910 W Fronk 11 Giblon, Baffling, Asaph 72102 Hawthne 6-S l:03hvy 7 111 6 7 51 54 W Fronk 7 Clever Seth, Double T., Asaph 69762 Lexgton 41 f 57hvy 21 115 3 4 64 6 J Corcorn 7 Ballot Brush. Keegan, Bob Tail C9040 Lexgton 41 f 54faat 24 115 5 6 7 6 D Connlly 7 Volt. HuonPine. King.ONelll II ARABIS, ch. c. 2 M 115 By The Manager Staj Jasmine, by Ogdon. Trainer, F. Wright. Owner, J. J. Ahearn. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 72022 Hawthne 5-8 l:00fast 6 110 2. 4 41 34 A Wilson 12 GtNorthcrn, Seastake, M.Lawn 71949 Hawthne 51 f l:06fast 15 109 6 7 6 44 N Barrett 8 Glide, Malvern, Black Crackle 71791 Hawthne 51 f l:0744fast 3 114 7 3 61 44 L McDott 11 Hence, Wong Bok, Brandcis 71064 Latonia 5-S l:00fast 23 104 6 6 61 61 E Denny 7 Sanola. Corinth, Malt 70475 Churchill 5-8 1:00 fast 23-10 107 1 3 4s 4 J Howard S Q.Chrming, PggyO., r.Disptch 70314 Churchill 41 f 55hvy 8 115 2 6 C4 34 J Howard 10 Muskeg, Buck, Jiiiivcr FUTURO, b. c, 2 M 115 By Ormondale Futurist, by Golden Maxim. Trainer, K. Spence. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. Breeder. M. Jones. 73997 Lexton FC 1:10 fast 252 109 2 8 Ss 84 T Murray 9 B.Butler, Beau.Agnes, Alchemy 72348 Hawthne 5-8 l:01mud -30 107 3 7 7l 714 B Scheffel 8 Lthcrwood, Altawd, S.Elizbcth 72243 Hawthne 6-S l:02slow 30 111 6 6 61 6 G Walls 10 Valley Light, Whiff, Rondelle 71948 Hawthne 61 f 1:06 fast 30 106 6 7 6 410 W Pool 8 FrceUand, Bcan.Addie, Lavecn 71790 Hawthne 5-S 9 fast 13 105 4 8 8 Ss W Pool 8 Sarah Elizabeth, Glide, No Lady 71711 Latonia 51 f 1:09 hvy 22 113 5 5 5 5SS H. Lunsfd 5 Chilhowee, Worthmorc, V.Light EVERGLADE, ch. c, 2 M 115 By Everest Margaret Hastings, by Hastings. Trainer, M. J. Murphy. Owner, S. Louis. Breeder. C. Nuchols. 72829 Saratoga 51 f 1:07 fast 10 109 6 4 5 6 J Corcornl4 Convent. Mitau, Apology 72182 Saratoga 5-8 l:00fast" 15. 115 8 9 71 64 A JohnsonlO Forest Flower. Pest, Eventide 72342 Empire 5-8 l:01fast 18-5 1071 1 1 21 34 F CollettiU Black Wand. Sun Silent, Dunoon 71099 Latonia 5-8 l:U0fast 5 104 7 2 21 44 L Lyke 12 Dreamer, Nairobi, Black Ruler 70699 Latonia 5-S l:02slow 3 113 3 2 21 31 L Lyke J 2 Essex. Mason Towle. Dobson 70626 latonia 41 f 54fast 6 115 8 8 10s llss N Huff 11 Ex.Edition, Brill.Cast, Hats Up HARDMAN, br. c. 2 M 115 By Manager Waite Clara Louise, by Ben Strom. Trainer, C. Van Dusen. Owner, W. and Goodloe. Breeder, W. C. Goodloe. 74512 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 53 103 9 9 Ss V J McCoy 9 Beau Butler, Bob Tail, Clarence FRONTIERSMAN, b. c. 2 H 115 By Luke McLuke Eranata, by Oddfellow. Trainer, K. Pitt. Owner, K. Pitt. Breeder. McB. Mooro. 74253 Latonia 3-4 l:134fast J 14f 118 5 4 81 717 J HT Burkcl2 Kambler, roland. Black Ruler 71522 Latonia Gl f l:10hvy ; 6-5 105 1 2 3s 3i J Heupel 9 Asa Jewell, Ancestress, WkRay 71522 Latonia 51 t l:10hvy 6-5 105 1 2 3s 3i J Heupel 9 A.Jewell. Ancestress, WrackBoy 71396 Latonia 61 f l:llhvy 7 105 5 1 2 2 A Wilson 10 Vera Vennie, Devil Girl, Glide 71203 Latouia 5-8 1:04 hvy 18 115 8 7 5l 6 A. Wilson 11 Alice Harvey, Dowry, Glide First start for the following: GORGET, b. c, 2 M 115 By Helmet Badinago. by Cunard. Owner, H. H. Hewitt est.. Breeder, H. H. Hewitt. PHIDIAS, ch. c, 2 M 115 By Zens Edna Collins, by The Commoner. Trainer W. Perkins. Owner, E. Vickerman. Breeder, II. W. Williams. nj DA PC 1 l-lO Miles. 4-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming:. Oct. 7, 1916 orQ nAOL, i:43 2-5 3122. . RELIABILITY, b. f, 4 90 By Transvaal Dependable, by Dalhonsie. Trainer. H. Keiistoter. Owner. H. Neustetar. Breeders. Morris and Walden. 74457 Latonia lmTOy l:44fast 21 10S 2 1 P 1J B Harvey 10 LittleHope, FlwrShop, Redwood 743G4 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast. 21 110 5 - 8 6 G10 B Harvey 9 Finday. Orlova, My Valet 74252 Latonia 3-4 l:13?sfast 13f 109 10 4 5 5" R Reeves 12 Ruby, Redwood, Little Hope 73998 Lexton lm70y l:ii4fast 33-10 100 1 2 21 Si I Parke 9 Lieut.Colonel, Jnptier, Baladin 737SO Lexgton 1 1-1C 1:46 fast 15 107 2 3 4l 4T R Reeves G IMusUltra, B.Valet. Fost.Embry 73303 Bl.Grass 3-4 l:12fast 13 103 21 L McDott 8 HarryB., B.WatehlL, Patrician ATTA BOY XI.. ch. g, B 96 By Rabelais Tanya, by Meddler. Trainer, M. Goldblatt. Owner. M. Goldblatt. Bred in France by H. P. Whitney. 74509 Latonia lm70y 1:15 fast 6 108 2 2 2i 2J I Parko 10 Taylorllay, Casli, RompingMary 74411 Latonia lm70y l:44fast 5 109 3 6 4 410 1 Parke 9 BegPardon, MarineCorps, Randel O8009 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47tandfast 1 107 2 1 l1! ll J Crcoran S M.Roberts, H.Gear, Scot.Chief 07939 F.Grnds lmTOy l:44fast 13-5 105 4 2 2 21 J Crcoran 1 1 Doughnut, MnyRoberts, Repter G777G F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:00 fast 8 101 1 5 51 73 J Crcoran S Fantoche, Tan Son, Sagamook BAGAMOOK, b. g. 5 108 By Charles Edward Otsiketa, by Ornus. Trainer, T. Procter. Owner, E. O. Egan. Breeder, G. M. Hendrie. 74463 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 3-2 10S 10 6 41 21 M Garner 11 Childs Play, Normal, By Shea 74255 Latonia lm70y 1:44 fast 4 110 1 2 l1 Is M Garner 9 The Leopard, Sis.FIo, Simpleton 70270 Belmont 1 1-16 l:43fast 12 111 4 5 41 4:3 G W Croll 7 Valor, Billy McLaughlin, Wjlie G9954 Jamaica 1 1-16 1:48 fast 6 113 7 7 7 7" II Thurber 7 Tony Beau, Finality, Picnic G9858 Jamaica lmTOy 1:45 fast 20 103 7 5 5 4i H Shiliick 8 Valtntia, Qnecrcek, So It Goes G90G1 Bowie 1 3-16 2:06 fast 3-3 107 6 5 4s 5J G Mein 8 Bravo. Natural, Ettahe NORMAL, b. g. 5 103 By Plaudit The Nurse, by Yankee. Trainer. A. W. Lewis. Owner. L. Kay. Breeder, J. E. Madden. 74463 Latonia 1 1-16 l:454fast 20 103 5 3 31 3 W Fronk 11 ChildsPlay, Sagamook, B.Shea 74209 Latonia 1 1-16 1:46 fast 31 103 2 9 7 101 W Fronk 10 Tip.Sahib, MakcUp, TcndereSth 1G43 Latonia 1 1-8 i:52fast 13-5 105 3 5 61 5" J H Burke 8 Cliiva, Neddam, Golden Billows 71488 Latonia lmTOy l:43Vandfast 6 111 2 2 51 56i B Harvey 8 Sea Court, Be Good, Plus Ultra 71104 Latonia 1 1-8 l:52fust 11-5 105 3 1 2l Si W Fronk 8 Billy Star, Baignetir, Sea Court 70854 Latonia 1 3-16 2:09:andhvy 23-10 107 3 2 2l Ink w Fronk G GndeDame, Yoshimi, Attorney CAP ROCK, ch. c, 4 103 By Trap Rock Moulin Rouge, by Himyar. Trainer. J. B. Sweeney. Owner. J. B. Sweney. Breeder, Headley and Miller. 74511 Latonia lm70y l:44fast 18 110 7 6 Ci 6 A Wilson 8 Widgeon, Dernier Sou, Isosceles 74415 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 20 111 6 5 7 7" A Wilson 7 Make Up, Plus Ultra, Attorney 71680 Latonia lm70y 1:42 fast 23 102 5 7 7 7" A Wilson 7 Cliacolet, Fantoche, Tippo Sahib 71587 Latonia lm70y 1:43 fast 6 102 4 3 3 3 A Wilson 6 Be Good, Llewellyn, Fancy Free 71187 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 50 109 3 2 P 2 A Wilson 9 DavidHarum, Gr.Dame, L.Myra 71174 Latonia lmTOy 1:42 fast 34 106 7 7 73 710 A Wilson 9 G. of Honor, Jouett, Lady Myra MARINE CORPS, ch. g. 5 108 By Frontenac Julia Grennan, by Bel Demonic Trainer. E. J. OConnell. Owner, Tri-State Stable. Breeder. B. T. Hume. 74411 Latonia lm70y l:44fast 37-10 114 6 2 2 2and C Studer 9 B.Pardon, Randel, Atta Boy II 74315 Latonia lmTOy l:44fast 7 111 7 7 3l 3 1 W Fronk 10 Longboat, Loc. Leaves, Haman 73694 Omaha 1 l:38fast 9 111 3 2 2 21 R Doyle. Dor.Buckner, Doubtful,. Dorius 72291 Hawthnc lm70y l:44fast 18-5 107 7 5 7 71 L McDott S Jou Jou, Courtship, Sportsman :i952 Hwthne lmTOy l:43fast 5 102 8 5 51 6JW Fronk 8 Runzaf, Freecutter. Cimarron 71881 Hawthne 1 1-16 l:45andfast 5 102 8 8 8 8 J Heupel 8 Sway, Billy Star, Dorius BOBBIE SHEA. ch. g. 4 100 By Magneto Lillie Kruter, by Orimar. Trainer. E. P. OMeara. Owner, OMeara Bros.. Breeder. E. F. Pritchard. 74463 Latonia 1 1-16 l:43fast 9 101 2 4 21 41 B Harvey 11 ChildsPlay, Sagamook, Normal 740G4 Ltxton 2-4 l:12fast 16 103 9 6 3" 31 B Harvey 9 Easter Bells, Arendal, Isosceles 3827 Lexgton 3-4 l:13fast 23 115 9 8 5 5T B Harvey 10 Ruby, Golden Floss, C.dAinour 71919 Hawthne 3-4 l:12fast 12-5 108 5 4 21 ll B Harvey 7 Retsinda. Tootcrs, MollieBarnes J1G90 Hawthne lm70yl:49 slop 2 111 6 7 51 52 E Petzoldt 8 Huen, Reluctant, Silence 71292 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46fast 4 110 6 3 11 2and W Fronk 11 Salvo. Boy From Home. LErrant BEN VALET, ch. g, 5 95 By Great Britain Virginia Nunn, by Gold Heels. Trainer, J. Umensetter. Owner, J. Umensetter. Breeder, S. Bedford. 743G4 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 17 110 9 4 4and 45J J Byrne 9 Finday, Orlova, My Valet 74255 Latonia lm70y 1:44 fast 16-5 112 5 6 9 8" I Parke 9 Sagamook, The Leopard, Sis.FIo 73730 Lexgton 1 1-16 1:46 fast 23-10 109 1 1 11 2 I Parke G PlusUltra, F.Embry, Reliability 73725 Lexgton 51 f l:0S4fast 59 115 9 7 61 8 W Kelsay 13 Bear Grass, Giblon, Wrack Ray "1717 Latonia 1 S-16 2:02 hvy 8 118 1 1 4 41 P Long 8 Yoshimi. V.ofDrms. BelleAmic 71583 Latonia lmTOy 1:44 Vfcfast 10 113 5 10 10s 10" P Long 11 Green Gold. Mary Reigel, Ginger GEM, b. m. 5 106 By Berrilldon Emerald Gem, by McGee. Trainer. W. M. Cain. Ownor, W. M. Cain. Breeders, W. and L. Garth. 743G3 Latonia lm70y l:44fast 7 107 7 5 5 51 E PetzoldtlO Amanda, Lt.CoIonel, MorCarrel 74257 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 58 109 9 9 7 710 W Reid 12 Martha Fallon, Finday. Modna 72293 Hawthne 1 1-10 l:46fast 4 103 3 3 11 1 E Petzoldt 7 Freecutter, Diversity, Silence 72027 Hawthne 1 1-8 l:53andfast 41 104 3 5 41 41 E PetzoldtlO Staunch, Opulent, Bruce Dudley 71794 Hawthne l.l:39fast 6 109 6 6 6 6JE Petzoldt 8 Sunny Ducrow, Lierre. Kindred DOUBLE CROSS, ch. g, 4 105 By Superman Olevia, by Ornus. Trainer, R. J. Gilmore. Owner, Mrs. B. J. Gilmore. Breeder, H. T. Oxnard. 74511 Latonia lm70y l:44fast 33-10 113 6 4 4 51! N Barrett 8 Widgeon, Dernier Sou, Isosceles 74316 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 35f 111 30 9 9 911 F Kiniry 12 Pegasus, Certain. Translate 71950 Hawthne 3-4 1:13 fast 7 112 5 4 2 1 L McDott 8 MabclK., Lit.B.Sheep, Wireless 6859 Jefferson 1 3-16 2:01,fast 13-5 114 1 2 3 3 J D Mney 6 Gondolier, B.fromHome, Tulalip 68472 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:53andhvy 7 105 3 2 3 31 H Thomas 5 BlneyStone, AtieMay, Servitor 68368 Jefferson 13-16 2:01 fast 8 102 1 1 ll 2" H Thomas 6 Ramkin. Vitamin, BlarneyStoae FANCY FREE, b. f, 4 105 By Hessian Ruth L., by Dorante. Trainer. J. O. Whitlow. Owner. F. A. Forsythe. Breeder. F. A. Forsythe. 74285 Latonia 1 1-8 l:53fast 9-5 110 6 5 3l 1 M Garner 8 BrotherlyLove, Bosh, Wild Life 74110 Lexgton 1 1-16 l:51niud 22-5 112 5 3 3 31 M Garner S Everywoman, R.Crown. Baladin 72920 Lcr.CiFr 1 1-16 l:471good 1 115 2 C Mlberry 6 Col.Tenn, Tulane, M.Prosperity 71684 Latonia 1 1-4 2:06fast 41 1051 9 3 ll l8 J Howard 12 D.Gilbert, Kimpalong, B.f.Home 71587 Latonia lm70y 1:43 fast 14 101 6 6 4s 41 R Doyle G Be Good, Llewellyn, Cap Rock 71488 Latonia lmTOy l:43andfast 17 107 8 6 71 7" O Willis 8 Sea Court, Be Good, Plus Ultra WALNUT HALL. b. g, 9 98 Ey Sunflower II Waterweed. by Watercress. Trainer, B. T. Watts. Owner, R. T. Watts. Bred in England by J. B. Joel. 74363 Latonia lm70y l:4lfast 14 115 8 8 9 8 J Owens 10 Amanda, Lt.CoIonel, MorCarrel 73998 Lexton lmTOy l:41fast 41 115 4 4 6- 72 J Owen3 9 Lt. Colonel, Jupiter, Reliability 73946 Lexgton 1 3-16 2:02hvy 51 115 3 2 21 2 J Owens 6 FairOrient, LittleAnn, Attorney 73833 Lexgton 1 3-16 l:59fast 10 108 2 3 3 P J Owens 7 Brdth.Love, Jake Feld, Fincastle 73729 Lexgton 1 1-16 l:47fast 17 110 3 2 V 2and J Owens 6 Attorney, Wil.Tree, Loc.Leaves RAPID TRAVELER, fc. g, 6 107 By Rapid Water Alberta H.. by Handspring. Trainer, A. G. Woodman. Owner, Woodman Bros.. Breeder. G. W. J. Bissell. 74411 Latonia lm70y l:44fast SO 111 5 3 61 6" N Swart 9 BegPardon, MarineCorps. Randel 73259 Bl.Grass 51 f 1:07 fast 15f 112 91 N Swart 12 Finday. Orlova, Hazel W. 73197 Bl.Grass 3-4 l:15slow 31-10 110 4 J Heipel G Amanda, Ring, Louie Lou 71523 Latonia 3-4 1:15 hvy IS 106 7 7 7 1" W Pool 7 Certain. Dor.Buckm.-r. Last One 71399 Latonia 3-4 l:14hvy 20 95 4 4 4 4" W Fronk 4 Chatterton, F.Phantom, P.Peel 69738 Map.Hts 3-4 l:14Vhvy 7 101 5 M Garrett 5 Raffles. Lglsland, GrceMayers DOROTHY BUCKNER. "b. f, 4 107 By McGee Elizabethan, by Hamburg. Trainer, F.- Bechtelheimer. Owner, Sunflower .Stable. Breeder, C. W. Moore. 74558 Sea todays chart. 74319 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 13 108 4 1 7 71 E Petzoldt 7 Rest.Tirac, The Leopard. Links 74222 Omaha 3-1 l-.Mmud 3 106 4 2 2- 2-1 E Petzoldt 5 L.Gorharn, C. Enrique, Colossus 74079 Omaha 3-4 1:12 fast 27-10 113 4 3 21 35i E Petzoldt L.Marcellia, L.Gorharn, Gdstein 739G2 Omaha 11:41 slow 23-10 108 3 1 11 -2 E Pe,tzoldt 7 Delante. Dorius, Tailor Maid 73783 Omaha 3-4 l:167Bmud 2 106 3 3 3l 41! E Petzoldt 8 Rajah, LorenaMarcellia, Delante TULSA, b. g, 6 93 By Ivan tha Terrible Useeit, by Bonnie Joe. , Trainer. J. H. Combs. Owner, C. J. Brockmiller. Breeder. Mrs. R. Hoots. 72163 Kenilwh lm70y 1:45 fast 12 107 7 6 6 7i J Wallace 11 Blarney Boy, Tamper, GladXews 72131 Kenilwh lmTOy 1:45 fast 12 108 5 7 61 5 J Wallace 12 Darnley, Verdi Loon, Devonite 7173G Dtvshiro 1 1-10 1:59 mud 8 lie 93 F Chiavti 11 Bees Wing, Romulus, Amaze 71G56 Devshire 1 1-4 2:13 slow 5 S9 51 J Wallace 5 Bolster. Wyoming, Piedra 71508 Devshire 1 1-16 l:47fast 3T-10 108 51 T Bonhani 9 Gath, Roisterer, White Boots 71435 Devshire lmTOy 1:47 good 4 117 41 M Schwtzl2 Black Hackle, Secretary, Ardito BOY FROM HOME. br. g, 4 105 By Helmet May Bird, by Thrush. Trainer. C. Howard. Owner. S. N. Holman. Breeder, E. R. Bradley. 74556 See todays chart, 74361 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 13f 115 11 11 10i 9JJ Pevic 12 Kindred, Ben Bolt, Green Gold 71717 Latonia 1 3-16 2:02 hvy 13 113 2 8 8 8S R Doyle 8 Yoshimi, V.ofDrms, BelleAmie 71684 Latonia 1 1-4 2:06fast 12 107 2 2 3 4 R Doyle 12 FancyFree, Dr.Gilbert, Kimpng 71524 Latonia 1 1-8 1:37 hvy 12 104 1 1 ll In Jl Doyle G Attorney, Nuyaka, WhirlingDun 71292 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46fast 9 M5 3 4 41 3 R Doyle 11 Salvo, Bobbie Shea. LErrant 70698 Latonia 3-4 l:14slow 21 106 6 8 71 751 R Doyle 10 Avispa. Miss Petite. Ten Sixty SEA BRINCE, ch, h. 6 107 By Sea King Danceress, by Ogden. Trainer, U. J. Hak. Owner, H. Reinzen. Breeder, J. E. Madden. 74511 Latonia lm70y l:41fast 32 110 8 7 51 4S1 A Gantner 8 Widgeon, Dernier Sou, Isosceles 74307 Latonia 1 1-16 l:15fast 27 106 8 8 S Sl A Gantner 8 W.KnowsMe, T.Sahib, Isosceles 08499 Havana lm50y l:41fast 2 115 3 4 4 41 H Stutts 4 Ceo.Kuf fan. Isosceles, Quecreck 68376 Havana 1 1-16 1:16 fast 21 116 3 4 4 3i H Stutts 4 Fincastle, Qnecrcek, G. Kuffan 68121 Havana lrnSOy l:42fast 41 112 C 1 1 l1 A Gantner 5 Fincastle, Lit.B.Sheep, Perhaps C8036 Havana 1 1-16 l:46tast S-5 115 4 4 4 31 A Gantner 4 Fincastle, LucyKate, Brocklesby ISOSCELES, b. g, 4 M 109 By Von Trcmp Isolation, by George Kessler. Trainer. J. Lowe. Owner. J. Lowe. Breeder. E. Cebrian. 74511 Latonia lm70y l:41fast 31 110 1 2 2s 31 L McDott S Widgeon, DcrnierSou, SeaPrince 74367 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 11 106 6 2 2" 3 L McDott 8 W.KnowsMe, Tip.Sahib, W.T.A11 74281 Latonia lmTOy 1:41 fast 6 111 1 1 4 4 M Garner 7 Escarpolette, Sway, Tender Seth 7 1064 Lexton 3-4 l:12fast 7 117 7 4 41 481 L McDott 9 KasterBells. Arendal, Rnb.Shea 72292 Hawthne 1 l:39fast 7 106 4 5 5 5 W Fronk 5 Bil.Star, BlancheMac, Tail.Maid 72155 Hawthne 51 f 1:06 fast 3 108 1 3 2 2 E Petzoldt 5 Doc.GIenn, P.G.Brown, G. Lady 4th RACE 3.4 Mile. 3-ycar-olds. Claiming:. July 2, 1023 1:10 -3 07. DONGES, ch. c. 3 115 By Celt Bessie Melton, by Melton. Trainer, R. Goose. Owner. J. 8. Ward. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 74316 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 10 110 9 8 8s S t Connllyl2 Pegasus, Certain, Translate 73948 Lexton 3-4 l:llhvy 2 104 4 3 21 2" W Fronk 8 Certain, Glyn, Auntie May 73774 Lexgton 3-4 l:13good 11-10 112 8 4 3s 21 E Fator 9 Certain, Arendal, K. Charming 73682 Lexgton 3-4 l:12fast 9 109 3 10 8 5i E Fator 12 Dr.IIickman, Translate, LilyM. 73132 Saratoga 1 l:391imud 3 108 1 2 2 23 L McAtee 5 Reparatn, Pilgrim, Masterlland 73008 Saratoga 3-4 l:llandfast 25 114 6 5 41 451 T McTagt 6 FairPhantom, Goshawk, Bighrt TEN SIXTY, ch. f, 3 102 By Trap Rock Princess Cog, by Caughnawaga. Trainer. S. Chenault. Owner, H. P. Gardner. Breeder, H. P. Gardner. 74409 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 17 96 1 3 21 1and D Jones 9 Sympathy. E.Bells, Centimeter 73995 Lexton 3-4 1:13 fast 4 101 2 2 21 11 I Parke 7 Jack Bauer. Enrico, Taylor Hay 70698 Latonia 3-4 l:14slow 17 92 1 1 31 3 I Parke 10 Avispa, Miss Petite, Jou Jou 70625 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 4 93 -2 3 31 31 W Fronk 9 Gordon Shaw, Pyx, Orlova 70429 Churchill 7-8 l:2Tslow 10 92 2 1 ll 1" I Parke 10 Lot. Lorraine, SeaMint, Sk.Face 70313 Churchill 3-4 1:15 hvy 43-10 108 5 7 811 J Howard 13 Gold. Billows, C.sPlay, Kindred KINDRED, ch. f, 8 105 By Jack Atkin Sister, by Uncle. Trainer, D. E. Stewart. Owner, E. J. Wall. Breeder. H. H. Hewitt. 74361 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 61 108 3 2 l ll L McDottl2 BenBolt, GrcenGold, Sis.JoselIa 73827 Lexgton 3-4 l:13rast 31 106 6 1 6 7" L McDottlO Ruby, Golden Floss. C.dAmour 73241 BLGrass 51 f 1:06 fast 61 110 2 L McDott 5 East.Bells, Tay.IIay, Sis.JoselIa 71794 Hawthne 1 l:39fast 4 104 7 5 4 3 L McDott 8 Sun.Ducrow, Lierre, Loc.Leaves 71686 Hawthne 3-4 l:14s!op 21 105 8 9 3 2 L McDott 9 Little Smoke, Marimba. Mt.Rose 70945 Latoate. t-i l:20hvy 4 105 1 C 31 41 L McDott 8 Guvnor, ColoredBoy. Buckwheat j METRIC, br. n, 3 lit By Short Grass Star Maid, by Btar Sheet. .Trainer, M Goldblatt. Owner, M. GoldbUtt. Breeder. H. H. Hewitt. 74365 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 22 107 3 6 6 6 I Parke 6 Sweetheart, Hcremon, GrtJaa 72400 Empire 1 l:40gooa H 103 1 1 l1 L McAtee 5 Homesfch, Jac.Julian, Sis. Su 72343 Empire Ab 3-4 l:09iifast 4 110 2 3 4 2 I Parke 6-WeIlfiniler, N.Dive, Chterbrook 72118 Empire Ab 3-4 1:09 fast 8 111 3 3 3 2 L. McAtee 4 Miss Star. Comixn, Luminist 71943 Empiio Ab 3-4 1:10 fast 20 120 4 6 51 54 F Colletti 7 St.AIlan, Comixa, Indian Trail 71128 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 16 100 3 4 4 41 I Parke 7 Comixa, Great Jaz, Translate JUPITER, ch. ci 3 105 By Ormondale One Star, by Star Shoot. Trainer. J. J. Troxler. Owner. J. P. Young. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 73998 Lexton lm70y l:44fast SC-10 104 2 3 4 3 A Wilson 9 Lt.CoIonel, Reliability, Baladin 73726 Lexgton lmTOy l:44fast 9 109 3 4 4 51 R Clifford 7 E.Pcnton, P.G.Brown, TlorHay 73195 Bl.Grass 3-4 1:16 slow 3-2 103 Ink j Heupel 5 Escarpolette, Finday, Monsoon 72332 Map.Hts 1 1-16 l:444fast 33-10 91 2 1 ll Ink W Martin G Miss Mazie, Rep, Tulane 72259 Map.Hts lm70y 1:46 hvy 5 99 6 2 21 2n II Long 9 Evelyn White, Pequot, Rep 72071 Map.Hts 3-4 1:12 fast 12 105 5 7 7 6 H Long 7 Uncle Bert, Orlova. May Bodine ANONYMOUS, b. g, 3 107 By Maintenant Valentine, by Marta Santa. Trainer, G. W. Coburn. Owner, G. W. Coburn. Breeder. J. E. Widener. 738G5 H.deGce lm70y l:4Tfast 21 113 1 3 31 33 J Callahan S Luminist, ChildsPlay. R. Pocket 73518 Belmont 1 l:3Tfast 13-5 107 2 3 2 2 H Thurber 4 S.Hatch, Luminist, ThreeSquare 73178 Saratoga 1 l:40hvy 16-5 99 1 1 2 2J J Callahan 6 T.Witchct, WatcrGirl, E.Indian 73072 Saratoga 1 l:3Sfast 12 116 2 4 51 31 H Thurber 8 Three Square, Savoy, Witticism 72887 Saratoga 3-4 l:12ifast 20 107 8 8 10 8 G Rose 1G Donges, Rosa Yeta, Daydue TEMPTING, br. f. 3 99 By McGee Ida Harrison, by Ingoldsby. Trainer, A. L. Kirby. Owner, J. Livingston. Breeder, C. W. Moore. 72991 Saratoga 1 l:3Sfast 10 101 4 5 6 6" F Hastings 6 V.ofDreams, WatcrGirl, Lunctta 71523 Latonia 3-4 1:15 hvy 31 93 3 4 5 5 I Parke 7 Certain, Dor.B.ivkDt r. Last One 71289 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 8 105 2 1 1 ll I Paxke 12 Everhart, -Rachel D., Patrician 63792 Kworth 5-8 l:01fast 23-10 115 1 6 6 6 S BulImanR! Nickname, Racket, Mabel K. 63476 Windsor 5-S 1:00 fast 14f 113 3 3 4i D Stirling 12 B.OFlynn, Curland. Buckwheat SUNNY DUCROW. br. f, 3 107 By Black Toney Acheron, by Rapid Water. Trainer, C. E. Rowe. Owner, C. E. Bowe. Bred by estate of O. F. Steifel. 74254 Latonia lmTOy l:44?sfast 3 101 2 1 ll Ink j Pevic 11 Hoy. Mayor Carrel, FlowerShop 71794 Hawthne 1 l:39fast 10 99 3 2 2i l1 F Lee 8 Lierre, Kindred, Locust Leaves 71482 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 23 97 Left. B Harvey 12 Patrician, Sis.JoselIa, Widgeon 71204 Latonia lm70y l:46hvy 14 96 8 " 7 71 8" W Fronk 8 Gol.Billows, Sis.Flo, Escpolette 66612 Latonia 51 f 1:08 fast 41 109113 4 4 5J1 E Pool 12 N.Secundus, Pavlowa, Flr Shop STUMP JR.. b. e. 3 105 By Golden Maxim Green Dawn, by Greenaa. Trainer, R. HcGarvey. Owner, Four Oaks Stock Farm Stable. Breeder. T. M. Murphy. 73827 Lexgton 3-4 l:13fast 139 111 1 9 9 9" J Owens 10 Ruby. Golden Floss, C.dAmour 7S726 Lexgton lmTOy l:44fast 20 108 4 7 7 7 L McDott 7 E.Penton, P.G.Brown, TlorHay 72298 Map.Hts 3-4 l:12slow 8 99 3 2 21 3 W Martin G Brown Belle, Pud, May Bodiho 72226 Map.Hts 51 f l:05fast 3 103 3 2 2 21 N Burger 4 Cobweb, Citation. Deuces Wild 72038 Map.Hts 7- 1:25 fast 22 105 5 4 41 4 N Burger 8 Wapiti, Crys.Ford, Wywassamo Map.Hta 3-4 l:12fast 17 103 4 4 3 3 G Willms 6 Pud, Crystal Ford. LottieLoralne 71582 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 46 104 1 9 10 6 B Kennedyll Lugs. Ascot, Jou Jou MISS MEISE, b. f. 3 108 By Ormondale Margaret Meise, by Star Shoot. Trainer, W. Perkins. Owner, W. Perkins, Breeder. M. Jones. 72987 Saratoga 3-4 1:12 fast 12 109 7 5 3 2 F Colletti 15 Orcus, Capt. Costigan, Savoy 72887 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 8 108110 4 51 7 F Colletti 16 Donges, Rosa Yeta, Daydue 72129 Kenilwh 7-8 l:26andfast 2 105 1 3 4 21 B KennedylO Lady Boss, Rustem, Soldier II. 72063 Kenilwh 7-8 l:261ifast 4 108 4 2 2nk 31 B Kennedyl2 Poor Sport, Rustem, Lady Boss 71484 Latonia lm70y 1:43 fast 3 1071 4 3 3 3 E Pool 10 GreatLuck, ChildsPlay, M.Mary 71100 Latonia lm70y 1:43 fast 23-10 105 2 4 4 4T R Doyle 10 W.TakeAll, Bosh, Childs Play KINGSCLERE. ch. c. 3 102 By Ballot Royal Captive, by Golden Maxim. Trainer. J. C. Gallaher. Owner, GaUaher Bro?.. Breeder. Gallaher Bros. 73995 Lexton 3-4 1:13 fast 14-5 102 4 3 5 5S1 J Heupel 7 Ten Sixty. Jack Bauer, Enrico 73774 Lexgton 3-4 l:lSgood 17 107 3 2 4 85 J Heupel 9 Certain. Donges, Arendal 71582 Latonia 3-4 l:12Vfast 12 100 5 1 4k 4 B Harvey 11 Lugs, Ascot, Jou Jou 71202 Latonia 3-4 1:15 hvy 7 106 4 4 41 5 B Harvey 9 M.P.Gdner, Certain, RpgMary 70243 Churchill 3-4 l:12fast 5 102 3 2 31 51 B Harvey 12 Ascot. G. of Honor, Miss Meise 69985 Churchill 3-4 1:13 good 3 108 3 1 11 21 J Heupel 7 G.ofHonor, Whitleather, LilyM. 66484 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 6 112 9 8 101 10" J Heupel 12 Superbum, Chiva, Leslie WRANGLER, b. e. 3 103 By Wrack Bold Lady, by Ogden. Trainer, J. G. Wagnon. Owner. M. J. Beid. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 72636 Aurora lm70y l:56hvy 3-5 103 3 2 2 2 R Doyle 4 W.Mmery, SamBeh, Reliability 72291 Hawthne lm70y l:44fast 31 99 4 2 3 41 G Sutton 8 Jou Jou, Courtship, Sportsman 72158 Hawthne lm70y 1:45 fast 1G-5 97 8 1 V Is F Lee 10 Staunch. Apricot, Silence 72060 Hawthne 1 1-16 l:46fast 13-5 97 2 3 1 l1 F Lee 8 Peace Pal, Trooper; Apricot 71997 Hawthne 1 l:42slow 41 97 6 4 2 2 H Farland 6 Winnipeg, Rhinegold, Sea Wrack 71916 Hawthne 3-1 l:12fast 10 108 1 3 51 5 G Sutton 14 JakieUay, Winnipeg, Rhinegold UNTRIED, ch. f, 3 107 By Great Britain Odd Nymph, by Oddfellow. Trainer, D. Shaw. Owner, A. P. Foley. Breeder. M. Moore. 74145 H.deGce 1 1-16 1:48 fast 19-5 101 1 4 4 34 A Roach S Bclphrizonia, PoorSport, Bendita 73990 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:4Sslow 11 1021 5 S C C3 A Roach 8 Westwood, TheRollCall, ScaCove 73866 H.deGce lm70y l:47ysfast 26 104 7 1 Ink ii a Roach 10 Valentia. JewellV.D., Bphrizonia 73299 Devshire 3-4 l:12fast 63 99 3 9 61 51 W Martin 10 Soldier II.. Poor Sport, Arragosa 73190 Devshire 1 l:41fast 41 102 6 7 61 56i J McCoy . 9 May.Carrel. ThcCaff. Doubtful 72966 Kenilwh lmTOy l:46good 16 101 6 6 5 51 J McCoy 7 Ferguson, Mercury, Eulah F. PERMARCO, ch. f . 3 97 By Ballot Lardclla. by Lackford. Trainer, J. McPherson. Owner, J. and S. Furst. Breednr, Mrs. L. M. Rogers and J.- N. Camden. 73827 Lexgton 3-4 l:13fast 22 103 3 4 4 41 J Heupel 10 Ruby, Golden Floss, C.dAmour 71400 Latonia 3-t l:15hvy 3-2 95 4 2 l1 2 I Parke 9 MayBodine, ThelmaK., Mulciber 70951 Latonia 3-4 l:13hvy 1 91 1 1 21 2 I Parke 7 SeaCourt. Trooper, Brother John 70783 Latonia 3-4 1:17 mud 8 103 4 2 2 21 B Kenndy 5 D.Bnckner. M.P.Gardner, Ruby 70625 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 23 961 6 6 6 61 B Harvey 9 Gordon Shaw, Pyx. Ten Sixty 7031G Cnurchill 3-4 l:14fhvy 31-10f 100 10 8 41 4 B Harvey 13 Day of Teace, BenBolt. Monsoon CHIEF BRANT, br. c. 3 M 100 By Theo. Cook Margaret Hastings, by Hastings. Trainer, E. V. Bellew. Owner, Chandler Stable. Breeder, F. Bedford. 74507 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 7 112 2 5 8 5" J D Mr,eyl2 Crayon, Enrico. Erlanger 66199 Latonia 3-4 1:15 slow 42 110 8 6 8l 8" E Martin 9 Rencelaw. EdPendleton, Procdg GOLDEN BILLOWS, b. f, 3 102 By Golden Maxim Billows, by Cunara". Trainer. J. Umensetter. Owner, T. M. Murphy. Breeder, T. M. Murphy. 74415 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 32 104 7 3 5 G W Fronk 7 Make Up. Plus Ultra, Attorney 71643 Latonia 1 1-8 l:52fast 11 102 2 4 31 3 A Wilson 8 Chiva, Neddam, Belle Amie 71204 Latonia lm70y l:46hvy o 105 4 1 2 l4 A Wilson 8 Sis.FIo, Escpolette, Lot.Loraine 71100 Latonia lm70y 1:43 fast 19 104 10 7 7 7" H Gray 10 W.TakeAll, Bosh. Childs Piay 70888 Latonia 1 1-16 l:52hvy 12 105 3 4 3 2 A Wilson 8 AllieOchs, Hoy, WinaerTake All 70818 Latonia 3-4 l:17mud 9 104 8 T 71 5" A Wilson 8 Day of Peace, Glyn, Stump Jr. REEL FOOT, ch. g, 3 107 By Rapid Water Nigella, by Ornament. Trainer, J. Everman. Owner, G. L. Huffman. Breeder, W. E. Caskey, Jr. 70476 Churchill 1 1-16 l:4Tfast 35 112 8 7 8 " J Owens 8 Mist. Mary, Slanderer, Spinball 70394 Churchill 1 1-16 1:51 hvy 8 99 12 9 9 10J T Brothersl2 Simpleton. Flycast, Huen 70209 Churchill 1 3-16 l:59fast 16 106 5 6 6 6" E Martin 6 Elias O., Humphrey, Slanderer 70086 Churchill 1 1-8 l:53fast 25 97 6 7 7 750 J Wallace 8 Pequot, Opulent, BrotherlyLove 69991 Churchill 1 1-16 l:48sgood 19 97 5 2 3 31 J Wallace 9 Trooper. WalkUp, DancingSpray 69935 Churchill 1 1:42 mud 25 100 5 3 3 2 T Brothers S Napoo, Last Effort. Ben Valet NOONHOUR. ch. c. 3 105 By Uncle Noontide, by Colin. Trainer. F, Bochtelheimer. Owner. Sunflower Stable. Breeder, Headley and Miller. 74219 Omaha 51 f l:CSmud 41 107 4 7 7 Csl E Petzoldtll B.Monkey, A.Alexder. J.Undd 74077 Omaha 51 f l:06?sfast 1-2 108 4 2 2 2 Et Petzoldtll Korbly, ChinaJane, MdcHarvcy 73149 Bl.Grass 51 f 1:09 slow 21 107 S5 E Petzoldt 9 Palladium, Corenne, Monsoon 73123 Bl.Grass 51 f l:06good . 6 108 5" E Petzoldt 6 Jkiellay, C.Encanto, Lrchuiont 72982 Lex.C.F"r 5-8 1:01 fast 1 110 1 E Petzoldt 0 Monsoon, Col. Pat, Lui-Meuie 72510 Aurora 3-4 ia65fast 3 105 1 4 4l 4s E Petzoldt 8 LastBrush, Marcel, JoeCampbell C4-U DA PC 1 Mile. SIctropole Hotel Pnrse. 3-year-olds and upward. Allow-OUl nftOU ancos. July 5, lOlO 1:30 4-5 3 11S. HEREMON, ch. c, 3 98 . By Ultimus OlHe Belle, by Charaxus. Trainer, S. M. Henderson. 0ner, J. E. Madden. Breeders, Headley and Miller. 74510 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 31 112 6 4 4and 31 J Pevic 9 Pegasus, Tcn-Lec, Great Jaz 74365 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 25 107 6 3 2J 2 J Pevic G Swtheart, GrtJaz. BleysToney 74205 Latonia 3-4 l:12y5fast 7 106 8 7 7 61 J Pevic 11 Translate, Mar. May, L.Granite 72629 FortErie 3-4 l:15mud 3-5 108 4 2 2 2 E Scobie 5 Lilt, Delusive, Right on Time 71957 FortErie 3-4 1:13 fast 21 109 5 1 21 21 E ScoDie 5 Caladium, Lilt, Heeltaps 71762 FortErie 1 l:44fast 1-4 115 2 1 1 11 E Scobie 4 Metal, Delusive. Wild Cat OUI OUI, ch. f. 3 107 By Sir John Johnson Parisian, by Ogden. Trainer, K. Spence. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. Breeder. M. Jones. 74461 Latonia 1 3-16 l:56fast Uf 104 8 7 5l 51 J Wallace 16 Chacolet, In.Memorm, S.Along 74317 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4iandfast 1S-5 104 3 " 1 21 3" E Scobie 5 L.Madcap, Chacolet, CherryTree 73550 Belmont 3-4 MC l:llfast 25 107 4 5 41 In E Scobie G Dunlin, Silk Tassel, Betty Beall 73106 Saratoga 1 l:36fast , 13-5 105 1 3 31 4 L Fator G My Own, Tr. of Umbria, Solisa 73037 Saratoga 1 l:36fast 8 104 3 4 3 33 W Pool G My Play, Emotion, All Over 72813 Saratoga 1 l:36fast 30 95 5 5 41 4 L Woods 8 My Play, LittleChief, ComicSong BUSTER, ch. s. 4 104 By Ballot Winnie G., by Handsel. Trainer. A. L. Kirby. Owner, J. Livingston J. Breeder. J. F. Winn. 71525 Latonia 1 l:41hvy 8 109 1 C 6 Cl J Heupel G ChoCho, Barracuda, MissCerina 70990 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 27-10 112 2 4 81 771 J D MncylO GreatJaz, B.BelveMe, Jiin.Daw 7020G Churchill 3-4 1:12 fast 9-10 110 2 1 11 2s M Garner 8 Lathrop. Sun Thistle, Eulah F. 70084 Churchill 1 l:37fast 11-10 10S 1 1 2s 2i J Corcorn G Oil Man. By Gosh. Everhart 66380 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 37-10 103 3 2 2 ll J Corcoran S Gangway, Auntie May, Pegasus 66194 Latonia 3-4 l:12andfast 3-5 110 1 1 U 2 J Corcoran G SirTh.Kean, Pegasus, M.J.Daly PINDAR PEEL, ch. c, 4 112 By Jack Atkin English Esther, by Lord Esterling. Trainer, P. Coyne. Owner, P. Coyno. Breeder. H. Black. 74365 Latonia 3-4 l:llrsfast 7 111 2 4 41 5 J Heupel 6 Sweetheart, Heremon, GrtJaz 74206 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 12 105 4 4 3s 2 J Heupel 5 Bdalbane. F.Phantom, Nassau 7399G Lexton 1 1:38 fast 6-3 111 4 4 31 3 M Garner 0 G.ofHonor, Barcuda, L.Granite 73G85 Lexgton 3-4 l:12fast 31-10 117 2 5 31 3s J Heupel 6 Hopeless, M.Muffins, L.Madcap 72025 Hawthne 1 l:37Vfast 8-5 113 4 3 5 55 N Barrett 7 Actuary, T. Jones, M.P.Gardner 71918 Hawthne 1 l:3Sfast .8-5 114 4 5 3 2 J Heupel G PaulJopcs, BlancheMac, Delante JOHN FINN, ch. c. 4 104 By Dick Finnell Coruscate, by Chorister. Trainer, E. Trotter. Owner, E. Trotter. Breeder. T. Piatt. 74412 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 26 122 1 4 C Gs J Wallace G Pegasus, A.BlueGown, Tend.Seth 74105 H.deGce lm70y l:45andfast 13-5 108 4 2 21 4i W Pool 4 Bigheant, Thimble, Tip. Witchet 70739 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 21-10 112 8 6 8 Ss R Doyle 9 Suavclrince, Ararat, Q. Garden 70595 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 8 105 2 4 Snfc 5i R Doyle 5 Bracdalbanc, Dr.Clark, ChoCho 70166 Churchill 3-4 l:llfast 8 105 3 3 3 3i A Wilson 5 Brdalhane, Wkawny. Dr.Clark 70044 Churchill 3-4 l:llfast 32 103 3 5 4J 41 A Wilson 11 Brdalbane, Ind.Trail, Swtheart BRUNELL, b. g. 3 103 By Black Toney Santa Anna, by Martigan. Trainer, W. Hurley. Owner, Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable. Breeder. E. E. Bradley. 74412 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 55 107 6 5 51 5 A Wilson G Pegasus, A.BlueGown, Tend.Seth 74283 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 20 108 6 7 7 7" A Wil3on 7 Whkaway, F.Phantom, B.Guard 08113 F.Grnds 1 l:40andfast 3-2 96 6 5 51 57i A Abel 0 Eulalia, Setting Sun, BlueNosa 67881 F.Grnds 1 l:4iy3fast 13 103 6 11 10h 10 A Wilson 11 Majority, Briand. Stump Jr. 67772 F.Grnd3 3-4 1:13 fast 41 105 7 8 5i 6i A Wilson 9 BlueNose. JohnQ.Kelly, Jupiter 67C84 F.Grnds lmTOy l:45fast 4 104 3 S 7l 9" H Thomas 9 RdseatelL, PrceTiiTii, Slderer CU DA PC C Kurlonfirs. Midway Purse. 2-year-olds. Allowances, Dill llfAUC June 7, 10001:05 2-5 3 03. GLIDE; ch. f , 8 104 By Manager Waite Gossip, by The Scribe. Trainer, R. P. Marshall. Owner, Marshall Bros.. Broeder. T. C. McDowell. 74414 Latonia 51 f 1:07 fast 3 112 .8 3 1 1 W Fronk 12 P.Politician, M. Vennie. Pr.Mally 72289 Hawthne 51 f l:07fast 1 106 2 1 1 2 L McDott 6 Blk.Grackle, Asaph, Pr.Polcian 72154 Hawthne 51 f l:06fast 31 109 1 4 3 31 W Fronk 8 Bcau.Addic. L.Mariah, Malvern 71949 Hawthne 61 f l:06fast 6-5 109 3 2 21 lk h J Burke 8 Malvern. Black Crackle, Arabis 71790 Hawthne 5-8 59 fast 7 1091 3 2 2 21 H J Burke 8 S. Elizabeth, No Lady. Welcome 71679 Latonia 51 f l:07Vfast 9 113 6 6 3l 1 H J Burkel2 Pcrrigo, Lady Burrows, Dev.Girl 71396 Latonia 61 f l:llfehvy - 97 8 C 4 ll W Front 10 V.Vennle,- Frontiersman, D.Girl SECLUSION, ch. f, 2 113 By Colonel Vennie Undaunted, hy Star Shoot. 3 Trainer, J. B. Respess. Owner, J. B. Respess. Breeder. J. B. Bespess. 74462 Latonia 61 f 1:07 fast 41 109 3 2 21 - 2J J Pcvlc 9 Sanola, Midwestern, Mali Jong 74362 Latonia 61 f l:07fast 18 115 5 1 l5 1 J Pevic 12 Elusive, Baldinc, LcxingtonMaid " 72795 Kenilwh 51 l:05fast 20 102 7 6 7 71S T Brothers 7 FastMack. D.Thought, Remnant 1 SAYNO, ch, f, 2 M 102 By Ultimus Helen Barhee, hy Peep oDay. Trainer, W. Buford. Owner, H. P. Eeadley. Breeder, H. P. Headley, 74458 Latonia 51 f l:07fast 7-5 109 2 1 21 5S3 E Martin 12 Batter Up, Morgan, PhilMcCann 74112 Lexgton FC l:llmud 39 114 2 1 3" 21 B Martin 12 Wthmore, Black Gold, SunFIagiJ 73773 Lexgton 51 f 1:08 good 2 112 6 1 21! 331 J H Burke 9 Clarence, BuButler, Generosity , 70593 Latonia 41 61 fast 20 115 10 Pulled up. J II BurkelO Befuddle, MayLoyd, ShingGold , MAE JONG, b. f, 2 104 By Sir Martin Tea Party, hy Watervale. Train.r. J. Xowc. Owner. E. Cehrian. Breeder. J. E. .Madden. 74462 Latonia 61 f 1:07 fast 8 102 7 3 31 4S1 1 Parke 9 Sanola, Seclusion, Midwestern 74318 Latonia 51 f 1:07 fast 8 110 1 1 21 22 L McDott 8 Pr.Doreen, Bcau.Agncs, P.Snow 73993 Lexton 61 f l:07fast 21 113 5 2 ll I1 L McDottl2 NellMcChord, Krnc, SwiftWater 7112G Latonia 6-S l:00fast 15 115 4 1 3 31 L McDotll2 Delectable, Perrigo, May Loyd 70593 Latonia 41 64 fast 6 115 1 4 6 610 V Kelsay 10 Befuddle, MayLoyd, ShingGold 70081 Churchill 41 53fast So 112 8 5 41 5J W Kelsay 10 Queen Bess. Paloma. Sarah Day MADAM VENNIE, h. f, 2 104 By Colonel Vennie Little Bit, hy Transvaal. Trainer, S. Judge. Owner, Cincinnati Stable. Breeder, J. B. Respess. 74414 Latonia 61 f 1:07 fast 5 104 6 C 31 Sl P Hstingsl2 Glide, P.Politician, PrettyMally 73869 Lexton 61 f l:09mud 8-5 108 1 1 1 l5 E Martin 12 Medina, LibyanQueen, PatsyD. 73683 Lexgton 51 f 1:08 fast 6 114110 7 5 5s H Lunsf dl2 Bcaut.Agncs, Pleasing, Medina 73179 Saratoga 5-8 l:01hvy 21 110 3 1 2! 3" F Colletti 9 Defiant, Sophy, Forest Flower 72215 Kenilwh 5-8 l:00fast 6 102 9 4 21 2B Kennedy 9 Red Weed, Felirah, Briar Sweet 71099 Latonia 5-8 l:00fast 10 109 8 9 7l 782 E Pool 12 Dreamer. Nairobi. Black Ruler i EARL POOL, ch. c, 3 112 By Delhi Bonnie Carrie, hy Ogdcn. Trainer, W. Perkins. Owner, F. Grahner. Breeder, T. Piatt. 74256 Latonia 51 f l:06fast G 109 3 1 21 22 E Pool 7 Beau Butler, Hunter, Deronda 72866 Saratoga 51 f l:05fast 20 113 9 9 9 9,s F Colletti 9 S. and Span. Bracadale, Bontaud 70208 Churchill 41 53fast 13-5 112 2 3 21 22 J D Mney 6 Digit, Bob Tail, Sarah Day 70040 Churchill 41 f 53fast 41 115 2 1 1 lJJD Mneyll Uproar, Bour. Boy, Pet.Maloney 69871 Churchill 41 f 55 mud 12 115 10 7 41 35i J D Mneyll Orlox. Go Foin. Flax STAGE COACH, ch. c. 2 107 By Ogden Jitney, hy Star Shoot. Trainer, S. M. Henderson. Owner. J. E. Madden. Breeder, J. E. Madden. 74366 Latonia 51 f 1:07 fast 19 110 7 3 2J 21 J Pevic 12 Clarence, Cloister, Bob Tail 73298 Devshire 5-S l:00fast 21 110 8 7 71 V H J Burkell F.Mack, Atlantida, Leatherwood 72252 Kenilwh 51 f l:0Sslow 3 108 1 2 2 2 E Scobie 3 Deep Thought, Viola Burton 72028 Kenilwh 5-8 l:00fast 111 6 6 61 5s E Scobie 7 Remnant. D. Thought, FastMack 71851 FortErie 5-8 l:01fast 17-10 115 5 6 4l l"k E Scobie 7 Chief Archee, Drmstick, Runclar 71491 Hamton 6-S l:00faat 10 107 5 2 31 2 E Scobie 7 Fast Mack. Pacific. Dr. OMara HUNTER, ch. c, 2 112 By Peter Quince Muriel, hy "Watercress. Trainer. J. C. Milam. Owner. J. N. Camden. Breeder. J. N. Camden. 74512 Latonia 3-i 1:12 fast 31 108 3 5 7 611 M Garner 0 Beau Butler, Bob Tail, Clarence 74256 Latonia 61 f l:06fast 11 1081 1 3 3" 3s M Garner 7 Beau Butler, Earl Pool, Deronda 71425 Latonia 3-4 l:12good 33-5 115 8 7 7 714 H Lunsfdl2 W.Csellor, BlackGold, Befuddle 71172 Latonia 6-S 59 fast 11 114 9 t 4 310 L Lyke 11 WiscCsellor, Wthmore, B.Gold 71034 Latonia 5-8 l:00fast 7 115 6 4 31 31 M Garner 8 Worthmore, Wil Land, Paloma 70910 Latonia 5-8 l:01mud 8-5 115 3 1 l1 lJ M Garner 12 Cannon Shot, Modest, Mill Boy 70815 Latonia 5-8 l:03mud 23-10 115 5 4 4 451 M Garner 12 Spellbinder, Col.Gilmore. Tight POSTILLION, h. f. 2 104 By Berrilldon Dignity, hy Dick Welles. Trainer, T. Procter. Owner, E. J. McGraw. Breeder. L. Garth. 74462 Latonia 61 f 1:07 fast 8 HI 2 4 6l 51 C Ponce 9 Sanola, Seclusion, Midwestern 74208 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 5 115 3 1 21 2l M Garner 10 Sanola, Phoebe Snow, Defiant 72989 Saratoga 51 f l:06fast 31 112 2 2 31 22 A Schfgrlu SunLady, PhocbeSnow, BrGrass 72791 Saratoga 5-8 69fast 31 109 4 4 21 2 E Legere 13 Eventide. Mitau, Parvenu 72625 Saratoga 5-S E9fast 20 112 2 6 3l 35 J Callahanl3 II.Thoughts A.Marnell., J.Blair 72347 Empire 51 1:07 fast 11-10 102 2 2 22 21 G Rose 7 Billy Warre, Freed.Call, Byron VALLEY LIGHT, h. c, 2 112 By Light Brigade Valeureuse, hy Orsini. Trainer. G. V. Barnes. Owner, C. W. Clark. Breeder. C. W. Clark. 72348 Hawthne 5-8 l:01mud 7-5 112 2 4 4. 4t0 "W Bogski 8 Ltherwood, Altawd, S.Eliabetb 72243 Hawthne 5-8 l:02slow 1 112 10 2 l1 Is F Lee 10 "Whiff ; Rondclle, Leatherwood 72088 Hawthne 5-8 59fast 2 111 4 4 4 411 J Heupel 6 Sarazen, Sanola, Time Exposure 71714 Latonia 51 f 1:09 hvy 18-5 113 3 3 3 3i J D Mncy 5 Chilhowee, "Worthmore. Shindy 71681 Latonia 51 l:05fast 22 122 5 3 31 2s J D Mney 8 Befuddle. T.S.Jordan, Delectable 71425 Latonia 3-4 l:12gooa 1C 115 3 6 91 10,s J D Mneyl2 W.Csellor, BlackGold, Befuddle 71345 Latonia 61 f l:03Jmud 61 115 3 1 ll l3 J D Mney 8 Go Foin, Gee, Free Hand 71172 Latonia E-3 59 fast 29 111 1 11 11 10" J D Mneyll WiseCsellor, Wthmore, Hunter KING ONEILL II., ch. c, 2 M 105 By Huon Duchess of Savoy, hy Uncle. Trainer, J. C. Milam. Owner, J. C. Milam. Breeder, H. P. Headley. 73224 Saratoga 51 -f 1:06 good 4 115 4 2 21 41 C Lang 8 SunPal, Prs Doreen, Mr. Mutt C9640 Lexgton 41 54fast 16-5 115 3 3 22 31 M Garner 7 Volt, Huon Pine, Nivlag ALTAWOOD, ch. c, 2 110 By Master Robert Crestwood Girl, hy Transvaal. Trainer. A. D. Steele. Owner, C. B. Head. Breeder, C. B. Head. 72348 Hawthne 5-S l:01mud 6 110 7 6 55 2s L McDott 8 Ltherwood, S.Elizbcth, V.Light 71443 Hawthne 68 l:00fast 5 114 1 4 Zi 21 W Fronk 8 Malt, Shining Gold, Snowden 71239 Latonia 51 l:0Gfast 19 107 5 6 6 Cl B Kenndy C BlackGold, Ex.Kdition, Befuddle 70352 Churchill 41 f 55mud 11 107 S 4 31 l1 I Parke 8 Pest. Nivlag, Miss Fortune 70277 Churchill 41 f 54 good 5 109 6 8 61 541 W Kelsay 9 ChokeeLoe, BoyOBoy, Welcome 70085 Churchill 41 f 53fast 37-10 107 6 3 2 ll T Brothers 8 Cherokee Lee, Quotation, Buck 70015 Churchill 41 f 54 fast 35 113 3 2 3 2 N Barrett 9 Boy O Boy, Eventide, Arabia G9932 Churchill 41 f 54mud 15 113 8 8 61 61 N Barrett 8 Malt. Nivlag. Buck JESSIE BENTON, h. f, 2 M 102 By Wrack Logistilla, hy Locohatchee. Trainer, K. Spence. Owner, Audley Farm Stahle. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 74508 Latonia 51 f l:07fast EG 109 2 2 55 52 T Murray 12 Poland, Beau.Addie, BkGrackle 74280 Latonia 61 f 1:07 fast 7-15 115 11 9 5i 561 T Murray 12 PssDorecn, BfastBell, P.Louise 73416 Belmont 5-8 st 59 fast 60 107 13 13 13 1324 G Babin 13 JanetBlair, MissDomino. Fly By "52866 Saratoga 51 f l:05fast 50 104 8 8 8s 811 H Stutts 9 S. and Span, Bracadale, Bontaud 72767 Saratoga 5-S l:00good 30 105 15 14 13 11" A Wilson 10 A.Marronell., Elvina, LadyDiana 72487 Saratoga 5-8 1:00 fast 60 114114 16 16s 1620 H Lunsfd 17 Mino, Husky, Fly By BLUE BONNET, ch. f, 2 M 103 By Ballot Mattie Nichols, hy Plaudit. Trainer, W. L. Lewis. Owner. "W. L. Lewis. Breeder. S. K. Nichols. 73683 Lexgton 51 f 1:08 fast 7 113 8 11 12 12" W Kelsay 12 Bcaut.Agnes, Pleasing, Medina 70243 Churchill 41 f 55mud 13 106 4 5 8l S3 W Pool 11 PeggyO., Q.Chrming, Moorfield 69766 Lexgton 41 f 56hvy 19 107 5 6 6! E B Kenndy 8 Digit, SarahElizabetli. Welcome 69C60 Lexgton 41 f 65ast 33 111 8 6 41 3el B Kenndy 8 Quotation, Mary Lynn, Verbena 69613 Lexgton 41 53fast 38 112 3 5 62 C9 J Heupel 8 Elvina. New Beauty. Hello RIP, ch. c, 2 M 105 By Huon Star Dreamer, hy Star Ruhy. Trainer, J. W. McKnight. Owner, F. Johnson. Breeder, "W. B. Miller. 74256 Latonia 61 f l:06fast 79 1041 4 6 5and 62 F Smith 7 Beau Butler, Earl Pool, Hunter BLUE "WHITE, h. g, 2 M 105 By Sain Semprite, hy Sempronius. Trainer, J. S. Hawkins: Owner, J. S. Hawkins. Breeder, G. J. Long. 74508 Latonia 51 f l:07fast 21f 109 3 4 7l Ssi J Wallace 12 Poland, Beau.Addie, BkGrackle 74280 Latonia 61 f 1:07 fast 3S 118 4 6 G 61 J Francis 12 PssDorecn, BfastBell, P.Louise 70849 Latonia G-S l:06hvy 17 110 3 6 51 E12 C Studer 6 Dobson, Bugler. Double T. 70238 Churchill 41 f 53fast 51f 115 11 11 11 ll22 C Studer 11 Keegan, ExtraEdition, Sunspero VOLT. h. c, 2 110 By Volta Parakeet, hy Greenhack. Trainer, A. Baker. Owner, A. B. Hancock. Breeder, Cloghran Stud. 71681 Latonia 51 f l:05fast 16 115 7 7 62 6- B Kennedy 8 Befuddle, Val.Light, T.S.Jordan 69097 Lexgton 1-2 47fast 10 122 5 6 7 7s B Kenndy 7 Edna V., Black Gold, Digit C9640 Lexgton 41 f 54fast 4-5 115 1 1 l2 l4 B Kenndy 7 HuonPine, K.ONeill II., Nivlag 69531 Lexirton 1-2 48andgood 6 112 4 3 34 24 B Kenndy G Bat.Creck. G.Northern. H.Pine ANNIE LxLE, ch. f, 2 M 102 By Escoba Alice "Warfield, hy Orison. Trainer, J. O. Whitlow. Owner, Harting and Richardson. Breeders, J. D. Carr and Bro. 74557 See todays chart. 71586 Latonia 51 f l:07fast 14 1071 7 4 8 8" O Willis 12 BlckHackle, JohnHager, Medina 71483 Latonia 5-8 l:O0fast 18 115 3 3 41 6 O Willis 12 PhoebeSnow, M.Loyd, Ph.Louise 71237 Latonia 51 f l:08fast 6 112 2 5 61 4i O Willis 12 Xixia, Ancestress, PhvllisLouise 71068 Latonia 6-8 59fast 65 110 3 4 3 3 O Willis 6 Alchemy, Edna V., Devil Girl 70947 Latonia 5-S l:05hvy 9 108 3 5 52 514 W Kelsay 7 BbonBoy, Col.Gilme, P.Dispch 70886 Latonia 41 f 57hvy 15 102 7 7 6l 6" T Brothers 8 Tight, Verbena, Muskeg 7AU DA PC 1 Srilc and 70 Yards. 3-ycar-olds and upward, Claiming. Sor, III nHOU 3,1917 1:414-5 3 12G. LADY ASTOR, hr. f, 4 109 By Sweep Martha Lee, hy Marta Santa. Trainer, W. B. Finnegan. Owner, W. F. Knehelkamp. Breeder. W. V. Thraves. 74258 Latonia 1 1-1G l:44fast 17 101 3 1 1 1 F Hstlngs 8 Fantoche, PreciousLula, HoldMe 73874 Lexton lm"0y l:45mud 4 104 6 6 41 4i B Scheffel 6 Kinburn, Llewellyn, Escarpolette 72157 Hawthne 1 1-8 1:52 fast 3 981 4 6 6h 523 B Scheffel 6 Thil.Mnid, J.S.Iteardon, Runzaf 71688 Hawthne 1 1-1C l:51slop 8-5 101 3 4 22 L.rid.B Schefl 5 Geo.Kuffan, SeaMint, AllieOchs 71348 Latonia 1 1-8 l:35mud 31 102 1 1 l1 l3 I Parke 7 Runqnoi, Plus Ultra. Sea Court 71174 Latonia ImiOy 1:42 fast 11 104 1 6 6l G W Fronk 9 G. of Honor, Jouett, Lady Myra TIPPO SAHIB, h. g, 8 103 By Rapid Water Icaria, hy Sanders. Trainer, J. T. West. Owner. J. T. West. Breeder. G. W. J. Bissell. 74367 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Cfast 61 111 7 7 31 21 J Grunsen 8 W.KnowsMe, Isosceles, W.T.A11 74209 Latonia 11-16 1:46 fast 28 113 9 5 31 1 J GunsonlO Make Up, Tender Seth, Huonec 71680 Latonia lm70y 1M2 fast 12 99 6 6 41 321 B Harvey 7 Chacolet. Fantoche, Good Night 71488 Latonia lm"0y l:43Vsfast 10 116. 7 7 64 6i H Lunsf rd 8 Sea Court, Be Good, Plus Ultra 71131 Latonia 11-16 1:45 fast 17 113 7 4 31 l1 R Harton 8 Runquoi, Neddam, Jake Berger 70915 Latonia 1 1-S l:5S7mud 7 105 2 4 4 4 L Canfield 4 Kinburn, Escarpolette, Wyoming WHO KNOWS ME, hr. g, 3 95 By Sir John Johnson Fantail. hy Ogden. Trainer, W. Perkins. Owner, M. C. Moore. Breeder, T. Piatt. 74367 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 1C-5 93 4 1 ll 11 F Hstings 8 Tip.Saliib, Isosceles, W.TakeAll 74281 Latonia lm70y 1:44 fast 8 101 Left at post. B Harvey 7 Escarpolette, Sway. Tender Setli 74209 Latonia 1 1-1G 1:46 fast 11 100 7 3 4and S5 B Harvey 10 Tip.Sahib, MakeUp. TendereSth 70168 Churchill 1 1-8 l:53fast 3 99 2 2 21 2nt J Corcorn 5 Pumps, Runquoi, Tippo Sahib 69989 Churchill 1 l:39M;good 17 101 3 1 21 54 T Brothers 9 By Gosh, Everhart, AnglumMaid 69906 Churchill 1 1-1G 1:48 good 12 102 2 1 Ill3 T Brothers 7 Belle Amie, requot, Jakie Hay 6G217 Latonia 1 1:46 hvy 8 101 2 7 9 10" J Owens 11 Pequot, Vennie, Lavinia LLEWELLYN, h. c, 4 106 By Luke McLuke Agnes Virginia, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. G. H. Keene. Owner, J. O. and G. H. Keene. Breeders, J. O. and G. H. Keene. V3874 Lexton lm70y l:45mud G 104 2 2 22 23 J McCoy C Kinburn, Escarpolette, L.Astor 71587 Latonia ImTOy 1:43 fast 3-2 107 5 2 21 22 I Parke G Be Good, Cap Rock, Fancy Free 71288 Latonia 1 1-16 1:46 fast 9-5 103 5 2 3 42 B Kenndy 0 Billy Star, Goldancrest, Pumps 71069 Latonia 1 1-16 l:44fast 10 111 9 4 31 3 L McDott 9 Chacolet, Fantoche, Wapiti 70391 Churchill 7-S 1:27 hvy 8 10S 2 4 4 45 B Kenndy 5 Lathrop, Washington, T.UareJr. BLANCHE MAC, h. m, 5 103 By Light Brigade Caviet, hy Handsome. Trainer, L. V. Bellew. Owner, L. V. Bellew. Breeder, J. C. Milam. 74513 Latonia 1 1-16 l:43fast 4 103 2 2 4and 510 B Harvey 1C Pre.Lula, MakeUp, RkvMounfn 72292 Hawthno 1 l:39fast 13-5 104 3 3 1 22 B Harvey 5 Billy Star, Tailor Maid, Runzaf 72157 Hawthne 1 1-S 1:52 fast 8-5 103 3 3 3 4J L McDott fi Tail.Maid, J.S.Iteardon, Runzaf 72025 Hawthne 1 l:37fast 7 104 6 6 6s 6" L McDott 7 Actuary, P. Jones, M.P.Gardner 71918 Hawthne 1 l:3Sfast 11-5 104 1 2 21 3l L McDott G PaulJones, Pindar Peel, Delante 71793 Hawthne 1 l:39andfast 4-5 109 2 2 2and 21 J Kederis 5 MaryP.Gardner, Sway, BillyStar KINBURN. ch. h, 6 10G By Duval Royal Captive, hy Golden Maxim. Trainer, J. C. Gallaher. Owner. Gallahar Bros.. Breeder. Gallagher Bros. 73874 Lexton lm70y l:45mud 13-10 105 1 1 l3 l3 J Heupel 0 Llewellyn, Escarpolette, L.Astor 73688 Lexgton lm70y l:41fast 21 10S 4 3 21 3i J Heupel 7 Neddam, K.Charmg, Broth.Lve 71643 Latonia 1 1-8 l:52fast 13 107 1 1 4" 6 J Heupel. 8 Chiva, Neddam, Golden Billows 91587 Latonia ImTOy 1:43 fast 14 101 2 4 51 610 B Harvey G Be Good, Llewellyn, Cap Rock 71288 Latonia 1 1-16 1:46 fast 9 107 1 4 6 6" B Harvey C Billy Star, Goldencrest, Pumps 70915 Latonia 1 1-8 l:5Smud 43-10 100 1 1 l4 1 B Harvey 4 Escarpolette, Wyoming, T.Sahib HOLD ME, h. f, 4 98 By Von Tromp Dally, hy Giganteum. Trainer, J. Lowe. Owner, J. Lowe. Breeder. E. Cebrian. 74513 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 10 109 5 4 61 fi11 L McDottlO Pre.Lula, MakeUp, RkyMountn 74258 Latonia 1 1-16 l:44fast 9 108 5 2 43 41 L McDott 8 LadyAstor, Fantoche PrecsLula 73948 Lexton 3-4 l:14hvy 10 109 6 6 6l 6" L McDott 8 Certain. Donges, Glyn 66062 Latonia 3-4 l:15hvy 33-10 106 4 6 4 541 T Brothers 8 AuntieMay, ElmerK., WhiteStar 62009 Churchill 1 1-16 1:45 fast 1 95 2 1 1J 21 J Owens 8 Radio, Blarney Stone, Jim Daisy 61909 Churchill 1 1:39 fast 1 9J 7 2 l1 ll J Owens 8 Dartmoor, Wapiti, Toinahoi 3 " 1 , , HUONEC, hr. h, 5 106 By Huon Anecdote, hy Tom Ochiltree. Trainer, S. Judge. Owner, Cincinnati Stahle. Breeder. W. S. Kilmer. 74319 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46fast 5 118 6 7 6 61 H Lunsfd 7 Rest.Time, The Leopard, Links 74258 Latonia 1 1-16 l:44fast 6 107 6 7 54 5" I Parko 8 LadyAstor, Fantoche PrecsLula 74209 Latonia 1 1-16 1:46 fast 9 114110 6 61 41 H LunsfdlO Tip.Sahib, MakeUp, TendereSth 73870 Lexton 1 1-16 l:51mud 1S-10 110 1 6 11 ll J Heupel 7 Hainan, Randel, RompingMary 73152 BI.Grass 61 f l:09andslow 61 109 6 J Owens 7 CubaEncanto, Antonia, Q.Esther G7987 F.Grnds 1 1-8 1:54 fast 13-5 111 6 3 21 11 G Mein 10 Slip.EIm, Escarpolette, Sagamk BETTER LUCK. h. c. 3 108 By North Star in. Grail, by Athelinsr. Trainer, S. Judge. Owner. C. Van Schoick. Breeder, E. R. Bradley. 74459 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 41 113 6 2 8 810 D ConnIly 8 GstofHonor, L.Madcap, Belzoni 74283 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 34 112 5 6 51 5i L McDott 7 Whkaway, F.Phantom, B.Gnard 72955 Saratoga 1 l:39fast 13-10 108 4 4 51 541 A Schtgr 6 Am.Patriae, RoseatelL, Witsra 72809 Saratoga 7-8 l:25fast 11-5 113 4 1 32 3i A Johnsonll Frank G., Pilgrim, Pietrus 71945 Empire 1 1-4 2:05fast 8 113 2 7 7 73 C Kummer 7 Pettifogger. Mnrakcr, LittleCelt 71579 Aquoudct 1 l:39H;mud 6 110 1 1 lJ ll C Kummer 4 FlyingCloud, Demijohn, Thimble