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OAIUT RACING FORM g]HAR,TS • AURORA • AURORA. TIX.. WEDNESDAY. KAY 11. 1S27- Exposition Park I Mile. Eighteenth day. Exposition Park Jim ki.v Club. Spring ntectini: of Xi days. Weather cloudy. Stewards. M. Nathanson, C. L. Trimble and C. t. Henry. Placing Judges. U. A. Leigh. F. Dunne and C. C. 1imptu. Starter. II. Morrissey. Racing Secretary. C. F. Henry. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicsgo time. W indicates whip. S spurs. 15 blinkers. Figaros in paientheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, tr£ck record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprenthe allowance. ■JOI €kfi FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Cup o Tea. June 23. 1935— 1:12— 3— 108. Parse ,000. 3-JLO A c7*3 year-olds and upward. Claiming;. Net value to winner $.00; second. 00; thirj, 5; fourth. 5. Index Iloraea AWtPPSt K % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 13©563*KEDSKL w 6 111 6 5 4J ? I1 J Bollero T C.aughan 360-100 12947SKNOR wb 5 110 11 11 8* 7* 31 2» F Whifker Mrs B K Umport 2010-100 1 2947" l:oi KING w .". 112 3 8 10* 9 8« fr J Judy C M Freeman 940-100 IMM*tl IPPKRY SMILKwn 6 110 2 10 9" 6" 6" 41 R De Pma K B Carpenter 116:-100 UWIPCDDLrQ gaTHwi B Ms 4 3 l» 1« P P L McClair It II Wash 250-100 1 30I.VJIM BETHEL vn I 110 1 7 7» 81" I* 6* V Petersn Wallin and Luscher 720-100 1»»9I LENT we S 113 7 2 2» 21 4h 7» J Nichol Q Iighty tl020-100 itTOWIM GOl.Ii w 4 108 5 4 C 10 10* 81 C ■ Allen Mrs A K Smith t 12776»KKNDALL w 7 112 8 1 4J .J ? 9! W Sfmper V Hall 1520-100 10484*C I. S ENRIQUEwn 7 110 12 12 12 12 11*10 B Pershall Mrs H l Cot 1050-100 129«»*KAL1KO wn 4 112 10 6 3* 3J 9"1 11s T Root B 9 Met lain Jr 3510-100 12314 MLRRIMAC ws 9 113 9 9 11 llh 12 12 W Charles Midway Stable t * Ki.-ld. Time. :24%. :52. 1:20. Track heavy. certificates earned Redskin. straight. .80 place. .80 show: Senor, 8.00 place. 0. 10 show Hocking. $.5.00 show. Equivalent hookinc Kcdskin. 300 to 10-1 straight. 140 to 100 place. 110 to 100 show: Senor. 800 to 100 pla.c. 420 to 100 show: Rocking. 1 30 to 100 show. Winner It. g. by ;corce Smith— Sadaquada. by Kim-Mom trained by J. H. McCoole: bred by Mr. John Sanfordi. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 3 25. AT POST— 1 minute. Start ood and slow Won easily: second and third driving. KEDSKIN raced close up from the start and. under hard riding, overhauled the leaders in the final three sixteenths to win going away. SENOR was far back in the early running, but closed a rap quickly in the stretch and finished faster than the winner. ROCKING also came from behind in. the last quarter, and finished close up. SLIPPERY SM1I.H closed a gap. MEDDLING SETII showed the most speed and was in the lead for the first five-eighths, but was raced in the worst going and tired in the stretch. I ENT ran well for the first half mile. KAI.1KO i.uit. Scratched- 11810 Slow Time. 107: 12W2 Judge Itailey. 10.5; 12774 Sir John McDonald, 113: 12774 Gambling Tony. 110: 11177 Kirsley. 112. 11Q7 SECOND RACE— 1 Mils. Smiling Gus. June 9. 1926— 1:G9%— 3— 103. Purse ,000. 4- 3- *L A %J 4 year-oids and upward. Claiming. Met wiue to winner v.OO. second, 00; third 5: fourth. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. book. Strt IWWMT DESTINATION*- 4 104 10 11 61 fr :.- 1* 1J I, McClair J D and C ■ Lenahan 1980 100 UOiOANMKKOliK w 4 110J 8 5 I* P 41 2i 2 J Kirby EDoumani t370-100 13061FAIRLIGHT W 6 108 9 9 11* 9 9 HJ 3* W Sfmper W V Casey .".90-100 lt*HIQt] CARD w- 4 103 11 10 10 7" 6= 3 4 B Pershall ■ K Sterrett 2:530-100 UWIIAKT OONTBTBTw B 98 12 12 12 12 11*11 ".J P Hebert ■ I, Snvder 220-100 1274.VNHRK1D w 4 103 3 4 9 11* 12 71 fi* V Petersn Mrs J H McCoole 610-100 12649CLAPPKR m 4 109 4 2 1" 2 2 Au 7" ■ Porter Mrs A R Smith 2290-100 13017*KL CID w 5 1051 1 1 7h 10 10Jl 81 81 ■ Graham EK Watson t 13020 SCISSORS w 7 114 2 3 4 i 4 71 9"1 P W McCabe W J Waterman GSO-100 l*949,KIN«:SCOCUT II. w 4 117 6 8 Si 81 8 6« 10 A Vlemot I lerby Stable t 1895.1 LOVE CHILD w- 4 112 5 6 2* ll 1* 10 111 J Judy I » Breckinridge 910-100 12831 I.I.i:VKl.l.Y. W 8 110 7 7 31 3: 3112 12 W Bogski J J Russell S70-100 Field. Time. :2andV :51**. ~1:21V 1:51. Track heavy. certificates earned My Ilestinaton. 1.60 straight. 1.80 place. 0.00 show; Anmorode. field. 2.20 place. $.V40 show: Fairlight. .80 show. Ikjuivalent liooking- My I estination. 1980 to 100 straight. 991 to 100 place. 430 to 100 show; Anmerode. f.eld. 510 to 100 place. 170 to 100 show: Fairlight. 140 to 100 show. Winner- Itr. g. by Manager Waite— Marie Hyde, by Handcuff trained by J. D. Eenahan: bred by Mr. l.vde Van Huseni. Winner entered to be claimed for KX . WENT TO POST— 2 38. AT POST— 1 minute. Start fair and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. MY DESTINATION raced under restraint to the last turn and. saving ground on the inside, came through into the lead in the stretch and held ANMERODE safe to the end. ANMKRODE challenged the winner when an eighth out. but was unable to ipiite get up. FA1RI.IGITT. badly outpaced in the early running, rapidly overhauled the tiring leaders in the stretch and finished fastest of all. HIGH CARD dosed a gap. then was tiring at the end. M.VIIY CONTRARY raced far back most of the way. Ni;HEII came again in the stretch after dropping Lack to last place. CLAPPER tired badly, :is did I.EVVi.I.VN. I/OVE CHILD raced into a good lead, but was done when reaching the stretch. Scratched— -13021 Rally Nuisance. 100: 13021 War Idol. 10.V 1277.% Neptune. 103. Overweights— Anmerode. 3V.j pounds: Nereid, 3: El Cid, 4; Scissors. 2. j OIQO THIRD RACE— 1 Mile. Smiling Gus. June 9. 1926— 1 39S— 3 — 103. Purse ,000. 4-AOil/O year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third, 5; fourth. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt M Vt % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 13021 SKA GsUOBN vs .". 107 6 8 7 7« 2" 1* 1« B Pershall Mrs H I Cox 320-100 ttm ,UTTU AMMIE wb I 102 9 4 Pft*l 1 3* 2» T Root Gentillv Stable 1S90-100 IMU*DOB*THT AHAMSw i 102 10 12 12 12 11* 8* 3 J Bollero Mrs C Lawrence 1050-100 128..4 REVOLT wb .". 101 8 :, 3J 4 | 6« 4* A lrgrass J W Iwis l:00-100 128»7*WIL M IlGGIN.Swrt 4 112 3 6 10= 9* 81 2* 5 K Whifker New Orleans Stable V 0-100 1*991 Kl WWING ION W .". 108 7 10 11111 9= 9* G C ■ Allen J Keller t420-100 12989 WHS THE TIMEwn 4 112 12 9 4 1* 1* 4* 7* W Tavlor Winchester Stable 21C0-100 12»46*J K KNIGHT wn 4 109 11 7 2i 2 3* W 8* R Pafqin Nugent Bros t 13109 ]:|i LICK « .". 108 1 1 6* ?• 7* 7 9* J Judy C X Freeman 2640-100 1*946* AIR ASTLK wb B 107 2 2 81 8 10 10= 10 I Lynch Mrs J lGassaway t 1311 ILL ASTRO S» 7 103 I 3 1" :? GJ 12 11J V letersn T J Abrams 40-100 10990* I ■ MINE tr 4 lOTi 4 11 9J 10* 12 1U 12 R Domett !•* S Iage 19-0-100 IWlll Time, :25«». :51. 1:21. 1A9%. Track heavy. certificates earned -Sea tireen. .40 straight. $._..00 place. .»K show: Little Amine. 3.00 place. 1.4 show: Dorothy Adams. .00 show. Equivalent booking Sea .reen. 320 to 100 straight. 130 to 100 place. 10 to 100 show: Little Ammic .%S0 to 100 place. 42 to 100 show: Dorothy Adams. 2.V to 100 show. Winner — It. m. by Sea Sick — Verdant, by Sunflower II. trained by H. D. Cox; bred in France by Mr. A K MacuiiilMTi. Winner entered to lie claimed for ,20. WENT TO POST— 3:04. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. SEA i.KEEN began slowly, but raced to the leaders with a rush when called on and. passing WHATS THE TIME, took he lead aud won in a canter. LITTLE AVIMIE raced close up. naved ground on the turns and finished gamely. DOHOTHY ADAMS raced far back in the early running, but closed an immense gap and got up to outfinish REVOLT. The latter had a rough race, suffering from much iiitcrtercncc. WILLIAM Dllii.INS closed a gap. WHATS THE TIME raced into a good lead after going a half mile, but tired badly wheu reaching the stretch. EL ASTRO and JACK KNIGHT quit after showing early speed. Scratched 13O20* Private Scth. 109; 13021 Huey, 109; 13021 Isamau. 109. Overweight — Air t astle. 4 jiounds. 1Q1 QQ FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile. Smiling Gus. June 9. 1926—1:39*4—3—103. Purse ,000. 4-lOlt/V year -olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00: third 5-fourth. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt || *», Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir. Book. Strt l;tlll « lilMIMIS w 7 112 9 3 .V :.J 2* 1* l B Pershall W Caywood BsTMM 1*891 •INFANTE VlM 4 9 10 9* 5* 5 21 P Hebert RL Baker 1010-100 13I33 MART BUNCH w 7 107 7 1 4b 4" 6 6 P A Prgrass C, H Neal l:-*0-100 13017 MKX2Y o. ws 6 112 10 2 1* 1* 1* 21 4* L Whitcre Mrs J H Buscher 1010-100 1295* MS R. W i 112 5 7 61 6 8* 7* r.* L McClair W M Grant 990-100 1*95* PObsOM w 4 104 8 .. 2* .: ::".:: ?» C Hworth A Brusca 1S90 100 « 13109 *MAl:VEI.ITK w I 112 2 4 7 71 71 8 7* V Petersn G Roman 1 10 -100 13I.-.3 HAI.C wb 9 114 G G :; 21 4 4 8* J IXIlea Lone Star Stable 1720-100 12H92*I 11MOKIDBS w J 10T. 1 S 8* S* 9* 9* 9* K Whifker Mn B K Umport M8-1M lrtOir.jAi.OER ■r*4M4 3 10 9 10 10 10 10 W Sfmper 1 J Hudson G:»J-100 Time. :25S. 515. 1:21. 1:49. Track heavy. certificates earned Pompous, . 00 straight. -C0 place. .20 show; Infante. 0 place. .00 show Mart ltun h. 4il show. E |iinalent iMMikini: Ioinpoiis. 3.V to 100 straight. 130 to 100 place. 110 to HO show; Infante. .".30 to J 00 |da e 230 to HXI show: Mart Bunch. 220 to 100 show. W riner It. g, bv i h.. !■■ Pageant, by Didhi trained by W. Caywood: bred by Mr. Harry Payne Whitie-ii. w nii.r entered to lie claimed for ,200. WENT TO POST— 3 29. AT POST— 1 minute. Start tHid and slow. Won easilj : second and third driving. ruMPuIS raced under restraint to the urn for home, then raced into the lead when called on and easily held swa to the SsC. IMANIL mt*4 far back to the stretch, but quickly closed a great ap and easily oil f inish.-d M.MIT, P.INCIL M A KT BINCH raced well, saved ground on the turns and finished namely IL.V ". -lowed the most early s|»eed and drew away into a long lead, but was ra.ed Brisk into the aticlcs Btsi hadl . .l"S it. lost ground on all the tarns and raced poorly. POISON »a« done in the stretch. HALL quit. MAKVLI III: .an do much better. Scratched llWta ilati.or. MB; 13 IK-Cilmore, 101?: 12813 Kellfout. 10!: 198S1 Murrav, 110; 13111 Smart Guy. MB. II-..T-.0-I.MJ Po .soil. 1 Iiolllld. 1r 9AH FIFTH HACE— 1 Mile and :0 Yards. Pillager June 5 1326— 1 43 S— 4— 103. Anton «_ "vr J. Cerma.k Handicap. Purse ,400. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 50 second. 50: third. 50: fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 £ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir. Book. Strt 13060 BALBOA w I 11". 2 1 3"k P 3* 2 l| F Sremba Gentillv Stable 1 ."■-100 12752-I •I.MIM.i: lLWKILw! 3 9C 4 5 414l 4* 4« 2 L Jenrier C Houbre 1 140 lot 13060 DEVON ■ 1 110 o 4 C« «« r.l 5* 3"k H Lynch J j nislj UB-M1 13060 POL.VO wi:-;ii., 7 7 711 7-0 7" 6= 4= R I echini Mrs W J Potter 13S0-1M 129.11 GOLXEN IfAC wn 4 luS 8 2 2« Ill l*| P C K Allen Mrs J II Itu.s. b.-r OB-MI 13l.11 H IT N I • i.N AN" wis S Mil i G ." "1 6« 7" 6« O Hworth Joliet Stable +J90 100 13060 -CAR "VER w :. 92 6 3 1" 2 21 31 7»° J Bollero Joliet BteMa t 12951 ALAItlAN wti 7 104 1 $ 8 8 8 8 8 W .Sfiiiper Mrs I. M Holme* 1710 100 • oupled as Joliet Stable entry. Time. 25. :49«4. IM, 14CS. 1:51. Track heavy. certificates earned Itallnia. $.". straight. .00 place, .00 show; Dimple lliinkie. 10 place. $.", o-p BtaSSI Devon. SI It slow Eqirvaleiit baakitsg ItallMta. MB to MB straight. SO to lO place. 50 to 1 0 show. Dimple Dunkie. i SOI* to IK [»lai-e. 15; io UK* show; Devon, 120 to P* show. • ClavVinner °h S hi Rallot— BettJ D"ln,e- bT Sweep trained by A. L. Gaal; bred by Mr. G. U. WENT TO POST— 3:55. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. BALBOA regained his good form suddenly, raced tinder restraint and close up to the stretch tnm then, responding well when called on. passed GOLDEN MAC into the lead and held DIMP1 K DINKIK safe at the end. DiMIM.E Dl NKIE. also restrained for three-quarters, came fast in the stretch ind finished "earing the winner down. DEVON was outrun to the last turn, but finished fast and ul.isil lOi.VO. The latter had no mishaps and was outpaced all the way. COI.DEN MAC took an eav U-id after a half mile and held it to the stretch, but tired quickly and gave way wheu the others cuallengeu. CAFTAIN DONAN and FAR OVEK quit in the stretch. Overweights— Dimple Dunkie. 1 pound; lolvo. ."»: Golden Mac. 4; Captain Donan. 4». 1 3201 SI?TH BCE_1 M MUcs B*0"**-*- Oct- 30. 19f6-2:08%-5-106. Purse 000. ■*-*-* *"VA 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00 third 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt U % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners E.|uiv. Book. Str t I2!7/.V!FJrKRNl:Y W " 115 •«•*•* 1* » 1 P Hebert Ross and KetchunT" 210-100 hS;.,!-1. vr.-.lM 6 6 51 24 2» 2« 2* B Pershall Strite and Valentine 220-100 ltB18»TRl AGAIN w 3 108 7 I 41 3* 3» 3 3i V Petersn T F Bornncvn .30-1 r J?.?2i.SA ,AMrK K wSUO 3 3 6* 41 4* 4» 4* C E Allen J W ioode »-100 J™ *J££££ ATWELLw 4 99 2 1 3 5* 5* S- 5» J Bollero Joliet Stable -:»l l« ■j**?. yff£?,*nf. wn 511013 7 7 7 7 7 6lJHillea JMcAuliffe 4280-100 1281 2* ABSTRACT wb 5 112 1 2 2 6« 6 6= 7 I Lynch Pueblo Stable MB-MI Time. :25V», :53«,. 1:20%. 1:50, 2:1$. Track hsavy. certificates earned 4 hief Tieiney. .20 straight. .40 place, .00 show; Barb Wire S3 00 place. .40 show; Try Again. .00 show. Equivalent booking- Chief Tierney. 210 to 100 straight, 70 to 100 place. 7S to 100 show Barb Wire oO to 100 place. 20 to 100 show; Try Again. 30 to DM show. Winner— B. g. by Chief ■ ■ Ortf.lll. by Grey U-g trained by P. Renter; bred by Mr. II L. Smith. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000 WENT TO POST— 4:21. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. CHIEF TIERNEY raced into a long lead after rounding the first turn, hut was taken under rest-aint after going a half mile and. hard ridden in the final drive, held BARB WIUE safe at the end The Utter raced in nearest pursuit and challenged gamely in the final eighth, but was unable to overtake the winner. TRY AGAIN raced in third place throughout aud held it safe at the end. BAGAMOOK made a resolute challenge in the stretch, but was unable to reach the leaders. POLLY VlWE! 1 tind in the final drive. Overweight Kumonin. 3-j pounds. "I 2ft2 8E.TEN„TH HACE— ! *Ue »nd 70 Yards. Pillager. June 5. 1986—1:43*4—4—103. Purs ■M.%J*mJ** ,100. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second 00-third 00; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt K % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir. Book. Strt 12994REVEILIXX wn I 110 4 5 4, 5- 31 3» 1* J Majestic Miss M Kelly 4HM0O 13057 "BILLY WITT w 4 115 8 4 1-* P 1» || * J Bollero Derby Stable -lO-lOO 13702 *BHTE TORCH w 4 111 7 3 3i 31 4» 2 31 P Hebert I» Reuter :i!0-100 13062 "THE WIRE ws 3 98 5 6 6s 41 5» 4» 4» R Patqin B Herman 1530-101 13063"WCH TE TIMEw I 104 1 1 21 9 2i 5 5 V Petersn Winchester Stable *W-1W 131 53 COLONEL tARR ws 4 107 3 7 7 71 8 61 61 B Pershall Mrs H L Cox 1750 10 12994 RIB GRASS w 8 110 | 2 5 6i 6 7 7i C Hworth A Brusca ••HO -100 13062 GRASS MAID w 7 111 6 8 8 8 71 8 8 I. Aron Missouri Stable lWO 100 Time. :25S. :S0%. 1:19%, 1:46. 1:51. Track heavy. certificates earned-Keveillon. 0.20 straight. .20 place. .40 show; Billv Witt "0 nlace .40 show: Blue Torch, .00 show. Equivalent booking— Keveillon. 410 to 100 straight. 110 to 100 place. 20 to 100 show Itilly Witt CO to 10J place. 20 to 100 show; Blue Torch. 30 to 100 show. Winner— B. g. by Fair Play Idle Fancy, by Ben Brush trained by T. W. Boniman; bred by Mr. E. E. Marshall. Winner entered to be claimed for 750. WENT TO POST— 4:50. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driviug: second and third the same. KEVEILLON saved ground where possible and, under strong riding, gained steadilv in ttba stretch and got up in the last strides to outfinish BILLY WITT. The latter showed the most tarty SpMri in, I held the lead gamely to Hearing the end. but was outfinished. BLUR TOUCH raced l;[i "jm,, second place and loomed up dangerously in the stretch, but tired in the worst going. THE WIKK r:i el well aid finished gamely. WATCH THE TIME was done in the stretch. Scratched — 130f.! Paula Shay. 110: 12X02 Brumfield. 100. Overweight — Watch the Time, 4 pounds.