T. W. OBrien in Kentucky: Inspecting His Horses at W. S. Paynes Farm, Where He Has Sixteen Thoroughbreds, Daily Racing Form, 1924-12-18


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T. W. OBRIEN IN KENTUCKY Inspecting- His Horses at W. S. Paynes Farm, Where He Has Sixteen Thoroughbreds. LEXINGTON, Ky., Dec. 17. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. OBrien are visitors here from Now York, the purpose being to see the OBrien horses at AValter S. Paynes Maple-1 ton Stock Farm on the Versailles Pike. After this visit they will return to New York for the holidays and then go to Miami to attend the races at the initial meeting of the Miami Jockey Club. Mr. OBrien has at Mapleton two stallions, six mares, five weanlings and three yearlings. He has four horses of racing age wintering at a farm near Towson, Md. The stallions are the sixteen-year-old Pluvious, by Inflexible Tenebrae, and his six-year-old son Pluribus, from, Sylvita, by Electioneer, and the mares, in addition to Sylvita, are Risponde, by Marta Santa, Farewell, by Ossary, Plureen, Plummet and Plunella, the last named three being by Pluvious. The weanlings are : Bay colt, by Westy Hogan Plureen ; chestnut colt, by Maintenant Plummet ; chestnut colt, by Under Fire Plunella ; bay or brown colt, by Chicle Sylvita, and chestnut colt, by Pluvious Farewell. The yearlings, which were broken by John Wliitlow and have been turned out for the winter are : Black colt, by Westy Hogan Plureen; chestnut filly, by Huon Plummet, and bay filly, by Pluvious Farewell. The horses in training are Shamrock, Reply. Subar and Forrester. Reply and Forrester are half brothers and were bred by Mr. OBrien. They are from Risponde, Reply being a thee-year-old by Huon and Forrester a two-year-old by Tluvious. Forrester is a winner and is a good racing prospect. Mr. OBrien today said he is open to proposals from mare owners to farm a number of matrons for service to Pluribus, which was a stake winner.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924121801/drf1924121801_1_7
Local Identifier: drf1924121801_1_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800