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BHBDi. w„, DAILY SPECIALS OCCASIONAL. j # I li W WW ll/F For sale at all newsstands HOTDOG! Selections Yesterdays Adv. Occasional: * * Tangara, 5.40, Won At AUlfOra Hot dog. This on© vas the very bird we asked you to get. Tough luck that we didnt get 20-1. ..-_-..-, MM K1M1, Should have been that. Tuesdays Occasional: mayberry $ 5.40, Won 1V11 IIJ-.i d»0 OA 117 MONDAY MORNING. $ 3.60, Won BiOy * Witt, Jo.zu, Won guns,ght • 52° ■*■ MONDAY: We sure are KNOCKING EM for a GOAL these a«y* BUSY BEE $ 8.60, Won nP/I Jl T9Q GENTRY $ 6.20, Won I I li I 11 V V MONDAY MORNING $ 3.00, Won TIKSIJAY: Waciflnal SMOOTH ICE $ 9.80, Won ULLdMUlkU DEADFALL $ 7.60, Won 3rd RACE— LAT0NIA gunsight $ 5.00, Won SANOLA $ 5.00, Won /Y * fll A* I II- I ijllOL MEDDLING SETH 8.60, Won A w fcamv* MAX BRICK $ 3 qq Won Thev expect 10-1 on him. Here is a bird thats P.DACC TDFC ftl *3 Aft YA/ /-»■-. UKMO° ■ rCC I WOn $ J.UU, the RACE OF PRIMED and COCKED, fit to run HIS LIFE. Don t miss it: we got the O.K. VERY: BKST BET STRONG: rush right now to jour newsdealer and I ask for the BUY DAILY RACING FORM MASTER CLOCKER S OCCASIONAL rnn WIMMCDC rUK WIIMIMtKO for sale at all newsstands. YESTERDAY S SPECIAL: 1j .k Wf.||,,s- selections appeur on pape 2 TwoSixty,.60,Won We certainly are KNOCKING EM for a ROW of m-TEN PINS these davs. both en the SHEET and tsammBtmm the OCCASIONALS. __ Todays Special Krick, .00, Won extremely strong and should win the - _~ — # and a loser were last Saturdays .00 XX Specials. l-lfrl KA/tA I Q|Afl|* Just think of it. we only missed two Saturdays If 111 lVClvC LiCllUllICl since they started at Lexington this spring, prices So. by all means, rush right now to your news- i ranging from 12 to 1 to .50 to . If you want dealer and ask for the j something good, subscribe to this service. All it v JMsstcr Clockcr . SENT 2 WEEKS. ; remit to lTlHlCOllfl D. J IV, tj 1Z.ZU, W Oil 440 S. Dearborn St.. Chicago. 111. Was Mondajs 0NE HORSE DAILY WIRE DETROIT — For Sale Only at o» 1 $ A Aft XJJ Triangl* NewssUnd— Griswold and Lafayctt" Blvd. OlaH/CI Clj, «J l.lU, II 00 cimTnirT!ar Newsst»"-CadU»c_tS l,;arc- Was Tuesdays ONE HORSE DAILY WIRE ST. LOUIS — Wm. Laser. 711 Market Street. ST. LOUIS — Foster Book Co.. 410 Washington St. This cervice consist! of ONE HORSE DAILY. OMAHA. Neb — Myrr Coren. 1411 Farnum St. | not a flock like most of them give you. Terms CLEVELAND O— O. Schroeder. 212 E. Supeiior St. for this service: .00 for G days. Old and reliable. INDIANAPOLIS— Marcus, N. E. Corner Illinois and j _— — «, Market. TODAYS CODE SPECIAL: HAMILTON. 0— Halp-rin. 3381, High Street. March-Orajigo-42-12-99-64. Use Book 995. TOLEDO. O — St Clair News, front old Post Office. _ _ ___ . KANSAS CITY— Ricksecker Ninth and Walnut Sts. STANDARD TIIRF RIHDF Un UUUC MILWAUKEE— Rid News. :«I4 Sycamore St „? J. V AKRON. O— Swartz Newsstand. 403- 22 „, W *ulncy St. Chicago. 111. I CHICAGO— FOR SALE j BRUNOS and MIKES NEWSSTANDS— State and w— « w w-, -— , . Van Buren. |h frg E-4 l~t T NEWSSTANDS — Corners of Madison end Clark Sts. K A%. M—A JL-J • NEWSSTAND— Wilson Ave. "L" Station, evening. . i_ JIT.-. _ DRUG STORE-Randolph and Clark Sts. "THE SECRET OF BEATING THE RACES." , HIGH BALL — Newsstand Quincy and State Sts. a 16-pafe booklet of real inside information. TURF 6H0P— "4 W. Vaa Buren St. h* a retre 1 tur sperulator. No charge. Sim- | NEWSSTAND— 47th and Indiana Sts. BL? ?£m!*w£? *" , VV to J" K I POST OFFICE NEWS— 81 W. Madison Et. Willis. Box 1066. lort r Lauderdale, Florida. AND ALL OTHUR NEWSSTANDS I | Honest, Bona Fide, Reliable Information COL RICHARD MITCHELL Purveyor of Sensational Turf Information TERMS AND CONDITIONS: ONE HORSE A DAY FOR SIX DAYS FOR THE NOMINAL SUM OF 0— 8IX WINNING DAYS FOR 0 The Colonel put over fourteen winners ard is goin* stronger than ever. YESTERDAYS ONE HORSE: SHASTA BUTTE 4.60, Won Look what you missed if you were not with me Wednesday Are you thoroughly convinced that I can make you win? It may seem hardly possible to the average player that it is possible to put over fourteen con-secutive winners. This is exactly what I have done. All my clients can back my statemants. I am in a position to do big things for every player and I am going to release a horse to my clients today that is going to startle the world. TODAY! BIG DOINGS— TODAY! The horse that I am going to release to my following today is of such caliber that every horse player shonld take advantage of it, as it is going to be one of my greatest releases, and every player has an opportunity to make a fortune, as limit odds are expected. THE LIMIT TODAY— THE LIMIT TODAY DO NOT BE BAFFLED — DO NOT BE MISLED BEWARE OF IMITATORS Use Colonel Mitchells service. It is a service that is worthy of every consideration. Today will be a gala day. Rush your remittance at once. My previous transactions, and notice the caliber of my information: TUESDAYS ONE HORSE: GEO. GROOM 7.«0, Won MONDAYS ONE HORSE: CUP BKARF.B C.20, Won FRIDAYS ONE HORSE: NORE ASTER 2.20, Won THURSDAYS ONE HORSE: MALLARDS MEMORY 5.40, Won WEDNESDAYS ONE HORSE: SENATOR NORMS 1.80, Won TUESDAYS ONE HORSE: DANGEROUS 15-1, Won MONDAYS ONE HORSE: DISCIPLE 0.40, Won If yon desire this service, if out of town wire ten dollars by Western Union or Postal Telegraph, or if in city, come up to my office, open 9:30 a. m. to 4 p. m. RICHARD MITCHELL, Room 1218, 1480 Broadway, New York City HARVEY AMES, Inc. EARLE BLDG. BROADWAY AT 52D ST. NEW YORK CITY WON Odds Better Than 4 1-2 to 1 Yesterdays "HARVEY TRANSACTION," and the only horse advised, won easily at odds of better than 41/2 to 1. This is the fifth "HARVEY TRANSACTION" to win consecutively. Needless to say none of these were favorites. "Harvey Transaction" Today Subscription, 00.00, in advance, by telegraph or in person. Todays transaction should prove again why so many confine their turf operations strictly to "HARVEY TRANSACTIONS." Deal directly with this office and avoid being victimized by people claiming to represent us to furtheir their own interests. TELEPHONES: CIRCLE 2591-2592-2593-5749-1434-1435 J 4I*r-77 il A PICT0EIAL 0F THE TURF lm!"lY| 1 / / Uf J PUBLISHED EVERY ERIDAY ff UH tD%J I I ••/ XI WEEKLY RACING GUIDE is sold strictly on its I merits as a publication that picks the winners. Ita MONDAY JUNE 14 regular features include HORSES READY TO WIN, SELECTIONS, CLOCKERS SPECIALS. BE8T These amounts won by the clever EVERWIN WORKOUTS. TIMELY PICTURES. DAILY CODE _ . , , . SERVICE and other valuable data for race followers. METHOD. „„_,„.. Horses and amounts to play are beinsr ._ .__ _ _. _„ 0N SALE AT ALL FADING NEWSSTANDS filed daily with the DAILY RACING FORM, in FEEE C0DE SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY: advance. Above dates were the first two days filed. Risht off the bat the system won Aqueduct-Jockey -Finish -Drive. Latonia — Starter-Brecze-Dnre. fl,266 IN TWO DAYS: Fairmount — Jockey -Plates -Blinkers -Place -Hay. NO ADVANCE CHARGE FOR THIS SYSTEM. IU|?|?I/f XF T A flM-P ApIIinC Shoot your name and address by mail cr u:re. ff Yi Yi Jj 1 l/l_/l jjlll till 1/1* Complete system will be mailed to you at once. No strings to this offer. Youll get the system 25 Cents a Copy itself, not a sales letter asking for fee or deposit. _...... _ . A,.. Not a red cent is needed. DAILY RACING CHART, IllC. Play can be made at or away from tracks. No : ,5; R g, 32nd strcet 9 y k j y need to learn track conditions, jockeys, prices or * scratches. Do your business at noon. Collect the I — — — _________ next day. Get your FREE ropy ripht now. This offer : =: ; S £r S Sa " i m mm. m may not be repeated. Wednesdays results not fc I I B i"L Bm r I known time ad was written. H viflh IHbmXl. Vk IF I RELIANCE PUBLISHING CO. JandIMffjgjA ~~~ 4". 07 Sheridan Road Chicago, 111 IM Z ■:■ ■ ;■ TURF WEEKLY |:| — ~~- ■*■ Single Issue. 25c; 10 Weeks $: | | ri*l/l¥ Winnri /1 /I IT n Sold on All Newsstands r| Kr I N I li* I Ml l TODAYS FREE CODES: OlAriYLll J VI V. 11. I. LATONIA-July 2 13 22 9 __. . ., „ _ _ AURORA— Jan. -6-20-2-1». Send your name and address correctly and I will mail you a little booklet "free of charge. which information on Ha Hl ureds Kentucky gUJ3lU|HLij||B!U9 early act.on. Published Weekly. 35 Cents Per Copy This little booklet is a goad guide for doubt- Ten Weeks Subscription. .00 ful. Address TODAY S FREE CODES: FAIRMOUNT— Club-iO-11. C. N. ROGERS Z5SSZS .__ IJ DAILY RACING GUIDE Subscribe for Daily Racing Form HAS THE WINNERS