untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-12-18


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Occasionals i Honest r bupers I 0.00 Daily " . 5.00 Daily 5.00 for 6 Days fVIJ K J 0.00 for 6 Days p!ntuSeTvK!e5CcTT THE GRAND OLD MAN PUTS OVER TWO MORE! I AM PERSONALLY ON THE GROUNDS I am purchasing two-horses and I AM in a POSITION to get even hotter information than I have In years past. I will he KING INFORMATION. - Business always under same name Same address! YESTERDAYS ?I5.0O SUPER MY SEVENTH DAY: Al Boyd, 4-1, Won YESTERDAYS 0.00 OCCASIONAL MY SEVENTH DAY: Huey, 5-1 , Won 5.00 TUESDAY MY SIXTH DAY 0.00 LOVELINESS 9-2, Won SEQUEL 7-1, Won 5.00 MONDAY 0.00 LONG POINT 15-1, Won Golden Locks 4-1, Won 5.00 SATURDAY 0.00 ST. QUEXTIN 8-1, Won PRIXCE Iv 5-1, Won 5.00 FRIDAY 0.00 FRIGHTFUL 8-1, Won IVY 4-1, Won 5.00 THURSDAY 0.00 THE GAFF 6-1, Won CIMARROX ...18-5, Won - - 5.00 WEDNESDAY 0.00 : MONASTERY 12-1, Won CANYON 5-1, Won DONT GAMBLE MY INVESTMENTS ARE O. K. You are doing business with a man who has a heart and who has heen hef ore you long hef ore-many of you were horn and doing business under the same name all these years, and still I rank among the highest. THERE SURELY IS A REASON 7 Days-,800 Profit 7 Days And more than that was made in only seven days on a 0 flat play. "Where on earth can. you duplicate this record for such a small feel IPjPFREE ,000 Good Cheer-g This will make you the happiest holiday you ever had. You will always rememher "Honest Old Andy," the grandfather turfman. A BIG OPPORTUNITY GET YOUR SHARE My clerks will give courteous and prompt service while I am. at the track. Also, dont miss a day this week. Connections expect to break many a hook. Get your share. Get the winning habit. Fellow an old timer. Subscribe now. MR. ANDY 171 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY CLIFFORD S. BALLE TERMS FOR THIS SERVICE ARE TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS 23.00 WEEKLY NEW YORK OFFICES: CHICAGO OFFICES: 200 BROADWAY, ROOM 241 109 N. DEARBORN ST., ROOM COG NEW YORK CITY . . CHICAGO, ILL. YESTERDAYS STRICTLY ONE HORSE: Dust Flower 9-2, Won As stated in yesterdays advertisement, this office docs not propliesize, neither docs it boast. It may Interest the player, that the statement made In yesterdays ad materialized to our utmost satisfaction. This office Issued the statement yesterday that the newspapers, remarking upon the performance of the above horse, would state that the horse showed a sudden form reversal and won easily. Newspaper comments will show the truth of the statement. It was an Intimate knowledge of the details connected with the preparation of tho above horse that prompted us to release this horse with such forceful advice. TUESDAYS-STRICTLY ONE HORSE: Sequel, 5-1, Won A twenty-five dollar subscription to this service entitles a subscriber to six days service. This office will advertise until it has enlisted a limited number of clients. Players wishing to partake in this service are advised to send In their subscriptions immediately. Clients in Chicago and New York City can call at the offices. Out-of-town clients, wire money by telegraph. " v FREE!! FREE!! To convince the skeptical that we have winners, our next transaction next week goes ABSOLUTELY FREE! Wire two dollars, with correct name and address, to reimburse us for telegram, mailing of code and expense of advertising. DO IT NOW. N. T. GEORGE Care Western Union Cicero, III. THIS OFFER WILL NOT APPEAR AGAIN Daily Racing Guide Has the Winners FRANK BAKER I ESTABLISHED 1918 Tfl pRLAY KING RMS15!oEEKLY TEN STRAIGHTSOME RECORDI gg-BAKERS INFO ARE NOT GAMBLES BUT INVESTMENTS! R Mr. Frank Baker who is now at New Orleans has again proven the value of inside information, when both releases came romping home, easy winners. As usual, all clionts were advised to parlay both horses to win only. Subscribers know that brains, money and influence are combined to make this service what it is today. lily past releases prove tho facts stated. YESTERDAYS RELEASES: Lucifer 5-1, Won Huey 4-1, Won TUESDAYS RELEASES: SATURDAYS RELEASES: Al Levy 7-2, Won Stonewall 6-1, Won Sequel 5-1, Won St. Quentin 8-1, Won MONDAYS RELEASES: FRIDAYS RELEASES: Mabel C 6-1, Won Camouflage .11-5, Wpn Gorget . . .-. 16-5, Won Frightful 8-1, Won SPECIAL OFFER TODAY Mr. Frank Baker has wired us today two horses that aro going for the money. These horses should win and-pay the limit as he expects to duplicate last years record when he put over twenty consecutive winners. All clients will bo protected as you must be made a winner, or you get seven days service free. Subscribe at onca and get in with the man who knows. Wire all communications to FRANK BAKER ST. DENNIS BLDG., 799 BROADWAY, SUITE 644 new YORK CITY SCHUYLER FLOYD INVITES But a Few More Additional Clients Yesterdays "Schuyler Investment" Huey, 5-1, Won ACTION OX YOUR PAItT BY SURSCRIR-IXG IS ESSENTIAL TO REAP THE HE-WARD, AS THE OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IS XEARIXG ITS END. "Whatever your investing aspirations may be, if they are within reason, they can be accomplished with the aid of the "Schuyler Investment." Kver since man has discovered that poverty could be conquered by tho magic power of wise investments, small incomes have grown into fortunes. YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO HEED THE CALL OF OPPORTUNITY WHEN IT RECKONS. Therefore, this organization urges that you carefully consider every word in this advertisement, describing what we know to be a rare occasion for investment profit. Get the Results RESULTS COUNT THE OBJECT of every progressive business man is to get results GOOD RESULTS and many of hem. Identify yourself with a profitable, recognized, dependable and service-giving organization, which will contribute much toward getting the "Results That Count" Dec. 17 "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" Huey, 5-1, Won Dec. 13 "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" Gold Mount, 5-1, Won Dec. 10 "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" Van Patrick, 6-1, Won Dec. 5 "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" Waukulia, 2-1, Won With only one losing "Schuyler Investment." Horsa finished second. THE NEXT "Schuyler Investment" Takes Place This Coming SATURDAY Terms Exclusive But Not Expensive Ono hundred dollars, payable in advance, plus the winnings of a hundred-dollar straight play on this "Schuylir Investment," winnings to be telegraphed day following race. No othar propositions hut the above entertained. Address all communications to SCHUYLER FLOYD 2530 IJROADAVAY XEAV YORK CITY "Schuyler investments" are liko "sterling" cn silver tlie stamp of distinction. Advertise in Daily Racing Form f EARL CLARKE "SOUTHERN WIZARD" 219 7TH AVE. NEW YORK CIXY Terms Daily -One Certified Special a Day 14939DoYoufctoWin?14939 This service has been kept under cover for years, for reasens I cannot make public. , Wiro 55.00 at once for "Ono Days Service" I and receive my Certified One Horse Special, that brings winning results at good odds, j Yesterdays Certified Special: Dust Flower 9-2, Won Attention, Losers, Attention I may not bo tho man that put tho salt in the cccan, but I am the "Southern Wizard" that put the "crimp in tho bookies" get wise to yourself and wire your subscription for my services at onco and bo ono of my winning followers. Tuesdays Certified Special: LOVELINESS 4.1, won Mondays Certified Special: LONG POINT 15-1, Won S 550 PLAY OX EACH CERTIFIED S S SPECIAL LAST "WEEK AVOX $ $ 1,950 last weeks results as follows: Saturday: , ST. QUENTIN 8-l, Won Friday: CAMOUFLAGE H-5, Wen Thursday : SBtXGS 9-5, Won Wednesday: VAN PATRICK G-l, Won Tuesday: JOHNNY JEWELL 7.2, Won Monday: ANTONIA ..5.1, Won If you paid 00 a day, you would not securo more reliable information than I have been releasing. I have been around all race tracks for the past 0 years and keeping in daily contact with the best and shrewdest turfmen in the country. Ho who hesitates is lost. Wiro ?5.C0 at once, giving your correct address and I will accomplish results that will put you in my confidence for the rest of your life. JAMES J. HARVEY 141C Broadway New York City TERMS: 0 DAILY TWO HORSES DAILY YESTERDAYS RELEASE: DUST FLOAVER 9.0, -Von GOLDMARK .. 5.2, "Won 1W Exclusive Winter Connections "Hf THAT WILL STARTLE THE RACING WORLD WITH WINNING RESULTS. Owing to numerous roquests wo will accept a limited amount of new subscriptions. This is your chanco to reap your holiday expenses. TUESDAYS RELEASE: CLEAR VIEW G-l, AVon AL LEArY ;., on MONDAYS RELEASE: THEO g-l, AVon LOXG POIXT 15.1, AVon TODAY Exceptional Double Goes TODAY that should pay tho limit. Never in my career has a. double come to ma from connections so confident of winning results as todays information. It pays to get tho best. Beware of imitators. Kake sure you subscribe to James J. Harveys. No weekly subscriptions accepted. Wire 0 at once for ono days information. When wiring include your correct address to insure prompt service. JAMES J. HARVEY 1416 Broadway New York City LONG SHOTS I wire two or three long shots weekly. J Terms: 5 for three winners that must pay five to one or more; any winners payiny less than five to ono dont count. You must get three winners paying five to ono or more for your 5. My next long shot3 go Saturday, December 20th; Tuesday, December 23d, and Thursday, December 25th, tho i Christmas Handicap. Ono of my long shots now in j preparation is Aversion. Was fifty to ono last start. Wire 5 today, with correct name and address. Rich Willis 013 JULIA STREET NEW ORLEANS, LA. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924121801/drf1924121801_14_1
Local Identifier: drf1924121801_14_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800