Fair Grounds is Ready: Extensive Improvements Completed-Virtually a New Course, Modern in Every Detail, Daily Racing Form, 1924-12-18


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FAIR GROUNDS IS READY Extensive Improvements Completed Virtually a New Course, Modern in Every Detail. NEW ORLEANS, La., Dec. 17. When the gates are thrown open at the Fair Grounds January 1, which will inaugurate tho 1D25 winter racing season here, lovers of the turl will gaze upon a new race course, modrnly equipped in every detail. The extensive improvements made in all sections of the plant, have been completed and the new surface soil put on the mile track, will it is predicted, establish new records for winter racing. One of the principal features of the transformed racing plant is the glass-enclosed, steam-heated grandstand the only one of its kind at any winter racing course now in operation in the United States. Every section of the grandstand, boxes and jockey room, have been studded with radiators and steam heat has also been installed in the new press stand. Sliding glass doors, which operate automatically, have been framed in front and on the sides of the large grandstand. During inclement weather these glass doors close and . patrons in the grandstand can view the races in comfort without any obstructions. New fences have been constructed around the mile course, grandstand and paddock ; the stairs leading into the stand have been extended and a new lighting system has been installed throughout the plant. The three newly constructed thirty-stall barns are fin-J ished and several of the potential candidates entered in the 5,000 New Orleans Handicap at one mile and one-sixteenth, to be run February 7, are cozily tucked away in these modern new homes for the thoroughbred. Among the prominent horses, which have been entered in all of the big stakes, to be run during the forty-seven days of racing at the Fair Grounds are: Chilhowee, Master Charlie, Donaghee, Nassau and many others, whose nominations will be received within a few days. There are more thoroughbreds now quartered in New Orleans for the winder meetings than at any other time in the history of the Southern turf. The jockey list is also a record one, and Ivan Parke, one of America s turf premier riders, heads the list of popular jockeys. He is under contract to Harry Payne Whitney of New York. W. Harvey, the-sensational apprentice jockey, L. and Chic!; Lang, brothers, L. McDermott, Victor Swanson, J. Corcoran and scores of other prominent riders will be seen in the saddle at the Fair Grounds. The new community house, the first one ever to be erected at the Fair Grounds, has been completed. It is a large two-story structure and is the educational resting place for jockeys, trainers and helpers.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924121801/drf1924121801_1_5
Local Identifier: drf1924121801_1_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800