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South Covinirton, Ky., Feb. 22, 1S27. QH* fcBJ InAlil *.«Ta. BK»BBVKBkI ,u irty sol1 r to *,ro"e7ht T *• Jf2 KBTchv. lB m frnm t1* farm estenl;i W»swTjr *-_KnmK ***" *l9l rfl "K,JS at t,u ,ra k ,i:" "OI s* *n m - *r*tf MBj*jtVix|P£_ since last iu t» ber and the condition « f his m mKand£ oif*5 — BMt"**rr:7| es ;llJS :,l l miltl sensation Thej are £j£*j ~ "-crfirr* 3 ahnost as clean as the day he was foaled, |h »-V j *v* just a sight lunch on the outside of his ftlrJt €and AJP n KjaBnfc 4n nL right foreleg He is .is limber as fy~£pw rf*TIIK*nVi %JV hn" and lM,ts free sound. * makes horses sound— no big bills— no lost time. The dng ftores sttld four bottles ..f Easily appUed; money back if it fail*. Knds spavla. gave-The-Horse within an hour after tlte turb34Ur,.,,a!*,ea te,d°B* K " °°* orse arrived on the track. r.lvCK 5ftpf*3gg£L*?£: .Bbsiisiiil. tga whf ■ mmj Save-The-Horse surely does the work •BO how to fix it. Half — M»o WSw m It. Boot, TnpU |M1- . •AtMand vat" xrir*mxi wrHotodarii when properly applied and with a little borHsOV CHC |MCAI.COl common sense. .80 a mmSmStmm m M-Bm mSSSPSwmJSk Yours truly. u Hr~t Ifm CHEAPEST, luhrm kmrm t~»t ~nd mt««. y| gTlKVK 106 Kast o-nil St.