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Important Notice to S. 0. Service Subscribers Our text 0.00 Ono-Horso Spocial goes Saturday at Tijuana, frcm same source that gave you CASSIUS, 3.00-, and VOORGOLD. OUR LAST 0 ONE-HORSE SPECIAL WENT WEDNESDAY. IT WAS VOORGOLD, 0.20-, WON All our -wires are filed in advance -with Daily Racing Form. Wo do not liavo 0 One-Horso Specials every day, just once in a -while. VOORGOLD, 0-, WON, and MONDAYS SPECIAL HAN SECOND WERE THE ONLY TWO SPECIALS WE HAD THIS WEEK. Another One-Horse Special goes at New Orleans Monday from the people that gave- us SPECIALS CALIGULA, 8-1, WON, CORAL BEEF, 8-1, WON, and if SATURDAYS SPECIAL does not win, subscribers to same -will receive MONDAYS SPECIAL FBEE. Wire 0 at once by Western Union fcr SATUEDAY SPECIAL. Should be 15-1. S. O. SERVICE JAMAICA, NEW YOEK THEOTTING1EADER Americas r 25 CENTS-FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Again AL, GERNS -C. M "OXE BEST" won CfTS or us yesterday and Jandgjfw the sang was RIGHT hjSngf "WITH US the way they shouted as he IwVJSKiJl galloped under the VOandT wire. "AL" also un- fifWI covered a CATCH OF "WINNERS in LAST "WEEKS "SPORTING LEADER" that nearly broke the BAN1C ROLLS of! a bunch of LAYERS around New York. THE "WIT, at 8.80-82. gave them an awful drub- bing. and STARGO, at 4-1, and FREDERICK-TOAVN, at 5-1, didnt ease their BANK ROLLS any. Better get in line and get the NEW EDITION FOR SALE NOW and sec what AL has to say this week. There are SEVERAL BIG SPECIALS to be CUT LOOSE at JEFFERSON THIS "WEEK you : can not afford to miss. TODAYS CODE SPECIAL: is the smartest thing of the day. DONT MISS IT. You will find code in the NEW EDITION of SPORTING LEADER. TODAY ANOTHER Al Gerns 0 Special GIVEN FREE on the DAILY MASTER CLOCKER. I TELL YOU, I KNOW they have not left a single thing undone to make this Special one GRAND SUCCESS. For this otic go right now to your newsdealer and ask for the Master Clocker .00 AT ALL NEWSSTANDS THE MAN "WHO CAN MAKE YOU AVIN 1 lifMlft ftlJUJUU SOLD, ALL NEWSSTANDS, AND "ONCE AGAIN" WWE "CLEANED UP" YESTERDAYS SPECIAL "WON" WEDNESDAYS 5 SPECIAL "WON" TUESDAYS SPECIAL "WON" EVEEY DAY you dont get JACK FIELD "SPECIALS" YOU LOSE A CHANCE OF MAKING "BIG MONEY." JACK FIELD is always at the track getting "INFO." IF you l:new the VALUE of it YOU "WOULD BE WILLING TO PAY 00 A DAY for it. Thousands of Jack Field "Followers" "Cleaning Up" Rig "Every Day" IF YOU are not one of those "Daily Followers" you still have the chance of "WINNING YOURS" by following JACK FIELD from TODAY on, but be SURE you dont miss a day. mk "BIG CLEAN UP" Pf-T0DAY TODAY Boys, here is your chance of "CLEANING UP" again TODAY on both our and "SPECIALS" as BOTH of these should pay S-10-1 OR "BETTER" TODAY Both of these "GOOD THINGS" come from ONE SOUBCE that when "they WAGER they usually maho SURE THEY ARE "RIGHT" and it sure looks like they are "RIGHT" today. SSDONT MISS IT "TODAY" You never will FORGIVE YOURSELF if you dont get EOTH and Special TODAY from your newsdealer. HURRY, or your newsdealer will be SOLD OUT as EVERYBODY is buying JACK FIELD nowadays. JACK FIELD sold everywhere RACING FORM B"ld. Special and 51 Special. CAN BE BAILED TO YOU, 5 weekly for BOTH Specials. FIELD PUBLISHING CO. Room 32, 89 W. Adams Street Chicago, 111. EXPERT ADVICE .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY Yesterdays Transaction DR. JOE, 40-1, WON Wednesdays Transaction BUSH BUCK 3y2-l Won Tuesdays Transaction ATTILIA 3-1 Won Mondays Transaction DUSTABOUT 3-1 Won Saturdays Transaction O.HENRY ..15-1,4-1,6-5, 3rd Thursday Transaction HU0NEC 8-1 Won ONLY ONE A BAY, RUT A WINNER 172 MILFORD ST. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form GARS Chief Observer 50 CENTS, AT ALL NEWSSTANDS allTwon Every single one won yesterday. Here they are : Barracuda . .. 8-5 Won Fannie Bean . . 4-1 Wonj Black Gold ... 4-5 Won and the 0 FREE SPECIAL, won. TODAY BIG ADVERTISED SPECIAL Goes 6th Race This is the one the Chief told you about yesterday. I have the O. K. Now, go and get busy. For this Special, ask for Gar s Daily Chief Observer 50 CENTS, AT LEADING NEWSSTANDS JAMES T. RYAN 853 BLAKE AYE. BROOKLYN, N. Y. FANNIE BEAN 4-1 WON Two days at Jefferson and two good wires sent. Looks as though I will do as well here as I did at the Fair Grounds. 8-1 SHOT TODAY Terms: .00 daily or 0.00 weekly. Tiemit via Western Union or Postal. Give correct name and address. This is positively necessary. "Wednesdays "Winner BUSH BUCK 6-1 Won Tuesdays Winner ALAED 12-1 "WOK Mondays Winner OUR FLAG 7-1 WON Saturdays Winner BEST PAL 9-2 WON Fridays Winner LA OKB 4-1 WON Thursdays Winner COMEDY 15-1, 6-1 2ND Wednesdays Winner COLONEL WINN 6-1 WON Tuesdays Winner TELESCOPE 7-1 WOK Mondays Winner LLEWELLYN 1-1 WOK Saturdays Winner EXCHANGE 7-2 WOK Fridays Winner KING ONEILL II .12-1 WOK I 1 221 NOltTII LIMESTONE Lexington, Ky The volume of subscriptions to our notice in this publication Thursday was far beyond expectations. Thanks to all, especially old friends. Be assured that your confidence will not be misplaced. Eemember, two or three investments each week. Fee, 00 for service for one week. "The proof of the pudding is in the eating." 149391493914939149391493914939; $ $ $ PREDETERMINED TURF PROFITS $ $ The MtltACI.i: SYSTKM is imliomlly known $ $ ns V:isy for jilnycr linnl for l:iycr." Solil on J S. iiislnllinciit ; i:iyiiienls p.-iitl from your profits. $ $ Absolutely 1liKli 7.1-i:isc luminal ninl review. $ $ Invest i:it-- today ami make your bookie obey. j $ Iublle relations manager 5 $ S. K. AIITIIUU $ .$ lnx 40, It. l Towson, Mil. $ 149391493914939149391493914939 HARVEY AMES EARLE BUILDING. BROADWAY AT 52D ST. NEW YOEK, N. Y. Subscribers to the special 50 matter at New Orleans, must be in readinesi to talk, long distance, between the hours of 2:30 and 4:00 oclock. TELEPHONES: CIRCLE 2591259225935749 SCHUYLER FLOYD Calvert Building Broadway at 41st Street New York City TELEPHONE BRYANT C333 HOW HARD IS YOUR MONEY WORKING? i Do you want bigger returns? jlf so, subscribe for another of those EXTRAORDINARY PROFITABLE EVENTS which have made the "Schuyler Investments" famous. The next "Schuyler Investment" starts TODAY AT NEW ORLEANS Terms: One Hundred Dollars in advance by telegraph or in person. To expedite transmitting information, telegraph your telephone number if any with subscription. The "Schuyler Investments" Are Like "Sterling on Silver" The Stamp of Distinction I 1 STEVE FARRELL KNOW AS THE LONG SHOT KING 80 East 11th Street New York City TEEMS .00 The Old Master and His Clients WIN ONCE AGAIN, YESTERDAY Yesterday we win: FANNIE BEAN 3-1 Won Wednesday wo win DOUGHNUT 2-1 Won Tuesday we win: ALARD 12-1 Won , Monday we win: OUR FLAG 7-1 Won Saturday we win: iFOXMORE 8-1 Won Friday we win: SWAY ....4-1 Won I Thursday we win: r EDDIE JR 8-1 Won f Wednesday we win: r GUVNOR- 4-1 Won Tuesday we win: r NORMAL 12-1 Won Monday we win: TEX 6-1 Won My service consists of the test bet of the day, in other words the MONEY HORSE. Follow my ONE HORSE A DAY and carry a WINNING SMILE. To avoid being disappointed remit by wire and you will receive immediate service. BONA FIDE INFORMATION. Made Good Again I Saturday, March 2, one lost, other MISS 3IEISE 2-1 AVON Previous Saturday, Brunell, 4-1. Won; Certain, 9-5, Won. Past 11 Saturdays only failed 3 times. One of the reasons past 20 years samo clients come back week after week. Eventually you skeptics will wake up. and grt in. Why not now? No one in the world can compare with our percentage of winners. Mail now for two goin Saturday, March 8. Our record on these specials MADE GOOD 82 OUT PAST 137 If you prefer two by mail each Monday, also only . Last Mondays Jou Jou, 9-5, Won, and loser. 44 AVINNERS, 23 SECONDS, 10 THIRDS 20 LOSERS on our One Horse Daily wire service Jan. 19 to date. Costs but for 6 starters, with copy of a system of play that has pulled up winner past 20 years. Dont miss latest Reporter. Over 200 best and fastest workouts at New Orleans. TUTtr REPORTER bSvOT4 Originator and Oldest Turf Publica- V v3 on n Existence. V Jyy 22 West Quincy Street Chicago JLS Established 1S04 Heres the Best. Why Fool with the Restl WE GO FOR MORE MONEY SATURDAY Honorablo people, wire name at ones. TERMS: WINNINGS OF 0. JOHN L. SULLIVAN 44 WEST COth STREET NEW YORK. N. Y. 10C1 CLAY STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CAE. Jerry Maloney TURF EXPERT 4 COURT SQUARE BROOKLYN, N. Y. TERMS .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY AND AGAIN MY FOLLOWERS GATE the layinj gentry their usual jolt. YESTERDAY WE CLEANED UP BUDDIE KEAN ....3y2-1 Won WEDNESDAYS HORSE BUSH BUCK 4-1 Won TUESDAYS HORSE BENDITA 2ND MONDAYS HORSE MALACHA ...15-1 WON SATURDAYS HORSE MISSMEISE 2-1 WON FRIDAYS HORSE EDWARD GRAY .... 6-1 WON THURSDAYS HORSE HU0NEC 8-1 WON WEDNESDAYS HORSE COLONEL WINN .... 6-1 WON TUESDAYS HORSE TELESCOPE 7-1 WON MONDAYS HORSE DOUGHNUT 7-1 WON SATURDAYS HORSE HUMBOLDT 12-1 WON FRIDAYS HORSE EXCHANGE 16-5 WON A flat play of 5.00 on my information in the past twelve days WON ,000.00 WON This should convince you that if you want to WIN TODAY than remit .00 for todays horso and you will rejoice on the WINNINGS. This horse is as good as in; thats what they tell me. JACK WARREN ONE DAY, .00 SIX DAYS, 0.00 IT PAYS TO STICK Wednesdays ONLY HORSE Prince Direct 4.80- Won Better than 11 to 1. This puts my followers away ah3ad for the THIRD STRAIGHT WINNING WEEK. Just goes to show the value of GOOD HONEST INFORMATION. I charga a very moderate fee, daily, and deliver mare winners than any cne in tho game. YESTERDAYS RESULTS UXKXOIVX at this writing. . Horse goes in the sixth race and should pay as good odds as PRINCE DIRECT, 4.80-, WON, given on Wednesday. TODAY I KXG1V S03IETHING Horse is now on file and will bo sent you be-foro 12 noon. I understand the price will be 0 for . Rush subscription of 0. for which ycu receive six wires. ONLY ONE HORSE A DAY. My record of winners: rRINCE DIRECT :..S2LS0-S2 AVON DEAR SHOT S 7.C9- "WON AVO0DCRY S71.40-S2, 3.20-?2 2ND FRANCES VICTORIA S10.S0-S2. ?3.00- 2ND ELIAS 0 21.40-52 "WON CONVENT .20-52 AVON SUNROAV S7.20-J2 AVON SILENT PARDNER .10- AVON OR31ESI1ROOK .20- AVON BLARNEY STONE 1.00- AVON MALVERN S19.S0-S2 AVON Exclusive Tijuana Avire service from a man of many years experience. Communicate by AVer.lern Union or Postal. Lets get acquainted. J. AVAR REN Suite 7, 207-209 Van Sicklen Ave, Brooklyn, N. Y. From Your Profits The Master Key System of playing the races will be mailed you for one weeks trial. No IPay charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day on tho scale of play. For particulars mail this ad. with your name and address to J. K. WILLIS, 225 Thirtieth St., Miami Beach, Fla. BEATS THEM ALL THE STARR TURF NEWS Rooms 405 to 408, 500 5th Avenue, New York City SIX WIRES, 0.00; ONE WIRE, .00 Todays Code Horse: STALL-LIKE-BILL. CHALK Special rate, 0.00 for 6 days wire service and codo combined. 11G Nassau Street, Room 401, New York City UNITED TURF NEWS Price .00 Semi-Weekly Price .00 Published Wodnesday and Saturday. F; all stands. Todays Code 16-10-20-33-35. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO.