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WEEKLY RACING GUIDES Two Daily Code Services The Turk World-Famoas Long Shot Specialist sad Watson "Bark" Wntson, well known and *ncre*«rct aanriirapprr. The two are relraslnp two ■pedals rack, every day. FREE lo Weekly ltacingr Gaide readers. The Turks Releases for Thursday : CHURCHILL DOW MB: Six -Break-Oats. Looks pood here. Watsons Releases for Thursday: CHUKCHILX DO WHS: Eirht-Judre-Lawa. Sboald brat these. FOR CODE. BUT ISSUE OP MAT I Weekly Racing Gaide World* Greatest Raring Weekly Si Cents at AU Newsstands ■ ;■ TURF WEEKLY . WM ■ •■ Stncle Copy 35c— 10 Weeks MM ■*■ FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. ■*■ New Issue Out TODAYS FREE CODES: PIMLICO— May -11 -14-24-9 CHURCHILL DOWNS-Jan-13-21-11-1 YESTERDAYS SPECIAL: Merida, 4.20, Won SUPER-SUPREME OCCASIONAL GOES TODAY — 10-1 SHOT — is what this Special should pay today. In fact, this is one of the safest OrraKionals handled bj this organization. This borne has been trained secretly to the satisfaction of all concerned, and all readers should take advantage of this opportunity, as we never were more certain of a horse copping at telephone numbers. Terms: — and remember, this horse must win or your service automatically continues every Thursday until you receive a winner. SUPREME PUB. CO. 799 BROADWAY, SUITE 407 HEW YORK CITY BILLY KELLYS Code Book No. 296 KELLYS CODES FOR THURSDAY: AKRON— Fun-13-25-18-5-17-26-18-8 AURORA— Ted-12-2-17-13-4-18-23-17 JAMAICA— Joe-g-17-9-24-22-18-25-8 PIMLICO— Fub-16-17-23-9-12-3-18 LOUISVILLE— Rev -8-17 -13-25-4-6 A new book with" new code published every Thursday. Price, one dollar. Sold by your dealer or direct from WM. BURKE KELLY 21 EAST 3RD STREET CINCINNATI. OHIO Monthly FORM BOOK Now On Sale DONT FORGET TO REMEMBER that tbe time-tried, dependable Foreway Method •f flat plays, with the necessary "pentntage, " ia still rewarding thoae who trust it. At or away from track. Simple as it is sure. Price but 5. Write Foreway Method, 3*05 Zenobia St., Denver, Colorado. JACK HELD 35c Weakly— Also SI and Specials. 3 Lobe Shot 00 Specials Go Today — Read Page 3. Rush to your newsdealer, spend 35c and clean-up. Todays Free Codes: PIMLICO— Riak • Paint - Knee- Gold - Daddy . LOUISVILLE — Dinner-Paint-Gold -Garter -Gold. Occasional Today — 10-1. I Warn You Dont Miss It! fffffffffffffffffffff S feflMadLV at»fe H N» H k=r Telephone specials The BELL is the only turf body giving last minute turf information telephoned direct from race tracks, releasing only two horses dally. M ■ D tf A AA H7 Released to all BELL followers Wednesday. Were mount Deacon, .uu, won nfy0fwt£8m? Erer7 *■ te a winning day for BOOKMAKERS " ABE BEGINNING TO REFUSE PLAY ON THE BELL SPECIALS— MANY THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WERE OBTAINED VIA THE BELL TBANSACTIONS TUESDAY 00,000 WAS LOST BY HAND BOOK OPERATORS WHEN THE BELL SPECIALS WON TUESDAY Buy the BELL today at your newsdealer, or send in your subscription to our office and face the pay-off window now. Only two Specials given daily. Monday the Chief Obtained : Tuesday tbe Chief Obtained : LONGCHAMPS $ 9.20, Won CHOICE $ 8.60, Won for BELL followers, and the BELL was the A7IJRF C fifift Won #VtVrE * U.OU, nun only one "in the know" on LONGCHAMPS. Last week the BELL obtained information on 13 horses and they all won, proving what real information can do. The following were the horses : All Callao $ 6.80, Won Mark Master $ 5.80, Won Tattling $ 8.80, Won Peter Fiz $ 3.70, Won Pandera $ 4.60, Won Rose Eternal $ 6.70, Won Montferrat 2.50, Won Murzim 4.40, Won Atrenne $ 8.20, Won Lounger $ 5.00, Won Royal Pennant $ 4.80, Won Sunny Hours $ 3.80, Won The" BELL is a permanent turf institution, with branches in all leading racing centers. Our track representative at the Downs ia in personal touch with those who know, and he is spending large sums of money to give you, each day, two horses set to win. SAVE .— BIG SUBSCRIPTION OFFER Wire 0 to our office for 6 days* service, including our SATURDAYS 8500 HORSEMANS SPECIAL as advertised on the inside of these columns last week. Save . ATTENTION: Tke following anthorlced BELL newsdealer agents will accept snbscrip-tions to cover the above FREE OFFERING: _ , _ ... „ n "°"ar subscription offer CHICAGO AGENTS Arcade News Store 84 West Madison SL ClOSeS Saturday, May 14. Rush Turf Shop 73 West Van Buren St. _ . . .. . - ™ • Book Shop 63 West Randolph St. yOUr — SUDSCnptlOD. today. POS1- DETROIT AGENTS, three stands only— tively no Specials released to Bagley Newsstand Woodward and Monroe Ave., on Campus Triangle Newsstand Michigan and Griswold, on the Point tb.OSe Who have not mailed Or family Newsstand Cadillac Square and Monroe, in front of Theater LOUISVILLE, KY., AGENT, only one representative— wired their subscription before Eilers News Store 115 West Jefferson tne th*» closinS nlncino- rlatp aale* CINCINNATI AGENTS— Central News Agency 723 Sycamore St. A b*FAA AA II I Ray Pierce Corner Fifth and Vine Sts. Imr VU1 •/vVV.VW VftlllJ I II I IIUIdCUIQU H 0 PHI/I II O Fountain News Store Opposite the Gibson Hotel Subscriptions accepted by Central News Agency only. Q »J ST. LOUIS AGENT— jOeCiaJ Wm. Laser 7 North 17th St. BELL LETTER for sale at all leading newsstands. will, after Saturday, Only be re- 0MMyctr?nENTr7. 1411 Farnam St. leaSed fr°m OUr Chicago Office, DAYTON, OHIO, AGENT— at the rate of 0 daily. H. Euphrat 129 S. Jefferson - 1 • Wi We want a11 ot our Chicago clients to call at our offices today, in person. Tn so doing ■ hllflOO aT IsrlVaPl* !t win *" t0 your best interest- Tne Chief has given us the word to release to all our Xs***»*ttg V * •/ city clients directly through the office today. So come up today. THE BELL. 10 nor-™ clark street Chicago, 111. ~~m,w PHONES: RANDOLPH 4487 and 4388 O 7 DAILY SPECIALS, :: OCCASIONALS, AGAIN IT WON ! YESTERDAYS ADV. SPECIAL Ml Beacon, .00, Won And as we told von he would. Also told you thev were BRTTTNf; THE LIMIT. TUESDAYS ADV. SPECIAL Clover Club, .60, Won MONDAYS ADV. SPECIAL Soiree, .60, Won We are coins strong right now, so get in line and COLLECT. Today SPECIAL— 5th RACE AT CHURCHILL Conn* to us extremely strong, and AL. GERN says they told him to — GO THE LIMIT For thin one. rush right now to your newsdealer and ask for the — Daily Master Clocker II At All Newsstands. BEGRENS ONE BEST BET TUESDAY: Colored Servant, .80, Won REUBENS STANDOUTS: 3 Winners 1 Loser LONG POINT 1.10, Won OH SUSANNA $ 5.80, Won SWEETUM $ 4.80, Won MYRA M Lost PARLAY ADVISED: LANCER $ 4.00, Won COLORED SERVANT $ 4.80, Won Regren Picked 5 Winners At Churchill Downs, 5 Winners at Pimlico. Can YOU duplicate the above information anywhere for the price of the PINK SHEET? We challenge anyone to produce the same amount of winners for the same price. DAILY RACING GUIDE IS IN A LASS BY ITSELF WHEN IT COMES To DISPENSING INFORMATION OF VALUE ON HORSES. To make sure of obtaining YOUR copy of the "FINK SHEET," mail check or money order for |4.50 and have Daily Racing C.ukle mailed direct to your home by first-class mail. Daily Racing Guide 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILLINOIS