Havana, Daily Racing Form, 1924-12-18

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Entries and Past Performances HAVANA : THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18 WEATHER CLEAR; TRACK FAST. The figures under tho heading "Roc." in i the entries below show the best timo of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1922, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 1 7C1C0 IS FIJtST INDF.X OF 1921. 83951 IS FIRST INDEX OF DECEMBER. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:59. Superior mud runner. X Oood mud runner. ;: Fair mud runner. M Maidens. .Apprentice allowance, h Blinkers. The. following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown In entries ivere made: Aqueduct An. Jefferson Park JP Aurora Au Ifemptoa Park 1CP Belmont Park BP Kenilworth K"o Bluo Bonnets BB King Edward Ki Bowie Bo Latonia La Churchill Downs CD Laurel Lu Columbus Co Lexington Lx Connaught Park CP Maple Heights MH Conneaut Lake CL Marlboro Mb Dado Park DP Mobile Mo Devonshire Do Mount Royal MR Dorval Do Omaha Om Dufferin Du Pimlico Pm Empire Em Raceland Rd Fair Grounds FG Reno Ro Fort Erie FE Saratoga Sa Hamilton Hm Tanforan Ta Havre de Grace HG Thorncliffe Th Hawthorne Hw Tijuana Ti Havana Hv Toledo To Huntington Hu Windsor Wi Jamaica Ja Woodbina Wo First Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 1924.shC0. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: March 2, 1919 1:035 1112. Todays lnd. Horse. AVt.Roe. A.Wt.IIan. 8G1821 Keaolani Hw 110 1:07 3 103..72.3 86127 Thessaly HO 102 1:0S,A. 4 105.. 720 8C232 .Io Campbell ..Ti 10". 1:07 5 113X715 84S62 bStaey Adams .Hv 115 1:07 5 113X715 82140 I.och Leven ..Mil 109 1:07 t! 110x715 86148 Drapery Hv 114 1:0S 7 10SX710 S5S5D Quiet Hv 107 1:07J,$ 4 10S..710 84339 Vineyard M..Hv 10S 1:07 5 10S..705 8G148 Little Smile ..Ti 111 1:0S 4 112x703 G15 Summer Moon M ! Hv 105 1:10 3 105.. 700 86185 Kennmnre La 10S 1:03 4 105x700 05357 Texas Chief ! 10SX700 8G127 Hutchison ... .Hv 103 1:07 5 113X700 . Sscond Race 5 1-2 Furlongs, Purse SG00. . 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. I Track record: March 2, 1919 1:05 1112. i 8CCS3 Follow Me ...Mil lit 1:00 3 103. .723 E614C5 Fou :--Five . ..Th 103 l:llh 3.10S..720 C6143 Royalinc Hu 95 1:0S 3 103X715 85137 Oran Do 110 1:07 4 113..71, 83257 bAVinchester ...Hv 102 1:0S 0 10S..715 861483 Chandelier To 107 1:0S S 10S..710 86104 bBill Block ...Mil 113 1:0S 5 113X710 86163 Silver Springs .Hi 107 1:07 C 113X705 85937 Hazel Dale Ti 117 1:07 11 105 X 703 86145 bBashfnl 5 110.. 700 86185 St. Kevin 7 113X700 81234 Elwood K. MMII 105 1:0S 3 103.. 700 85959 Airginia .Goodwin. MH 103 1:10 3 103.. 700 Third Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Turse 1924.sh00. 3-year-oIda and upward. Claiming, Track lecord: March 2, 1919 1:05 i 112. 86147 Countess Claridge TI 107 1:14m 3 100. .723 86147 Crescent TI 109 1:07 3 100 X720 86083 Glittergold ...MH 102 1:07 3 103.. 715 86184 1ilades Hv 102 1:08 3 10S..715 86168 Shine On BP 104 1:07 3 103.. 715 86185 Primus To 113 1:07 4 103.. 715 8614G Ponce II v 93 1:0S 3 103X710 85393 Kelneth DP 112 1:0S 4 103.. 703 8G185 Black Mask 3 108.. 703 85979 AVar Garden 8 10S700 8508C bO 1 1 Homestead Om 112 1:0S 9 10SX700 84714 Clinging Vine Hv 109 1:03 3 105.. 700 84913 Radiant Light M Ja 112 l:llsy 3 103..70O . Fourth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Pnrs2 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: March 2, 19191:05 1112. 66168 HAAANA ELECTRIC Ti 111 1:07 4 107X723 E6083 Somerby Hv 105 1:07 3 102X715 86212 Bigwig MH 95 1:00 3 93.. 715 86127; Kidnap De 103 1:07 3 92X710 86170 Hullo Hv 105 1:07 C 97X710 85574 Ann M., Hw 111 1:00 3 92.. 710 86212 bSpods IIv 111 1:07 5 105X705 77595 Miss Bcaulah Hv 103 1:0 4 100.. 705 85S85 Castilla Hv 99 1:07 3 97X705 86185 Billy Gardner 5 103.. 700 Fifth Race 3-4 Mile. Purse .. All Ages. Allowances. Track record: Jan. 25, 19201:115 11C. 8G18G Little Smoke ..Do 110 1:13 4 10S..725 82882 Claymore Ke 10S 1:13 7 110X720 8G1863 hMuskallongo ...Ja 113 1:12 0 103X715 86213 Danger Cross ..La 103 1:14 2 93.. 710 86028 Protectress ...Hm 109 1:14 2 101X710 80157 Spartina .... .MH 110 1:14 4 103.. 703 Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Dec. 4, 10231:443102. 86234 bBiddledee nv 107 1:43 7 101X723 86184 bDelhimar M .Ti 10S 1:45 5 112X720 86151 bCzardom Hu 10S 1-10 S 107X715 86211 Brass Band 4 107.. 710 . EG127 Ferrum Ja IOC 1:4G 5 107X710 86216 Miss Miami ...Hv 102 1:47 4 104.. 705 86130 Daddy AVolf .Mil 105 1:45 5 112. .700 8CC08 Full Again ...Om 107 1:47 8 1 04.. 700 HAVANA JOCKEY PEHCEXTAGES From January 1, 192-1 to, and including, December 12, 102-1 At or At or Over Over Jockey. T.C. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 2d. Joekev. P.O. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Alien, A 23 110 41 10 . 9 S OBrien E. J .10 90 227 21? 22 20 Lynch. M 23 OS CI 14 3 5 Powers, P 10 103 09 7 13 3 Albiker. It 22 103 41 9 C 3 Tlirailkill, T 00 101 222 21 27 29 Raines. 0. 22 10S 195 42 " 29 31 Crr. G OS 112 21 2 2" 1 Petzoldt, E 22 110 202 44 2S 24 v,n ;c8 lor, t 2 " 1 2 Horn, V 19 103 499 4S 71 04 J ,o- n- I!,,r,ls r 0 1 17 Piekens, A 19 100 268 52 41 37 -J 1?" Smith, W 19 10S 417 S3 74 01 kehrt, S OS 100 12 1 2 0 Klston, II. 18 100 182 32 2i 20 Labollc. C. .OS 100 123 10 IS 10 Peinin, O IS 107 C03 110 90 84 Prible, D .OS 10. 109 15 23 20 Moore. D. T 17 107 424 71 77 74 Charles. T 07 9S 15 114 Nop, K 17 104 448 74 70 34 McDonald, A 07 OS ISO 13 21 20 Connors, J 10 111 250 40 38 28 Cedar, J 00 101 102 0 0 7 Yerrat, A 10 9S 455 73 75 4S McCabe, W. S 0B 108 209 13 20 21 Grace. C 15 107 47 7 5 5 Taulctte. 1" CO 10J 34 2 7 5 Hnrn, I" 15 S5 301 40 41 44 Thompson, C 05 101 04 4 0 G Neal. E. 15 10:5 313 40 35 34 Carpenter, E 03 101 57 3 3 0 Hall, 11. 14 107 158 22 25 22 Giannoldoni, E 05 95 19 1 0 0 Williams. O .14 111 301 42 40 40 Peternol, A 05 95 91 5 5 2 Vuiliemot, A 14 100 7 1 I 0 Sutton, G 03 101 74 2 7 a Eaton, .7 13 102 344 45 49 -3! Richards, II 02 91 02 1 4 4 Abel, A 12 100 332 42 42 53 Byrne, J 01 107 SS 1 3 7 Hanks, S 12 107 271 33 34 37 Carroll, J 107 IS 0 0 2 Callahan. II 12 95 182 21 11 19 Collins, C 105 57 0 4 6 Jlolieko. S 12 97 204 23 31 22 Grosser, 1 9S 21 0 1 3 Judy. J .12 9S SO 10 10 13 Harrison, M 100 S 0 0 O OMahonev. C 12 107 180 22 15 27 Herbert, P ..101 1 0 0 0 Sercmba, F 12 10S 143 17 14 14 Whalyan, J 100 1 0 0 0 Bominiek, J 11 10S 2G5 29 31 41 Filer, II .. OS 20 0 1 4 McAlaney, R 11 107 413 41 40 49 Hntton, II .. 95 2 O 0 0 flower, C 10 110 40 4 4 0 Sessa, L 9S 7 O 1 0 Hastings, F 10 100 223 23 23 33 Walker. J 100 C 0 0 1 DA PC B 1- Fnrloncs. li-year-olds anil upward. Claiming:. March 2, 1f M nMUD 15101 :OS 1-5 4 112. Index Course DIst Time Tck Odds Wt St ?i Str Fin Jockcxs Started Order of Finish KEAOLANI, ch. c, 3 103 3y Harvester Sumere, by Marse Aba. Trainer. J. Hizar. Owner, E. E. Major. Breeder. A. W. Carter. 8G182 Havana 3-1 1:11 fast 31 OD 3 I 2 2l A Allen 10 BrushAll, Collision, Forewarn 8C105 Havana 51 r 1:0S fast 4 33 1 3 l"k 2 C Allen 12 HrushiMl, Recoup. MirinmWood 8G027 Havana 51 f l:09andslow SI 9G 1 3 2l 35 L Allen 7 Galleon, Bodanzky, Ccdric 85593 Columbs 3-1 l:17fast 11-5 109 2 V SwnsonlO Doub.Sliot. Loyalty, SirLawnfal 85531 Columbs 51 f 1:10 fast 31-10 107 Ink V Swansn 12 Old Sinner, Lee Enfield, Huzzas 8529G Columbs 5-S 1:02 fast 1-10 105 Ci W Martin 12 Folio wMc, OldSinner, LkyPcarl 85194 Columbs 51 f l:09fast C-5 113 "I G Wliams 8 IlcnryJ., .SutnmerMoon, B.Mask 83851 Aurora 3-4 l:14fast 3-2 110 2 2 2 23 C Gross 9 Spontaneous, Has.Miss, Northrop THESSALY. br. f. 4 105 By Plaudit Fair Atalanta. by Knight or the Thlstlv Trainer, J. Rowan. Owner, J. Rowan. Breeder. Xalapa Farm. 8G127 Havana 3-1 l:14fast 5 112 7 9 91 S5J C Grace 10 Copyiight; Kidnap, Leslie 85922 Howie 7-3 l:28andfast 37-10f D7 9 3 45 41! .1 Stevens 13 Merrimac. Hid.Jewel, Chpignol 85783 Bowio 7-S l:29ifast 21 10G 7 10 10l 9u L Lang 13 Picnic, Ilay On, Rags 81913 Laurel 1.1:42 fast lit IK 3 4 71 10" II Liebgd 14 Stevens, Tjandi, Seths Flower 84492 H.deGeo Im70y l:44fast 52 105 4 2 4"k 9" S Wliamsll Turbulent. Ebb Tide. Racket 83700 B.Bonncls 51 f l:09good 4 ICS 1 . 1 ll 1J F Sharpe 9 Chow, AVithout. lilack Itaby JOE CAMPBELL, ch. g, 5 113 By Boots and Saddle Welcor. by Dick Welles. Trainer, H. Frasier. Owner, H. Frazier. Breeder, C. B. Head. .86233 Seo todays chart. 8G105 Havana 51 f 1:0S fast 10 103 8 G Ss 8" E Cpenterl2 Brush All. Keaolani, Recoup 85981 Havana 51 f 1:13 hvy 21 103 6 6 G G" E Cpenter S Galleon, Shafe, Needy 85937 Havana 51 f l:20hvy 2 113 5 1 ll 2 T Thrkil 8 .7. R. Drown. Conscript, FatsyR. 8I0G7 Bghouse 51 f l:07andfast 11 109 1 II Pa den . 0 J.Founlain, Decrtrail, F. Moon 809G3 Bghouso 3-4 l:ltandfast 21 10G 7i W Dellow 7 Daydue. Matinee Idol, Irlv.reat 80720 Colvvood 3-4 1:11 fast 37-10 105 . 3J II Zander 5 Mat.Idol. Delhimar. Darriskanc STACY ADAMS, b. fr. 5 113 By Golden Maxim Kiva, by Sempronics. Trainer. J. A. Parson. Owner, J. A; Parson. Breeder. J.. Umensetter. S49G2 Yogstn Ab 5-S 59 7 101 10 M Lynch 10 Miles S., Needy, Joe Joe 79GG7 Akron 51 f l:12Bood 23-10 108 15 F -Woodk S Iunctual. Enos. Winlrfc 79334 Akron CI f l:10fast 6-5 112 G1 G Yeargln 0 W.FIanna, SvrSprings, Rivulc 7.857G Colmbus 51 f l:09?sfast 3 110 2 F Hunt 12 Reluctant. Iunctual, Dixie Die 78521 Columbus 51 f l:10good 11-10 113 5J P Groos 12 Zoona, Arrowhead, DgerousRl 78059 Havana 3-1 l:14andgood 4 111 8 5 31 551 W Fronk 13 Sun Drae, Auntie Millin. Scissor- 78015 Havana 3-t l:12tfast 31 111 4 4 43 4H J OBrien 8 Perhaps, Mabel K., Sun Brae LOCH LEVEN. b. m. 6 " 110 By Meelick Dona Hamilton, by DonaidA. Trainer. G. W. Fritz. Owner. T .Mott.. . . . . Breeder.. G. L. Blackford. 82140 Columbs 5-8 1:01 Hfast 7-10 103 1H K Noe 7 Crnflower, Ppasanda, L.Georse 819G8 Columbs 5-S l:02fast 3-5 110 21 L Aeon G PayOff, High Tea, Propaganda 81828 Columbs 5-8 l:02fast GS 101 2ll L- Aron 0 P.T.Harnum. H.Hkwell. Pcp.Tea 80839 Yogstn 1ml3y l:49fast 5J 101 51 K HoagldlO Illustrator, Uristow. Nis 80G34 Yogstn Ai 5-8 l:02slov 7-5 111 3 G Wliams 9 Chow, Lustre, Fly Lady 80385 Yogstn Ab 5-8 l:02iifast Gi 110 1 G WiamslO Flip, War Map. The Muleskinner DRAPEBY, b. g. 7 108 By Lovetie Dazzling Hay. by Gigantanm. Trainer. O. Tuggle. Owner. F. Champion. Breeder. Mrs. L. JL. Livingston. 86148 Havana 3-1 l:llandfast 10 101 3 5 51 4J A McDald 9 Col.Tokalon, Mointum, Chdelicr 85419 Yogstn Gi f l:23good 21 111 41 P Madeira 8 Th. Seven, Last.Love, Jetsam S5288 Yogstn 3-1 l:lGfast 10 112 51 P Madeira S Enos. Old Pop. Lenora P. 85223 Yogstn 3-4 l:17andfaet 32 110 73 P Madeira 7 H.Elcctric, FullMoon, Stel.Maris 85134 Yogstn 3-1 l:16!ifast 52 10S 5J P Madeira S PeterCbs, FullMn, nav.Eltric 83019 Yogstn 1 1-1G l:52fast 35 108 Z-i P MadeiralO Vanity Dresser. Eternity, Tugs S1852 Akron 01 f l:0Sfast 78 111 3 P Madeira 12 Haran, Kendall, Jack Pot 81805 Akron 51 f l:07fast 39 108 4s P Madeira 8 Malthus, Gloom, Haran 81731 Akron 3-1 1:16 fast 8f 113 10i E T Mo ore 12 Accsta, Satana, Hopeful QUIET, or. g, 4 108 By Transvaal Footstool, by Chilton. Trainer, H. Torriente. Owner, H. Torriente. Breeder. Morris and: Walden. 85959 Havana 51 f l:16hvy 8 107 3 1 2 4 A Alonzo S Shin. Shack, Ch.Holters. Rivulet 82459 Akron 51 f l:0S?sfast 21 107 51 A Roach 9 JosephcC, Acosta, Lkv Dollar 82154 Akron 51 f l:0S?sgood 25 106 71 J Paz 7 ThySeven, MissKruter, "Copyrt 82085 Akron 51 f 1:11 hvy 12-5 102 GlJ J Paz G JackPot, S.Cookie, Cath.Rankin 82000 Akron 3-1 l:14fast 11 102 3i J Paz 7 Hubbub. Hysteria, HelloPardner 80780 Yogstn Ab 5-8 59andfast 66 106 83 L Partgn 9 Miss Caltha. Cloporte, Sis.Susie 80107 WheePg Ab 5-S 1:05 hvy 71 111 Fell O Pcrnia 8 Jacobean, Patsy Howe, Lustro 79809 Whc-clg 3-4 1:24 mud 4 112 7:1 L Partgn S Lit.Romper, M.Lghton, Cvalier VINEYARD, hr. g, 5 M 108 By Vulcain Conspiracy, by McGee. Trainer, W. Rosen. Owner, Mrs. W. Rosen. Breeder. C. W. Moore. 84339 Aqueduct 61 f l:21fast 50 109 4 6 7,1U,: A. Collins 13 Tolo Ground. Jeroboam, Osage 82933 Saratoga 1 l:40good 20 106 3 5 5 5 c Allen 7 Comedy, Herriard, MeadwLawn 82052 Saratoga 3-4 l:13andgood 50 105112 12 13 13" R Mthewsl.3 Redskin, Sledge. Lockerbie 81G17 Empiro Ab 3-1 l:09fa:st 100 1021 8 10 10l 10 A Hunt 12 Chterbrk, ByLane. BgsBhan 81415 Empire 11:42 fast CO 10S 1 2 91 It" R Mthewsl5 Hrmficld, iov.Smith, MissBelle 8130G Empiro 11:43 fast 10 115 2 4 3 3 M Fator 5 Blether, Pensive, Kirkcaldy 81113 Empiro 11:43 fast 50 111 G 9 9 215 F Catrone 14 Boatman. Jessamine. Gladys V. LITTLE SMILE, ch. g. 4 112 By J. H. Houghton Smiling Mag. by Smila. Trainer, G. F. Jenkins. Owner. G. F. Jenkins. Breeder. J. A. Blackwell. 86148 Havana 2-1 l:14fast 3 110 2 2 11 51 E Neal 9 Col.Tokalon, Momtum, Chdelicr 86084 Havana 51 f l:0S7sfast 10 107 4 5 55 11 A McDaldlO Hav.EIectric, Colossus, BenBolt 8G008 Havana 3-1 l:lS4hvy 4 110 3 2 I5 Gl A McDald 8 WitchFlcr, Forewarn, GailFord 859G2 Havana 51 f 1:16 hvy 10 101 3 1 l1 ll A McDald G Col.. Pat, Attoo. Green Briar 85915 Havana 51 f 1:19 mud 20 112 2 2 31 G0 J Clover S Sagamore, Joe Joe, Cromwell 80200 Omaha 51 f l:0Sfast 101 103 55J E Neal 10 Mar.Elnora, Cball, Col.IIsburg 80004 Omaha 2-1 l:15fast 6 107 1Q" O. Clark 11 Spicebush, I,. Manning, Madson 79729 Omaha 51 f l:07fast 27-10 110 7 J GormleylO ThcColonel, Deertrail, Frnandos 78191 Tijuana 3-1 l:14fast 27 109 2 G 14,s A Collins 14 Good Hope, Bookworm, PayOff 78213 Tijuana 5-S l:02good 3 105 4 2 21 71 D Jones 11 Bobby Allcn.LmnSeth.B.Meyers SUMMER MOON, ch. f. 3 M 105 By Rockville Miss jean, by Dick Welles. Trainer, A. L. Briggs. Owner, A. L. Briggs. Breeder. J. P. White. 86 125 Havana 51 f l:0Stast 5 103 3 1 P 7" II Elston 10 Libyan Queen. St. Faust, Suzuki 85571 Columbs 51 f 1:09 fast 19 10G V E Sporri 12 Red, Razon, Patsy Howj 85503 Columbs 51 f l:0S7ifast 27 105 5 F Horn 9 ISenwrc, Trafalgar. M.OnSeth 85400 Columbs 51 f l:09?igood Gf 108 8 J Stevens 12 Hughie, MoveOnSeth, BrBrown 85297 Columbs 51 f l:0Sfast 48 104 51 E Sporri 11 Fausto. BriarSweet, Exprossi-p 85191 Columbs 51 f l:09fast GI 101 21 G Young 8 IlcnryJ., Keaolani, BlackMask f 50S7 L.Brcb Ab 5-3 l:02Vifast 26 1061 4-1 C Frost 10 Whseman, Eltrym, AssynQeen KENNMARE. ch. f. 4 . 105 By Ballot Illwill, by Sir Dixon. Trainer, C. Rusche. Owner, Mrs. C. Ruscho. Breeder. A. J. Corey. 8G185 Havana 3-4 l:14fast 10 107 9 G CI G1 A Collins 10 P.Peat, M.AVood. T.Saunders 80103 Havana 51 f 1:0S fast 12 103 12 12 12 12s C Collins 12 Brush All. Keaolani, Recoup 85734 Lexgton 1 1-1G l:4G;fast 2G 104 4 G 710 63S J McCoy S Shindy, S.Maiden, S.ofPIeasurc 85712 Lexgton 11-16 1:43 good S7 100 7 6 41 4s J McCoy 9 Repeater, Dorius. S.sAk-S.-Ben 85G53 Lexgton lmTOy l:4Ggood 33 103 1 7 S1 Sc J McCoy 11 SnowMdcn, MilesS., Asa Jewell 85577 Churchill 1 l:40rast 29t 108 10 10 10 10 E McClngl2 Wapiti. Haiti, Wrangler 85558 Churchill 1 1-8 l:55fast 70 105 9 9 9 9i;.C KVsingerlO Wild Life. Lugs, Pequot 85520 Churchill 1 1-16 l:47irast G9 96 6 4 G1 611 F McGuirelO Parader, JohnnyJewell, Ramkin TEXAS CHIEF, ch. g G 108 By Luck and Charity The Visitor, by Monsieur de LOrme. Trainer, H. Neal. Owner, H. Neal. Breeder. J. L. Sneed. 85357 Yogstn 3-1 l:17Vifast 49-10 109 G10 E T Moore 7 VirgieK., MargrtAtkin, Homam 85323 Yogstn 3-1 l:lSfast 3 107 Gl W Mrincr 8 Humpy, Smiling Maggie, Herron 83187 Yogstn Ab 5-S 5Sfast 76 105 3 L Keal 7 FcrtyTwo, Huttrope, MissIIold 85112 Yogstn Ab 5-8 59fast 60 111 G J Berg 10 Whispcrg, Murphy, F.G.Corley 81894 Brooklyn 5-S l:03Vifast IS 109 V W Martin 7 Lent. Lucky Dollar, Murphy HUTCHISON, b. g. 5 113 By Wrack Frances M., by Filigiane. Trainer, J. W. Murphy. Owner, A. J. Fletcher. Breeder. S. K. Nichoh. 8G127 Havana 3-4 l:14fast 3 112 2 G G G52 R Ball 10 Copyright, Kidnap. Leslie 8G051 Havana 3-4 l:16good 2 115 G 7 61 7si R Ball 8 KathleenK., Dad.Wolf, Uoringa 85420 Yogstn Gi f l:24good 8 110 3 l Ball 7 Enos, Copyright, Full Moon 8539G Yogstn 1 l:43fast 17 106 51 R Ball 8 GailFord, Cap.Adams, Walk Up 85289 Yogstn CI f l:lGVsfast 1 107 Is It Punshn 8 Broadview, M.Garner. TkgStar 8192G L.Branch lm70y l:50?fast 21 101 isi L Ward 9 HighGear, Hartclle, Tarascon Orl DA PC 3-2 Furlonsrs. "-year-olds and tijiward. Claiming. ZMaren 2, .lU HMUl 1010 1:05 1-5 4 112. FOLLOW ME, b. g, 3 103 By Jack Atkin Money Mad, by Martinet. Trainer. C. E. Davison. Owner. C. E. Davison. Breeder. R. Pollard. 8G083 Havana 51 f l:0S7sfast 3 104 1 2 23 2 K Xoo 9 Somerby. CrtwdBoy. StarCourt 85573 Columbs 51 f l:08fast 91 105 C K Noo S Kinsman, Rcngort;. Beg Pardon 85481 Columbs 51 f 1:09 fast 47-10 112 4 O Pernia 8 Kinsman, Lavinia, Cloporte 853G4 Columbs 5-8 1:02 fast 12-10 105 1 J Roberts 12 CountyTimes. H.Dale, Power 8529G Columbs 5-S 1:02 fast 3 103 l1 J Roberts 12 OldSncr, LkyPl. BiliBIackwell 84908 Latonla 3-4 l:12fast 12f 110 9 9 ll1 11" W Fronk 12 Mad.Vnie. MissRdale. QnUcss 83817 M.Hghts 51 f l:CGVfcgood 23-10 105 G 3 Z" 2l V Swnson 7 GetEm. Tister, Chas.J.Craigmile rOUR-O-FIVE, b. g, 3 108 By Black Toney Little Tee, by Galveston. Trainer, P. A. Bush. Owner, P. A. Bush. Breeder. C. Nuckols. 8G14G Havana 3-4 l:llandfast 20 105 6 6 4- 31 II Uller 11 Ivy, CrtwdBoy, Tab.dHonneur 83875 B.Bonneta 1 l:41fast 26 100 3 6 8 S1J D Hmwd 8 Toscanelll. St.Qucntin, Gco.May 8370G B.Bonnets 1 l:43good 8 97 3 4 5" 5 J McTgue G Geor.May, OurBthday, B.Friday 83507 Dorval lmTOy 1:53 hvy CI 94 2 G 5 4" J McTgue 5 Telescope, OurBthday, AH InAll 83349 Dorval 3-1 l:16HsIow 2S 101 6 5 5 41 D Hmwd G BlueBrh, Dr.C. Wells, St.Qntin 83003 Cnaught 1 l:40Vifast 23 97 6 6 G 5 J Jones 7 TeasRcady, Zanzibar. Toscanelll I 82048 Cnaught 3-4 l:14fast 46-5 100 5 4 4 4 4 J McTgue 7 St.Qentin. PlayOn. BckFriday 8242G Uvshiro lmTOy l:44rast 3 99 6 3 G C7J M Liebgd S Yoshimi, Ferguson, MarcellaDoy NE f 3 105 By Boy II. Angeline, by Dick Welles. Trainer. E. P. Barnes. Owner. E. P. Barnes. Breeder. J. B Rcspess. 8614G Havana 3-4 ltUandr.ist 3 101 9 7 Gk 52 W Smith 11 Ivy. CrcstwoodBoy, Four-O-Firo Havana 51 r l:17hvy 6 105 G 5 4"k 4S J Smith 7 Goldmark, Gupton, Glenlirct 82G4G Toledo Ab 3-4 1:11 slow 32 103 9J T Buel 9 Ciceronian. Phenol. Midday ZISIZ lrunKton 3-4 1:13 fast 40 103 5" C Grman 0 Paulina, G.Beginncr, I.n.Smoka 80347 Niagara GI f 1:25 fast 21 103 6" C Frost 5 WecDear. UnclcAbe, Virginian. 80278 Niagara CI f l:24fast 35 110 7 T Bonham 7 BlackShasta. KkDress. TeaCosy 80012 Dufterin GI f 1:2G fast GO 110 51 R McAlcy 8 Bon.Lady, AntJanc. PcarlDootd ORAN. b. g, 4 H3 By Voorhees Corinne, by Dr. Leggo. Trainer, R. A. Forsha. Owner, Grovo City Stable, Breeder. A. B. Spreckcls. 85197 Columbs 3-4 l:16lirast 13 107 Wheeled O Pernia 11 Froth, First Blush. Hopeful 83341 Belmont 1 1-1G Lloifast 100 10S Left at post. C Allen 8 Feysun, MastcrHand FccHmlet 81529 Empire lm70y l:45fast 50 112 5 5 5 8 It Mthews 9 Levoy, War Mask, Carol 7934G Belmont 1 1-15 l:15fast 100 101 Left at post. G Mein 8 Sherman, TopSgnt, Bphrizonia 79012 Jamaica lm70y l:45fast 20 9S Lert at post. II Richdsll Mom, Supcrbum, Hcndita 7898G Jamaica 3-4 l:13hvy 20 112 9 8 9 S52 G Mein 9 OdWelbrne. ShineOn, HandsUp 78842 Jamaica ImiOy l:44fast 20 112 2 G 6s 615 It Mthews 8 Comedy, Delysia, Gladys V. WINCHESTER, b. g. 6 108 By The Manager Miss Declare, by Dick Welles. Trainer. T. IIcBride. Owner, E. McQuelling. Breeders, J. D. Carr Sc Bro. 83237 Raceland 51 f l:09fast 3-2 108 2 W Mnders 0 Froth. Satana LucyChurchill 83152 AshldF. 51 f l:10hvy 31-10 113 2 W Mnders 5 MiltonM., DollyGaffney. JohnJr. 82924 Bl.Grass 51 f l:07iifast 12 115 2 W Mnders 3 M.OJane, NcwPk, Stella Maris 82,39 Bl.Grass 51 f l:0S?4fast 7 10S Left. W Mdcrs 7 Froth, Hence, Hughie 82494 Erlnger Ab 5-S l:01ftfast 10 113 2 W Mnders 5 S:ster Susie, Ruby, George Starr 82085 Akron 51 f 1:11 hvy 9 112 51 E Hileman O JackPot. S.Cookie. Cath.Rankin 819G4 Akron 1 1-16 l:47fast 5 113 5 E Hileman 7 StarKed, Col.Whailcn. Ltlellopa 81S81 Akron 51 f 1:0S fast 61 111 l E Hileman 7 JooTag, Jack Pot, Aunt Deda CHANDELIER, b. h. 8 108 By Chanter Miss Weiler. by Planudes. Trainer, C. H. Sprague. Owner, C. H. Sprague. Breeder. W. H. Cochrane. 86148 Havana 3-1 l:14ifast 3 107 4 3 4 3J R Albikcr 9 Col.Tokalon. Momtum, Drapery 85259 Yogstn 1 1-16 l:51Vsfast IS 10S 4 E T Moore 7 Loc.Leaves, Traviata Yan Hor 85152 Yogstn 3-1 l:lGfast 11-10 112 ll E T Morc 8 JlargarctAtkin, Safranor. Climb 85118 Yogstn lm70y l:49fast 41-10 112 31 E T MoorelO Tugs, Lasting Ive, Agrimonia 819G7 Yogstn 1 1-1G l:52andfast 21 108 9i E T M.orvll IjcustUavos, Jordan. Enos 84809 Akron 1 l:42fast 71 108 IV- E T Moorel2 Jas.B.Hrown. Hopeful. Jetsam 82452 Delmier GI f l:23fast 31 107 2 R McAley 8 Allah, Dori.-nnc, Roscfield 82387 Delmier GI f l:25?good 31 110 2s E T Moore 8 RoyalGift. MrieCohcn, St. Taul BILL BLOCK, ch. g, 5 113 By Andrew Foremost, by Aintree. Trainer. P. Hinphy. Owner, T. Matthews. Breeder. J. H. Morris. SGI 04 Havana 51 f l:0Sandfast 20 111 2 5 51 451 D Prible 11 Collision, Peter Combs Ccdric 8604G Havana 3-4 1:13 good 13 113 5 5 711 D Prible S Gold Leaf, Brush All Copyright 85092 Brklyn 61 f 1:21 fast 51 112 3 W Hinphy S SirLawnfnl. Dr.Tubbs. Dud.l.ug 8505G Brklyn 11-16 1:50 fast 17 113 41 It Costello G BoyF.IIome. EyeHright, F.Mae 84370 Brklyn GI f 1:29 mud 37-5 112 41 W Hinphy 7 Bowsprit. Virgie K., Mad Nell 81254 Brklyn 61 f l:24fast 2 112 31 W Taylor 7 Bantam. Virgie K.. Kurgoyne 84138 Brklyn 1 1-1G 1:53 fast 1 113 11 O Pernia 0 Montona, Polite. Airgic K. SILVER SPRINGS, ch. g, 6 113 By Aeronaut Sweet Flowers, by Pleasant Day. Trainer. M. Sanders. Owner, M. Sanders. Breeder. J. W. Bean 8G1G8 Havana 3-1 l-.IUsfast 5 101 6 4 31 131 E Cpenter 9 H.Elcctric, Cromwl, L.Wargnr 8G127 Havana 3-4 l:14fast 10 107 4 2 5i 4i E CpenterlO Copyright, Kidnap. Leslie 8088G Yogstn 1 1-16 l:51f.fast 12 107 5 W Smith 10 Tamper, Yankee Hot, Picdra 80783 Yogstn lmTOy l:50fast 51 106 21 W Smith 9 Yank. Boy, Vnn.Drcsscr, Le-acy 8072G Yogstn Ab 5-8 59good 7 113 2 W Smith 9 Atonement, Quanah, Cover Up HAZEL DALE. ch. m. 11 . 105 By Barnsdale Tern, by Black Dean. Trainer. H. E. Brown. Ownsr. H. E. Brown. Breeder, l. c. Sloan. 85937 Havana 51 f l:207ihvy 21 103 1 2 51S II Elston 8 J.B.Brown, .T. Campbell Cscript 85572 Columbs 51 f 1:09 fast 11 93 7 S HolickolO H.M.isk, Louise Wagner, Clonort- 85529 Columbs 51 f 1:09 fast 61 106 3 J Roberts It Tricks. Ponce. Roma 85482 Columbs 51 f 1:10 fast 81 37 3H S Holickoll Double Shot. Black Mask Red 853G1 Columbs 5-8 1:02 fast 30 3S 3 S Holickol2 Follow Me. Count vTimes, Power 85262 Columbs 51 f l:0Sfast 38 103 5 B Tiner 12 S.Vale. F.Siimpter, Antiquity 85160 Columbs 5-S l:02fast 29 107 91 C Grnwdl2 Sam Reh. Huzzas, Little Avon 85052 Brklyn 5-S 1:03 fast 21 10S 3 J Roberts 7 John A. Scott Jr., Spods, Lent BASHFUL, ch. m. 6 110 By Martinet La Gloria, by Woolsthorpe. Trainer. T. McMahon. O.wnerr. T. McMahon. Breeders. Williams Broi. 86148 Havana 3-1 l:llifast 15 110 5 8 S S C Eamcs 9 Col.Tokalon, Momtum, Chdelier 85452 Yogstn Ab 5-8 l:00fast 101 110 S It Ball 10 Las. White, IraWilson, FHXaps 85117 Yogstn lmTfly l:19Hifast 15 112 9s II White 10 Kodanzky. YkeeBoy, ElCororiel 83249 AVheelg 3-1 1:17 slow 6 107 3 J Dolin 5 Machiavelli. Cl.deLuna, Tmahoi 83142 Wheels 5-8 57fast 21 111 5 L Pargtn G Elga, Sweet Cookie, Toombcola 83031 Wheels Ab 5-S 58 fast 11 106 5 J Dolin 8 Star Time. Homer, War Map S2913 Toledo Ab 3-1 1:13 fast .. 9 101 53 J Dolin 7 Lot.Loraine. U.Momts, C.Baker ST. KEVIN, b. g, 7 113 By His Majesty F. Sharp, by Fugleman. Trainer. B. E. Lamport. Owner, B. E. Lamport. Brad in England by D. A. Butler. 8G185 Havana 3-1 l:147fast 15 115 8 8 Sl 9i F Horn 10 P.Peat. M.Wood, T.Saunders 85418 Yogstn Ab 5-S 59,good 18 111 871 11 Ball 10 Last Girl, Old Pop, Norbeck 85359 Yogstn Ab 5-8 58fast 10 103 73 R Ball 9 Gonwithiie., ThirtvSeven, Needy 84255 Brklyn Ab 51 f l:03fnst 15-10 113 3 H Paden 0 DbleShot. Spectator, Stanleyll. 84133 Brklyn Ab 5-S l:02fast 2 103 1 O Pernia S Sandyll., Scajawca, TomNorrij 82275 Akron 51 f 1:10 hvy H m 8" C Eames S Virge, Gloom, Chow Chow 73330 Wheeling 3-1 1:18 slop G 112 G T Wayt 9 Sirocco, Mary C... Needy ELWOOD K b. g, 3 M 103 By Vandergrift Little Slam, by Goldcrest. Trainer. T. F. Cleary. Owner, T. F. Cleary. Breeder. W. S. and K. S. Cleveland. 81234 M.IIgths 3-1 l:13good 10 1C6 2 2 SI 10" D FrogttelU Vir.Queen, High Value, Uncerfu 8119G M.Hghts 51 f l-.OGandfast 9f 105 10 11 ll1 11" D Frogttell R.andRdy, Balcfull, Belle Islo VIRGINIA GOODWIN, b. f, 3 105 By Smoko House Tush Tush, by Hastings. Trainer, G. H. Marlman. Owner. G. Christian. Breeder, R. P. Marshall. 85959 Havana 51 f l:lChvy S 101 5 7 7 7 D Prible S Shiu. Shack, Ch.Holters. Rivulet 85937 Havana 51 f l:20hvy G 103 3 3 71 7 A Yerrat 8 .T.B.Brown, J.Campbcll, Cscript 85571 Columbs 51 f 1:09 fast 43 103 11" L Saucier 12 Bed. Razon. Patsy Howe 85530 Columbs 51 f l:0S?fast 32 107 10" F Moore 12 Holly Hoy, Lovaltv, Lubcck 8329G Columbs 5-S 1:02 fast IS 105 72 F Moore 12 FolIowMc, OldSinner. LkyPearl 85055 Brklyn 5-S 1:03 fast 15 103 21 F Moore 7 Haidee. Spinning, Dmlle Bug 54974 Brklyn 1 1-16 1:51 fast 23 101 G" B Tiner 8 J.Kenney, SouthernPacific, Seba 84859 Brklyn 5-S 1:03 fast 21 107 45i L Saucier 8 Charlotte B.. Red, Sister Susie QnrJ DA PC " 1-2 Farlongs. :i-year-olds and upward. Clalminir. March 0111 nrtUu 2, laio 1:05 1-5 i 112. COUNTESS CLARIDGE, b. f, 3 M 100 By Trevisco Antipathy, by Ornament. Trainer, M. McPherson. Owner, M. McPherson. Breeder. J. H. Morris. 8G147 Havana 3-4 1:11 fast 15 93 1 1 26 2s J Judy 11 Goldmark, Miss Miami. Shafe 859G1 Havana 51 f l:16-ihvy 15 10G 7 3. 41 4 A McDald 7 Sling, Private Peat, Rodanzky 85201 Empire Ab 3-1 l:09fast 100 103 11 13 13 13" II Thomaand13 Variation. 1-advBoss, LvAr.drey 85058 Empire Ah 3-1 1:09 fast 100 105 6 11 11 11" H Thomasll Dimcsdale, BifckPond, PatCasey 77070 Tijuana 5-S l:02good 26 95 5 4 51 6 G Ellis S A.Lestcr. Lem.Seth, Porter EIU 7G95G Tijuana 5-S l:01fast ISf 100 13" G Ellis 13 Fullanti. Boomerang. SsMemorj 7G432 Tijuana 51 f l:li:imud IS 107 6" K Ericksn 7 M.Trooper, M.EUenO., Whipsa CRESCENT, ch. f. 3 100 By North Star III. Masks and Faces, by Disguise Trainer. J. W. Carter. Owner. J. W. Carter. Breeder. Idle Hour Stock Farm. 8G147 Havana 3-1 1:11 fast G 104 3 8 11 11 F Horn 11 Goldk. CtessCldge, MissMiamI 8G104 Havana 51 f l:0S4,fast 6 9S 10 10 10! 10" A Pternclll Collision, Peter Combs, Cedric 85753 Lexgton FC 1:10 fast 11 10S1 1 9 12 12" II Stutts 12 Stargo. UncleBert. Lady Trilby 854G1 Columbs 51 f 1:10 good 16f 106 11 O Pcrnia 11 Sweet Cookie, Lubcck, Eltryir 852G2 Columbs 51 f l:0Sfast 71f 107 10" O Pernia 12 S.Vale. F.Siimpter, Antiquity 85160 Columbs 5-S l:02Hfast 6 103 111 G Young 12 Sam Reh. Huzzas. Little Avon 84574 Aurora 51 f 1:08 slow 15 92 3 2 31 5 A Peternel 5 Pollymara, MissMischief , Liege 84471 Aurora 51 f l:0Sfast 7 101 9 1 11 ink a reternelll Voogeria, Golden Pine. Corto GLITTERGOLD. ch. g, 3 103 By Flitterfold Golden List, by Golden Maxim. Trainer, J. Hill. Owner, H.W. Barnes. Breeder. J. L. Murnhy. 86083 Havana 51 f l:0Sfast 10 93 2 5 5 77 A McDald 9 Somerby, FolwMe, Crtwd Boy 85959 Havana 51 f l:16hvy 5 107 8 6 GJ 5" E T Moore 8 Shin.Shack, Ch.Holters, Rivulet 85391 Yogstn Ab 5-S 5Sfast 15 108 3s E T Moore 0 JosephineC. Nccdr. PrivatePeat 85324 Yogstn 3-1 l:16fast 27 107 4s E T Moore 7 MasonTowIc, FtyTwo, Traviata 85254 Yogstn Ab 5-S 59fast 27 103 61 J Jones 10 LadyFelix, Acouchlall., Norbeck S5043 Yogstn Ab. 5-S 59fast 41 107 9Ti E T MoorelO Cannonball. Kelneth. Murphy 8418G Akron 51 f l:0Sfast 9 113 G" J Dolin 8 Conceal. Forty Two, M.vLorraine PILADES, ch. g. 3 108 By Orestes Idiola, by Maddalo. Trainer. J. R. Carvallo. Owner, Caimito Stable. Breeder. A. L. F. Morrell. 86184 Havana 3-1 1:11 fast 4 110 S 2 2 G3 O Pcrnia 11 Colossus, Star Court, Liege 80880 Ygstwn Ab 3-S 59fast 29-19 113 4s O Pernia 7 SothsDream, IVbleShot. G.I.caf 80832 Yogstn 3-1 l:17fast 11-10 108 ll O Pernia 8 Atonement. Gold Leaf. L. Dollar 80722 Yogstn 3-1 l:19Tgood 13-5 108 2 O Pernia 7 Oneida, JeanMclville, Las.Whito SHINE ON. b. f, 3 105 By Sweep On Cisalpine, by Monsieur de LOrme. Trainer, J. Thompson. Owner, J. Thompson. Breeder. N. R. Dickerson. 86168 Havana 3-4 l:14fast 20 103 2 2 41 9" C Thpson 9 H.Electrie. Cromwl, L.Wargnr 86108 Havana 51 f 1:08 fast 10 101 2 8 S 8 G ThpsonlO Kendall, Spods, Bigwig 84476 Jamaica 3-1 l:13fast CO 111 2 7 11" II" G Thpsorll Pat Casey, Skirmish. Lady Boss 83325 Raceland 5-S l:02fast 13 107 11 G Thpson 5 FirstPIet, MsMdock, RkCoiirt 83193 Raceland 51 f l:0Sfast Si 93 1 G Thpson 5 Arapahoe, Jellison. Proclamation 83103 Raceland 51 f 1:12 mud 28 101 Pulled up. G Thpson 5 ItockCourt, TheGirl, P.T.Brnum 82309 Hungton 5-S l:02fast 21 100 2andk g Thpson 5 RdStride, ..Summy, LaDerniere 81910 Hungton 5-S l:01?3fast 40 103 Pulled up G Thpson 3 Arapahoe, Rapid Stride, NellJo PRIMUS, ch. g, 4 103 By Celt Lady Godiva, by Hanover. Trainer. D. Hill. Owner. A. Hill. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 86185 Havana 3-1 l:llfast 20 109 5 10 10 10" J Pctrecca 10 P.Peat, M.Wood, T.Saunders 85196 Columbs 3-1 l:16fast 71 10S Sl R McCra nlO H.BveMc. Haidee. Mat.Idol 84730 Akron 2-1 l:14fast 23 113 S10 J Petrecca S F.Pullet, Amber Fly. Glenn 84G47 Akron 51 f ltfSandfast 51 113 .".si J Petrecca 9 P.Combs, Capt.Burns, Glen.Maid 84G04 Akron 3-4 1:1Sts1ow 4 108 73i J Petreccall .T.H.Brown, Assume, Ting-a-ling 841GO Akron 7-8 l:33Vimud 11 113 2l J PetreccalO Bodanzky, J.B.Hrown, E. AVhite 843G3 Akron 51 f 1:13 mud 43 111 C1 J Petrecca 9 Fictile, Ashlin, Jacobean 84218 Akron 51 f l:075;fast 20 110 4 J Petrecca 8 Quanah, The Ulster. Ciceronian PONCE, ch. g. 3 103 By Duquesne Hester, by Alvcscot. Trainer, H. A. Cotton. Owner, W. F. Cotton. Breeder. J. G. Pelayo. 86115 Havana 3-4 miVifast G 57 S 5 55 7i T Charlesll Ivy, CrcstwoodBoy. Four-O-Fivo 8G10G Havana 51 f l:0Sfast 20 102 3 2 3U 42 T Charles 10 Conscpt, ClieTokalon, SpgVala 8G029 Havana 51 f 1:10 slow 10 97 2 3 4 4" A McDald G PrivatePt, Goldmark, C.Knney 85979 Havana 51 f l:115hvy 20 103 3 4 4 8" E Cpenterll Toombeola. L. Wagner. S.Angna 85918 Havana 51 f l:17mud 12 99 2 8 8" 7" A Yerrat 9 Silk Sex, Neptune, Little Hopo 85529 Columbs 51 f 1:09 fast 20 101 2l K Noo 11 Tricks. Hazel Dale. Roma 851G0 Columbs 51 f l:09igood Gf 103 11" F Lux 12 Hughie. MoveOnSeth, BrBrown 85100 Columbs 51 f 1:10 fast 47 10S 103 F Moore 12 Sweet Note, Henry J., Medina KELNETH, ch. g. 4 108 By Pataud B-First, by Cunard. Trainer, L. D. Mitchell. Owner, E. O. Logan. Breeder, F. J. Kelley. 85392 Yogstn 61 f l:24fast 8 107 31 P Powers S The- Gaff, Mess Kit. Ashlin 85322 Yogstn 3-4 l:1Sfast 2 107 31 C Collins S Safranor, Homain. Seven Sea3 85221 Yogstn Ab 5-S Sfast 6 111 6 J Petrecca 7 Aunt Deda. Fictile. Haran 83113 Yogstn Ab 5-S ESfast 41 111 2n J Berg 10 Bonstellc, MissIIIand, L.Gentry 85043 Yogstn Ab 5-S 59fast 22 103 21 C Labelle 10 Cannonball, Murphy, Banyan 84770 Akron 51 f l:0Sfast 17 111 0 J Berg 8 PeterCombs. M.Holland. C.Burns 81604 Akron 3-4 l:18slow 23f 108 52 J Berg 11 J.B.Brown, Assume, Ting-a-ling 81411 Akron 51 f l:llVimud 10 113 7J J Berg 9 Plaid, Gonwithim, Gupton 84127 Akron 51 f 1:09 fast 17 103 GJ J Berg 10 Reluctant, Plaid, Assume 78992 Akron 51 f l:19hvy 41 106 5" C Grwood 5 Lancelot. Quiet. Primus 78919 Akron 51 f 1:11 slow 51 103 1 C Greend 8 Quiet, Executive, Fictile BLACK MASK. ch. g. 3 108 By Everett Scepter and Staff, by Colin. Trainer. R. N. Vestal. Owner. I. E. Clark. Breeder. I. E. Clark. 86185 Havana 3-1 l:llT3fast 4 105 1 2 4" 55 T Burns 10 P.Peat. M.Wood. T.Saunders 85572 Columbs 51 f 1:03 fast Sf 93 V V SwansnlO LouisejWagnr, Cloporte. Horirig.i 85482 Columbs 51 f 1:10 fast 16 101 21 F Moore 11 Double Shot. Hazel Dale. Red 85206 Columbs 5-8 1:02 fast 17 107 11" M Garrett 12 FollowMe. OldSinner, LkyPcnrl 85194 Columbs 51 f l:09fast 7 101 44 V Swansn 8 HenryJ., Snm.Moon. Keaolani 8 1906 Latonia 3-1 l:12fast 61 105 2 6 8 7" D Merger S John Hagcr, Seclusion, Asaph WAR GABDEN, b. g. 8 . 108 - By Sweep Scrpentaria, by Dick Welles. V Trainer, A. L. Kirby. Owner, A. L. Kirby. Breeder, A. Vogeler. .85973 Havana 51 f l:llhvy 8 100 Left at post. II Bichds 11 Toomboolii, I. Wagner, S.Ancnn Yosrsfn Ab 5-S l:00fast 2; ill LeU at post. 1 Fouts 10 Ins.Wliite, IrnWilsun, KllTaps K5390 Yogstn Ab G-S SDfast 1-3 113 44 It Rail 10 KatlileenK., ClitcStar, Norbeck 5323 Yogstn Ab 5-S 5Sifust 27 1W 3i P Madeira 9 Jlaehiavclli, llaran, Galantuian OLD HOMESTEAD, b. g, 9 ICS By " Xing Cobalt Beckon, by Plaudit. $ Traner. li. Earaett. Owner. Z. Barnett. Breeder. G. H. Briwne. KAOSft Yogstn Ab 5-S 59rfast 39 11?. 1i P "WodsLlO Murphy, li. Gentry, Safranor S50-15 Yogstn Ab 5-S 5S5fast 2 ICS 0IX J Ker ! I.Combs, 1ortyTwo, Whispering X472S Akron 51 f J :09fa.st 7S 1CJ . 72 U Pauley r 11! Dr.Sliafcr, Lucky Pearl, Humpy 84 G-tS Akron CI f l:0Siast 47 110 S,s C Karnes 11 Itlne Rale, Knos, ;reen Rriar KKS20 Colwood 61 f 1:09 fast 71 10S 41 H Paden 7 Cap a.Gn, PsRedhird, Pittsbg X31GS Colwood 3-4 l:13fast 47 10ft 71 II Garner 7 Cromwell, FullMoon, IJobbyAllen K278t Colwood 51 f l:09fast 43-1 111 2 II Klston 7 Capilano, Mazama, Calgary Iid HUHH Willows Ci f l:21ifast 17-3 106 VI R Tiner 8 Ykrcnelli. Capilano, RoyaUh S2581 Willows Ab 5-S 59 fast 10 1H 1 R Tiner S CSt.nnr.ede, S.Frodick, J.Brifu CLINGING VINE. b. f. 3 105 By Bard of Hope Running Vine, by Transvaal. Trainer, H. J. Kennedy. Owner. Mrs. H. J. Kennedy. Breeder. J. B. Respess. S4 714 Laurel 3-4 kll?t fast Pf 10S 10 7 7 1093 K Rarnes 15 Capt.Costigan. Oakwood, Jksou S4492 H.deGeo lm70y l:Hifast 123 1 00 1 0 :0 10 30 II Callhnll Tmbulpiit. Ebb Tide, Racket : Marlboro 54. f 1 :10 last 13-10 100 . ll D Stirling 7 KaegStar, Unexpected, Humpy 83411 Mboro Ab 3-4 1:CG slow C 1121 3 D Stirling 8 Conceal. Lanoil, Marie Augusta 2 83137 Timum Ab 3-1 l:22sinud S 107 512 L Gray 7 Kml.inky, AlfVczin:!. lMGucss g 78907 Pimlico 3-J l:lo.fchvy 7K 13 4 . 9 9 7 J Dawson 10 Racket. Dr.Ch.AVells. SirGhadll. 3 78807 Pimlico 1 l:41fast 91 91- 9 9 11 II18 J Dawson 11 ScthsFwer, WoodLy. Altissimo 78734 Pimlico 3-1 l:13Lfast 91 931 7 7 CI Cfi J Dawson U Floating On, Elemental, Arendal 4 78012 Havana .51 f l:071sfast fi 105 6 .4 3l 35 A Pickens 10 .Scamper. Pilades, Eight Hells 4 77919 Havana lnwOy l:15slop 10 9C 4 G G G" A Yerrat Itog, Dona Fide. Sliafe RADIANT LIGHT, b. g. 3 M 103 By Radiant Sagette, by Cupid. Trainer, W. Scuitlio. Owner, W. Scuittio; Bred in England by W. Allison. B4913 Laurel 11:42 fast 192 110J. S 14 li 14:T J Ccoran 14 Stevens. Tjandi, Seths Flower 84 790 Laurel 3-1 l:14ifast HGf 11G 11 12 14 14" P Rose 14 Orpheus. ltlue and lied, Mensis 78GG2 Jaincica 51 f l:0G,isloy 50 112 7 12 12 12s5 J Merimeel- WildAster. Honor, PrimeMintcr Vl-Mi DAOET 1 - - Furlontis. :-ycar-olils anil unwarrt. Claiming, rarcli 2, till HrlbL 1S1S 1:05 l-r 1 112. HAVANA ELECTRIC, br. g, 4 107 By Solomon Chitra, by Cesarion. Z Trainer, M. Overby. Owner, M. Overby. Breeder. F. Ste.inhr.rt. i 80108 Havana 3-t 1 :14.-.fast 2 107 4 1 1 ll P Powers 9 Cromwell, L.Wagncr, SrSprings 80081 Havana 5J f l:0S"ifast G 110 1 1 IS 1 P Powers 10 Colossus, Ren Bolt, LittleSmile -.532i Yogstn 3-1 l:1f2ifast 14-3 107 21 li T Moore 4 Marble, C.ot.Koost, Hutfontrope K5223 Yogstn 3-1 l:17ifast 4 113 l1 C Libelle 7 FullMoon, Slel. Maris, Copyright ;5131 Yogstn 3-J l:10fast S-5 112 3 C Kames S Peter Combs, Full Moon, llena J 8"041 Yogstn Ab 5-S 59Ufast 7-10 111 Is C liames 7 Kendall, LissesWhite, Ciccronu J 64853 Akron 51 f l:07jfast 21-10 110 1 C ICanies S Omega, List Girl, Fictile J K4 77 I Akron 51 f 1:075 fast 2 109 11 C Eames 10 I.assesWhite, Virge, SanDiego i 81087 Akron 51 f 1:09 slow 71 112 21 C Kames 12 Ira Wilson, Jacobean, Elga J 81311 Akron 51 f 1:0$ fast S 109 2"! It Ryan U Omega, Assume, Haran ? SOMERBY. b. g, 3 102 By Rockton Aftiance, by Clifford. Trainer, J. R. Carvallo. Owner. Caimito Stable. Breeder. J. Sanford. i 80083 Havana 51 l:0S7ifast 21 102 Z 1 1 Is C Taulelle 9 FollowMe, CrtwdBoy, StarCrt ? K002C Havana 51 f l:09slow G 102 3 1 l3 l1 C Taulelle 8 Achlall., SchoPansy, Gwithim 5 85930 liavana 51 f l:21hvy 3 110 G 5 Sb Gls O Pernia 7 Cap.Knej", TheUlster, IraWiln 5 80780 yogstn Ab 5-S 5!5ifast 21 10S 5!JO Pernia 9 Miss Caltlia, Cloportc, Sis.Susie S 804 49 Yogstn Ab 5-S 57f,fast CI 100 S9 O Ternia 9 MissMargt. Sis.Susie. Stel.Maris i 80390 Yogstn Ab 5-S 57Vfast 21-5 107 9i O Pernia 10 Topango, Faber, Noon Glide 79783 Wheelg Ab. 5-S l:00;good 14 f 111 iu O Pernia 10 Trafalgar, MissMargt, LeonaDe g BIGWIG, b. g. 3 93 By The Manager Fragrance, by Greenan. g fTrainer. J. A. Parso-s. Owner, Mrs. J. A. Parsons. Breeder. L. B. Combs. J 80212 Havana 3-4 l:13fast 5 102 8 9 9 75i M Lynch 9 Ivy, Amber Fly, Chile ? 80108 Havana 51fl:0S fast 5 93 1 2 2 3 M Lynch 10 Kendall, Spods, Tubby A. J 80050 Havana 5-S LOl-ligood G 101 7 7 7 7 M Lynch 7 Old Broadway, Topango. Ego 5 85395 Yogstn 3-1 l:10fast 23-10 99 ISJ J Jone? 0 GstalFord, RlucStrk, Goldstein ? 85257 Yogstn 3-1 l:lC"ifast 12-5 101 -2 M Lynch 0 Quanah. Goldstein, Rcljoy J 85110 Yogstn CI f l:2:l,ifast 13-5 102 11 M Lynch 0 L.I.ongridge, SilkSox, P.IIpson J 85048 Yogstn 3-1 l:lGfast 51 99 2i M Lynch 5 AmberFIy, Ail.Vernor. Quauali $ KIDNAP, br. f. 3 92 By Transvaal Dance Spirit, by Rock Sand. ? Trailer. K. E. Brown. Owner, H. E. Brown. Breeder. T. Clyde. 2 80127 Havana 3-t l:14fast S 99 3 G 3l 21 J Judy 10 Copyright. Leslie Silver Springs J 85010 Pimlico 1 1-1C lMSiifast SO 102 G S 9J S .1 Dawson 11 Comedy, Carlton, Frosty Roy J 84107 H.deGco 3-4 l:13Vifast 43 103 12 7 SU10" S Rullmanl5 SunLady, ReanXash, MkallonRe J 83180 Timum 1 i-lC l:53fart 27-10 113 2s A Allen 7 D.andDrnkes, Shadowdale. Csar J 83134 Timm Ab 1 1-1C l:5Smud 10 112 3 C Jenkins Invigorator, Stock Pin, VenalJoy J 83084 Timum Ab 3-1 1:19 good 27-10 111 53 E Hilenian 7 Sea Sand, No Lady, Antiquity 807 99 Davsbiro 3-4 1:13 fast 13 104 3 1 l1 ll J McCoy 12 Polynesia. Little Clair, Elsbeth J 80701 Devshire 51 f l:07ifast 37 103 S 1 21 2 A Abel 12 Pretext, Pali, Pablo I? 80494 Hamton 51 f l:07fast 20 99 8 S Si 9:i F Stevens 10 Snowden. PeterPiper, StarCourt 1 HULLO, cli. m. 6 97 By Huon Some Kid, by Boanerges. 5 Trainer. W. L. Drake. Owner. W. L. Drake. Breeder. J. B. Respess. 80170 Havana 3-11:11 fast G 106 G S 71 G3 A Pickens 10 R.Lizzic, J.A.Seott.Tr., C.Enrique J 85370 Churchill 7-S l:2C?fast Clf 107 S 10 10 101 AV Rogskil.". Kindred, Sequel, Jupiter 5 81707 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 77 112 3 10 9i 9" W LancetlO JohnS.Reardon, J.Q.Kelly, Coyne 84435 Latonia 3-1 l:ltf;hvy S 101 2 G 2 2 J A Mney 9 Asaph. Alii-; Ochs. Haleakala . ? 82121 Devshire 51 f 1:07 fast 21 110 9 7 7s 7 J McCov 12 Royal Dick. Sea-Wolf. Manna J 81224 Windsor 3-4 LHrifast 37 10G S 11 111 1213 J A Mneyl2 Fehrah, Mctson, Sea-Wolf J 79937 Latonia 3-4 l:13mud 14-5 110 4 4 41 3 A Pickens 7 Volt. Phil McCaun. Sister Flo 5 ANN M.. ch. f. 3 92 By Boots and Saddle Little Nell, by Cederstrome. Trainer, J. Hizer. Owner. E.E. Major. Breeder. T. M. Murphy. J 85574 Columbs Gl f l:21?-fast S-3 10G 54J V Swansn S Balefull, RockCoirt, G.Beginnoj- 5 85403 Columbs Ci f 1:21 good 15 0; S1 W Martin S Sextant, Henry J.. Snowden 5 84 054 Aurora 51 f 1:07 fast 7 100 5 5 41 2 A McDald C MdgMattie, MissMhf. LyCho 5 83729 Aurora 3-4 1:13 fast 3 106 2 3 3h 2s L Momery C M.Mischief, rollyma. T.Amern J 83440 Aurora 3-1 lMSifast 3 113 5 3 31 31 C Eames 9 Lady Clioco, Ivy, Verbena ; 82893 llthorne 51 f l:0fast 4 HI 1 2 2 1 S Griffin 11 Muskallonge, Poppye, Theo SPODS, b. g, B . 105 By Bulte Oasis, by Command. 5 Trainer, J. Gass. Owner, W. Feucbter. Breeder. J. W. Parrish. ; 8C212 Havana 3-4 l:13fast G 110 2 4 7 55 P Horn 9 Ivy, Amber Fly, Chile !; 80150 Havana 3-4 l:14fast . 5 10S G 4 3l 31 P Horn 7 Anniel.yle, J.A.SctJr. T.Amern!; 80108 Havana 51 f 1:08 fast 20 100 7 4 3l 2 P Horn 10 Kendall. Bigwig, Tubby A. i 85573 Columbs 51 f l-.OSIifast 20 10S S52 O Pernia S Kinsnmn, Rengore, Reg Pardon J 85503 Columbs 51 f l:0S-:ifast 40 116 C5i O Pernia 9 Rengore, Trafalgar, M.OnSeth ; 85399 Columbs 3-4 1:16 fast 12 112 3 O Pernia 11 Antiquity, CrestwdlSoy, Lnvini:. ; 85331 Columbs 51 f l:0Sfast 33 105 71 II Paden 11 MkDenunzio, XnGlide", ruffBall ; 85201 Columbs 3-4 1:13 fast 4G 105 G1 li Tine. S D.Glcnn, P.Brown. Jannebar J 85093 Brklyn Ci f 1:21 fast 71 109 ol W Martin 0 Brian Kent, Raffles. Jaunebar 5 MISS BEULAH. b. f, 4 100 By Dick Welles Ciruelln, by McGee. Trainer, E. J. Middlcton. Owner. Nicol and Skaggs. Breeder. J. B. Respess. ; 77595 Havana 3-4 l:12?fast 4-5 1 03 4 2 2l 2 A Overton S Sp.Vale, Sq.Wiggins, TheUlster 5 77501 Havana 3-4 1:14 good 4-5 99 1 1 Is lz J Dawson 0 Sq.Wiggins, TheUlster, Acosta 77507 Havana 3-4 1 :lGmud G 102 3 4 31 3 A Overton 0 Jolly. Glenlivet. Zapatos ; 77415 Havana 3-4 l:14fast 2 104 2 5 3s W Pronk S S.Adams, J.Undwd, Gol.Chance ; 77330 Havana 3-4 l:13fast S-5 109 4 4 4nt 4 A Pickens 12 ForestQuecn, AmeliaS., TheAlly ; 77299 Havana 51 f l:0SVgooa 7-5 107 4 3 3l 2n A Pickens 11 Sis.Susie. J. Underwood. G. Briar : CASTILLA. b. f. 3 97 By Nassovian Genny, by St. Damies. : Trainer, H. E. Moore. Owner, H. E. Moore. . Bred in Enerland by J. Sanford. : 85395 Yogstn 3-4 l:10?sfast . 11 107 5T1 E T Moore 0 CrystalFordj BlueStreak. Bigwig : 85293 Yogstn CI f l:23sfast 12 103 P P AVodsk 7 Pat Hampson, Avion, Feodor : 85222 Yogstn 2-4 laGtfast 21 107 21 E T Moore 0 L.Lgridge. Lit.R.Sheep. Ruelma : 85150 Yogstn 3-1 l:lC,ifast IS 107 3l E T More 7 F.Pullet, SIvebloom, F.andWer : t508 1 Yogstn 3-4 l:15i,rast 91 111 7i R Doyle 7 Mason Towle, Omega, Conceal : BILLY GARDNER, ch. g, 5 103 By Ivan Gardner Good News, by Masterman. : Trainer, J". C. Ellis. Owner. Z. C. Ellis. Breeder. J. W. Beatty. : 80185 Havana 2-1 Lllfast 10 109 G 4 3 4" P IlstingslO P.Peat, M.Wood. T.Saunders 85797 lexgton 1 1-1G llthvy 222 104 7 7 C G31 R Yelton 8 Macbeth. Asa Jewell, War Prize : 85775 Lexgton PC Lllkmud 133 102 5 5 C 5i R Yelton 0 BtherJohn, Huonline. DtorGln1: 85712 Lexgton 1 1-1C 1:4S good 1G9 10115 S 71 7 R Rludau 9 Repeater, Dorius, S.sAk-S.-Ben : 85053 Lexgton lm70y lMGigood 114 106 G 5 -7l-7" D McAiffell SnowMden. MilesS.. Asa Jewell : 85021 Lexgton PC 1:11 fast 1S9 99 S5J R Yelton S FhCanadian, Sequel. RoyalUick j 85500 ColumVs lm7fly l:47?ifast 11 106 7i O Pernia 9 UnclcVclo, Glenn, Mountrisant i 854 01 Cf lumbs lm7Uy l:4Sgood 11 102 95 C Gnemn 9 BrnKpiit, T.Alnicner, Blossoms 85402 Colmbs lm70y 1:49 fast I0G 104 2l C Greman S KthneRankin, Pretext, Hopeful j 85297 Columbs 51 f P.OSrast 17 f 101 S" C Gremanll Fnusto. BriarSwcet. Expressive j SJ804 Akron 3-1 l:ll?ifast 22 101 31 J Berry 10 John Joseph, Enos, El Coronel "-ilc- XU Acs Allowances. Jan. 25, 1020 1:11 .1 j 5tll RACE LITTLE SMOKE, b. c, 4 108 By Sweep rolygon, by Polymelus. j Trainer. G. Boyle. Owner, W. H. Chambers. Breeder. W. R. Coe. , 80180 Havana 3-4 l:13Vfast 3 114 6 5 521 J Byrne 0 Ximrod, Muskallonge, EndMan i 84209 Aurora 3-4 l:1314fast . It. 112. .5 .4 2 2" J.Byrne 11 Ponjola. Arrowhead. Eventide 83082 Aurora 3-4 l:13V;fast 41 111 3 2 S 2 C Gross 0 MJiuddy, Pet.Brown. AVarZone 83491 Aurora 51 f l:lll.hvy 2 114 5 4 41 41 A Pickens 0 IdprBrown, Sequel. B.I.eigbton ! 82021 Hthorna 3-4 1:17 hvy 41 113 Gil1 5i A Pickens 7 Kindred. Clever Seth, Merrimac 81747 llthorne 51 f l:073igood 4 116 1 2 2 11 A Pickens 9 PcterBrn, Xewmket, LgGrcen 80C55 Aqueduct CJ f l:19fast 12 111 9 2 31 4i C Lang 12 PatCasej", WilliamTell. CorkEIm CLAYMORE, b. g. 7 110,- By Assagai Ogalala. by Isldor. Trainer, T. McBride. Owner. T. McBride. Breeder. W." O. Parmer. j 82882 Bl. Grass 1 1-S l:51sfast 23-10 109 2n W Mnders 0 lrovidt. Klaxon. I.exgtonMaid i 82542 Hrlanger 1 1-16 l:59hvy S-5 110 11 W Mders 5 ReelFoot. RpingMary, Cresceus . 81882 Akron Ci f l:20fast 9 111 21 E Hileman 0 S.M.Lizzie, Crys.Ford. SunBrae! 81012 M.Hghts 1 l:SSfast 27-10 103 4 3 31 41 E Hileman 0 T. Plainsman. SunBrae, Gr.Maid 81558 M.Hghts 1 1-1G l:44fast 27 109 G 4 2nk 3J E Hileman 9 Bucado, Jiist David, lie Good 81338 M.Hghts 1 1-1C l:425fast C 103 4 4 5 Ci P Wdscl: 0 Barb.lalmer, ReGood. GrassMd 81002 M.Hghts lm70y l:43slop 5 104 5 2 31 3 F Wodsk 9 Harmonious, Be Good, Mercutio 80885 Yogstn lm70y l:4SAfast 1 111 1 E Hileman 7 T.IIainsman. Crys.Ford, Simoon j 80781 Yogstn CI f l:22fast 17-10 110 1 E Hileman 7 F.Rowcna, T.PPnsman, Topango! MUSKALLONGE, ch. g. 6 ICS By Meelick Gay and Festive, by Knight of thi : Trainer. A. Swenke. Owner. Mrs. A. Swcnke. Thistle. Breeder. G. L. Blackford. j 80180 Havana 3-1 l:13Vfefast G 112 5 3 31 32 T Burns 0 Ximrod, LittleSmoke, EndMan 80129 Havana 51 f L.fast 10 103 2 3 4?. 5i T Burns S Ximrod, Variation, Peter Brown 85783 Rowio 7-8 l:29fast S 114 3 4 41 S,; B Mrinelli 13 Picnic. Play On, Bags 84947 Laurel 3-4 l:ll,fast 27-10 108 12 13 13 13l I Parke 14 Sea Sand. Runchief, Babv Lane I 84714 Laurel 3-4 Lltrast 11-3 113 1 9 ll1 3 C Lang 15 Capt.Costigan, Oakwood, Jkson 84538 H.deGce 3-4 l:135fast 19-5 IIS 3 12 31 C Lang U SirGIeii. Blue audited, OakwMd i 84107 H.deGco 3-4 l:13Vsfast 3S-10 111 4 2 21 3 P Sliarnc 15 Sun Lidy, Beau Xash. MucliAdu 82893 llthorne 51 f l:06fast 3 126 3 1 P 2i L McDoltU Ann M Poppye, Theo 82814 Hthorno 3-4 l:12sfast 1S-5 113 3 1 Is " L McDoltlO Arrowhead. Boot Black. Finday DANGER CROSS, b. f. 2 93 By Danger Rock Purplo Cross, by Order. Trainer. E. Brewster. Owner, J. 0. and G. H. Knene. Breeders. J. O. and G. H. Kee-e. 8C213 Havana 51 f l:07.fast S-3 103 2 7 5s 4J A Allen 8 ClcarView. J. G. Bickel, Mightv 8C128 Havana 51 f l:07fast 3 91 5 G 4" 4 A Allen 0 Topango. Kge. The Dictator 85939 Havana 51 f 1:22 hvy G-3 110 3 3 2t 1 C OMahy 5 BlkDinah, TheAbt, VivnOdell 84G37 latonia 3-4 l:12fast 1CJ 103 11 7 7 710 P Lee 11 Bridesmaid, Lass oMinc, Balboa 81813 Raceland 3-1 l:15fcslow 9-10 103 - 3 4 3i 21 D MeAufe 0 ElizabethK.. Fusilr, HighWatcr 81085 Raceland 01 f l:09Vfast SO 112 S 9 7 C1 T Murray 9 Vallelte. Midlliose, Maximaneli 81213 Raceland 51 f l:091fast 21-10 108 2 3 2s V E Pool 0 Duaniie. Weno.Help ; 81090 Raceland 5-S l.:0Sihvi-" 11 105 9 9 6l C J Heupel 9 LissoAIine. Il.andPdd. Atomin Continued on ninth page. 1 HAVANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES ? Continued from eighth page. JPROTECTRESS b. f, 2 loT By Assagaf-Vyra. by Corcyra. Trainer. S. T. Baxter. Owner. Tobacco Stable. Breeder. W. S. Kilmer. 8G028 Havana 51 f 1:10 slow S-5 113 C 4 2 3i J Eaton Kooky. Mala, link Tea 85510 Churchill 7-S l:261andfast 37 107 9 7 8 810 A FrancolO Har.Day. AgnosCall, Sil.SIippors 85409 Churchill 7-8 l:27tsood n 109 10 7 71 7" AV Kclsay 15 L.oMlne. P.gainDay. Rosabella 8.2.9 Churchill 7-S l:2SVsfast 15f 100 10 4 3 :1 W Ivelsay 14 Maximeh, F.Doloursy. L.oMine t5208 Churchill 7-S l:2Sifast ISf 112 8 7 G C?i AV Kelsay 15 .SamMengel. M.Kose, Backbiter 84405 AVdbine 1 l:44,hvy 27 101 5 6 31 4" It Punshn 7 Caducous, Foolscap. Fairbank 84113 AAMbine 3-4 1:11 fast Cl-10f 106 3 8 G CI F Colletti 10 Foolscap. Caducous, Slice SPARTINA. b. f, 4 105 By Kin? James Sjinnifer. by Harajax. Trainer. 0. Yzqnicrdo. Owner. O. Yzquierdo. Breeder. H. T. Oznard. 80157 Dorval 1 1-S l:5CVfast 2t 37 3 7 7 7" J Judy 7 AVtPittstoii, Npolitnri. Magicn .999; B.Bonts 1 1-2 2:351fs..st 60 109 1 5 5 5 L Lang 0 Faimio Itcan, liinks, Irish Iat 79490 M.Ilshts 3-4-l:llfast 20 110 8 8 S 819 P Groos 8 GraceMayors, Jf.Sapp. KxeuseMe 7374 Havana 1 1-16 lMSandfast 3 103 8 3 3 3si J Calhhanll Grandson, Jack Frost, Xecnah 77221 Havana 3-4 1:24 livy 8 97 2 3 2i li J Paz 10 Scamper. Sliafo. Monopoly 6tll RACE 1 i;r"Sln ii Yij.rls0""ycarolls a,1l upward. Claiming. Dec. 4," BIDDXEDEE. b. m. 7 104 By Beach Comber Grail, by Athelinf. Trainer. L. Hector. Owner. L. Hector. Breeder. E. K. Bradley. 86234 .Sen todays chart. 80120 Havana 3-4 l:Ufast S 101 7 6 6i E Cpenter 7 T.Gaff, Conwithim, St. Angelina So?I1Co,umbs 5i f l:tS?srast Bl 106 91S B qiner -11 Fausto, BriarSweet. Expressive 848o4 Akron 3-4 1:11 fast 10 1C7 3s K Noe 7 Foodor, Conceal, Attractive tlZi1, Akron 7-Sl:2Sfast 17 112 3 J Petrecca 8 Plaid. M. Towle. Attractive 84G101 Akron 7-S l:30J4s!ow 19 107 53 L Pargtn G LncleVelo, FirstPullct. TlieGaff DELHIMAR. ch. g. 5 112 By. Delhi Marion Rose II.. by Bearcatcher. Trainer, Z. E. McGregor. Owner. Z. E. McGregor. Breeder. S. H. Velia. 80184 Havana 3-4 1:14 fast 20 110 2 3 Sl 9fl E Cpenterll Colossus, Star Court, Liege 80108 Havana 3-4 l;14fast 12 103 1 5 9 S3 II Elston 9 H. Electric, Cromwl. UWarjnr 80030 Havana 3-4 1:17 slow 10 103 3 8 S S 12 Cpenter S Dustman, Capt. Clover, Pirhaps a,vana, ."M 1:29 hv c m 1 3 3nt 3i E Cpenter G The Almoner. Duelma, Dustma; uo"i?n Colwood oi f 1:09 fast 10 119 31 W Martin 8 Gdenltcd, SunnyWavs, PcoFlas , VOI 3-4 1:13 fast 1 9S H K Elston 5 BoyAlIen. Full oFun. Gold. Ked CoUvood 34 l:13fast 41 103 4 AV Martin S Heap, Keliabililv, Sunnv AVavs S..48 Aillows CI f l:23?tTast 31-10 112 41 U Paden 7 SunnyWays, Pinelinrst. "SoiuclVy 8.40.. AAillows 1 1-16 l:49?ifast CI 103 7i L. Creery 7 JohiiMrill. FlaxyMae. PeaeeFg CZA?i0M b" h 8 107 By Koyal Realm Zoara, by Matchmaker. Trainer, V. H. Walker. Owner, AV. H. Walker. Bred in England by Capt. R. B. Brassey. 80151 Havana lmTOy lMGfast 3 102 1 4 A" 4" E Petzoldt 8 Conscript, Bona, Whippet 80031 Havana lmTOy l:49iislow 6-5 111 5 2 3 51 E Petzoldt 0 P.llampson, L. Leaves, Ntivaka 85983 Havana lm70y 1:34 hvy 6 107 1 1 1 2! E Petzoldt 7 Green Kriar, Kill Head, Eternitv 85959 Havana 51 f l:16jhvy C 103 4 4 3k c A .McDald S Shin. Shack, Ch. Bolters. Kivulet 8383;. Omaha 1 IMS hvy 12 100 451 II Elston G AsaJewell, JIaryJ.lIaker. Prais-83 .2 1 Omaha 1 1-1C 1:49 good 11 113 4i C Martin 5 Krian Kent, Asa Jewell, Praise BRASS BAND. b. jr. 4 107 By McGee Tinkle, by Loved Ono. Trainer. J. Hill. Owner. H. W. Barnes. Breeder. C. W. Moore 8G21L Havana 51 f 1:07 fast G 112 1 4 4l 43 T Burns 7 Ken Kolt, lloringa Leslie 85918 Havana 5J f l:17imud 3 111 3 6 Cl 5 E T Moore 9 Silk Sox, Keptune. Little Hope S49GG Yogstn 1 lMSlifast 71 I0S 5" E T Moore Kcap. Crystal Ford, Silk Sox 84.33 Akron CI f l:20fast 12 10S 71 E T Moore 7 DustFlower. Harmons. Crv Ford 84008 Akron 3-4 1:1C slow s 107 37 E T Moore 5 Dust Flower, Quanab. Jou Jou 843G. Akron 3-4 1:19 mud 3 109 H E T Moore 5 Tight. Attractive, 1onT Express 84128 Akron 3-4 l:15!fast G 108 V E T Moore 8 AmberFly, Hoover, ratBampson FERRUM. b. e. 5 107 By Ferole Mill Maid, by Fair Play. f Trainer. H. Torriente. Owner. H. Torriente. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. G127 Havana 3-4 l:14ifast 20 107 G 10 10 9 A Alonzo 10 Copyricht. Kidnap Leslie 15963 Havana lm.Oy 1:68 hvy 10 107 2 C 6 C A Alonzo G Whippet, PeterPrson, TheUlster .795G Havana 3-4 l:15mud 15 103 19 G 9 10" J Paz 12 Kct.Mae. Acouchlall M Oll iri 77789 Havana 1 1-1G 1:4S fast 20 105 5 6 9 10" J Paz 10 KlackWatchll., Polite. Allurin- 76819 Havana 2-4 l:lShvy 13 105 G 9 SI ! A Alom.o 10 Hullo. Title. Ja-cobeaii MISS MIAMI, b. f. 4 104 By Rapid Water Alberta H.. by Handsprlne Trainer. J. W. Bangle. Owner, J. W. Bangle. , Breeder. G. W. J. Bissell. 8G21G Havana lmTOy 1:46 fast S 102 3 3 5 5J P Talettte 7 Cromwell, Liege, Shafe Ulil "ravana SiVll CasI 3i 109 7 5 B" 3 J 15rne 11 Goldmark. CtessCIaridge. Shafe 80080 Havana 51 f 1:0S fast 20 101 7 C S 7i C Taulellell Ximrod, Galloon. Annie Lvlc 85940 Havana 3-4 1:29 hvy S 107 6 G G 01 M Harson G The Almoner. Duelma. Dclhimar 84880 Laurel Ab 2 4:01fast 90 131 9 7 7 T-- P Watkins 9 Vicaire. Grenadier. Chuckle 84 75G Iaurel. Ab 2 4:03-sfaRt 14 143 5 6 S S" A Sims 12 Orions.Sd. Kevcrwk. OnTndor 84227 H.deGco 1 4:07?fast 71 143 1 Fell S Stcvson G Warrcnton. D. Josephine, Link? DADDY WOLF. br. g. 5 112 By Assagai Hathor, by Meddler. Trainer. G. W. Fritz. Owner. G. W. Fritz. Breeder. W. S. Kilmer 8G130 Havana lm70y l:4Gfast 4 109 2 5 5 5" F Horn 9 L. Leaves. Cavalerli P McGee 8G051 Havana 3-4 l:lC1iSood C11G7 S 71 21 V Horn S Kathleen IC, He ringa, M Stories 85430 Columbj 11-16 1:55 slow 4 113 33i G Wliams 8 Itah. Blossoms. Tulane 85097 Brklyn 1 1-16 1:50 fast 5 108 41 W Martin G Malmof. Pir.McGee Barskane 85014 Brklyn 1 1-16 l:51Sifast 16-5 109 33 O Pernia 7 Kath.K.kin, Karriskane BillBd 81899 Brooklyn 11-16 1:52 fast 91 113 31 G Wliams S B.fr.Home. Pir.McGee, walespa TUXL AGAIN, b. m. 8 104 By Harrigan Betty Fuller, by McGee. Trainer. G. L. Hall. Owner, G. L. Hall. Breeder. B. A. Jones 8G000 Havana 31 f l:llhvy 10 10S 7 6 7 7i C Clower 7 Ilena, Cleopatra Bov Leslie 85942 Havana lm50y 2:04hvy 10 10S 4 4 5 5 A Clower 5 Grandest. Hindoosta"ii. Sasmore 84185 Omaha lm70y l:46fast 12 100 7J J Genity S TomCraven. SfrCIoudr E Wood 84077 Omaha lmTOy l:i:3ifast 46-5 100 62 H Martduxll Tugs, Bond Jton Box 83949 Omaha lm70y l:475fast 12 9S 21 S Holicko U Hindoostan. Polrgaist Leonrack 837 71 Omaha lm.Oy 1:53 mud 28 107 7" D Frosttell Hindoostan, Pinecrst Ella Wood

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924121801/drf1924121801_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1924121801_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800