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T»MW YORK PRESS "GREATEST RACING AND FINANCIAL WEEKLY IN AMERICA 145 W. Forty-Fifth St., New York City— Bryant 27.61— Price 15 Cents A BIG EIGHT -PAGE RACING PAPER NOW IN ITS THIRD YEAR On sale everywhere in America — Greatest success ever scored by a racing weekly BIG DERBY EDITION— ALL STANDS-TODAY YESTERDAY 1 DE USE SERVICE-1 HORSES ONLY ROTH tOIlEO . POLY .4.!, won GREAT ROCK .20, Won A PARLAY. AS ADVISBD. TAID 7 TO 1. TUESDAYS DE LI XE SERVICE— SCRATCHED— LOST -Mondays De Line Service: HARRY CARROLL $ «.S0, Won IA.M ROMA .00. *nd Saturdays De Luxe Service: REPUTATION 9.20. Won SIX.IX; Rl KET 1.20, Won Fridays De Line Service: BASHA 2.S0. Won M A DDENSTOWX ?i: .s0, 2nd Thursdays De Luxe Service: RUSHEE 1.20. Won LITTLE SAM .10, Won Wednesdays He Luxe Service: BACKROPE S 11.80, Won SWEEP-NET .10, 2nd Tursdnvs De I.uxe Service: CHITTAGONG $ 9.10, Won SILVER SONG 7.60. Won Mondays De I.uxe Service: GAY BOY II 3.40. Won MARS $ J.«0, Wo« DE LINE SEKVIC E— 0 FOR SIX DAYS The raeinc department of TDK NEW YOUK 1KKSS has established a service de luxe, consistinf of a DAILY TRACK WIRE. 0 for i vvinnini; days. MGssOT this carefully: Heres what vou must pet for your money SIX WINNING DAYS FOR . In case had ra.ins luck sives | losing day thi doeR not count against you. YO! Ml ST GET SIX WINNING DAYS FOR YOIR 0 TWO HORSES DAILY. Come on. now. dont delay a minute. Fall in line. The service lie Luxe. The vacssj department of THE NEW YORK PRESS, with its multifold channels of information— its ramifications which reach to the top-most branches and to the deepest roots is especially equipped to GIVE YOC A CONSERVATIVE IUSINESS MANS SERVICE. Remember, this service is for SANE MEN ONLY: not for lorse fans who expect to shoot at the moon and drop nit a pot of gold. If you do not expect the impossible, this service will he of great benefit and financial aid. Telegraph your subscription right now and start off today in the winner s circle. BIG TEN-PAGE DERBY EDITION— ALL STANDS— TODAY Dont miss current issue — out today, everywhere, all stands -price 13 cents. Turn to page 4. top of column, see horse in black face l ox-will go at Louisville and. when he does, thev wont see luni for dust. This is our big advertised special, and costs you but the small sum of 13 cents. THE NEW YORK PRESS this week, is positively the last word in racing journalism. See Tom Shaws latest Derbv prices on page 1. and 80 other features. ALSO CONTAINS THE FAMOUS LAWTON RATINGS „~ BY SPECIAL „, ARRANGEMENT WITH GEORGE W. LAWTON. THE NEW YORK PRESS ia carrying the famous LAWTON RATINGS weekly. These ratings have stood the test for twenty one years. The most successful men in America follow Lawton. Mr. I .aw ton is writing a serial story each week on "HOW TO REAT THE RACES." The second installment of this wonderful story is in lie issue you can buy today. Other installments will come along from week to week. Do not miss a single copy of this wonderful weekly. BIG DERBV WINNER OUT THURSDAY Get the DERBY NTMBER of THE NEW YORK PRESS— Out next Thursday, everywhere IT WILL GIVE YOC THE NAME OF A HORSE AT LOl ISVILLE DERBY DAY printed in a Ik x on page 8». that should win and pay a hat full. This is FREE to you and is given for the purpose of advertising this wonderful weekly. ■-, -g IftTTsttW WT% CHICAGO OFFICE W** DUVjLllaf a 123 WEST MADISON STREET rlGLE ififc]! Phone: Dearborn 1451 K»skjl EVERY 0*Y ~X » n7 0PEN DAILY— 9 A. M. TO 5 P. M. M WL* AI * Coma up and get acquainted with as Specials Wired Direct From Our Office. Daily at 10 a. m. Not For Sale At Any Newsstands. Supervised by Editor Land. Terms: 0 For 6 Winning Days Two Specials Daily EDITOR LAND SAYS Out Tomorrow THE GREATEST WEEKLY EVER PUBLISHED THE BUGLE WEEKLY, 35c Watch for it. On page three the BUGLE has the Kentucky Derby Winner There will be a tremendous rush for this wonder weekly. Edited by real horsemen. Get it this week and every week. Three Free Code winners weekly. JOHN GOULD 1568 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY fROOM 4081 PHONE CIRCLE 10232-0394 •WITH WHOM 1ROMISES PERFORMED" ON TOP AtiAI.N! ICEVD THIS AND WEFP! YESTERDAYS ONE AND ONLY HOUSE: LIEUTENANT II .30, Won What other turf informant gave mis horse this ehance? What [x rson picked him in the money? KOBODY DID. BUT «. ! LD BBLKASBD HIM TO HIS HORDE M KOI.I.OWKUS. Yes. sir. vhaa theres a good thing going I CaR IT! STOP! LOOK! KhAll! ONSIDEK! ACT! 4 HON A KIDK UOOD THINGS FOR 4 OF EM. THE MUST ONE GOBS FRIDAY. MAY 13. Now. this proposition means thi : Send me 0 as an initial deposit of u-xmI faith, with the understanding that you owe s*a an sMMsaal "- balance if out of my four releases that 1 "ive yoa average TEN It 1 FOR Vol K loEY. Out of my lasi lour ressBsCS a!I BBS clients averaged .". to 1 for their money, hut we had two I sg BSCSasa that lust hy I nose ll:t.l th-y u.»n ssj would have gone over the top averasin ;:o to 1 cm the four. HAVE RTKOXG WoltD ON EACH OF THE KiUH Houses AND I PROMISE Yol UE L WOU rou vol u monkv. i,nt i-i tbla rkaaca as i y. Baal » i y Western i aiaai or r%a*aJ i;ra|ih. or phone m.-. and I will aeajs s m.-ss-n-er to you. Thos.- i.i tie- city ami vi. iuity kindlv call for furiher parti, uhirs. REalCllBEB MEN, YOl MIST GBT 10 t.. 1 FOU Vol U MONET OB VOW DO NT OWE MB ANYTHING. BC8H TOUB DEIOSIT IB Or Daa*l pass this hi- . hance to make money. No one in this aaaaa has pasBaMi isjrft vfeaam « GOCLO. No aas has Baai up to in arasaista a, t.oi i i has. Caassssc that lata Bscaai wh aaacnaa your confidence. 1902— YE OLDE FEEDE BOXE OF THE EASTE— 1927 After many years of private service, we have completed plans to invade the West. As an introductory offer our terms are for si* days service. Service includes one eastern and one western track. All subscriptions by telegraph only. Service begins May 1 . Remit to FEEDE BOXE, ROOM 408, 219 SO. DEARBORN STREET. CHICAGO, ILL.