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BANNER NEWS SERVICE TUItF DEPAIIT3IENT 1452 Broadway, Suite ::05 New York City 95.00 DAILY 20.00 WEEKLY A certain two-year-old has been burning up tho track at Jefforson Park. His most sensational works are known only to a few. Our chief docker says that this one has only to run to recant works to win at the first asking and should pay about 50 to 1, as he is still a maidon. He may start any day now, so we advise all of our folio wars to subscriba at once for a week so as not to miss this one, TODAYS HORSE Goes for the long end of the purse at Jefferson Park this afternoon, rain or shine. His most recent work in preparation for this race was a mile in 1:41 with a heavy boy in the saddle. He runs equally well on any kind of a track. We havo the final O. K. that today is the day. This horse also has the approval of our chief clocker at Jefferson. You have only yourself to blame if you miss this one today. While you are waiting and hesitating and wondering how soon wo are going to quit, tho wise fellow is getting tho money. A twenty-five dollar flat play past five days sotted our followers about Does not include amount won yesterday, which only goes to show that ourservice will-stand thv acid test. wr 100-1 -m You will lose today if yon try to pick them yourself or listen to some fly-by-night. Why not deal with a permanent organization and reverse the percentage? YESTERDAYS PRIVATE HORSE DR. JOE, 40-1, WON Yesterdays Horse: Mondays Horse: SANDS OF PLEASURE. 8-5 WON Tuesdays Horse: EL ASTHO 20-1 WON Sundays Horse: ALASD 20-1 WON Saturdays Horse: UI3TR0D 5-1 WOK STARGO 4-1 WON Our turf department is composed of experts. That is tho reason we have so many winners. We sin. cerely believe that a small investment should net you about 00 TODAY If you want to get started on the right path, subscribe at once and let us convince you that we havo the genuine goods. Wire your subscription by Western TJnioa or Postal Telegraph. I PERFECT SQUARE DICE Made by expert mechanics from thoroughly seasoned hard stock, guaranteed to bo true to withia one one-thousandth of an inch, having all sides flat, corners sharp and finish perfect. Made in cither red, green or white in any size. 5-8 size, razor edge .40 per pair 3-4 size, razor edge .50 per pair B. C. WILLS and CO. 222 West Congress St., Detroit, Midi.