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ANSWERS TO QUERIES Comninnicntions without names and addresses will not be noticed nor answered. Xo answers will be sent by mail and none by wire unless reply prepayment is made at time of wiring query letting papers will not be calculated. J. J. L.. Los Angeles, Cal. George Smith, better known as "Pittsburg Phil," died in a sanitarium at Asheville, N. C, Feb. 1, 1903. J. O. H., Chicago, 111. The Greentree Stable entry in the fifth race at Havre de Grace Sept 29 was Exodus, Cherry Pie and Nedna of which only Exodus went to the post .. H P- New rleans. La. The wager on Flannel Shirt entry." was a go, because its meaning, as written, was that Flannel Shirt must go as a part of the entry, or no bet. A. J. R., Cincinnati, O. In the course of their last ten races, up to and including that of Oct 6, Dr. Hickman won more money than Fair Phantom. Inquirer, Cincinnati, O., and others. Part of the Akron charts have already been published. The others will be printed as space permits and will serve to answer all queries. C. H. M., Hot Springs. In case a bet of 00 to 00 was laid between two hores which ran a dead heat, the money would be added together and divided equally, each party to the transattion taking 50. S. McG., Chicago, 111. An entry is one or more horses. A coupled entry is two or more horses. If a wager is made on an entry, as for example, "the Rancocas Stable entry," any one of the horses in the entry winning would suffice. If simply a horsa in the entry is named, the wager goes on the entry with that horse to go, or no bet If the named horse does not o, the wager is a draw, regardless of whether another horse of the entry wins or not.