3rd Race [3rd Belmont Park, Daily Racing Form, 1926-06-12

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8 3nie Widcner Course National Stallion Stakes 2yearolds Allowances June 10 1926 59 2 108 Index Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt = i StrFin Jockey Started Order of Finish DRACONIS ch c Z 122 By North Star III Marie Odile by Star Shoot ShootTrainer Trainer H Duke Owner G A Cochran Breeder G A Cochran 01828 Dol 4J we ft 1G5 122 3 3 I1 I1 J Maiben 14 Swecpster 113 Saxon 115 Charade 112 OIG41 Jam 5S l00 = sl 43 123 4 1 11 2 H Richrds Thrace 117 Patiixant 117 Charade 114 01 188 Jam 5S 33irt 4 112 2 1 1J 1 H Richrds S Arrogant 112Sarraalion 112Glowing 109 AFTERGLOW ch c 2 122 By Pennant Afternoon by Prince Palatine PalatineTrainer Trainer J Rowe Owner H P Whitney Breeder H P Whitney 02115 Del 4J f we 31 = ift G 112 3 2 2i In L McAtee 5 Sankari 115 ISecrtion 113 Mylander 112 01828 Del 4J we 3 ft 13 112 4 4 0 9JJ L McAtee 14 Draconis 122 Sweepster 115 Saxon 113 01731 Jam 5l00 ft 115 US 3 3 2 23 L McAtee 8 Swpster 118 Oharusan 115 Recreafn 113 BONNEZ MOI b c Z 122 By Peter Pan La Montagne by Verdun VerdunTrainer Trainer W H Karrick Owner W R Coe Breeder B Combs 02651 Del 41 f we 32 ft 910 115 1 1 1 1 L Fator 32 Gun Royal 113 Mirafcl 115 Tip Top 112 PANTELLA b f 2 119 By Chicle Pantaletto by Broomstick BroomstickTrainer Trainer J Rowe Owner H P Whitney Breeder H P Whitney 02154 Del 4Jf we 3i 4Bil G5 114 2 2 Il Is I McAtee 7 Sapin 110 FChanipagno 110 Jasonctte 110 01895 Del 4J f we 53 ft 93 111 1 1 1J V L McAtee 7 Noltesrets HGAccompHsh HGAcquifl 110 TERRY ch c 2 122 By North Star III Seamstress by Star Shoot ShootTrainer Trainer K Hirsch Owner S H Harris Breeder G W Loft Loft0253G 0253G Del 5S we 39 ift S5 115 2 2 I1 1 F Weiner 10 Pouter 113 Northernlass 113 Mariner 113 ST JOSEPH ch c Z 122 By Golden Broom Christmas Star by Star Shoot ShootTrainer Trainer S P Harlan Owner W M Jeffords Breeder W M Jeffords 02374 Bel 4lf we 3T3rt 1G5 103 4 1 1 I F ColIelti 10 CrylDomiuo HOCasting 110 Whiskery 113 02438 Del 11 f we 01 = ift 7 117 1 1 3J 3J A Johnsonl2 Itosnn 117Contcinplatc llTKecrefn 114 THRACE br c Z 115 By John P Grier Ionia by Martinet MartinetTrainer Trainer C Phillips Owner Grecntree Stable Breeder T Piatt PiattO1828 O1828 Del 4 we 33 ft S 112 12 9 10 7s R Carter 14 Draconis 122 Swcepster 113 Saxon 113 01G41 Jam 5S l00r sl 10 117 1 2 21 1 G Ellis G DracouU 3 Patiixant 117 Charade 114 99897 Mia 4i t 54 = ift 113 110 3 4 3 1 G Ellis 9 SunLyun HOCtalDomino HOOncWay 103 99674 Mia 4J f 35jft 710 110 3 2 2 2n G Ellis 8 llenOmar llOWderKTimes lODUinso 10S 99452 Mia 12 47 ift 11 122 1 8 G5 C i G Ellis 13 IlyMncrs 1221ml LCall IL Acinph 119 99083 FG 12 Sft 32 110 5 4 53J S l D FrosttelS SixnSty HSSVgCrkct HGGIIaldn 113 BYRD ch c 2 123 By Peter Pan Ruth Law by Broomstick BroomstickTrainer Trainer J Rowe Owner H P Whitney Breeder H P Whitney Whitney0225G 0225G Del 4f we 5l = jft 34 112 2 1 1s 1 = I McAtee 5 MasterWilin 120OliveIexter 117Grief 117 O2188 Del 4lf we 32 ft 4 1091 3 3 li 3i L McAtee S Plllotta 10SJ Saxon 119 A P Canalc 115 02115 Del 4J f we 5ft G 115 G 3 5SJ 4 L McAtee 14 UeFair 112 Pillotta 115 Tipstaff 115 0194G Bel4J f we 52ift S5 117 3 4 5J Gl L McAtee 13 Persica 114 Jmubo 114 Kslantine 113 PILLOTTA b c Z 122 By Spanish Prince II Game Chick by Star Shoot ShootTrainer Trainer M Hirsch Owner Goodestone Stable Breeder W L Goodwin Goodwin0218K 0218K Del 4J f we 32 ft 135 NWJ 4 4 4J 1 F Weiner S Saxon 119 Dvrd 1091 A I Canalc 115 02 1 15 Del 41 f we ft 35 115 3 3 2 2 F Weiner 14 DeFair 112 Tipstaff 115 Ityrd 115 01 193 Pirn 12 ISift 32 120 3 2 35J 2s F Weiner 11 Dicnus 117 Verdi IJOContemplatc 120 GUN ROYAL b c 2 M 122 By Wrack Rod and Gun by Planudes PlanudesTrainer Trainer N Tallman Owner Newtondale Stable Breeder A B Hancock 02651 Del 41 f we G2 ft 3 115 2 2 21 2 J Callahanl2 DiinuezMoi 115 Mirafel 113 TipTop 112 O2 157 Del uS we 59Uft 135 115 1 1 3s STJ G Ellis 13 Whiskery 113 Contemplate 115 Jumho 112 02008 Del 4 f we 51 = jft 40 112 2 3 3l 3J G Ellis Jl Cheops 117TheIIcathen 123yiiiskery 112 01273 Jam 58101 ft 10 US 2 2 f Ll H RichrdsK WilluK HSWhisky llSMasrWiirm 118 0109G Jam 5S l00rift 50 IIS 13 7 7CJ 71 II Moore 17 Saxon HSArropant llSWillielC 113 JAMES A FARLEY b c Z M 122 By Luko McLuke Viroo by Mazagan MazaganTrainer Trainer W S Walker Owner J E Madden Breeder Keene Rouse 02217 Del I1 f we 52 sft 1G5 117 2 2 2 25 D McAffel2 GeneralUe 1171ostonian llTipstaff 117 01828 Del 4J f we 53 ft 40 11213 13 12 12ll D McAffeH Draconis 122 SweepsUr 115 Saxon 115 MURZIM BroomstickTrainer ch c 2 122 By North Star IH Woodflower by Broomstick Trainer T J Healey Owner W J Salmon Breeder W J Salmon Salmon013G5 013G5 Iim Sl01Vift 2 113 1 1 I1 1 J Maiben G Handep 112TuiiTrrail 115Huminy 113 O119G Iim 41 f 5tft 12 122 3 4 51 45i D Thpson S Triton 122KedUocket 122NorthlanU 122 CHANCE SHOT b c Z M 123 By Fair Play Quclle Chance by Ethelbert EthelbertTrainer Trainer G H Keene Owner J E Widencr Breeder Nursery Stud 01828 Del 41 we 33 ft 12 112 11 11 9ilO E Sande 14 DraconU 122 Sweepster 113 Saxon 113 LADY BE GOOD ch f Z M 112 By Touch Ma Not Quarrel by Broomstick BroomstickTrainer Trainer C Phillips Owner Oreentreo Stable Breeder Greontree Stable Stable01G79 01G79 Jam 5S 59Ki 7 115 G 4 5 5 G Ellis 7 Clieops HSMoruiaKk 118DrumincrIoy US 01478 Pirn 4J f 5I ft 8 10S G 4 4 J 4 V Munden 8 UNoyes 113 NthLand 11G TamlamiTllC MARYLANDER b c 2 M 122 By Crimper Kings Oak by King James JamesTrainer Trainer Win Garth Owner J S Cosden Breeder J S Cosden 02438 Del 4J f we Cl Cljrt = jrt S 117 9 7 7 G J C Turner 12 Bostnn llConternprte llTStJosnh 117 02113 Ifc1 4J f we ril = n 10 112 2 4 4 J 4 H Tllchrds 5 Afterglow 112 Sankari 115 Itecrtlon M3 01K2H Del 4J we 33 ft 20 112 11 14 13IBJ3 W Smith 14 Draconia 122 Sweepster 115 Saxon 115 01734 Jam 5S 101 It 5 118 G G G11 C AV Smith 8 Swpster 118 Afterglow 118 Oharusan 115

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926061201/drf1926061201_14_3
Local Identifier: drf1926061201_14_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800