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I 1 Entries and Past Performances CONNAUGHT PARK 1 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 WEATHER CLOUDY: TRACK HEAVY. Third Eace--3-4 Mile. The figures under the heading "Rec." in Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. the entries below show the best -time of Track record: June 2, 1923 1:12 G 112. each horse at the distance since January 1, 83069. bD charles Wells 1922, no matter where it finished. In cases - no D ,.10K v where record was made on other than a fast 82069J Marie" M"axIm.".Ja 103 l:l2 7 110X720 or good track, abbreviations show track con- 82949bPeter Piper ..HG 116 1:13 10 107.. 715 ditlons 83002 Flint Do 115 1:12 5 108. .715 83001 Louanna Do 10S 1:12 5 111X710 830011 Tease CP 104 1:14 3 103 X 705 76460 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1024. 83071 Gen. Cadorna..Do 114 1:13 7 115X700 82981 IS THE FIRST NUMBER- OF SEPT. . . . . . .. - v Fourth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Racing starts at 2:4a p. m. Chicago time, 1:4a. Purse ?soo 3year.old3 and upwar1. claiming. Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. Tnok ck rornrrt- Aus Anr 31 31 M--l.rf-3-108. iqo i.aizl in? Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice cc,ord . allowance, b Blinkers. 83123 ra Hill Lx 105 1:46 4 109 X 725 83070 Bjjck Wand cp 9 1:45 3 105 X 720 The following abbreviations are used to deslgnnte 83034 Admirer Do 96 1:45 4 94X715 tracks at which time records shown In entries 82860 bJoaquina FG 105 1:45 6 109 X 715 were made: 80360 Great Luck ....La 94 1:42 4 109X715 Aqueduct ,....Aq Jefferson Park JP J60 Planet Th 10G 1:43 6 109X710 Aurora Au Kempton Park KP g30,03 Teas Ready ..... 3 104.. 705 Belmont Park BP Kenilworth Ke 82860 Lampus FG 107 1:40 0 100X700 Blue Bonnets BB King Edward Ki .,, Bowio Bo Latonia La rifth Bace 1 Mile. Churchill Downs CD Laurel Lu Purse ?800. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Columbus Co Lexington Lx Track record: Aug. 9, 10241:394103. Connaught Park CP Maple Heights MH 83002 bTnrascon Mil 110 1:39 8 114X725 Conneaut Lake CL Marlboro Mb 83072s Scraps 4 109 X 720 Dade Park DP Mobile .Mo 82905 Loveliness Hv 97 1:39 6 111X715 Devonshire De Mount Royal MR 83001 Play On 3 97X715 Dorval Do Omaha Om 83002 Brass Tacks ..CD 95 1:39and 5 103X710 Dufferin Du Pimlico Pm 830721 Ticacey ..BB 103 1:43 8 103 X710 Empire Em Raceland Rd 83005 Rex Gaiety To 113 1:40 10 9SX705 Fair Grounds FG Reno Re 83072 Leaside JP 105 1:42 5 108.. 705 Fort Erie F13 Saratoga Sa 830031 ToscanelIi CP 89 1:41 3 89.. 705 Hamilton Hn Tanforan Ta 83123 Pelf M Wo 110 1:33 and 4 98.. 700 Havre de Grace HG Thorncliffo ....Th 83002 Pedestrian 3 94.. 700 Hawthorne Hw Tijuana Ti 83072 bDuc de Morny BB 101 1:4014 6 9SX700 Havana Hv Toledo To Huntington .Hu Windsor Wi Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Jamaica Ja Woodbine Wo Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Foaled in Canada. First Race 5-8 Mile. Track record: Aug. 31, 1922 1:43 3 100. Purse 2-year-olds Maidens . Claiming 83005 Wedaing Princc Track record: June 15, 1921 1:00 2 106. Do 109 1:45 5 111x725 ifT8 SSO?2 Tiger "Tim ..CP 86 1:47 3 98X720 in tt,o wf t. 83088 TYniTnnRW Kn 7m YwJ-?- 83O05 bWar Tank ....La 93 1:44 0 108X715 w Ani n? 82949 Carry 0n ....Do 107 1:44 8 103X715 2 Beau of the Wcs 83000 Aggie Do 111 1:01 103.. 710 3103-710 82856 Clara Bell Wi 99 1:01 113. .705 wri" ,830e Wych Elm 4 10S..700 TOn 83000 Benornion ....nm 105 1:02 101. .705 -B30Brl Second Race 5 1-2 Furlcngs. Seventh Race 1 1-16 Miles. Nursery Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Track record: June 23, 19171:45 3112. Track record: Aug. 30, 1924 1:06 6 103. 83069 Sister Josella 4 103 X725 83068s Note o Love .Ke 107 1:07 109 X 725 83120s bTroubler Wi 96 1:47 5 97 X720 83121 Subtle De 106 1:07 106 X 720 83069 Apology Wi 100 L:4S 3 97X715 83065s Protectress De 100 1:07 103X715 83006 bStonewall FE 109 1:46 5 116X715 82856s Wavecrest M CP-109 1:07 99.. 710 83002 Sir Galahad ILFE 112 1:48 10 107.. 710 83068 Sea Fairy Wi 105 1:07 103.. 705 83O06 Cordelier -CP 109 1:47 7 110.. 705 83C66 Gallant Greek M 83071 bAttorney M u i r Wi 106 1:08 99. .700 Hm 104 1:47 9 102X705 let DA PC c"s Mile. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Claiming. Jnne 15, 1021 I oL nMUC 1:00 -4-5 2 lOG. Index Course Dist Time Tck Odds Wt St i Str Fin Jockcxs Started Order of Finish XYDIA DREW. ch. f, 2 M 108 By Uncle Lydia H., by Luke Blackburn. Trainer, H. McDonald. Owner, M. Grishman. Breeder, F. D. Knight. 830GG Cnaught 5-S l:03mud 11 106 3 1 ll 2i F J Baker 7 Caduccns, Samosata, Transfmr 823G2 Ft.Erie G-S l:03slow 45 1041 5 4 41 53i E Renzetti 8 Transplant, Vain Ellie, Prndy 82184 Ft.Erio 61 f l:0Sfast 119 1041 7 3 8" E Renzettill Trcvan, Suu Los, Vain Ellie 81857 Ilamton Gl f UQVAtast 43 105 9 9 9 S" II Thomas ! ClcarVicw, Trigger, MarieDatr 81708 Ilamton 5-8 l:02hvy 45 105 6 C3 42 H Thomas 7 Betty Maloncy, PceTheo, MyBdy 80948 FortErio 51 f l:09,fcfast SS 106 3 6 6 6" T "Wilson 6 Asckket, Whatlslt, MastcrBlue 80811 FortErie 5-S l:02fcfast 23 112 3 5 5 6 S Bullroan 5 F.Myrtle, St.NicIiolas, D.Runyon 80420 Aqueduct C-S l:02fast 30 103 1 3 61 751 C Ralls 11 MissBabc, Wil.C.Whd, Knmin WINE JUG, b. f, 2 II 113 By Omar Khayyam Sapphire, by Star Ruby. Trainer, "W. Scuitto. Owner, W. C. Baincs. 83000 Cnaught 51 f l:0Sfast 32-5 109 5 3 31 21 F Sharpe O rrinceThco, Trigger, Wanderlust 82544 Saratoga 5-S l:00fast 20 100 16 13 141 16" E Legere 20 Legation, Warefare, Lupine 82012 Saratoga 51 f l:09slow 5 101 9 2 43 6J J CaIIahnl2 Travcrs, Grace Troxler, Longing 80G05 Aqueduct 5-S l:00fast 12 106 10 6 41 632 G Lavine 11 Edinbgli, Out of Sight, Galatia 786G8 Lexgton 1-2 51mud 32 112 6 7 6 311 F Smith 8 ElizathK.. Florabclla Brunhilde HOI POLLOI, ch. f, 2 M 98 By Anmer Ruth Maxim, by Golden Maxim. Trainer, J. Coleman. Owner, J. C. Fletcher. Breeder, J. C. Fletcher. 8285G Cnaught 51 f l:08fast SS SS S 9 S ST1 J McTgue 9 rrinceThco, Petition, Wavecrcst 82184 Ft.Erio 51 f l:08fast 9 SO 8 11 103 10 J McTguell Trevan, Sun Los, Vain Ellio 82071 Ft.Erio 5-S l:02fast 15 109 10 7 CHJ W MilnerlO Panketa, Petition, Goldianda 81857 Ilamton CI f l:07fast 47 103 C 7 Gl 61 J McTgue 9 ClcarVicw, Trigger, MarieDatr AGGIE, ch. f, 2 M 108 By Berrilldon Aden, by Rock View. Trainer, J. Rowan. Owner, F. Swenke. Breeder. L. Garth. 83000 Cnaught 51 f l:08fast 23 103 6 7 7 732 II Howard 9 Prince Theo, Wine Jug, Trigger 82302 in. Eric 0-8 1:05 hvy 44 113 9 9 9 S2 J Francis 9 Oland, Pyroot. Foolscap 82184 Ft.Erio 51 f l:0Sfast 32 102 10 10 11 ll19 II Thomasll, Sun Los, Vain Ellie 81748 Ilamton 5-S l:01fast 11 112 10 7 9 911 E KummerlO Cornllongc, Wavccrt, Panketa 81540 Kworth 51 f l:07fast 41 107 5 5 41 3i P Walls 9 KathlnCrosby, VnEUie, Ducklg 81427 Kworth 51 f 1:08 fast 32 109 G 6 51 V B Harvey 12 Thistlcwood, Bruneth, Kandnit 81179 Windsor 5-S l:01fast 50 101 2 10 93 91 J D Mneyll NtcoLove, CdonRge, ByMney 80289 Dorval 5-S 1:01 fast 2 111 8 6 5J 571 P Walls 8 Asekkct, GoldCrump, Mnbrook 80187 Dorval 5-S l:00fast 9 111 6 6 G G53 P Sharpo S Contract, ClcarVicw, FicryFlight 79989 B.Donts C-S l:01fast 14 107 3 7 51 21 F Sharpe 11 M.Dattner, L.M.Forgct, S.Lillian CLARA BELL, b. f, 2 M 113 By Peter Quince Miss Gardner, by Masetto. Trainer, H. Louden. Owner. L. L. Phelps. Breeders. Speith. Phelps and Jackson 82856 Cnaught 51 f l:0S;jrast 4 105 9 7 7 VI F Leo 9 PrinccThco, Petition, Wavecrest 823C2 Ft.Erie C-S 1:05 hvy 40 104 2 6 6 61 R Punshn 9 Oland, Pyroot, Foolscap 81748 Ilamton 5-8 l:01fast 48 112 2 9 S 8 G Walls 10 CornRouge, WaTccrt, Panketa 81427 K" worth 51 f 1:08 fast 21f 104 9 7 73 5 J A Mneyl2 Thistlcwood, Bruneth, Kanduit 81324 Windsor 5-S l:00andfast 31 90 7 8 S 742 D Mergler 8 FairMyrtlc, Glister. Head Core 81092 Windsor 5-S l:01fast 30 111 11 11 11 11 J Wallace 11 J.F.Klver, Rcprimd, HdCovci BENORION, b. c, 2 M 104 By Ben Hodder Orion, by Star Shoot. Trainer, E. Gleason. Owner J. E. Smallman. Breeder, J. E. Smallman. 83000 Cnaught 51 f l:0S7sfast 29 99 3 G 810 S2 A Clsner 9 Prince Theo, Wine Jug, Trigger 82902 Cnaught 51 f l:0Sfast 60 96 5 4 4s 32 A Clusncr G Petition, WychElm, Seven Oaks 82184 Ft.Erio 51 f l:0Sfast 173 93 4 8 7i 7" J Reid 11 Trevan, Sun Los, Vain Ellie 82071 Ft.Erio 5-S l:02fast 53 107 1 4 73 7i E RenzettilO Panketa, Petition. Goldlands 81857 Ilamton Gl f l:0714fast 81 101 5 8 83 9" R Punshn 9 ClearView, Trigger, MarieDatr 8075G FortErio 5-S l:02rast 15 105 3 4 41 5" E Renzetti S ForccastH., Miryachit, RlPcarl nJ DA PC C 1-2 Furlongs. nrKcry Turse. 2-year-olrts. Allowances. Ang. IIU nHou ao, 102-1 i:OG a-n o ioa. NOTE 0 LOVE, b. f. 2 109 By Ormondale Billet Doux. by Star Shoot. Trainer, J. W. McNaught. Owner, E. J. Morrow. Breeder. M. and B. B. Jones. 83008 Cnaught 51 f l:09mud 13-5 111 6 1 2- 2- .T McTgrt 8 Oland, Protectress, Sea Fairy 82248 Ft.Erio .01 f 1:12 hvy 17-10 109 2 1 21 2s E Renzetti C Scorcher, Cor.Rougc, ProtectrcM 82073 Ft.Erio 5 f l:07fast 3-2 106 1 2 2 1 E Renzetti 8 Marie Dattner, Sun Hope, Uome 81900 Ilamton 51 f 1:0S slow 3-5 110 2 1 11 2l P Walls 5 Miryachit, Clavichord, Kanduit 81713 Ilamton 5-8 1:02 hvy 14-5 110 5 2 21 Is E Renzetti 7 Toppanito, M. Beach, M.Dattner 814G7 Kworth 51 f 1:07 fast 4 107 1 1 l3 ll P Walls 10 SpanishName, Equable. SeaTide 81354 Kworth 51 f l:07Vandfast 51 103 7 2 51 53 E Scobic 10 Traymorc, Golden Poppy, naf 812G7 Windsor 5-S l:01fast 21 107 4 3 31 in L Lang 12 Wanderlust, Effort, Trevan 81179 Windsor 5-S l:01fast 51 107 G 3 21 l3 Lt Lang 11 CdonRge, BtyMalney, M.Blue 80G11 Ilamton 5-S l:02slow 16-5 109 4 4 4k G32 L Morris 7 Night Shade, Menthol, Sea Fairy 80432 Ilamton 5-S l:01fast 4 102 3 1 ll 2nk L Lang G Trcvan. Night Shade, Trigger SUBTLE, b. f, 2 105 By Huon Niobe. by Uncle. Trainer. J. J. Dueiran. Owner. C. B. Shafer. Breeder. H. P. Headley. 83121 See todays chart. 82950 Cnaught 51 f l:07fast 1D-5 10S 3 5 C 5"! F Sharpe 7 Trevan, Clear View, But.Bright 82G39 Windsor 51 f l:07sfast 7 112 3 1 2" 3s F Sharpe 9 Bruneth, Cleg, My Biddy 82558 Windsor 01 f" l:07fast 5 112 1" 4 4"t 73 F Sharpe 12 LaWood, Ausmar, Robt.Mxwy 82359 Devshiro 5-S 1:01 fast 29-10 109 2 1 ll 11 F Sharpe 8 Mad. Beach. Bruneth, HeadLine 82120 Devshiro 5-S 1:00 fast 11-5 114 "7 G 72 7X" F Sharpe 8 Night" Shade, Miss Bezetto, Haf 81814 Raceland 51 f l:10?slow 17-10 109 3 1 ll VI F Sharpo 8 Adorable, Dcctful, MgtteMtin PROTECTRESS, b. f, 2 103 By Assagai Cyra, by Corcyra. Trainer, II. Louden. Owner, L. P. Phelps. Breeder. W. S. Kilmer. 830G8 Cnaught 51 f l:09andmud 132 111 1 6 3L 35 F Lee S Oland, Note o Love, Sea Fairy 82430 Ft.Erie 3-4 1:14 fast 9 106 5 4 43 45 II Thomas 5 Trevan, Prin.IIampton, Snnliope 82248 Ft.Erio CI f 1:12 hvy 13 100 6 4 41 4 R Punshn G Scorcher, N.oLove, Cord.Rouge 81800 Ilamton 3-4 1:13 fast 39 109 5 4 Gl G11 G Walls 10 Caloosa, Scorcher, Traymorc 81541 IC worth 51 f l:0C3fast 15 107 2 8 S3 751 P Walls 12 Olistcr, Traymre, Damnltunyon 81354 Kworth 51 f l:07Vsfast 17 106 S 7 Sl G3 J A MncylO Traymorc, Golden Poppy, Haf 81219 Windsor 5-S l:00fast 16 105 10 8 Gh 62 J A Mneyll Caloosa, Glister, Fiery Flight 80800 Devshiro 51 f l:07fast 15 106 3 3 33 1" B Harvey S Traymorc, Subtle, Bruneth 80GG7 Devshiro 5-S l:01good 21 110 7 4 53 3 D Stirling 8 Traymorc. Sea Tide, Erla Baby 8057G Deshiro 5-S l:05mud 25 112 G 8 51 43 D Stirlingll TodRencsor, S.Bacon, LcnaWood WAVCREST, ch. f, 2 M 99 By Pennant Golden Rod, by All Gold. Trainer, J. W. Healy. Owner, H. P. Whitney. Breeder, H. P. Whitney. 8285G Cnaught 51 f l:0S5ifast 9-G 109 7 G Gi and F Sharpe 9 PrinccTheo, Fetition, Sbrettell. 82428 Ft.Erie 5-S 1:00 fast 10 113 8 9 S1 62 W Milner 10 Pyroot, Pictin, Golden Poppy 82125 Ft.Erie 5-8 l:027sfast 11-10 112 1 4 5i C3 E Scobie G Prudy, Pictin, Foolscap 81748 Hamton 5-S l:01fast S-5 112 9 3 2l 21 E Scobie 10 Cordon Rouge, Panketa, Prudy 81219 Windsor 5-S l:00fast 19 100 U 9 91 75 D Randallll Caloosa, Glister, Fiery Flight 80894 FortErio 5-S l:03Vslow 13-5 115 7 7 51 5s E Kummr 7 Starinatia. Miryachit, My Idol SEA FAIRY, ch. f, 2 103 By Sea King Fairy Godmother, by Hippodrome. Trainer, W. Weathers. Owner, J. Samuels. Breeder. W. Garth. 830G8 Cnaught 51 f l:09andmud 40 107 2 7 C; 41 J McNols 8 Oland, Note o Love, Protectress 827GG Windsor 51 f 1:07 fast 81 105 7 7 7 72 R Costello 9 Toppanite, Sh.Name, Thistlewd 82305 Ft.Erio 51 f l:llhvy 13-5 109 3 4 3"fc 33 E Scobie 5 MarielVtncr, BtyMaloy. Kduit 82127 Ft.Erio 51 f l:0Sfast 21 10G 3 3 21 2 E Scobie G CordonBouge, Revolt. Wanderlt 80G11 Ilamton 5-S l:02slow 4 112 1 5 55 3:3 K Kummr 7 NitShade, Menthol, Thistlewood 79433 Thcliffo 41 f Go-slow 2-5 115 4 3 3i l3i F Stevens 8 Effort, Royal Pearl, Battlcman :935G Woodnc 5-8 1:03 mud 3 114 8 5 4 il A Gantner 8 Sure to Win, Mn Magic, B.Gee :923l AVoodno 5-S l:01fast 17-5 109 6 4 41 2 P Walls G Mit, Prince ofPower, SphNamo J8804 Pimlico 4i f 53fast 18 112 7 5 61 611 D Stirling 10 False Face, Goldpiecc, Pique 78728 Pimlico 41 f 551fast 12 107 10 9 61 4s P Walls 14 Wuhu. Lena Wood, SUvmatia GALLANT GREEK, b. c, 2 M 99 By Ypsilanti II. Gallant Kitty, by Havoc or Galatine. Trainer, W. H. Bricgloe. Owner, Seagram Stable. Breeder, Seagram Stable. 830GG Cnaught 5-S l:03smud CI 103 2 5 5s 5i T Wilson 7 Caducous, LydiaDrew, Samosata 82725 Windsor 5-S l:01fast 5 103 5 7 73 6i T Wilson 8 Manila, Royal Pearl, El Canoe 82G35 Windsor 01 f 1:07 fast 39 100 2 2 C1 71! T Wilson 9 Foolscap, Nor wester. Head Line DA PC 1 Mile. :-year-olls ami upward. Claiming. June 2, 192U OrCl HAUL. 1:12 2-5 O 112. DR. CHARLES WELLS, ch. g, 6 97 By Superman Doughnuts, by Darebii. Trainer, R. B. Jackson. Ownsr. W. S. Murray. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 830G9 Cnaught 3-1 lGmud 3-10 107 7 3 31 2n II Howard 8 Sist.Josella, M.Maxim, St.Qntin 82857 Cnaught 3-4 l:13fart 29-10 104 7 5 51 4Ji E Renzetti 9 RachelPter, PeterPiper, Avispa 82364 Ft.Erio 3-4 l:15slow 11 107 10 5 41 331 R Punshnll Capt.Clover, P.Piper, G.Cadorna 82244 Ft.Erie 3-4 1:17 hvy 7 109 7 4 31 21 E Renzetti 8 MarieMaxim, Flint, Vandcrburg 8194G Hamton 3-4 l:14mud 10 107 7 8 6" 3 R Punshn S MarieMaxim, Peggy O., Admirer 818G0 Hamton 3-4 l:12fast 47 102 7 3 3s 3 M Liebgd 8 Elcmtal, Exal.Ruler, Winnipeg 81752 Hamton 3-4 l:14fast 13-5 114 7 9 9 9" L. Lang 9 PcessAnne, Loveliness, li.Potter 81G79 Hamton 51 f 1:08 good 15 114 9 8 71! 51 J McTgrtll Pet.Pipcr, Mar.Maxim, Sea-Wolf 81469 Kworth 7-8 l:27?fast 10 111 10 6 63 4?E Roehm 11 Pyx, Fehrah, Banker Brown 81320 Windsor 3-4 l:12fast Cf 108 9 9 11 11" E Roehm 11 Llou dOr, Director, War Tank 81224 Windsor 3-1 l:14fast IGf 111 9 9 61 53 E Roehm 12 Fehrah, Mctson, Sea-Wolf 80855 Devshiro 3-4 l:121fast 5 112 7 6 5l Gl J McCoy 7 ScaSand. Bauk.Brown, Dxterous MARIE MAXIM, br. m, 7 110 By Golden Maxim Mary Reardon, by Peep oDay. Trainer, W. Fenwick. Owner. W. Fenwink. Breeder C. D. Rand.V. 830G9 Cnaught 3-4 l:16vimud 9-5 117 2 1 2 3 J McTgrt S Sist.Josella, Dr.C.Wls. St.Qntn 82904 Cnaught 3-4 1:14 fast 5 109 4 4 5"t Gsl J McTgue 9 Odd Seth. Oil Man, Black Baby 82244 Ft.Erie 3-4 1:17 hvy 19-10 113 3 1 1 Il H Thomas 8 Dr.Ch.Wells, Flint, Vandcrburg 8194G Hamton 3-4 l:14mud 91 101 2 1 V l3 H Thomas 8 Peggy O., Dr.Ch.Wells, Admirer 81754 Hamton 11-16 1:48 fast 12 112 2 2 81 1011 P Walls 14 Bl. Shasta, Cnpt. Clover, Jacques 81G79 Hamton 51 f 1:0S good 4 112 G 2 21! 2 T Wilson 11 Peter Piper, Sea-Wolf, Zanzibar 80437 Hamton 51 f l:07?fast 41 112 4 G 10 12" F Lee 12 AVatchCliarni. PeterPiper. Carajo 79701 Thncliffo 3-4 1:11 fast 1S-5 110 3 1 lsl I1 J McTagt 9 Carajo, Okeechobee, Pandine 79599 Thncliffo 51 f l:0Sfast 41-10 110 2 4 31 10s P Madeiral5 Galantman, StarCrt, Assumptn PETER PIPER, b. g, 10 107 By Peter Pan Iona. by Meddler. Trainer, J. Rowan. Owner, F. Swcnko. Bred in France by W. K. Vander bilt. 82949 Cnaught 3-4 l:14,fast 19-10 112 2 1 l1 21 E Renzetti 7 Avispa, Sister Josclla, Flint 82857 Cnaught 3-4 l:13fast C-5 117 3 1 1J 25 P Walls 9 RchclPotter, Avispa, Dr.C. Wells 82G80 Windsor 3-4 1:13 fast 5 109 3 1 33 3 II Thomas S Clem Theisen, Pennon, Shue 82515 Windsor CI f 1:06 fast 14-10 111 3 1 21 32 II Thomas 8 Elemental, Hcrmidale, Redskin 823G4 Ft.Erio 3-4 mOslow 37-10 117 4 1 23 2- J Rowan 11 C.Clover, Dr.C. Wells, G.Cadorna 81902 Hamton 3-4 l:14slow 5 106 1 1 1 331 H Thomas G VioletBurton, MissDomino, Shue 81G79 Hamton 51 f 1:08 good 17-10 119 3 1 l3 1 H Thomasll MarieMaxim, Sea-Wolf, Zanzibar 81390 Kworth 51 f l:073sfast 4 103 7 5 2 ll J Wallace 12 Shue. Pyx, Fighting Cook 81224 Windsor 3-4 l:14fast G 114 10 2 71 andn S Bullmanl2 Fehrah, Mctson, Sea-Wolf 80914 FortErie 3-4 1:16 good 13-5 112 3 1 li 2 M Ellis G Kingsclcre, BlackWand. WarTl; 80613 Hamton 61 l:0Svslow 21 112 Gil1 13 S Bullmanll WarTank, StarCourt, ThnyWay FLINT, ch. g. 5 108 By Pebbles Firefly, by King James. Trainer, P. F. Fitzgerald. Owner, J. H. Shea. Breeder. James Butler. 83002 Cnaught 1 1-16 l:47fast 31-5 105 2 1 lnt 2i O Brassa 7 Tarascon, SirGalahadll.. Jacques 82949 Cnaught 3-4 l:14V4fast 41 104 3 6 5"k 431 O Brassa 7 Avispa, Peter Piper, Sis.Josella 82858 Cnaught 3-4 l:14fast 6-5 111 10 9 9ll 651 T Wilson 11 Sister Josella, Nivlag, Play On 82244 Ft.Erio 3-4 1:17 hvy CI 109 6 S 2b 3:1 T Wilson S MeMaxim, Dr.C. Wells, Vnburg 80290 Dorval 3-4 1:13 fast 2 114 3 2 21 2"t t Wilson 10 Arragosa, GnCadorna, S.Josella 80188 Dorval 3-4 1:14 fast 2 HI 2 7 71 G8 T Wilson 13 Rhinestone, BriarSweet, StarCrt 80091 B.Bonnets 1 l:42M;slow 33-5 10S 2 6 7 73 F J Baker 7 Bucado, Sligo, Frosty Boy 79850 B.Bonts 7-S l:2Cfast 2 114 3 1 l3 ll T Wilson 11 Jackson, Brush All, Goldmark 79602 Connght 3-4 1:15 fast 21-10 112 4 1 l3 l3 T Wilson 10 Capt.Clover. Oralcggo, BlkBaby 79490 Connght 3-4 l:14?rast 21f 112 C 3 11 l P Walls 12 EbbTide. Capt. Clover. Runaway LOUANNA. b. m. 6 111 By Luke McLuke Aunt Josie, by Ocden. Trainer. J. J. Duggan. Owner. C. B. Shafer, Breeder. J. O. and G H. Keene, 83001 Cnaught 3-4 l:14Jrast 11-5 117 3 3 ,T 41 F Sharpe 7 Play On, Tease, Rachel Potter 82241 Dovshiro 3-4 1:13 fast 51 114 8 2 21 21 F Sharpe 10 DoctorGlcnn, Oakwd. F.-O-Five 81721 Raceland 1 1:48 slop 12-5 111 4 1 ll 2l F Sharpo 7 Krishna, Bemcarcful, Repeater 81632 Raceland 3-4 1:14 fast 37-10 110 G 4 31 3l F Sharpe 7 Lucknow, Parodj-, Orlova 81437 Raceland lm70y l:45ifast 19-5 104 4 1 11 22 F Sharpe 5 Brunei, Unclellugh, Romp.nome 81397 Raceland CI f l:22slow 4 111 1 3 l1 12 F Sharpo 8 W i lknlla, NoonGlidc, Todsllum 81199 M.IIghts 1 1:39 fast 11-10 108 2 S 2n 21 J Roberts 7 MyVallet, Freecutter, Mar.Moore 81112 M.Hghts 1-1G 1:15 fast 11-5 106 3 2 11 l1 J Roberts 8 Missouri Boy, Tamper, Overstep 80G71 Devshlxe 1 1-16 l:4Sgood 43-10 99 3 3 43 461 O Clark 9 T.Foreigner, Ten.Seth, N.Raider 80574 Hamton 3-4 1:15 mud 8-5 110 2 3 3l 41 F Sharpe 5 Dr. Corbett, Wildrake, Vacuum B030and DoxvaJ S-4 l:14v5good 3 HI 2 2 23 21 F Sharpe 14 JouJou. Lit.Smbke, Aggra.Papa TEASE, ch. f. 3 103 By Flittergold Tantalize, by Meddler 1 Trainer, E. J. iunne. Owner, M. Morris. Breeder. R. H. McC. Potter. 83001 Cnaught 3-4 l:llfast 31 104 1 1 2 2i F Lee 7 PlayOn, RachelPotter. Louanna 82148 Delmier 5-8 l:03andfast 29-10 107 l1 R McCr.Vn 8 PbterCbs, PcsJane, ILGoIicky 77994 Havana 3-4 l:13fast 12 102 1 7 81 S51 A McLlin 11 Cljeni Thciscn, Colossus, Punctual 77944 Havana CI f l:09Vmud 5 93 8 8 82 710 H Callahnll G61d. Chance, Scamper, Colossus 77770 Havana Gl f l:07fast 8 105 12 12 12 12 F Woodkl2 Sandmerby. Lula, Kerry Girl 77617 Havana 61 f l:llmud 21 104 5 4 3 4 F Woodk 9 Asa Jewell, Tlaid, Babbling 77547 Havana 51 f l:105slow 6 107 3 2 23 21 F WoodklO Pawnbroker. Plaid. Asa Jewell GEN. CADORNA. b. g, 7 115 By Textile Wyf, by MlUer. Trainer. J. H. Buscher. Ownr. S. Oddo. Breeder. P. P. Johnson. 83071 Cnaught 1 1-8 l:58mud 8-5 115 2 2 3 4" T Wilson 5 Parknill, Vendor, AttorneyMnir 82904 Cnaught 3-4 1:11 fast 27 121 7 8 41 43i T Wilson 9 Odd Seth, Oil Man, Black Baby , 82432 Ft.Erio 1 1-8 l:54fast 71 105 4 2 31 531 E Renzetti 0 Giuseppe, Beth Hodder, Fornovo 823G4 Ft.Erio 3-4 l:15slow 14 117 1 7 8l 41 E Scoblo 11 ..Clover, Pet.Piper, Dr.Cli.Wells . 81947 Hamton 1 1-16 l:51mud 2 115 1 1 Is 1 B Scoblo G Devonite, MtnRosell., OldFful I 818C2 Hamton 11-16 1:30 slop 4 108 5 1 lk 2!1 B Scobie GJIan Son, Aladdin, Lky Antoine 81808 Hamton 1 1-S 1:54 fast 32-5 113 2 1 5 65i E Scobio 8jQornovo, Gray Gables, Cordelier AlU DA PC 1 Mile anil TO Yards. 3-year-olds and xivtvard. Claiminpr. Autf. frill nHUL ai, 1022 i:4a 2-5 3 iog. PARK HILL, b. c. 4 109 By Zeus Edna Collins, by The Commoner. Trainer, W. Davis. Owner, H. E. Vickcrman. Breeder, M. W. .Williams. 83123 See todays chart. 83071 Cnaught 1 1-8 l:585amud 7-5 98 4 1 1 1 H Howard 5 Vendor, AttoryMuir, Gcn.Cadna 82953 Cnaught 1 1-16 l:47fast 91 103 2 3 31 2f E Renzetti G Smarty, Cordelier, Miss Claire , 82237 Devshiro 1 l:llfast 16 112 3 8 8 7" J A Mney 8 Mainspring, Peter Leo, Arabian 79040 Charchill 7-S l:25good 42f 112 11 11 11 1011 T Koernerll Startle, Dazzlcr. Brilliant Cast 69G15 Lexgton 3-4 l:13fast 31-10 110 7 7 5 510 J CorcornlO Ascot.Juba, Major Chilton 59534 Lexgton lmTOy l:43good 24 105 3 4 4 4" J Corcoran 4 Nassau, B.Bel.Mc, Bo McMillan C6374 Empire 51 f 1:CG fast CO 114 7 7 7 75 C II Miller 7 Little Celt, Osproy, Ucrcmon GG091 Jamaica 3-4 1:14 cood 1G-5 115 4 6 6 G L McAtee G Satellite. Sakah. Spread Eagle BLACK WAND, br. f, 3 105 By Black Toney Minawand, by Lonawand. Trainer. J. McDonald. Owner, J. A. Harper. Breeder. Idle Hour Stock Farm. 83070 Cnaught lm70y 1:48 mud Si 103 4 2 Is 1 II Howard 5 WrackRay, Ombgc, WchCliarm 82908 Cnaught lm70y 1:45 fast 51 93 6 2 l3 Is II Howard 7 Jacques, Stonewall, Atty Muir 82434 Ft.Erio lm70y l:44fast 13 99 6 5 5h 5 J Roberts 9 T.Gaff, S.Galhdll.. Ran.sRiil 82128 Ft.Erio 1 1-16 l:46fast 41 93 8 4 41 411 R PunshnlO EbbTide, SirGalahadll.. Smarty 82072 Ft.Erio 51 f l:08fast 91 106 12 11 9l V R Punshnl2 Metson, Arragosa, Black Friday 81711 Hamton 51 f l:08hvy 3 99 7 5 63 651 H Thomas 0 Pablo. GoIdenFloss, riicleruvhin 80977 FortErio lm"0y l:47good 13-5 95 6 4 31 24 L Lang 8 Bud.Kcan, Arragosa, Lyncart . 80914 EortErie 3-4 1:16 good 5 97 2 3 31 33 L Lauren 6 Kingsclere, rct.Piper. WarTank 80758 FortErio 3-4 l:14fast 21 97 3 4 41 41 W Harvey 7 Tcnnon. Snowden. WatchChnrm ADMIRER, b. c, 4 94 By Prince Hermis Fanny Kemble. by Sempronius. Trainer, T. J. Donohue. Owner, Mrs. T. J. Donohue. Breeder. G. 1. Blackford. 83004 Cnaught 3-4 l:13fast 13 107 1 6 51 3 P Walls G Ltherwd, OddScth, Mtifrgilla 82904 Cnaught 3-4 1:14 fast 14 119 5 6 6i 531 J McTgrt 9 Odd Seth, Oil Man, Black Baby 82429 Ft.Erio 3-4 l:13fast 27 10S 4 4 41 53 E Ambrse 8 Elcmtal, PhilMays. WtchQim 82187 Ft.Erie 3-4 1:14 fast 38 108 7 7 63 61 E Ambrse 7 ExltedRuler, Wraith, Elmental 8194G Hamton 3-4 l:14mud 14-5 107 5 4 4l 4i E Ambrse 8 M.Maxim, TeggyO., Dr.C. Wells 81860 HamtQn 3-4 l:12fast 25 113 1 6 6 6" D RandIl 8 Elemtal, Ex.Ruler, Dr.Ch.AVells 81807 Hamton 3-4 l:13fast 20 112 S 7 7l 7i D Randall 9 Oil Man, Ombrage, Winnipeg 80918 FortErio 3-4 l:i;Vgood 20 110 3 6 53 5 E Scobie 7 McKenna, Pennon, Mnry Ros-e 80758 FortErio 3-4 l:14fast 51 115 G 5 6 61 R Romclli 7 Pennon, Snowden. WatihCharni 80664 Ilamton 3-4 l:12good 12 118 5 4 3i 3 R Romelli 7 Radiancy, Sun. Light, M.Domino 80154 Dorval 51 f l:07fast 10 111 G G 7 7 K Parton 8 CoralRf, SunnyLight, StageCch JOAQUEMA, br. m, G 109 By Garry Herrmann Joannina, by Voter. Trainer. G. Finch. Owner. P. L. Ciceri. Breeder. G. D. Widener. 82860 Cnaught 1 1-16 1:48 fast 7-5 104 5 4 1 Is P Walls 5 Winnipeg, Planet, Wrark Ray 82432 Ft.Erie 1 1-S l:54fast 19-5 108 G 6 G 651 T Wilson G Giuseppe, Beth Hodder, Fornovo 82190 Ft.Erio 1 3-16 2:01fast 7-5 104 6 4 3s 3 H Church 9 P. Leighton, Giuseppe, T.Fenian 81808 Hamton 1 1-8 1:54 fast 41 108 8 7 Gl 5"! E Renzetti 8 Fornovo, Gray Gables, Cordelier 81680 Haton 1 1-1GOT 1:46 good 8 109 7 5 4h 31 T Wilson 7 Fornovo, Luck.Antoine, Dr.GIenn 81138 Windsor 1 1-S l:53fast 18 109 7 4 41 4i P Walls 7 Cragsman, VanPtrick, RoyalOak 81050 Windsor 1 3-1G 2:01fast 81 109 8 7 7t 910 e Scobio 9 Fancy Free, Ang. Maid, Trapuet 80899 FortErie 1 1-16 l:50mud 7 97 5 5 5 42 T Wilson 5 Trapnet, J. F. Ohara. Triumph 80G17 Halton 1 l-SOTl:53slow 81 107 6 5 41 2 E Renzetti 7 Altissirao, Batonnicr, Devonite 80534 Hamton 1 OT l:38fast 91 99 5 5 63 4" T Wilson 5 Lunetta, TopSergeant, Llewellyn 79709 Connght 1 l:40H;fast 22-5 105 G 4 33 VI E Scobio G Jacques, Tidal Wave, Vonnic GREAT LUCK. b. f. 4 109 By Maintenant Water K.. by Waterboy. Trainer, R. Heffernan. Owner, Mrs. G. H. Abbott. Breeder. D. W. Scott. 803G0 Dorval 1 1:41 good 3 101 2 5 5 5- J Wallace G Lunetta, EdPcndleton, GrassMd 80191 Dorval 1 l:40Vfast 4 107 1 4 51 510 F J Baker G Craigthorne, Malapert, GsMaid 79744 Connght 1 1:43 mud 31 104 1 2 23 2 F J Baker i Rama, Delusive, Forest Flower 79654 Connght 1 1-16 l:43fast 4 104 1 5 5 41 F J Baker G ForestLorc, Rama, SttMissLzie 79451 Connght lmOy l:44fast 5 104 4 1 ll 2k F J Baker fi Forest Lore, Rama, Malapert 79352 Woodne 3-4 1:15 mud 14 103 1 3 33 l"t W Bogski 8 Wraith, SethsLemon, Curland PLANET, blk. h, 6 109 By Zeus Black Silk, by Ornament. Trainer. J. J. Duggan. Owner, C. B. Shafer. Breeder. H. P. Headley. 828G0 Cnaught 1 1-16 1:48 fast G 114 1 5 3 3 F Sharpe 5 Joaqnina, AVinnipcg, Wrack Ray 817G1 Raceland 11-16 1:53 hvy 5 111 5 5 5 5 F Sharp 5 Bal. Brush, Pequot, PostDispatcli 79551 M.IIghts 11-8 1:54 slop 11-10 100 5 3 33 331 H Kaiser 5 Recomdation. B.Star, Bliornll. 79151 M.Hghts 1 l:4G75mud 8-5 102 4 3 21 22 P Groos 5 Sog.Aroon, Mar.Boy, RccMation 79111 Map.Hts 7-S l:2S7islow 61 101 7 8 51 51 P Groos 10 R. on Time. JewellV.D.. P.Micou 78G12 Lexgton 1 l:45hvy 14-5 106 3 2 lt 23 D Jones 0 Escarpolette, Planet. Rib Grass 78123 Tijuana 1 1-4 2:05fast 12f 99 4 17 G11615 L Creery 18 Runstar. Osprey. Cherry Tree TEAS READY, b. c. 3 104 By Tea Caddy Anthonys Lass, by Forfarshire. Trainer. F. Schelke. Owner. Thorncliffo Stable. Breeder. J. C. Carrick. 83003 Cnaught 1 l:40fast C-5 108 2 1 l3 l3 E Ambrse 7 Zanzibar, Toscanelli, Pali 82907 Cnaught 1 l:40fast 31-10 107 2 1 2 2nk E Ambrse 6 Ombrage, WatchChm. All in All 82245 Ft.Erie 1 1-16 1:54 hvy 91 109 2 4 5 5" J McTagt 5 Normana, B.Shasta, Ran.sRoyal 81502 Kworth 7-8 1:26 fast 13 107 3 2 41 3 E Scobia 9 Dcctor Glenn, Metson, Suowdeu 80758 FortErio 3-4 l:14fast 13 102 7 7 bl 51 J Chlmers 7 Pennon, Snowden, WatchChann 80GG 1 Ilamton 3-4 l:12good 17 108 6 7 7 6lu E Scobie 7 Radiancy, Sunny Lijrht, Admirer 80534 Hamton 1 OT l:38fast 15 101 4 4 5 5 R Zcchini 5 Lunetta, TopSergeant, Llewellyn 8043G Hamton 1 1-4 2:08fast 17 116 4 5 5 5" H J Burke 5 DixicSmith, Sen.Xorris, Malapt 74328 Thcliffo 3-4 l:15ifast 7 112 2 G 10 S G Fields 11 Fl.Princess. Odd Seth. Malvern LAMPUS, ch. g, 6 10G By Star Shoot Futurist, by Golden Maxim. Trainer. J. H. Smith. Owner. Riverdale Stable. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 828G0 Cnaught 1 1-1G 1:4S fast G 111 4 3 41 C5 F J Baker 5 Joaquina. Winnipeg, Planet 74152 Woodne 1 1-16 1:47 fast 1-2 111 G 1 1 1 J D Mney G II.Artillery, WildFIower. Tricks 73957 Woodne 1 1-16 IMi-Tjslow 19-5 109 4 2 2s 2! J D MneylZ So It Goes, Vennie. Sea Monarch 73538 Dorval 1 1-16 1:49 slow 4 109 4 2 lh ll J D Mney 6 Roy.Duck, D.deMorny, BelleAniio 73352 B.Bnnets 1 1-S l:51fast 1 109 5 4 41 31 J D Mney G FzySneezy, BelleAmie, Ilohoku 73078 Cnaught ImTOy l:45slow 21 111 5 G G30 43 J D Mney 7 RoyalDuck. Stonewall, Joella J. 72565 FortErio 1 1-1G l:47fast 7-5 110 2 1 Ink In J D Mney 8 Citation, RingRose, Dr.Ch.Wells 72326 Hamton 1 1-S l:53andfast 9 107 2 5 5 5" R McDott 5 Fan. Bean, F.ofTruce. Ang.Maid 71730 FortErio lm70y l:4Syslow 22-10 111 5 3 3l Z-l R McDott G Despair, By Jiminy, Highspeed 1 llnTrard Claiming. Ang. 20, 102-1 5th RACE lao! Iyi08-1,1S TARASCON, ch. h. 8 114 "By Magellan Tartino n.. by Tarquin. Trainer, O. Viau. Owner, 0. Viau. Bred in France by W. Hart. 83002 Cnaught 1 1-16 l:47Jfast 14-5 108 5 3 2J ll E Ambrse 7 Flint. Sir Galahad II., Jacques 82905 Cnaught 1 1:42 fast 7 111 2 5 3l 2i E Ambrse 7 Loveliness, Bril.Jester, Chchako 82389 Delmier 1 1-1C l:53andgood 29-10 111 35i L Jenkins 5 Invigorator, Sliing.Shack. Hcrron 82151 Delmier Gl f l:24fast 11-5 110 231 W Hinphy S BlueBh, F.andWmer. AUVezina 82105 Delmier CI f 1:25 good 1 110 31 W Hinphy 8 Bcngalesc, Herron, Ting-a-Ling 81832 Mt.Royal 51 f 1:08 fast 14-5 113 2 J Jones 10 BillBlock. II.GoLuckv. G.Scheer 81G3G MLRoyal 51 f l:0Sfast 50 111 432 T OHara 8 Curland, Last Girl, Pikcsvilli 80879 Delmier 61 f l:23fast 51 113 6" P Madeira 7 Attoo, Chief Sponsor, SalfPctcr 80631 Delmier CI f l:29slow 22-5f 115 G1 W Dkson 8 Armistice, Ira Wilson. M.OIIars SCRAPS, blk. 0. 4 109 By Leonid Zirl, by Sain. Trainer, W. Fenwick. Owner, W. Fenwick. Breeder. C. B. Daniels. 83072 Cnaught 1 1-16 l:53mud 20 111 G 3 33 21 J McTgrt 7 Tiger Tim, Ticaeey, Checchako 82954 Cnaught lm70y l:43fast 21 108 7 6 51 51 T Wilson 7 M.Crown, Checchako, SirGaldll. 82367 Ft.Erio 1 1-2 2:37slow 10 100 3 4 4 4" T Wilson 4 Fancy Free, Winnipeg, EUcsmar 82304 FLErio 1 1-16 l:55hvy 81 103 7 7 7 71T W McKht 7 WeddgPrince, Servitor, Ilartclle 82128 Ft.Erio 1 1-16 l:46fast 34 105 10 10 10 1019 W McKhtlO EbbTide, SirGalahadll., Smartv 81505 Kworth 1 1-16 l:47fast 9 103 4 7 7l 612 W McKht 8 Cote dOr, Dr.Jim, Fmr-0-Fivo 81430 Kworth ImTOy l:16fast 10 103 4 4 32 3s W McKht G Marble, Rusticator. Handful 80977 FortErie lm70y l:17good G 100 2 G 6 6" W McKht 8 Buddie Kn, BlkWand, Arragosa LOVELINESS, ch. m, 6 111 By Charles Edward Spanish Maid, by DisEuIi. Trainer. J. D. Misick. Owner. Mrs. J. D. Misick. Breeders. J. O. and G. H. Keene. 83124 See todays chart. 82905 Cnaught 1 1:42 fast 3 106 G 4 1 1 F J Baker 7 Tarascon, Brill Wester. Cheeko 81752 Hamton 3-4 l:14fast 23 107 1 4 4l 2 E Renzetti 9 Pr.Annc, Rach.Pttcr, GoId.Floss 80915 FortErio lm70y l:47good 16 104 G G 61 611 G Brning S Cordelier, Tribune. Attor. Muir 807G1 FortErio 1 1-1G l:49fast 37-10 104 7 5 5 53 F Stevens 7 Coideller. Beth. Steel, Carajo 80533 Ilamton 1 1-16 l:4S7sfast IS 112 4 2 510 5T F Stevens 7 LkyAntoine, Insulate, Altissimo PLAY ON, blk. f. 3 97 By Play Square Maxie Taylor, by Marta Santa. Trainer. T. J. Donohue. Owner. C. X. Whiting. Breeder. E. Lauderdale. 83001 Cnaught 3-4 l:lifast 44-5 99 5 2 l1 1J J McTgrt 7 Tease, Rachel Potter, Louanna 82948 Cnaught 3-4 l:14fast 1 101 6 3 3l 23 T Wilson 7 Sr.Quentin, B.Friday, F.-O-Fivo 82858 Cnaught 3-4 l:14fast 41 94 5 2 11 3 J Jones 11 Sister Josella, Nivlag, Carry On 82307 FtErie 3-4 1:18 hvy 16 991 G 2 23 572 H Thomas 7 Oil Man, Peggy O., Pablo 8218G Ft.Erio 3-4 l:14fast 64 101 3 1 11 2"k r Punshnl2 Ombrage, Rach.Potter, P.Maycrs 81752 Hamton 3-4 l:14?sfast 56 100 8 6 63 5 D Randall 9 PcessAnne, Loveliness, R.Pottcr 81G79 Ilamton 51 f 1:08 good 17f 103 5 4 6 710 E Renzettill Pet.Piper, Mar.Maxim, Sea-WolC 80973 FortErio 3-4 l:14?andgood GS 90 5 8 8 8" J Maclvcr 8 MaryRose, Elemental, Wildrake 80913 FortErio 3-4 l:15?good 14 99 4 4 41 41 D Stcvsn 7 FlorceDn, ThnyWay, Bellelslo 79554 Connght 3-4 l:14fast 16 99 8 8 83 8" W Bogski 9 LadyChoco, Sligo, PolIyLeighton 79233 Woodno 3-4 l:14?fast 20f 97 3 5 81 12 II IIowardl2 Seths Lemon, Arendal, Fehrah BRASS TACKS, br. m, 5 103 By Helmet Grail, by Athellng. Trainer. W. Sherrard. Owner, T. Cockcnour. Breeder. E. R. Bradley. 83002 Cnaught 1 1-16 l:47,fast 20 106 7 5 Gs. G2 E Renzetti 7 Tarascon, Flint, Sir Galahad II. 82905 Cnaught 1 1:42 fast 54 10G 1 2 610 61 E Renzetti 7 Loveliness, Tarascon, Bril.Jester 82434 Ft.Erio lm70y l:44fast 38 102 9 8 9 93 A Clausner 9 T.Gaff, S.GalhMII., Ran.sUal 80977 FortErio lm70y l:47good 22 104 7 8 8 7;I E Renzetti S Buddie Kn, BlkWand, Arragosa 80868 FortErie 11-16 1:51 hvy 12 104 7 . S 55 581 E Renzetti 8 Gcn.Cadrna, Scraps. C.J.Craige 80762 FortErie 1 1-16 l:49fast 81 99 6 G 6 6 J McTage 0 Apology, Gen. Cadorna, Scraps 80495 Hamton -lm70y l:4Gifast 71 110 4 2 3 2 J McTage 5 Jacques, Apology, Henry J. 80363 Dorval 1 1-16 l:47good 7f 104 5 G " 51 88 F Stevens 10 Gcn.Cadna, Trper, Drummond 80260 Dorval lm"Oyl:46 fast 16 105 1 2 2U 21 F Stevens 7 Dancer, Trooper, Occidenta 80193 Dorval lm70y l:45fast 16f 102 1 3 GI 713 W Bogskill Pollylightci!. Dancer. T.Fenian TICACEY, br. g, 8 103 By Bannockburr. Hand Bell, by Hanover. Trainer, J. Bodcn. Owner. Triplo Springs Farms Stable. Breeder. B. Schreiber. 83072 Cnaught 1 1-10 l:53mud 11-10 103 4 1 2 3U II Howard 7 Tiger Tim, Scrap, Checchako 82953 Cnaught 1 1-16 11-5 103 3 4 5 5i H Howard G Smarty, Park Hill, Cordelinr 8222G Saratoga 1 l:43hvy 15 105 3 3 ol 51 H Howrd 8 BiffBang, FlygDevil, KgWavo 8I61G Empire 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 15 111 1 6 43 4 2 II HowardlO Sc.Crow, H.Commander, Iverno 8025G Dorval 3-4 l:13fast 41 105 8 9 93 102 II Howardll AVatchCharm. Arragosa. S.Court 78857 Pimlico 1 1-16 1:50 slop 51 101 4 3 34 3i F Hstlngs 7 FrcezySzy, SethsFlr. Bevcrwt REX GAIETY, br. g, 10 98 By St. Bass Miss Gaiety, by Ramiro II. Trainer. F. Fox. Owner, E. Glassco. Breeder. E Glassco. 83005 Cnaught lm70y l:45fast 07-10 99 8 G 7i 8" H Howard 8 Wcd.Princc, Blosms. WarTanlc! 828G1 Cnaught 1 l:40fast IS 99 8 7 SU 9T F Leo 10 Flowerful, Maypole. WcdgPnca- 82557 Windsor 3-4 l:14fast 29 103 8 8 8 8,s T Lane S Atlantida, Flowerfl. TliornyWy1 81049 Windsor 1 1-16 1:53 fast 21 104 G 6 63 610 R Romellill Bona Fide; Flower!::-, Sfaypole 80897 FortErie 1 1-1G l:52mud 71 101 6 2 33 23 F Stevens 6 FlectPrinccss, Azracl, BethHodr" 80812 FortErio 3-4 l:14fast 9 107 3 3 3 41 R Moore S TnyWay, HoneyDcar, TigerJiml 80575 Hamon 1 l-160Tl:51mud 71 102 G 2 23 23 R Romelli G Maypole, Tiger Tim, Azrael 80291 Dorval lm70y l:44fast 22 103 G 3 45 31 R Moore G CarryOn, W.lrincc, M.Crowaj -,-,800 Jefferson 1 1-1G l:49fast 30 110 3 10 14l 1531 R RoincllilS Attorney, Trooper, Rep LEASIDE, br. g. B 108 By Anmer Saintolat, by Sain. Owner, J. X. Mackenzie. Breeder. A. J. Mackenzie. 83072 Cnaught 1 1-1G l:53?mud S 107 5 4 E Cl F Sharpe 7 Tiger Tim. Scraps. Ticaccy 82954 Cnaught lm70y l:45fast 9 105 4 1 4 4 F J Baker 7 M.Crown, Clieccliako. SirOaldll. 82189 Ft.Erio 1 1-1C l:48fast 14 105 6 2 6 S" J Wallace 8 El Jesmar, Blossoms, Telf 81859 Hamton lmTOy l:45fast 18 112 8 5 51 61 J D Mney 8 El Jesmar, Bona Fide, Pelf 80762 FortErio 1 1-16 l:43fast 17 101 1 3 4 5T1 W Harvey C Apology, C3en. Cadorna. Scraps 80575 Hamon 1 l-lGOTl:51mud 8 105 5 5 5 B" F Lee 0 Maypole, Hex Gaiety. TigcrTim 80530 Hamton 1 1-S l:56fast 18 103 5 3 4 6" F Leo 7 B.of the fft. B.IIoddcr. Grcybc TOSCANELLI, gr. g, 3 89 By Royal Canopy Maritozzi, ly Chaucer. Trainer. W. H. Bringloe. Owner. Seairram Stable. Bred in England by W. G. Dease. 83003 Cnaught 1 l:40Hfast 19 89 5 3 21 31 A Clsner 7 Teas Beady, Zanzibar. Pali 82857 Cnaught 3-4 1:13 fast 36 93 6 7 6 OJT Wilson 9 RachelPtcr, PeterPipcr, Avispa 82186 Ft.Erie 3-4 l:14fat 2Sf 103 7 11 101 7i T Wilson- 12 Ombrage, Play On, RacliclPottcr 81677 Hamton 51 f l:07mud 33 107 8 9 8l 810 T Wilson 10 Oil Man, Peggy O., The Peruan 80817 FortErio 1 1-16 l:52mud 30 96 4 S 8 8" A Clausnr S Trapnct, Norma n.i. Bedford 80GG1 Hamton 3-4 l:12igood 18 92 6 f I 72 A Clausnr 8 Tennon, Elemental, Ilerbertus 80437 Hamton Gi f l:07fast 18 101 5 7 OS 85J T Wilson 12 WatchCharm. PeterPiper. Carajo 7949G Connght 3-4 l:14fast 5 102 10 1J 12 10" T Wilson 12 Flint, Ebb Tide. Capt. Clover 78513 II.deGco 61 f l:07good 14S 108 4 8 71 72 T Wilson 12 BuckPond, Leathcrwood, Deputy 74149 Woodne Gl f l:0Gfast 12 102 3 2 3 Gsl T Wilson 9 Ombrage, Parthcma. LittleCIair PELF. b. f, 4 M M By Bezant Rogue, by Roquelaure. Trainer, B. Graver. Owner, Elliott Stable. Breeder. J. Hendrie. 83123 Seo todays chart. S3005 Cnaught lm70y l:457sfast S 86 7 7 Gl G A Clausncr 8 Wed.Prinee. Blosms, WarTank 82903 Cnaught 61 f 1:03 fast 2 111 3 4 3t 3si E Renzetti G Fitzallan, Mex.Petc. Bacli.o.Ats 82363 Ft.Erio 1 l:43slow C-a 109 4 6 3s 3Ji H Thomas fi Ballim. H.of Prophecy. Wy.Elm 82189 Ft.Erie 1 1-16 l:48fast 16 97 2 5 41 3 H Thomas 8 EUesmar, Blossoms, H.ofPhecy 81859 Hamton lm70y l:4afast 3S 100 6 3 3 3 D Bandll 8 El Jesmar, BonaFide. Cheechako 81802 Hamton lm70y l:47fast 11-5 105 1 4 45 4i T Wilson 7 Pali, Bebus, Harp of Prophecy 80G14 Hamton lm70y lMOandslow 7 108 2 2 ll 21 S Bullman U Thndyke, S.Oaks, H.of Prophecy 79943 B.Bonnets Ab 2 4:07fast 20 1311 3 6 51 G P Watkins 7 Bull.Drummnd, Cooncan, Madrid PEDESTRIAN, ch. f. 3 94 By Transvaal Hiker, by Peep oBay. Trainor, W. H. Beamxn. Owner, Mrs. D. Beaman. Breeder. Morris and Walden. 83002 Cnaught 1 1-16 l:474fast 63 9S G 4 5s 52 J McT sue 7 Tarascbn, Flint, Sir Galahad II. 82908 Cnaught lm0y 1:45 fast 24 101 7 7 Cl G" R Dishmn 7 Black Wand. Jacques, Stonewall 82454 Delmier 61 f 1:25 fast 9 10G 5 W McCabe 8 MkGarner, MsLcggo, Bengalese 82270 Delmier Cl f 1:23 fast 11 10S l1 W McCabe 7 Herron, Bosefield, Gupton 82209 Delmier 61 f l:2isfast 15 111 3J J Collins 8 GusSclieer, Chandelier, Roscfield 82105 Delmier Gl f 1:25 good 19 111 55i C Undwd 8 Bengalese, Herron, Tarascon 81831 Mt.Iioyal 51 f 1:03 fast 25 113 3i C Udwd S Ella C, ltosefield, War Fox DUC BE MORNY, br. g, 6 93 By King James Hortense II., by Troutheck. Trainer, G. C. Milton. Owner, P. P. Robiel. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. B3072 Cnaught 1 1-1G l:53mud 22 100 7 G G G" D Hwood 7 Tiger Tim, Scraps, Ticaccy 82905 Cnaught 1 1:42 fast 10 108 7 7 7 79 F Sharpe 7 Loveliness, Tarascon, Bril.Jcstcr 80260 Dorval lm70yl:4G fast 24 105 7 G 7 7lT W Bog ski 7 Dancer, Brass Tacks, Trooper 79991 B.Bonts 7-S l:2Sfast 4f 109 11 11 133 13" T Homedl4 St. Quentin, Carry On, Avispa 79554 Connght 3-4 l:14fcfast 12 111 9 9 9 9,! E Scobie 9 LadyClioco, Sligo, PollyLeighton 78314 Bowio 1 1-S l:53andfast 12 108 8 10 1 0 10" E AmbroselO Normal, Gourmand, Comme Ci 782G8 Bowio 1 1-1G l:51good 16 101 5 7 7 7 W M!m r 7 Trajauus, Tender Scth, Guelph CHh DA PC 1 Mile anil 70 Yards. JJ-ycar-olds anil upward. Canadian Foaled. Dill nMUC Claiming. Ausr. ttl. lO 1:4 1T-5 a 10G. WEDDING PRINCE, b. g, 5 111 By Marathon or Prince Ahmed Golden Wedding, by Golden Maxim. Trainer. R. Heffernan. Owner, G. H. Abbott!. Breeder. J. K. L. Ross. S3005 Cnaught lm70y l:45fast 3-2 108 2 1 11 11 F J Baker 8 P.lossoms, WarTank, Teggie A. 82861 Cnaught .1 l:40fast 12 106 2 4 51 31 F J BakerlO Flowerful, Maypole, War Tank 82433 Ft.Erie 1 1-16 l:48fast 7 105 4 4 4 41 F J Baker 7 B.ofthWst, W.Tnk, H.ofPpcy 82304 FtErie 1 1-16 l:55hvy 5 106 4 1 11 l1 F J Baker 7 Servitor, Hartelle, Neapolitan B2189 Ft.Erio 1 1-16 l:48fast 8 10S 3 7 71 71 F J Baker S El Jesmar, Blossoms, Pelf 82128 Ft.Erio 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 7 107 6 5 51 5" F J BakerlO EbbTide, SirGalahadll., Smarty 81859 Hamton lm70y l:45fast 31-10 112 1 8 7 5 F Baker 8 El Jesmar, Bona Fide, Pelf 81676 Hamton lm70y l:4Smud 3 108 6 4 3 21 F Baker 7 Maypole, Blossoms, Flowerful SI 321 Windsor 1 1-1G l:4Sfast 11 106 4 1 lnfc zli F J Baker 8 Previeux, WestPittston, Trper Bl 185 Windsor 1 3-1G 2:02fast 25 107 4 3 6i 5T2 F Baker 7 N.Itaider, M.Rosell., W.Pittston 80GG5 Htn 1 1-1G OT 1:18 good 10 108 4 2 2 2 F J Baker 8 Capt.Clover, TrailBlazcr, Scraps 80530 Hamton 1 1-S l:56andfast 4 105 G 7 f 57 F J Baker 7 B.of the Wt. B.Hodder, Grcybc TIGER TIM, blk. g, 3 98 By lovetio White Tuft, by Armeath II. Trainer. G. Finch. Owner, P. I. Ciccri. Breeder. Mrs. B. A. Livingston. 83072 Cnaught 1 1-16 l:53mud 33 92 2 2 1and 11 O Brassa 7 Scraps, Ticacey, Cheechako 82861 Cnaught 1 l:40fast 190 104 9 10 10 10" E RenzettilO Flowerful, Mayiole, WedgPnca 82249 Ft.Erie 1 1-16 l:54hvy 24 9S 7 7 7 61S W McKht 7 Zanzibar, Smarty, Servitor 81898 Hamton 3-4 l:16slow 51 107 7 7 6s 591 E Renzetti 9 Bal.Lakc, H.ofProcy, Fl.Itufflcs 81804 Hamton 1 OT l:42fefast 11 97 5 7 710 7"1 J Reid S Tr.BIazer, Cheechako, WarTank 81754 Hamton 11-16 1:48 fast 31 93 10 13 13il315 J Reid 14 151. Shasta. Capt. Clover, Jacques 80947 FortErio 1 l:43fast 23-10 100 4 1 2l 2 T Wilson 6 H.Dear. B.IIoddcr, H.ofPropcy 80812 FortErie 3-4 l:14fast 12 104 7 G 41 31 F Stevens 8 ThyWay, HoneyDear, K.Gaietj 80575 Hamon 1 1-lGOTl:51mud 8 941 4 3 4 331 W Reid C Maypole, Bex Gaiety, Azrael WAR TANK, b. g. G 108 " By Inferno Galieia, by Gaiatin. Trainer, M. Gorman. Owner, M. Gorman. .Breeder. J. E. Seagram. 83005 Cnaught lm70y l:45fast 29-5 111 3 3 2t 31 P Walls 8 Wed. Prince. Blosms, Peggie A. 828G1 Cnaught 1 l:40fast 51 109 4 3 41 P Walls 10 Flowerful, Mavnole. WcdgPnce 82433 Ft.Erie 1 1-16 l:48fast 13 105 3 1 2 21 J Wallace 7 B.oftheWsr. H.ofPpy. W.Prce 82303 Ft.Erie 3-4 1:21 hvy 47-10 10S 3 1 11 12 K Hallmn i Speyroyal, Flowerful, Maypole 82126 FtErie 51 f l:077sfast 9 ICG 6 6 41 3J R Romelli 9 Shue, B.of theWest, Atlantida 81945 Hamton 3-4 1:15 mud 51 93 3 6 51 4 D Fisher 7 Vderburg, AH inAll, DoctorGln 81804 Hamton 1 OT l:42fast 5 110 2 2 25 32 P Walls 8 Tr.BIazer, Cheechako. B.IIoddcr SI 676 Hamton lm70y l:4ffmud 7 108 2 G G G J A Mney 7 Maypole, WedgPrince. Blosms 81503 Kworth 7-8 l:25fast 25 100 4 2 3 31 J A Mney 9 V.Burton, C.Thcisen. Fight.Cook 81388 Kworth 7-S 1:27 fast 3 114 4 6 6 G10 J A Mney 7 TliornyWay, Maypole. HoneyDr 81320 Windsor 3-4 l:12fast 15 100 5 G 5h 3J J A Mneyll Lion dOr. Director, ViolaBurton 81134 Windsor 3-4 l:13fast 12 107 5 5 35 3 R Fisher 11 Shue. Chloris, Lady Heart CARRY ON, ch. m, 8 103 By Stanley Fay Skipper, by Courtown. Trainer. J. H. Smith. Owner. Riverdalo Stable. Breeder. W. P. Frazer. 82949 Cnaught 3-4 l:14Vsfast 14 10G G 4 41 G3 E Ambrse 7 Avispa, Peter Piner, Sis.Josclla 82858 Cnaught 3-4 l:14fast 21f 107 2 7 Gl 4l E Ambrsell Sister Josella, Nivlag, Play On 81432 Kworth lm70y l:46fast 11 103 3 2 21 51 R Itonelli 8 lady Heart, El Jesmar, Fitzrue 81134 Windsor 3-1 l:13fast 12f 108 7 8 71 71 D Stesonll Shue. Chloris, War Tank 80897 FortErio 1 1-1G l:52mud 7 104 2 5 5t 5 R Romelli G FleetPrincs, BcxGaiety, Azrat S0816 FortErio 3-4 l:17mud Cl 103 5 3 G5 45 J McTage 9 Shue, Azrael. Balsam Lake 80291 Dorval lm70y l:44fast 12-5 107 3 2 Ink n r Romelli G AV.Prince. R.Gaiety. M.Crowk. BLOSSOMS, b. f, 4 105 By Nealon Rose Lawrence, by St. Lawrence- II. Trainer, J. F. Hynes. Owner, Thorncliffe Stable. Breeder. Thorncliffe Stable. 83005 Cnaught lm70y l:45fast 33-5 108 4 5 4s 21 E Ambrse 8 Wed.Prinee. WarTank, PcggieA. 82861 Cnaught 1 l:40?5fast 12-5 87 5 8 1- 81 J Jones 10 Flowerful, Maypole, Wedgl"nce 82433 Ft.Erie 1 1-16 l:48fast 23-10 102 G G 53 5" J Roberts 7 B.ofthWst. W.Tnk. II ofPpcy 82189 Ft.Erio 1 1-16 l:48fast 21 103 4 1 1" 2and J Roberts 8 EUesmar, Pelf, Harp ofProphecy 81859 Hamton lm70y l:45fast G 100 3 7 S 710 M Liebgd 8 El Jesmar, Bona Fide. Pelf 81676 Hamton lm70y l:4Smud 81 34 5 2 2i 31 J Maclver 7 Maypole, WeddingPrince, Flful 81432 Kworth lm"0y l:16fast 17-5 99 4 G 6s Gi D Fisher S Lady Heart, El Jesmar. Fitzrue BEATT OF THE WEST, ch. g, 3 103 By Calgary Belle Mahone, by Ypsilanti II. Trainer. W. H. Bringloe. Owner, Seagram Stable. Breeder. Seagram Stable. 82952 Cnaught 1 l:40fast 8-5 102 3 7 7 Is" A Clsner 7 Doc Gaiety. Flowerful, Corenzio 82433 Ft.Erie 1 1-16 l:48fast 13-10 98 1 2 l1 ll A Clausner 7 WarTank. H.ofPropy, WedgPr. 82126 Ft.Erie 51 f l:07fast 41 103 3 4 2and 2; T Wilson 9 Shue, War Tank, Atlantida 81223 Windsor 11-16 1:43 fast 37-10 . 89 2 1 11 1 A Clausr 5 Azrael, Trail Blazer, Bona Fide 8097G FortErio 1 1-4 2:10good 7 117 5 6 65 G: S Bullman 7 Vrana, Fast Mack, Catamaran 80530 Hamton 1 1-S l:5Glifast 51 102 3 1 1J 11 A Clausnr 7 B.IIoddcr, Greybne, TrailBlazcr 80434 Hamton 1 1-16 IMOandfast C 103 4 3 3l 33 T Wilson 10 Maypole, Trail Blazer, Dollahm 80189 Dorval lm70y 1:4G fast 17-5 99 3 1 Ink lh t Wilson 7 MyrtleCrown, CarryOn, Troubler 79797 B.Bonnels 3-4 l:14fast 21 102 2 8 S G T Wilson 10 WarTnk, BriarSwect, Hon. Dear 79745 Connght 1 l:14imud 81 103 2 5 6 G A Clamer 6 Frostylioy, Wrackhorn, SunMart WYCH ELM, br. r:. 4 108 By Hearts of Oak Panthea, by Eassetlaw. Owner, J. RichieL Breeder. H. Giddings. 83067 Cnaught 3-4 l:lSmud G 103 1 2 lh 11 F Lee S Atlantida, GameScrpr, Fitzaln 82902 Cnaught 51 f l:0Sfast 14 113 1 2 21 22 F Lee 0 Petition, Benorion, Seven Oaks 82363 Ft Erio 1 l:43slow 13 104 3 3 4J 4J W McKht 6 Ballim. Harp of Pronhecv. Pelf 82185 Ft."Erie 1 l:39fast 79 105 2 4 4k 517 w McKht 8 Bedford, Poltova, Gold Bock 81858 Hamton Ab 2 3:54 fast 17 130 4 5 4 4 S Brown 5 DbleTip, BlackFox, Flyg Frog 81709 Hamton Ab 2 4:03hvy 13 139 2 Fell F Barry 5 Loyterer, IrishDrin, SdowLuwn 79595 Thncliffe 3-4 l:14fast 54 107 2 G 8 10 A VilniorelO Trapnet, M,iy Lloyd, Bob Mayes 72062 Kenilwh 7-S l:27fast G 107 5 7 S1 S3 J Rowan 9 Uptown, Lord Fitz, Ballim 71885 FortErie 3-4 l:15fast 8 93 1 5 G 64 J McKver 8 Beljoy, War Tank, Floralia "74-U DA PC 1 l-lO Miles. 15-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. June 23, I 111 HrlUC 1117 1:45 -5 :i 112. SISTER JCSELLA, b. f. 4 103 By Meelick Regea, by Margrave. Trainer, J. J. Duggan. Owner, C. B. Shafer. Breeder. C. E. McCarthy. 83069 Cnaught 3-4 l:16mud 7 114 1 2 11 1 F Sharpe 8 Dr.C.Wls. MarieMm, St.Quenn 82949 Cnaught 3-4 l:14andfast 51 107 4 3 32 31 F Sharpe 7 Avispa, Peter Piper, Flint 82858 Cnaught 3-4 l:14fast 6 112 3 3 21 I1 F Sharpe 11 Nivlag, Play On, Carry On 82427 Devshire 1 1-8 l:54fast 6 101 11 6 Ch 42 M Liebgdl2 PeterLee, HillmanC, Boy.Quccn 82119 Devshire- 51 f l:07?ifast 19-10 110 1 5 5h 4J F Sharpe 10 Lady Argos, Cobham, Kinsman 81810 Raceland 3-4 1:17 slow 11-10 107 1 2 24 1 F Sharpe G Jupiter, Atonement, Thenol 81597 Raceland 3-4 l:14fast 11-5 107 1 3 3ll 3l F Sharpe 8 Trafalgar, OurOption, M.OJane 81512 Raceland 3-4 l:15fast 13-5 103 4 2 21 2 F Sharpo 8 Quoin, Teds Plum, Mac OBoy TROUBLER, b. g. 5 97 By Marathon Pesky, by Broomstick. Trainer. A. Montieth. Owner, S. H. Montieth. Breeder, J. K. L. Ross. 83120 Seo todays chart. 83005 Cnaught lm70y l:45fast 24 106 5 8 S 7" E Renzetti 8 Wed.Prinee. Blosms, WarTank 82858 Cnaught 3-4 l:14fast 67 103 7 6 Cl 5s! J McTagtll Sister Josella, - Nivlag, Play On 82329 Delmier 1 1-1G l:55slov 7 10S G W Hinphy 6 BrsBand, Invigrrr. BIucBrnsh S2205 Delmier 6-8 l:03?ifast 3 109 lh W Hinphy P. Moody, Lidy Felix, Floralia 81830 Mt.Royal 51 f l:0Sfast 5 111 52 W Hinphy 7 Lend. Light. Floralia, Almirante 81725 Mt.Royal 61 f 1:11 slow 9-5 112 11 W Hinphy 7 Broadvw, P.Moody, F.nndWmcr 81634 Mt.Royal 3-4 l:14fast G 113 23 W Hinphy 0 WcliFlower, Almirante, Fitzgar 8133L Kempton 1 1-2 2:44slow 2 110 W Hinphy 6 II.M.Stevcns, Invigtr, LittlcEd APOLOGY, blk. f. 3 97 By Huon Ossabar, by Ossary. Trainer, T. Sherrard. Owner, S. Cochenour. Breeder. T. W. OBrien. 830G9 Cnaught 3-4 l:lGjsmud 14 104 4 6 5 5 J McTguc S Sis.Josclla, Dr.C.Wls, MarieMm 82862 Cnaught 1 1-8 l:55fast 13-5 10G 1 2 21 42 P Walls 7 Itoyden, Aemlor, Sir Galahad II. 82308 Ft.Erie 1 1-16 l:3ihvy 21-10 931 3 3 23 21 II Thomas 7 Plow Steel, Yorkist. SmartMony 81897 Hton 1 1-1GOT l:59andhvy 10 100 8 7 Cni G31 D Randall 8 Toodles, Servitor. Cordelier 81097 Windsor 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 23 100 2 G 7 7 D Randall 7 Lunetta, Batonnier, BabyGrand 80919 FortErio lm70y l:45good Gl 98 5 4 51 Gl D Randell 6 I.kyAntoine, Trajanus, All inAll 80762 FortErie 1 1-16 l:49fast 41 93 2 2 l1 ll D Randall 6 Gen. Cadorna, Scraps. Atty.Muir 80495 Hamton lm70y l:46fast 7-5 102 3 3 2nk 31 J Maran 5 Jacques, Brass Tacks, Henry J. 80054 B.Bonnets 1 1-S l:57rast 23-10 93 3 3 ill 4 L Lang G Fenian, King Wave. Altissimo STONEWALL, br. g, 5 116 By Jim Gaffney Gipsy Love, by Cesarion. Trainer. J. D. Misiclc. Owner. Mrs. J. D. MisickL Breeder. W. V. Thraves. 83006 Cnaught 1 1-S 1:54 fast 13-5 103 5 1 Is l1 F J Baker G Boyden. Cordelier, MyrtleCrown B2908 Cnaught lm70v 1:45 fast 4 110 6 3 3 31 F J Baker 7 BlackWand, Jacques, AttyMuir 82131 Ft.Erio 1 1-1G l:4Sfast 4 105 2 5 6s 62 E Renzetti 9 Devonitc, Capt. Adams, Servitor B1901 Hton 1 1-1COT l:43slow 51 111 6 4 31 37 D Stirling 7 Mir.Man, The Gaff, II.M.Stevs B1754 Hamton 1 1-1G 1:48 fast 81 111 4 4 4s 452 E Renzettil4 Bl. Sliasta, Capt. Clover. Jacques 80900 FortErio lm70y 1:50 mud 12-5 108 5 7 7 71 S Bullman 7 Smarty, Blossoms, Lady Heart 80472 Hamton 1 1-S 1:53 slow 18-5 111 6 4 GJ G:i D Stirling 7 Fornovo, Devonite, Beth Hodder 80295 Dorval 1 1-16 l:46fast 5 112 C 3 21 2 D Stirling 7 Mcrcutio. Don Juan, Murray 80153 Dorval 1 1-S 1:3S fast 2 100 4 1 21 13 J Judy 5 OurBthday, Att.MuIr, Fcastle BIB GALAHAD II., b. g, 10 107 By The White Knight Agnes Lowther, by Syming. ton. Trainer. F. C. MacMamis. Owner, G. H. Dempsey. Bred in England by Lord London derry. 83002 Cnaught 1 1-1G l:47fast 17-5 107 3 G 41! 3SJ F Leo 7 Tarascon, Flint, Jacques 82954 Cnaught lm70y l:45fast 3-2 106 G 4 31 3 P Walls 7 Myr.Crown, Cheechako, Leasidc 62862 Cnaught 1 1-S l:55fast 4-5 107 3 5 4 31 F J Baker 7 Boydcn, Vendor, Apology 82434 Ft.Erio lm70y l:44fast 7 105 3 4 2h 2J F J Baker 9 ThcGaff, Bandalsltyal, Argsa 82368 Ft.Erlo 1 1-8 1:53 slow 16 105 6 3 2 21 F J Baker 7 EbbTide, Cordelier, W.Turnbow 82128 Ft.Erio 1 1-16 l:16fast 23 112 4 6 21 2 T Wilson 10 Ebb Tide, Smarty, Black Wand 82077 Ft.Erio 1 1-1G l:48fast 12 108 10 9 5J 571 E Renzettill Cordelier, EUesmar, BlkShasta 81G02 Mt.Royal 3-4 14-5 111 1" T OHara 8 MkGner, MissLcggo, Dardalla CORDELIER, b. g, 7 110 By Rabelais Red Cross, by Macdonald II. Trainer. P. E. Fitzeerald. Owner. J. H. Shea. Bred in Franco by J. Sanford. 83006 Cnaught X 1-S 1:54 fast 9-5 109 2 2 2nk 3si T Wilson G Stonewall, Boyden, Myrt.Crown 82953 Cnaught 1 1-1G l:47fast 11-5 109 1 1 21 3l T Wilson G Smarty, Park Hill. Miss Claire 82368 Ft.Erie 1 1-S 1:53 slow SI 108 C 2 3 3 T Wilson 7 EbbTide, SirGaladil., W.Tbow 82077 Ft,Erio 1 1-16-1 :4Sfast - 6 108 1 1 l1 In T Wilson 11 EUesmar, BkShasta, Ban.Koyal 81897 Hton 1 1-160T l:50hvy 31 107 1 1 2 31 E Renzetti 8 Toodles, Servitor. Plow Steel 81808 Hamton 1-1-8 1:54 fast -. 18 107. 1 3 21 32 T Wilson 8 Fornovo, GrayGablcs, DoctorJim 8091.1 FortErie lm70y l:47sgood 14-5 103 1 1 Ink ink e Renzetti 8 Tribune, Attor.Mtiir, Kklcvgton 80868 FortErie 1 1-1G 1:51 hvy 5 107 5 4 54 41 T Wilson 8 Gcn.Cadrna, Scraps, C.J.Craige ATTORNEY MUIR, br. s. 9 102 By Stalwart San Andres, by Quicklime. Trainer. G. C. Milton. Owner. G. C. Miltonl. Breeder. J. D. Neet. 83071 Cnaught 1 1-8 l:5Smud 15 100 3 4 4 210 D Hwood 5 Parknill. Vendor, Gcn.Cadoma 83006- Cnaught 1 1-S 1:54 fast C3-10 104 G G . G 6 J McTgue C Stonewall, Boyden, Cordelier 82908 CnauKhtlm70y 1:45 fast 6 107 4 5 4l 4 F Sharpe 7 Black Wand, Jacques, Stonewall 80977 FortErio lm70y l:47good 71 108 8 7 7h 8" S Bullman 8 Buddie Kn, BlkWand, Arragosa 80952 FortErie 1 1-S 1:56 fast 71 107 2 3 3h 3 J Maclver G Gen.Cadorna, Devonite, EbbTide 80915 FortErie lmOy l:47good 10 103 8 5 31 31 T Wilson 8 Cordelier, Tribune, Kklcvington 80871 FortErio 1 1-2 2:41hvy 18 100 7 5 43 4" D Randell 7 Hickory, Beth. Steel, Altissimo 807G2 FortErio 1 1-1G l:43fast 51 10G 5 5 5 451 T Wilson G Apology, Gen. Cadorna, Scrap 80329 Dorval lm70y l:44fast 17-5 100 8 G 21 11 T Wilson 8 Winnipeg, Zanzibar, Brush Boy