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il*fl l"vJI4r*«a I Mile and 70 Yards. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Traek ree-**mV* A.«AX*V» ord. Ming Mav 15, I92i— 1:41/5— 4— 124. Index Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. % Str.Fin. Jockey Started Order of Finish GRAND BEY. b. g. 4 115 By Sand Mole — Chateaubriand, by Combourg. Trainer. W. H. Fizcr. Owner. E. Arlington. Breeder. Sanford Stud Farm. 13129 Jam 1116 1:47 gd *-5 105 2 1 I1 21 C Zoeller 5 Rlack Hart 100, Cran-e 10S. Salta 115 12938 Jam 170 1:41%tt 12 5 111 1 1 1» 1* C Zoeller 9 urveur 111. Pop BeS lll.Re-ourc.-ful 111 12639 lam 11161:46ft 3-5 112 2 2 21 1» P Codwin 4 Salta 122, Half Pint 117. Rruus 117 12377 How 1-70 l:00%sy 3 2 111 2 1 lllU Emery 7 Forecster US.HgefeBee 119. Canister 106 12347 How l-70 1:5O%hy 1 105 1111 2»k 1 1 Uuboie 5 DcgFool 1O0.K Carter 107.Capt.Mtin 105 12184 J P 11-16 1:47 ft 11-10 10513 3 5I 3« F Reilly 7 Sea Rocket 112. l.ancer 107. P.anter 105 12018 J.P 1 1 I 1 5-%ft 17-10 110 1 1 1» Is D Bmery 9 Res reef ol lOO.MisaMeiee lOS.starbeck 110 11855 J P 1 1-16 ItS.iSi 9 5 111 1 1 21 2 D Emery 5 Hal boa 114, Dr. Cardenas 111. Oc nturnt 110 CTJRVEUR. ch. g. 5 109 By Llangwm — Simons Daisy, by Simon Square. Trainer. W. Pearson. 0wne Green Top Stable. Bred in France by G. de Fonseca, 12928 Jam 1 70 1 ltft 12 111 4 4 2» 2» It 9 Grand Hey Ul.PopRell 1 1 1. Resourceful 111 ISSSS Jam 1701:46 gd 12 120 3 3 3« 2» J CampbH I P.Bell U6.P.R G.ild 1 1 1. Commissioner 122 09258 Bow 61 f 1:20 ft 122 101 6 3 1" P H Fisher 13 Nipirod 113. Warning 106. I ralite 116 SALTA. b. c. 4 122 By Jim Galfney— Vistula III., by Flint Rock. Trainer, J. Fitzsimmons. Jr. Owner. H. W. KaxweU. Breeder. H. W. Maxwell. 13129 Jam 1 1 16 1:47 gd 13-5 115 3 3 5 1 4» 1 McAffe 0 RlackRart 100. Grand Hey 100. Grange 108 12977 Jam l-70 1:45%ft 9-5 110 1 2 Bj P B M.Affell B.Geete lOO.Gpeminaud 107. Ragweed lOS 12639 Jam 1116 1:46%ft 6 122 1 1 11 2» D McAffe 4 Grand Bey 112. Half Pint 117. Rruus 117 12500 IMI 3 4 1:12%ft 20 112 13 12 lVtZ" C Fbthert.l Cantankerous ia». Botanic U.O.Kthereal 110 09225 How 1-70 144%ft 7 106 3 7 llU" J Maiben 13 Canister 106. Ix*li 100. Voshell 103 09205 How 11-8 1:55 ft 22-5 1121 3 3 3« 4 S ODnell 9 Gate wood 107. Voshell 108. SirLeonid 108 09152 How 61 f 1 23%hy 13 114 12 12 97 7*1 F Stevens 13 KathlnCrby 110.8gaMaje lU.Maxiva HI 09112 Bow 1-70 1:51 tgr 15 106 | 1 Ji J» F Stevens 4 OUdoa LU,lrorr andlffver 103.Ro/ax6 104 WAMPEE. b. K, • 114 By Campfire — Orange Lily, by William the Third. Trainer. C. Baxton. Owner. C. Buxton 1. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 12977 Jam 1 70 1 4vHrt 25 11018 7 7*1 8«J M Buxton 11 Kalta 1 lO.BcauGeste lOO.Grippemlnaud 107 12*37 Jam 1 70 1 :43%f t 25 123 2 6 6"£,:M Buxton 5 Nirhavo 123. Botanic 12T. Colorful 118 12375 How 11 16 1:U sy 22 107 5 8 S,: »" R Peternel 8 Jaffsman 118. S. Cup 111. Contemplate 105 12360 Bow CJ f 1 21ihy 55 119 6 G 6" 4" P Groos B MyraM. 108. Harvey Stcdman 114. Bruns 114 10339 Hav 11-16 1:45" 4-6 104 6 3 1«* 1" F Hicks ■ Carom 10S. Tell ride 101. Tandy 103 10123 Hav :;-4 1 liVtsl 20 103 1 5 4» 4* S Hicks r. Extreme 12C..U Towton 1 lO.SethsHope 101 08576 Kmp 1-70 1:46 gd 6 KW 7 4 3ct P 1 MM 8 Light View lOS. S:.lta 105*. Kndor 112 08281 Emp 1 1-S 1 :J7 m 3 112 1 4 3* 2" L Fator 4 Bruns 117. Irish Marine 117. Korean 112 KOREAN ch. g. 4 113 By Omar Khayyam — Chemulpo, by Ben Strome. Trainer. 8. McNaoehton. Owaer. S. McNaughtonl. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 12838 Jam 3-4 1:13 ft 10 105 1 8 6*3 67 F Cat rone 10 Adamas 9.".. Jraciou* 103. Kit Carson 10S 08721 Kmp l-7«» l:4W%lt 11-10 110 4 5 tl J F atrone 5 St. John 10.".. Mosque 110. Adieu 107 08281 Emp 1 1 8 . 57 m 12 112 4 3 4* 4* F Catrone 4 Brims 117. Wampce 112. IrishMarine 117 08 IOC Jam 1-70 1 :444-„ft U-i US 16 8* S*J J Maiben St C. Prince ll.l.Rruns 114. TomahawklV. 109 07.112 -lam 1-70 1 43Vt 13 6 110 3 1 1* 1J J Maiben 5 Wain pee 105.ConPrince 113.BIckBart 111 07199 Aqu 3-4 1 13%ft 12 110 3 4 4* 4*1 .T Maiben 7 Sandhills 113. Quin Chin 100. Nero 100 05318 Sar 1143 gd 3-2 113 1 4 5s 6" J Maiben « Jug oKum 114.St.John lOS.KitCarson 114 MOSQUE, b. c. 4 117 By Pebbles — Minaret, by King James. Trainer. J. Wilson. Owner. J. Butler. Breeder. J. Butler. 13036 Jam 3 4 1:14Vfcft 20 121 6 1 6*1 6s A Coucci 13 McAuliffe 121 .J. of Club* 1 lS.KitCarson 120 12838 Jam 3 4 113 ft 15 99 7 4 9*110 ■ A Coucci 10 Adamas 95. t;racious 103. Kit Carson 108 08721 Bmp 1 70 1 46% ft 8 110 3 2 21 2* V Kelsay ■ St. John 10.".. Adieu 107. Alopex 11.7 08576 Kmp 1-70 1.4C gd ■ 105 4 7 73 7* F Reilly 8 Light View 108. Salta 10.".$. Wampee 108 08283 Bmp 1-70 1 46 m 13-5 110 6 4 4*1 4« F Stevens C Sepoy 112,4renalan 1 lO.WishingStone 112 07726.1am 1 1 16 1 47%sy 10 10» 3 1 1°« 1" F Stevens 4 Prieeman IOC. Brans 112. Aliel 113 07627 Jam 3 4 1 12«*ft 3 116 3 2 2* 2* L Fator 5 ChocoIateSoldier IlG.Anders HB.Vellas llf. 07399 Aqu 6 f 1 :21 si C 105 1 2 212» F Catrone 8 Kit Carson 113. Brans 120. Everglade 113 04319 Emp 1 70 l:46gd 20 125 4 4 41* 4» E Barnes 4 LauraBianti 128. Nomad 132,KgJImmy 140