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f Wm. K. HODGE 1416 Broadway NEW YORK, N. Y. 0.00 for Six Days, or 0.00 Daily MY FOLLOWERS GOT THE MONEY AGAIN YESTERDAY. AND, BOYS, I HAVE ALL THE CONFIDENCE IN THE WORLD IN TODAYS TRANSACTION AT CANADA. Here is another ono that is just crying to run. Is placed in what my track man considers a soft spot. Do not miss this one today. Yesterdays One Horse: Energy .15- Won NOTHING RELEASED TUESDAY. Mondays Getaway Special at Hawthorne: Pricemaker 4-1 Won Mondays Canada One Horse: Leatherwood .30- Won Saturdays Bij Double Header: Avispa 3.95- Won Rock Heather . . .15-1 Won Fridays Big Double Header: Try Again ...... .4-1 Won Sandy Hatch .15- Won And plenty of other good -priced winners too numerous to mention see Sundays ad. in Racing Form. REMEMBER, that I guarantee all weekly subscribers that they must be a winner on a straight flat play at the end of six days or the next six days FREE. Start today; -wire 0 for six days and start winning. I make" others win, why not you 1 My double header parlays get ths money fast. And always remember that I get the best that money and topnotch track connections can produce. R. RETEY ONE BEST EACH DAY TERMS SIX DAYS TEN DOLLARS R. RETEY S 0CCASIONALS 2 or 3 a week TERMS TEN DOLLARS EACH COMBINATION OFFER Six days One Bests and three Occasional for twenty-five dollars. Yesterdays Occasional was: Priscilla Ruley . . .5-1 Won Tuesdays Occasional was: Gad , 4-1 Won OF MY LAST FIVE OCCASIONALS. FOUR WON, ONE RAN SECOND. All filed in advance with Racing Form. My Daily Ono Bests are going strong. Yesterdays Best Bet scratched. Tuesday I gave Mme. Beach .45- Won Mcnday I gave Surf Rider ....11-10 Won Saturday I gave Royal Duck 9-5 Won Friday I gave Try Again 7-2 Won BIG OCCASIONAL GOING FRIDAY SHOULD PAY 15-1 IMPORTANT NOTICE To avoid the delay and confusion of using code, I will wire subscribers three horses and the third horse mentioned in telegram will bo my One Best. When 1 send a 0 Occasional the name of tho horse will be spelled backwards. My One Best Tomorrow Seems Sure Telegraph subscriptions at once in accordance with the terms mentioned in this advertisement and get in touch with real information. GET RICH WITH RETEY R. RETEY 15 161st St. JAMAICA, N. Y. HARVEY AMES EARLE BUILDING BOOADWAT AT B2D STREET 5EW YORK CITT Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction" WON Of course, it was not the favorite. After the fourth race at Connaught Park was official yesterday Mr. Ames notified this office that there would be another "Harvey Transaction" TODAY As in the case of yesterdays "Harvey Transaction," no attention should be paid to past performances. There Are Days and Days An easy victory at good odds is again expected today. Subscription, 00.00 ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS in advance, by telegraph or in person. No attention paid to subscription unless the senders street address is known to this office. It should be clearly understood that "Harvey Transaction" means one horse and one horse only. TELEPHONES CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 ROY KINGSTON "THE TALK OF TURFDOM" 5.00 Daily 00 Weekly Yesterdays Only Investment: CLONASLEE 5-2 WON Yes, gentlemen, we have the goods and my followers are receiving dividends on their turf investments daily. Tuesdays Only Investment: SISTER JOSELLA 6.50- WON TODAYS INVESTMENT Is a Fit and Ready norse That Is Just Crying to Run and you know what that means. 15-1 at the least will only satisfy my connections. TERMS 5.00 and no propositions accepted. Weekly service, six days, 00.00. WARNING My information is NOT sold on newsstands, race tracks or trains. Sold only through my New York office. 287 BROABWAY, NEW YORK CITY Supreme Flash "WIZARD OF TURFDOM" Two Horses a Day 0.00 Weekly YESTERDAYS FLASH: Miryachit .40- Won Missionary .00- Won TUESDAYS FLASH: Stage Coach .20- Won Note o Love 2nd SOME OF MY RELEASES: 1 MY BIDDY $ 4.40- WON i IVY 3-1 WON GLISTER $ 3.15- WON I GOLDEN RULE $ 4.95- WON MANILA $ 4.15- WON POLYNESIA . 0.55- WON; LADY MARIAN $ 7.65- WON DEPUTY 0.80- WON WELLFINDER 7-1 WON LUGS 5-1 WON WRAITH $ 7.95- WON SANOLA 4-1 WON HOPELESS 5.20- WON BODY GUARD 7-2 WON WEDDING PRINCE 2.30- WON BEAR SHOT 7-1 WON DOC GAIETY 8.40- WON SWEET NOTE 3.95- WON BALBOA 12-5 WON PRUDY 4.95 - WON HOY 8-1 WON CORDELIER 4.15- WON MARK MASTER 4-1 WON BOSS JOHN 5-1 WON KINDRED 6-1 WON All information comes direct from our connections at the principal tracks in the United States and Canada. Why not get the hest "info" for tha least expense? Our large successful weekly followers cnahle us to release this "Supreme Flash" at such a nominal fee. If you -were to pay ,000, you could not equal this kind of information. Only woelky subscriptions will he accepted. Rush 0 at once, BY WERE, for one weeks service 6 days. Dont remit by mail. Wire your correct name and address to avoid delay. SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. 168 West 23rd Street, Suite 15 New York City Pay From Your Profits THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing-the races will be mailed yon for one weeks trial. No charge unless it shows an averzge I profit of at least 0 a day on tho scale of play. For particulars mail this ad and a two -cent stamp to J. K. WILLIS 225 Thirtieth St. Miami Beach. la. ENERGY .15- WON Was Yesterdays .00 Special STAGE COACH .20- WON Was Tuesdays .00 Special SAKAH 4-1 WON Was Mondays .00 Special Dont fail to get todays. Cant ho heat at any price. S1.00, daily at all newsstands, .00. NATIONAL O. K. PUB. CO. I 41L2TMluincyStChicagoIU. CHARLES RAYMOND TRACK ADVISOR .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY ONE HORSE A DAY SEASTAKE . . .77.9.00- Won LOOK! LOOK! The only horse released from this office, aad IT WON and paid plenty. Tuesdays Commission Horse : SISTER JOSELLA.6.50- Won Mondays Commission Horse: FREDERICKTWN 0.40- Won I am offering a limited number of my new clients an opportunity to invest in this information. YOU MUST HURRY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AT ONCE, as this offer will only be available for a few days. Old friends will be treated with the same good treatment as usual and will be glad to know that I have already made arrangements to cover Kentucky meetings. TERMS DAILY; 0 WEEKLY One horse a day only, excepting cne or two days a week, when I have a 0 SPECIAL that is given FREE to weekly subscribers. Send 0 at once and you will appreciate doing business with a reliable bureau that has a reputation for honest dealing and a record for LONG-PRICED WINNERS. WIN 00 WEEKLY with a daily 0 flat bet. This has been my record for many a week hand running and the future appears mighty bright. GET MY LONG SHOT TODAY And then when your friends ask "did yon beat em!" you can answer with a smile. Wire Western Union or Postal at once. CHARLES RAYMOND Room 338, 206 Broadway, New York City. E. SHAW ONE HORSE DALLY .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY Yesterdays Only Horse: Priscilla Ruley 5-1 Won If you want winners, then get in touch with me. You all remember my string of 12 straight winners last spring and not one less than 4-1. Well, I am on my way to do the same thing again. Todays makes three- straight this week. Tuesdays One Horse: Irene Sweeney 15-1 Won Mondays One Horse: Donnelly 4-1 Won Remember, all this service costs is 0.00 weekly and any ono of thoso winners is well worth that prico alone. Subscribe by the week and bo sure you get them all. Only one horse a day. but a winner, and that is what counts. Wiro all remittances by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. 156 Fulton St., Room 430 New York City SPECIAL MONDAY WON BETTER 3-1 Todays 207. Book 1031. All Newsstands 35c, 3 copies, mailed, .00 THE TURF REPORTER 22 W. Quincy St. Estab. 1904 Chicago, HI. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 50 RICHMOND STREET, EAST. TORONTO, ONT. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y.