Here and There on the Turf: Continuing Famous Silks. Simms Still a Breeder. Cyclops Makes Record. Breeders of Winners, Daily Racing Form, 1924-12-18


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Here and There on the Turf Continuing Famous Silks. Simms Still a Breeder. Cyclops Makes Record. Breeders of Winners. Ever since the deplorable death of August Belmont, chairman of the Jockey Club, there has been some speculation as to what would become of the stake entries that had been made. Under the Rules of Racing the death of a nominator voids the names of the entries that have been made, but the entries that were made by the mourned sportsman are valid for the reason that some time ago Mrs. Belmont was registered as a partner in the stable. Mrs. Belmont has always taken a keen interest in the turf and in the breeding operations of Mr. Belmont. She was a partner in the Nursery Stud in Kentucky and, under the terms of the will of the late chairman of the Jockey Club, she becomes possessed of th3 country estate and breeding farm at Babylon, Long Island. With such farsighted precautions the future of both the racing silks and the breeding operations are well conserved and there need be no apprehension that either the famous racing silks or the magnificent breeding farm will pass with this deplorable death. There is the the possibility that Mrs. Belmont will not care to raca the horses during her days of mourning, but it is to be devoutly hoped that they are raced under lease, if in no other manner, during 1925. The stable is a particularly strong one and it should not bo dispersed. It is cheering to know that although E. F. Simms had his immense dispersal sale in New York last week he is not lost to the thoroughbred world. He will continue to breed thoroughbreds and he has by no means severed his connection with the turf. This is made clear by the fact that he still owns My Play, in partnership with Charles B. Shafer, of Chicago, and this young stock horse is now at the Cold Stream Farm, which is presided over by Tom Young. My Play is a brother to Man o War, being a son of Fair Play and Mahubah. He performed brilliantly on the turf for Mr. Simms and he will make his first appearance as a stock horse next spring. A horse of grand individuality, he has every reason to be a notable addition to the stock horses of the country. Mr. Shafer made several purchases of mares at the Simms sale so that many of the plans that Mr. Simms had made for breeding operations may be carried out by him, even though his stock was scattered to many points by the recent sale. There was a time when George Odom had high hopes for Cyclops. That was when the son of Heno and Daphne was a two-year-old. He was a particularly fleet youngster and for a time he seemed to shape up like a possible Kentucky Derby winner. Then Odom tried him thoroughly and the conviction was forced that he was a colt of extreme speed, but he lacked staying quality required for the big three-year-old prizes. From that time Odom confined most of the effort of the colt to sprinting distances and he made good adequately. Cyclops now races under the silks of H. Massey and he is bearing out the early estimate formed by Odom that he is a real sprinter. When he raced six furlongs in 1:12 at Jefferson Park Tuesday he hung out a new track mark for the distance and back of him there were such fast ones as Marvin May, Leopardess, Nassau and Sarko. Cyclops will find many opportunities to sprint during his stay in New Orleans and in his pressnt form he is sure to be one of the best put to that line of endeavor. Looking over the charts of Tuesday it is discovered that four of the winners are foreign bred. These are Sequel, Knights Bridge, Tableau dHonneur and Hackamore. These are not so much to boast about, but :t was one day of sport that served to show the importance of importations. They are winners. j It makes no difference whether or not they belong to the lowly plater division, or higher up in the scale, the idea is that they defeated the horses that were pitted against them. In other words they accomplished all that was asked. And it would be hard to go through any one day of racing in this country without finding John E. Maddens name in the breeder column. The foreign breeders combined only had one race better than Madden. He bred Al Levy, John S. Itcardon and Stamp, three that earned purses. The late A. B. Sprcckels, was breeder of two winners Runleigh and Yuban and the other breeders represented in the winning column for that one day of sport were J. O. and G. H. Keene, Loveliness; Fred Forsythe, Talequa; Wm. Woodwards Belair Stud, Cyciops; H. P. Headley, Lee Adrin; J. W. Bell, Ben Bolt; R. and H. Oots, Ivy ; . Richard T. Wilson, Clear View; W. C. Goodloe, Master Hand; J. H. Morris, Cromwell; John-Sanford,-Barriskane; P. T. Chinns Himyar Stud, Ada Blackjack; and Morris and Walden, Hilarity; ; There was nothing so remarkable about the racing of Tuesday except the track record that was established by Cyclops at Jefferson Park, but it is interesting to see the number of breeders represented in the winners of the day. The Capital City Racing Association, a Columbus concern, is the latest of the Ohio tracks to make known its racing dates for 1925. This association conducts its racing at Beulah Park and plans have been made for three meetings next year. The first of these meetings will run from April 18 to May 8, a period of 19 days. The summer meeting will be from August 8 to August 29, another 19 days, and the fall meeting has been scheduled from October 17 to November 7, a session of seventeen days. Ohio will surely have its full share of thoroughbred racing next year, and there are sure to come many conflicts in the racing time, according to the plans that have already been announced by various racing bodies.

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Local Identifier: drf1924121801_2_2
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