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JIM REID 207 Van Sicklcn Ave., Room 17, BROOKLYN, N. Y. A DAY. 0 A WEEK. WON AGAIN ! YESTERDAYS WINNER : Ten Sixty $,2.30- Won Jim did it again, hoys; and I will keep it up. I handle information and my hi? success has made hundreds of players "win a small fortune. I AM THE "ACTION MAN" and a friend of the player. OVER ,S00 WINNER ON A 0 FLAT PLAY DAILY. WINNERS! "WINNERS! WINNERS. TUESDAYS WINNER: Defiant .30- Won MONDAYS "WINNER: Crayon 2.10- Won SATURDAYS WINNER: Guest of Honor. 7.60- Won FRIDAYS WINNER: Ten Sixty 6- Won THURSDAYS WINNER: Kindred ...... 5.30- Won WEDNESDAYS WINNER: Lucidus 0.60- Won TUESDAYS WINNER: Escarpolette ...1.90- Won This is every mans opportunity to connect with a real live horseman that "knows something." ONE HORSE A DAY ONLY is all I give and I can make good at that. Today Today Beat a 15-1 Shot and I have it. Its up to yon to take advantage of it. Wire requost at once. Terms .00 as usual. ONE WEEK 6 days, 0.00. .00 DAILY only one horse. Wire money Western Union or Postal, or send special delivory. Jack Howard GIBSON HOTEL CINCINNATI, OHIO a Tree birthday SPECIAL By way of celebrating I am going to give my regular 0 wire free today Thursday to all who wire two dollars .00 to cover cost of handling wires, adv., etc. I want everybody in the U. S. to kill this one. Its as good as I ever had. If you dont clean up its your own fault. The American Racing Manual IS NOW ON SALE. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 East 32nd STREET, NEW YORK. N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO. N. Y. MUTUAL INFORMATION BUREAU No. 5 Columbus Circle NEW YORK CITY A combination of the best information in America. All horses on file with Daily Racing Form. Yesterday, the tenth day at Latonia: OUR HORSE LOST Yes, we advertise our losers also. Our record now stands: 12 WINNERS IN 13 DAYS and a 0 FLAT BET OVER ,800 WINNER ANOTHER LONG SHOT TODAY If you want real information follow us. Next 00 special goes Friday and will pay equally as godd a price as Post Haste 8.40- Won OR Batter Up .... . 6.70- Won This 00 special will be included in our daily wire to weekly clients only. THIS HORSE MUST WIN or ah those who subscribe for weekly service will be given an extra 6 days service absolutely free. Ride with the smart money. Terms: 0 a Day; 0 for 6 Days Remit by "Western "Union telegraph. Superior Advance Information H Filed With This Paper Day Before. THURSDAYS CODE: Rose -Maine -Water- Sour-Divert- Texas -Oak-Change-Acid. Strictly confidential no wires. Buy your form and get our REAL inside information. Writo for particulars. FRANK J. MADDEN, Mgr. 407 Clinton St. Brooklyn, N. Y. wii GARS CHIEF OBSERTER 35 Cents at All Newsstands TODAYS FREE CODES: LATONIA Virginia-Pink -Watsr-Rock LAUREL Michigan-Rock -Sea-Ivory The American Racing Manual for 1923 now on sale DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND .STREET, NEW YORK. N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET BUFFALO. N. Y. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET. NEW YORK. N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO. N. Y,