Akron Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1926-06-12


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AKRON ENTRIES The figures under the heading Rec in the entries bolow show the best time of each horse at tho distance sines January 1 1925 no matter wharo it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track con ¬ ditions S80S7 IS FIRST INDKX OF 196 C21S6 IS FIRST INDEX OF JUNE JUNEWeather Weather clear track fast fastRacing Racing starts at 230 p in Chicago time 230 0 Superior mud runner x Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceThe The folowni abbreriations are used to designate trjcku at which time records xhown in entries Vffrf made Akron King Edward Aqueduct Ls oon Aurora AuroraBelmont Latonia Belmont Park Laurel Blua Bmnrsts Lexington Bluo Grass Lx Colored Fair FairLine JiAwii Line Branch Brooklyn Maple Heights Churchill Downs Marlboro Clarksburg Miami Columbus Mobile Colwood Park Mount Royal Ginoy Island Niagara Falls Connaught Park Orlando Dado Park Omaha Delorimier Park Phoenix Devonshire Pimlico Dorval DorvalDufferin Raceland Dufferin Park Ratio Empire Salt Lake ErUnger Saratoga Fair Grounds Tampa Fairm unt Park Tanforan Fort Eria Thistledown Hamilton Thornclif f fe e Havre de Grace Tijuana Havana Timoninm Hawthorne Toledo Huntington United Hunts JamaicaJefferson Jamaica Wheeling Jefferson Park Willows Park JuarezKempton Juarez Windsor Kempton Park Woodbine Kenil worth Toungstown Akron 34 Mile Track TrackFirst First Race 5 12 Furloags Purse 1CO 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTodays TodaysInd Todays Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 01559 Lborio 4 MH 1001107 5 110X725 01620 Prince Jaue 14 5 106 720 00926 Winnie OWynn 3 Aur 102 107 4 101 713 01297 Oil Lady 10 Hav 100 107 4 111710 01345 Wild Deuce 17 Hav 107 107 7 103710 02117 Cloporlc 15 Hav 9f 1OS 5 111X705 01295 Little Pal 7Htn 100 103 4 10SX705 01597 Fame 11 7 10H705 01343 = St Augustine G 11 113x705 01345 Betty Mae lHav 102 107 6 100X700 01447 Sancbo Pansy 2 Hav 107 103 G 103X700 02543 Zucea M 5 Aur 102 103 3 99 700 02117 Necklace M S Aur 110 109 5 10G700 95765 Blackfitot 9 Tij 91 110 4 103 700 01414 Venal Joy 10 9 103X700 96938 Mayrose 12 Hav 103 110 9 101X700 00894 Sugar Loaf M 13 3 101 700 700Second FurlongsPurse Second Race 5 12 Furlongs Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming 02261 Glory 4 MH 102 100 4 100 725 01344 Country Life Ji Tdn 110 103 3 102X720 01558 Roma 14 G 111 715 97312 Copyright 10 Hav 107 103 9 108X710 01403 Sam Grenet G 4 103 710 0137 Merry 3 MH 100 107 4 103 705 01411 Mike 1 Tarn 112 103 12 103X703 01624 Keenest 13 4 103 703 01654 Briar Sweet 2 Mia IIP 1OS 5 111X700 111X700012SC 012SC Sudan Grass rHax 101 108 4 10G700 01379 Duki of Hidge HidgeView View 7 JP 102 llls 3 9 X700 01652 Bill Hainsworth S 3 104 700 01597 Incle Vlo 10 Dev 109 110 8 103X700 00262 Waywassamo 11 Hav 102 109 C 103X700 103X70001G53 01G53 Mandy 12 Hav 9S 110 4 101X700 02263 Krlanger 15 c 103X703 02490 Millie G M 17 MH 99 107 4 101x700 101x700Third FurlongsPurse Third Rico 6 12 Furlongs Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Claiming 01450 Xorn 9 3 100X725 01450 Dahinda 12 10 99X720 01454 Donna Santa 15 4 112X715 02541 Barberry 14 3 111 710 01517 Barriskane 10 7 104X710 01415 The Ulster 7 G 103X710 93259 Koyal Spring 3 G 100x701 93X70501658s 01594 Edith Clifford 5 3 93X705 01658s Omida 11 3 107X700 97173 Kod Wood 1 G 10JX700 01411 Deep Grass M 2 4 KM 700 01413 Super Ijirty 4 4 105X700 09660 Hfclors Alley G 3 108 700 700BM52 BM52 Oowah 8 4 10G700 01592 Sinvona M 10 3 98X700 01185 Dr MacMitlan 13 Col 112 125 4 104X700 104X700Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile Mile1urse 1urse 590 3yearolds and upward Claiming 02192 Joa Campbell 2 Hav 115 113 7 111X725 01834 Silk Sor 3 Hav 10S 112 7 10GX720 01378 Beg Pardon 4 Hav 113 112 8 107X715 96893 Dr McArthur 7 G tx710 01165 Why 0 CI 90 113 4 10U705 01372 Cuba Encanto 8 Hav 112 113 7 101X7CO 02198 Itanock 1 MH 100 l15h 4 101X700 01452 Little Claire 5 Tij 104 114 5 105X700 105X700Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Claiming 01452 CRYSTAL FORD 8 10 1011733 00104 Gonwitiiim 0 Hav 103 112 G 104X727 01381 Goldfield 3 FG 111 114 5 102X720 01454 The Plainsman 4 Tdn IOC 113 G 107 715 98057 Freedoms Call 1 MH 110 112 5 107X710 01596 Hughes Graham 2 Hav 104 112 G 100X703 97410 Carmen Pantages 3 Jam 1071114 0 1K X7CO 02490 Fun Maker 7 Mia 112 115 4 100 700 Sixth Race 78 Mile Northampton Inaugural Midsmium r Puro Purse 1000 3yearods and upward Allowances 99831 Winnipeg 10 MH 103 l2t 02581 Variation 9 02446 The Spa 1 01416 Jigger 5 95868 Carthage 7 81282 Oaatilla 4 00821 Dcllabm 3 01453 Lady GUKsen 2 01331 Valenc 0 97294 Turnberry 8 Ssventh Race 1 116 Miles Purse 500 3yearolds ami upward OJ623 Mason Towle 0 Tln 112 151 i i95715s 95715s Royal Qm n 9 MH 107 1IS 02544 Slanderer 8 MH 103 1 02448 Romping Lad 7 Aur 112 152 016231 Recoup 4 01417 Sunny 1IUI 3 I 01413 Fictile 2 Hav 107 149 149J J 01346 Attractive 11 Hav 100 149 01439 1flman 5 02195 Tule 10 KP 103 150 02448 Clierebu 12 CD 107 1 4J CCJ3G Hickory 13 FG 105 14 5 = 1aUdln 1

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926061201/drf1926061201_16_1
Local Identifier: drf1926061201_16_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800